
SNL|Ocean’s 8|B99


A collection of things that make me happy (often involving Kate McKinnon).

Just a tip:

If somebody is telling about you about their pet and the pet is old, DO NOT SAY “Wow, that’s old”. Chances are that they’re fully aware that their pet is old and they worry about losing it (I get this a lot with my dog and it makes me sad every time).


Saturday Night Live Asks!

I haven’t seen any ask prompts about SNL so heres one! Send me some numbers?


1. Favorite Era?

2. Favorite Male Cast Member? (Old or Current)

3. Favorite Female Cast Member? (Old or Current)

4. Favorite Current Cast Member?

5. Favorite Past Cast Member?

6. Favorite Reoccurring Character?

7. Favorite Weekend Update Anchor(s)?

8. Favorite Sketch?

9. Favorite Host?

10. Favorite Musical Performance?


11. Cold Open or Weekend Update?

12. Tina Fey or Amy Poehler?

13. Early 2000′s or Now?

14. Alec’s Trump or Kate’s Hillary?

15. Writers or Performers?

16. Kyle Mooney or Beck Bennet?

17. Dress Rehearsal or Final Performance?

18. David S. Pumpkins or Debby Downer?

19. Schweddy Balls or More Cowbell?

20. Drunk Uncle or Kathy Anne?


21. Have you ever been to a taping of the show?

22. Do you ship any of the cast members? If so, who?

23. What was the first episode/sketch you remember watching as a kid?

24. Have you ever met any of the cast members?

25. When did you first start watching the show regularly?

26. Who is your biggest inspiration/role model on the show?

27. Why do you love the show?

28. Do you still follow cast members who are no longer on the show?

29. Who do you relate to most? (Either a cast member or fictional character)

30. Ask me anything!


I FINALLY got to see The Spy Who Dumped Me last night, and although it isn’t the greatest movie of all time, it is two hours of Kate McKinnon basically playing herself and just carrying the whole thing with her phenomenal comedic skill (all whilst wearing some exceptional outfits and fangirling over Gillian Anderson), so if that isn’t worth your money, I don’t know what is.

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