


Hi my name is Katie. I don't have an extraordinary life or anything like that, I just see things and they bug me or I see things and I have to say what is on my mind. So, yes maybe this whole blog might be a rant but, who doesn't enjoy reading a good rant?

You ever meet a kid so shitty you're immediately like "I want to adopt you as my own so I can instill into you the values of dignity and compassion and respect for self and others that your guardians have so obviously neglected, so that you may escape the unhappy future that lies ahead of you with all the smoldering ashes of wasted potential" but also, like. I punt you like a football

Drop the vape u little turd I'm gonna take an active interest in your passions and buy u pants that fit. When was your last dentist appointment. U wanna go to summer camp

and then you didn't

Did u want me to kidnap a child


This is extremely funny


do they think being a cop will be morally okay in a few months or what


Season opens with Jake waking up and being like "Man, I just had the craziest dream that we were cops", and then goes to his job at the post office, and it's never mentioned again


things literally everyone, regardless of gender, looks good in:

  • suits
  • lacy lingerie
  • eyeliner
  • ball gowns

•battle armor


•blood of your enemies

•flannel shirts with the sleeves rolled up

  • glasses

This post went from zero to ten back to zero real fast

None of it is wrong tho

Everyone looks hot in these 😎😌


The more I think about it, the more I realize that Zuko and Katara’s life changing fieldtrip/ revenge murder quest in The Southern Raiders was Absolutely what Katara needed, but not for the reasons that either Zuko or Katara thought

that was the first time Katara got to be actually selfish. Which doesn’t seem right, because Katara goes against what the group says and follows her own moral compass All The Time, but it has Never been for herself

Look way back at The Warriors of Kyoshi. Sokka goes off to brag and makes an idiot of himself and then learns to be a Kyoshi warrior and makes some cool new friends. Aang enjoys the spotlight and just has fun. Meanwhile Katara is trying to heard these two like cats while also going grocery shopping and planning out the trip.

Then, there’s moments where Katara does her own thing, but its never actually for her. In Imprisoned, she only gets captured because she feels responsible for Haru’s capture and she needs to make it up to him. In The Painted Lady, she’s not impersonating a spirit because its fun, she’s doing it because she feels a responsibilty to the people of the town. In The Runaway, she doesn’t seem too happy about her plan to do a scam with Toph, she’s literally just trying to make Toph feel more accepted and bond with her. There are a ton of moments that Seem to be “Katara just doing her own thing because she wants to” until you actually look at them and realize that Katara didn’t actually gain anything from those moments, and someone else did.

And then, FINALLY, in The Southern Raiders, Katara teams up with Zuko, who she absolutely despises, and that’s so important to the quest. Because she doesn’t care if she hurts his feelings or puts too much pressure on him, because so what if he gets hurt? And finally, she’s able, for just a few days, to stop being the mother. One of the most important moments in the episode is where Zuko is the one telling Katara that she needs to get some sleep, because no one ever tells Katara that. She’s the one who pushed everyone else to take care of themselves, why would she need mothering? But Zuko just steps in and takes charge and takes a little bit of the responsibility off of Katara’s shoulders for a minute. He’s the one planning out the trip. He’s standing by her side as she confronts her demons, not in a “you need backup because you’re not strong enough” way, but in a “i care about you and i want to make sure someone is there for you” way

Katara snaps at the beginning of the episode, and it’s been building for a while. She doesn’t just yell at Zuko, she snaps at Aang and Sokka as well.

Literally no one has asked Katara what She wants to do for this entire show. Sokka got to go sneak off and save his dad and his girlfriend. Aang got to flip out when Appa was gone. But, despite the fact that Katara has been mentioning her mother every five seconds since episode one, no one has actually offered to help her deal with it, no one has asked if there’s anything she wants to do or if she wants to talk about it

And i’m absolutely not bagging on the other characters. They’re all literal children, they’re not going to be perfect at emotions, and even katara wasn’t quite sure what she wanted or why she was so upset about her mother’s death

But it wasn’t just the fact that her mom was dead. It was being forced to be the mom, it was having her childhood taken away from her, and her ability to just be a kid and not worry about every other person in the world

So, finally she goes on the murder quest with Zuko, and for the first time, maybe since her mother died, she was able to just mope and obsess and let out all her raw emotions without mothering the people around her. and I don’t think that she realized it was happening, and i don’t think that zuko realized it was happening, but i think that’s a huge part of why katara forgave zuko

(Again not mad at them) but sokka basically told Katara that feeling enraged and violent wasn’t a valid response to their mother’s death because it wasn’t how he felt. He didn’t mean to, he was trying to help her feel better and calm down, but nevertheless, that’s what message was sent to Katara. And Aang told Katara that she needed to be strong enough to forgive her mother’s killer. Meanwhile, Zuko was the only one actually asking Katara what she wanted to do instead of telling her what she should want to do. He just told her that her Actual Feelings were totally valid instead of telling her how she should feel. He told her she was allowed to feel and to be a little broken, while everyone else was telling katara to be strong and happy and motherly.

And anyway i’m really glad that katara actually did get the chance to go on her murder death quest even if she did feel icky afterwards, because that was kind of the entire point. Until then “the fire nation killed my mom” had always been a way to relate to other teens she met on the road and give them some consolance that she understood, or a battlecry to keep her focused on her mission to save the world, but after that episode, it was finally allowed to be trauma that hurt and weighed her down. Aang said that the first step to healing is forgiveness, but honestly, in order to heal, she needed to awknowlege that she had actually been hurt.

Anyway the southern raiders is a really good episode and i adore zutara and the vibes of angsty black hoodie, slightly evil katara, but i also really appreciate how much katara needed to go on that quest

I made this post in one sitting in the middle of the night and didn’t expect it to get this popular lol (though i am glad that there are so many people drinking their respect Katara juice) but i wanted to clarify a few things

First I really really am not blaming Aang or Sokka for this. They both are doing everything in their power to help Katara, they both care about her so much, and they want her to be happy. When she started seething and spouting bitter remarks at everyone, it absolutely made sense for both of them to see that as an issue and to try and fix it so Katara could be happy again, and they both did what they thought would help, and what had seemed to help in the past, and I love and appreciate them both so much for it. They were also both really suprisingly supportive after Katara left on her quest with Zuko, even when they didn’t understand it, and I love and appreciate them both so much for that, too.

Also, what I’m saying here is that, even though I would love to see Katara be super angsty and dark (she has so much narrative potential as a sympathetic villain but that’s for another time), that isn’t Southern Raiders Katara at all. She’s not any darker than she has been for the entire rest of the show: she’s just not forced to be the mom anymore so she’s not hiding it. She would’ve absolutely been this “broody” and “selfish” as an 8-year-old if she had been given the chance, and I know (or at least I really really hope) that the fandom wouldn’t have called her selfish or broody for it if it had happened back then. It would’ve been completely natural and understandable for this tiny child to be furious and despressed and traumatized by her mother’s murder.

But it didn’t happen back then, because Katara couldn’t afford to be “selfish” even back then. She’s had to push her emotions aside for six years, and finally, FINALLY she is getting her turn to grieve

It’s nice to see a take on this that isn’t bagging on Aang because the truth was, none of the boys really 100% knew what Katara needed. I think Sokka came the closest with pointing out he was mad too but that revenge would have an emotional weight.  

Zuko thought she needed to go on a field trip and do a murder but he was wrong about the murder part of it. He was very right about her emotionally needing to confront the situation head on though, so gj Zuko. It also was a good way to help the two of them find peace with each other. 

Sokka wanted to help her let it go and tried to empathize by making it clear he also felt the anger and pain, too. But he wasn’t sure revenge was what she needed. But they were coping different ways, at different stages of figuring out how to deal with.  Any hesitance he had with her going off and doing a murder was knowing his sister might not like how she felt after (and he knew her well, to worry about it!) but she also needed to reach a place of moving on in her own way. She couldn’t force it.  

Aang thought forgiveness was the answer (he was wrong), but he also knew she needed to go, just like Zuko. It’s just his own morals would have gotten in the way of her possibly getting the revenge, because his morals would call for him to take her choice away by stopping a murder - so he let her go without him! The choice was hers to make and if she did decide to kill him, he wouldn’t be in her way because of his own morality. She never could’ve gone on the murder quest without Appa and Appa would not have left if Aang told him to stay, even with how much Appa loves the rest of the Gaang by now. Aang agreed she needed to “face that man.” The reason he could not help her at that step in the journey was because it would’ve created a conflict in his own morality - so he stepped back and lent them Appa so Zuko (who lacked that potential moral conflict) could be her guide on the next stage of the journey instead.   

In the end, she needed the confrontation. Zuko and Aang helped her have it, one by being a guide, the other by lending her a way to take the journey. But neither murder nor forgiveness was the right answer. tbh her arriving in a place closest to Sokka’s feelings was where she needed to be. She’ll always be angry at the Fire Nation and their mom’s murderer, just like him. She’ll never be able to forgive. But she would’ve felt bad to indulge super deeply in the rage. She needed to neither forgive nor forget. Revenge isn’t just about what the bad person deserves, sometimes refusing to indulge in it is because the process wouldn’t give you catharsis, it would give you other unpleasant feelings. And for some people it doesn’t actually make the rage go away so now they have rage and discomfort from delving that deeply into the rage.   

Sometimes when you’re really angry at someone they don’t deserve your forgiveness and you stay low key angry at them forever, but you have to just…let it go a little. Not forgive, just…move on. Let it be low key angry instead of high key furious. High key furious is exhausting and kind of toxic to your soul to maintain long-term so sometimes you have to write someone off as awful and not worth your time and be more low key mad and move on. And sometimes that means not going for revenge, especially if you’re the kind of person that would be bothered by the knowledge you can indeed Go There. 

The whole group was trying to help her get to that emotional place she needed to be in, and the trip helped her find a resolution, even if it wasn’t as tidy as revenge or forgiveness. Katara needed to find her own answer and emotional resolution to her mother’s death and they all tried their best to help her do it.

Toph didn’t have as much a part but they were definitely leaving most of the arguments between someone who was Fire Nation trying to use what he knew of his own country to help her, seeking her forgiveness. And the two others who were most badly hurt by the Fire Nation, Sokka for the same reasons as Katara, and Aang due to losing the Air Nomads. So that kinda made sense. 


See that picture above? That’s a close up of my great grandmother’s immigration papers when she first came to the US back in the early 20th century. But my great grandma’s information isn’t the important part here. The important part is that line in the middle there about how they arrived in the country.

And how ‘stowaway’ is a legitimate, valid option to select.

So yeah. They absolutely just showed up, and that part of immigration history needs to be talked about a lot more.


read What is A Refugee for more history. Educate yourselves.


In 2006 a high school English teacher asked students to write a famous author and ask for advice. Kurt Vonnegut was the only one to respond - and his response is magnificent: “Dear Xavier High School, and Ms. Lockwood, and Messrs Perin, McFeely, Batten, Maurer and Congiusta:

I thank you for your friendly letters. You sure know how to cheer up a really old geezer (84) in his sunset years. I don’t make public appearances any more because I now resemble nothing so much as an iguana.

What I had to say to you, moreover, would not take long, to wit: Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow.

Seriously! I mean starting right now, do art and do it for the rest of your lives. Draw a funny or nice picture of Ms. Lockwood, and give it to her. Dance home after school, and sing in the shower and on and on. Make a face in your mashed potatoes. Pretend you’re Count Dracula.

Here’s an assignment for tonight, and I hope Ms. Lockwood will flunk you if you don’t do it: Write a six line poem, about anything, but rhymed. No fair tennis without a net. Make it as good as you possibly can. But don’t tell anybody what you’re doing. Don’t show it or recite it to anybody, not even your girlfriend or parents or whatever, or Ms. Lockwood. OK?

Tear it up into teeny-weeny pieces, and discard them into widely separated trash recepticals. You will find that you have already been gloriously rewarded for your poem. You have experienced becoming, learned a lot more about what’s inside you, and you have made your soul grow.

God bless you all!

Kurt Vonnegut

Nimbus Publishing and Vagrant Press Goose Lane Editions Breakwater Books Ltd. The Acorn Press Bouton d'or Acadie Canada Council for the Arts | Conseil des arts du Canada


When I was 15 I spent a month working on an archeological dig.  I was talking to one of the archeologists one day during our lunch break and he asked those kinds of “getting to know you” questions you ask young people: Do you play sports?  What’s your favorite subject?   And I told him, no I don’t play any sports.  I do theater, I’m in choir, I play the violin and piano, I used to take art classes.  

And he went WOW.  That’s amazing!  And I said, “Oh no, but I’m not any good at ANY of them.” 

And he said something then that I will never forget and which absolutely blew my mind because no one had ever said anything like it to me before: “I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them.  I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.”

And that honestly changed my life.  Because I went from a failure, someone who hadn’t been talented enough at anything to excel, to someone who did things because I enjoyed them.  I had been raised in such an achievement-oriented environment, so inundated with the myth of Talent, that I thought it was only worth doing things if you could “Win” at them. 


just a fun fact! compulsory heterosexuality fucks most girls up so badly that it is nearly impossible for us to tell if our attraction to men is genuine or societal forced and most of us spend years and years (quite possibly our whole lives) questioning ourselves because of it so honestly stfu with this whole “if you EVER feel attraction to men you CANT be a lesbian” bullshit if you decide you only want to be with women and want to prioritize women you’re a lesbian end of story!!! bye!!!


“It doesn’t have to be this way.” - My Hero Academia is about Fatalism vs Free Will

Alternatively titled: How the Dad For One theory undercuts a lot of My Hero Academia’s main themes & why I hope it doesn’t actually happen

Oh yeah, and uhhh - a lot of manga spoilers below the cut regarding OFA, as well as a few caps from s4/the Overhaul Arc. You’ve been warned!


I. if Deku gave into Fatalism, Bakugou (and Kota) would be dead

II. defying fate is a good thing and fatalism is villainous

a) what Nighteye has to say about it
b) what Deku has to say about it
c) giving into fate is tragic at best, villainous at worst (Shigaraki, Hawks, and Todoroki)

III. it’s not that Deku should be a Hero –

IV. – it’s that Deku can be a hero.

V. and Deku isn’t meant to be the Chosen One, either (the history of OFA)

VI. AFO being Deku’s dad makes Deku into The Chosen One

VII. Other Misc Arguments against the Dad for One theory

I. If Deku gave into Fatalism, Bakugou (& Kota) would be dead

fatalism (an offshoot of determinism) refers to the idea that all events are predetermined, and therefore, free will is nonexistent and there is no logical point in trying to influence future events. And fatalism is presented as a terrible thing. If the world of My Hero Academia truly operated under the idea that individual choice is unnecessary and the that the future is unchangeable, it’d be a pretty awful place.

Case in point: Bakugou and Kota would both be dead.

(like…. the pros were really about to let Bakugou suffocate because they didn’t have the ‘right’ quirks….)

If Bakugou is supposed to be saved, he will be saved. That boy, trapped by the sludge villain, is strong – so he is meant to survive and he will be able to hold out – until the right person, the person with the right quirk who is meant to save him, shows up. Logically, there is nothing any bystander can do to help the situation or change future events, so they shouldn’t even try.

and they had Deku thinking similarly, as well.

However, despite his quirklessness he does rush in to at least try to change the current situation. And it ends up being the defining moment of his character arc, and our introduction to My Hero. ( Because that’s what My Hero is about - trying. Plus Ultra-ing it. Giving it your all, and not giving in.)

Even though it wasn’t a conscious choice, by acting when no one else will, Deku shakes off his fatalistic way of thinking (i.e. “I don’t have a quirk, so I’m not meant to fulfill my dreams. There’s no point in trying.”) And while his strength alone isn’t enough to defeat the sludge villain, his influence still is.


By rushing in, he inspires All Might to do the same and shake off his own fatalistic way of thinking. (i.e. “As I am now, there is nothing I can do to help.”) To be corny – Deku was the change he wanted to see in the world.

This also applies to the Deku vs Muscular fight.

(ngl this scene did have me tearing up.)

just when Deku is ready to cede defeat, Kota (mirroring Deku in the Sludge Villain incident) uses his quirk to distract Muscular and give Deku an opening to push back. More importantly, Kota inspires Deku to keep on fighting, and, in this way, restores his will to live.

Even though there is no logical reason for Kota to be able to change the course of this fight, he tries anyways, and that is what’s important.


Pen cracks open car lock

You still have to have the right tool

June 17 2020

ça peut donner des idées ... 

Multitools are an anarchists best friend!

These car boots are designed to punish the poor and low-income as those who can pay the fine would only be inconvenienced. For those who can’t pay the fine or for whom the fine would be a burden, these things are tools of economic injustice.


“but the age of consent in other countries is…”


As a history major I also want add to the beautiful comments on this post that things weren’t “different back then” either.

The average medieval woman was married in her early or mid twenties.

Arranged marriages might have rarely been performed at a younger age, but it was absolutely not normal for them to be consummated, and the punishment for pedophilia when it could be proved was usually far worse than it is today.

Stop using medieval inspired fantasy as an escape for your sick bullshit.

Medievalist piping in to add yes he’s right. Child marriages were looked on with disdain and disgust in the Middle Ages. Arranged marriages might be performed as a rite and to secure land but it was kind of obvious to everyone involved that it was a legality thing and that the pair of children or child involved would not actually be involved in anything until they were an adult. Because that’s never been acceptable.

And before anyone says “but Ancient Greece!”…. no.

It is true that pedastery was practiced in Ancient Athens, modelling themselves on Minoan Crete, and that the younger partner in such a relationship could be as young as 15.

What they don’t tell you is that the age of majority in Ancient Athens was… also 15. These young men were old enough to vote, marry, and own land. You know, what we’d call in the modern era “a legal adult.” And even then, the sexual aspects of pedastery were frowned upon until the younger partner could grow out a full beard. These relationships were mainly used as a gateway into Athenian elite circles and to teach all the complex social customs practices therein, not as an excuse to bone underage boys (though I’m sure some unscrupulous individuals used it that way. It wasn’t the norm, though).

And many of the older partners werent that much older, usually in their early to late 20’s.

So yeah, the Athenians would look at you leering at that 14-year-old and also want to vom. An adult thirsting after someone below the age of majority has (surprise!) always been considered super taboo!

It’s almost like we created the age of majority to decide the age at which most people are mature enough to make important, adult decisions like marriage. And sure, in our modern era, that age is no longer 15 (and for good reason!), but when we analyse these sorts of practices, they require more historical context than just “the Greeks were paedophiles.”

historyblr is absolutely tearing apart MAP apologists in this thread and I’m all for it


May 28 2020 - Protesters in LA demanding justice for George Floyd burned a flag, and smashed the windows of a police car when it drove into the crowd. One protester was injured when he fell of the hood of the escaping police car, after which the crowd attacked another cop car nearby. [video]

MLK would’ve done it differently..

Hey, what a coincidence! MLK wrote something about you specifically:


I wonder what happiness feels like. I legit put everyone's happiness in front of my own. I rather them be happy than me cause happiness never last for me maybe it will last for them if I give them all my chances.

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