The Golden Stone

@brianjonesoftherollingstones /

Brian Jones - Eight Days A Week.

hello people

i wonder if anyone from the old times is still here

i just missed this blog and my friends and my times in the tumblr bubble

when i was active, i was very naive, i was young, i had a bunch of messed up expectations about my life and i knew very little about the world. but here, i talked to many people that taught me so much. some of them showed me music, some had the patience to tell me stories and theories, and some were unfortunate to suffer with my words and actions because i was an arrogant kid and i argued a lot before understanding what things were really about. 

anyway, all of you made me who i am today, you made me grow, you helped me build a shelter that kept me alive and safe from the pains of growing up as an adolescent and i’m just very grateful to that.

i don’t think anyone will read this and i just typed it automatically, i don’t even know what i’m saying, and i shouldn’t post something like that because once curating the materials of this blog were the reason i kept living and i’d never allow such a silly and careless text.

anyway, ahoy, sailors.

“I’d go round there when he was in a bad way and cook him breakfast. One morning he was sitting in the kitchen watching me as I was cooking. He thought it was all quite amazing that I could do all this. He was saying, ‘One day, Shirley, I’m going to get it all together. I’m going to get married and have it all together.’” - Shirley Arnold
Source: pearlpill
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