
be strong, saith my heart. * ap warning !

@ruinsbuiltarchive / ruinsbuiltarchive.tumblr.com

independent canon divergent (primarily au/other fandoms based) thea queen, written by leah. first established 8/4/2016, re-established 2/15/2017, re-re established 5/31/2017, please read all pages before interacting. no straight white men involved in the making of this character !!

                                      A HEROINE’S HEART IS NOT PERFECT.

                                      it knows anger, doubt, sadness, and pain–

                                           it knows darkness and temptation.

                                                         heroines can fall…

                                       …BUT HEROINES CAN RISE AGAIN.

canon divergent/hc based thea queen / template credit / personals (and dctv) do not interact
           coronations should be happy affairs, yet it seems that whenever went to one they were always shrouded in grief  —  to become monarch, one must first lose a monarch, after all. the jubilation of her own coronation, lucy was learning, was a rare thing.
with tiberius and julia, her lion guards, at her heels, lucy approaches the new queen and smiles.  “ your majesty, i am sorry for your loss. ”  everyone else, lucy has overheard, was offering thea congratulations, and something about doing that didn’t sit well with her.
         starter call ( still accepting )  

it would take some GETTING USED TO, that much she’d been aware of from the beginning. still -- this was FAR from how she’d imagined it, and the LONELINESS was something she was doing her best to not pay attention to. the day’s events would ( HOPEFULLY ) be enough of a distraction, as would -- 

well, it wasn’t everyday one saw LIONS as companions.

“ my thanks, majesty -- are you finding everything to your liking? ”


@ruinsbuilt liked this thing for a starter!

Dodger whistled low as he studied the city, eyeing the skyline from his perch atop a parking garage. Wasn’t Gotham sure, but Star City carried it’s own sort of darkness, didn’t it just, and Dodger knew he’d need to be on his toes. He needed to be careful not to go a’thinking just ‘cause he knew what was what and where was where in Gotham that Star City would be a cakewalk, elsewise he’d find himself with a target painted on his back and some rather clever marksman to take up the challenge.
But he just needed information, that was all. A simple hand-off and look-’round for the Bat himself before he went back home as easy as you might please. Gotham might be rough, but ‘least it was his home, not some mad house like Star City. Had to find his contact though, first, and he scowled slightly at the thought. Including more folks made a job more complicated, which meant more things what could go wrong, surely the Bat knew that, but Dodger wasn’t ‘bout to tell it to his face neither.
So he waited.

“ you LOST? ”

for once, it’d seemed the city had decided to finally allow her some REST, allow her a peaceful night. it’d been quiet, so she’d been JUST about to call it a night -- at least until felicity radioed in, something about...well, she didn’t really KNOW what. joy. wishful thinking, maybe, but the sooner she cleared up...whatever this was, the better. then again, she remembered, when had ANYTHING here been resolved quickly?

she wasn’t expecting a kid, to say the least. didn’t mean her guard was lowered -- she’d seen enough to know that even kids could be a threat nowadays. “ because, believe it or not, i’m pretty sure most people don’t spend their free time on rooftops. ” okay, herself and the others excluded.

For a moment, Kara looks over Thea’s shoulder and at the Emerald Archer, crinkle set heavy on her brow. She’s slightly embarrassed, maybe a little dumbfounded, at how her first interaction with Oliver Queen seemed to go down. Her eyes flicker to Thea’s again before a forced smile spreads across her cheeks and she nods. Maybe she could make a better impression later. “So, you’re good with a bow and arrow too I hear?”
“ you could say that, yeah. ” the other’s...discomfort with ollie was plain, and she couldn’t really blame her -- he just took some getting used to, and lucky enough, she was PLENTY conversational. “ and hey -- don’t worry about him too much, yeah? i’m better company, anyways. ” attempt at a joke, attempt to make her feel less awkward.

“Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.” TAKE THIS


“ that is – incredibly cheesy, you know that, right? ” and yet, she couldn’t help but crack a smile. “ you’re LUCKY you’re cute. ”

some meme / @voskresheniye
         ❝ — that’s quite a dreadful accusation you’re making. ❞ there’s no use in playing innocent; he’s aware she watched him rob a man of his wallet all while speaking, in hushed, intimate tones, of his ( feigned ) admiration for him and the way he carries himself. ❝ i’d never sink so low. ❞
@ruinsbuilt        /        like for a short thing from ya problematic fav !

“ you sure about that? “ there were, she’d often prided herself on, FEW things in this world she could miss -- and his, ah, hobby was no exception. “ because i have two working eyes that say otherwise. ”

             ❝  she  tends  to  do  that  a  lot   —-   you’ll  get  used  to  it.  ❞  a  true  method  actress  camille  was.  while  jo  admired  her  friends  dedication  to  her  craft,  she  did  have  the  tendency  to  go  overboard  a  little.  ❝  it’s  good  to  see  you  though,  thea.  how  long  are  you  staying  in  LA  ?  ❞
@ruinsbuilt  *

“ believe me -- i know plenty like her, nothing to get used to. ” grin could be found, a shake of the head accompanying it. “ and not long enough, sadly -- which just means you’ll have to catch me up. deal? ”

          ‘   TODAY I’M SIXTEEN .   i’m still best friends with maya ,  just as predicted ,  and i’m just as sunny as always .   i’m sixteen ,  i’m sweet ,  and i’m that much closer to taking on the world .   this year will be just as good as all the others .   ’

“ glad to see you haven’t changed a bit. ” it was REFRESHING, really, to be around someone like her -- someone who had a much better outlook on life than she had at that age. hand extended, gift-wrapped box held out to the other girl. “ and happy birthday, rils. ”



You are more of a modern kind of good. You are willing to break or use the law to defeat those you see as evil, and, though you prefer the truth, you are willing to lie to get those who are evil imprisoned or exposed. If you are working for an evil villain, you most likely are using him as a way to stop greater evils.

67% Lawful Good 67% Neutral 51% Lawful Neutral   48% Chaotic Good 27% Lawful Evil 19% Neutral Evil 0% Chaotic Neutral 0% Chaotic Evil

tagged by: technically @killedbyvoldemort

tagging: you reading this B)

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