

@ask-gilbo-n-jules-blog / ask-gilbo-n-jules-blog.tumblr.com

The great and amazing Gilbert and Julchen have decided to grace you simple mortals with an ask blog in order to spread the awesome! Feel free to ask what you'd like! Anything at all!
Unless you're Russia.
Stop it, GIl, he's nice.

Indefinite Hiatus/Health

lmao i THOUGHT

My health is awful as ever. Now, among other things, I’m slammed with a sinus infection so bad I can’t even walk straight and i’ve been struggling with periodic dehydration (to the point of being taken to the ER) because evidently i can’t hold fluids worth shit.

I’m so so sorry i haven’t been able to update as planned, but to be honest, my health kind of takes precedent over a blog. I don’t know when I’ll get better or when I’ll be well enough to post again, but for now, i’m on an indefinite hiatus due to health.

Hope you guys understand.


Anonymous asked:

Hi! Really small detail I noticed in your story about Anya, when she asks "what" (chto/что), that's actually meant as like "what is this" or asking someone to specify. To ask someone to repeat themselves or indicate that you don't understand you actually say "what-what?" (Chto-chto?/что-что?) Sorry! Really random small thing but I wanted to bring it to your attention

Hey no it's cool! I'm always down for learning more about languages! The most I knew was "chto" and "chto eto" and that was mostly off quick googles and translators. I have never taken any form of Russian language class. \o/ thank you for the correction!! ))


(( Honest question, do you guys have a hard time reading my hand writing? I personally consider it sloppy but I try to keep it neat \o/ I haven't actually heard any complaints from anybody this is just me genuinely asking ))

Anonymous asked:

How does Gil feel about Anya over the ages? Does he actually crush on her??? Oh I have so many questions

(( Gil crushes on fuckin everybody man his biggest flaw is his mun is multishipping TRASH

Jules too but her thirst is more obvious I think ))

Anonymous asked:

How does Gil give Anya the amber room??

Gilbert had no idea what to call the feeling he had when he saw Anya. It was sort of a lot of things. But mostly, he just felt sick. Not in a “your face is disgusting” kind of way because Anya very much did have a pretty face (Gilbert assumed, anyway. He’d been told on multiple occasions he had no taste and didn’t know what looked good).

Anya was actually very pretty, in a strong, large sort of way. She wasn’t dainty by any means, but when she spoke she sounded like jingling bells and wind chimes and her smile was like the sun bursting forth over the horizon at dawn.

She made his stomach ache. And his chest feel weird. And he had no idea how to handle or what to even make of it. Was she casting some sort of spell on him? Maybe she was a witch? No, she was much too honest and kind for that. And she didn’t have any boils or a weird crookedly hooked nose.

“Prussia, is everything alright?”

Anonymous asked:

Body type and face headcannons?

Gilbert: He’s a tall and mostly lanky fellow, with most of his muscle mess resting in his upper body/shoulders/arms. He has a fairly athletic build, rather sturdy, but he’s slim; broad shoulders, narrow waist and hips, long legs. He has long thin fingers, slim and boney, nails always cut too short because if he lets them grow out, he tends to chew on them. They're not elegant by any means. His hands have been broken in more places than one, on multiple occasions and it’s obvious. He has shallow palm creases, but calloused flesh from hard work and swordsmanship. He has a soldiers stance. Gilbert is rarely seen slouching. Shoulders straight, feet planted firmly in the ground, head held high. His age is starting to show, but only in the finest of ways. He has crows feet when he smiles, and the tendons in his hands and feet show a little more plainly.

His face is very angular, with a sharp nose and square jaw. His eyes tend to be rather narrowed from squinting because his eyesight isn’t the best. Thin lips, an award winning smile when he chooses to show it, but most times he gives a lopsided grin that kind of adds to his roguish devil-may-care demeanor. His cheekbones sit a little high, but they’re not very prominent, and he has a strong chin.

He has circles under his eyes from lack of sleep. While he does tend to stay up late on the regular and doesn’t seem bothered by it, it does show. He has red eyes, and yes, it’s very disturbing to some people, but depending on the lighting they almost look auburn.

Gilbert keeps up a workout routine, but as he spends most of his time working on his upper body and arms, his tummy is a little softer.

He’s got fantastic stamina, though.

Maria: She is petite in every sense of the word. Maria has always been short, but as she’s aged, her more womanly charms have shown through. She has a small chest (which she laments almost daily), but wider hips. At one point, she was a very muscular woman, however these days she’s rather soft everywhere. Maria doesn’t work out. These days she’s more into yoga and such. She’s very very flexible.  

Her hands are soft with dainty fingers fit for precise work. Her palm creases are a little more pronounced than Gilbert’s, but she keeps her fingernails a little longer (but more well maintained).

If she did the work outs, she’d have some killer legs. A lot of her body mass tends to reside there. Thick thighs and round hips, though everything else remains to be rather slim.

She’s been gaining weight, recently, so she’s a little more softer in the middle and her arms aren’t as stick thin as before. But don’t mention it to her, or she’ll get self conscious.

As for her face? She has a round, soft face, with the typical square jawline seen in their family. It’s a little harder to notice since she never seemed to schlep off that baby fat on her face, which gives her a very childish appearance. Large eyes, long lashes, and a round nose. She’s decidedly less angular than Gil or Lutz, but she is a very feminine presenting woman.

Her age doesn’t show as much in her face, but if you look at her hands, much like Gil, you can see the tendons starting to show more pronounced.

Unlike Gilbert, Maria has sectoral heterochromia. It’s a mix of pale red and blue, which is what gives her the blue/pink color combo in her eyes. It’s less obvious, as the colors aren’t as vibrant.

They both have albinism. This has been fairly universally accepted within the fandom, however with that generally comes poor vision, and a sensitivity to sunlight. Gilbert and Maria both have reading glasses, although Gilbert is more self conscious about this than Maria.


Maria’s full name is “Maria Julia Beilschmidt“.

She has a LOT of nicknames, but the one she goes by most (at least on this blog) is “Jules”. So she’s both Maria AND Jules!

I flip flop a lot between calling her “Maria” and “Jules” so I apologize if that gets confusing, but they are one and the same. UwU

I should note she DOES go by “Julchen”, but typically only with her fellow German speakers (like Austria, Swizterland, Liech, etc. ) Ludwig, for instance, is more likely to call her “Julchen” than he is “Jules”.

Gil just calls her whatever the fuck he wants. Including shorty, shrimp, pipsqueak, and so on.

Anonymous asked:

So what about their relationship with Austria?

Austria is a mixed bag of nuts with these two, but generally they all hate each other. Mostly. There’s like one (1) exception but we’ll get to that.

As for Fem!Austria’s name, she goes by “Anneliese”.

Gil and Rod: This one’s a no brainer. I tend to stick to canon with these two and to put it simply, If Roderich said the sky was blue, Gilbert would proclaim otherwise. They have never gotten along. Much is the case with the other variations of these two, Gilbert hates that Roderich didn’t have to fight for what he wanted. Roddy’s extensive history of marriages and alliances piss Gilbert off more than anything, because first and foremost, Gilbert is a man who works for his achievements. We’re talking fighting and taking risk-all situations. Gil is a man who fights for what he wants, he’s only ever seen Roderich as the man who sits in his high castle sipping expensive tea and signing marriage contracts. They have never gotten along, and I doubt they ever will. Gil sort of feels Roderich is responsible for the damage done to his relationship with Hungary. I say sort of. He solely places the blame on Rod.

Gil and Anne: This is the one that differs from the set. Despite Gilbert’s pure hatred for Austria, he kind of has this inner mantra of “please step on my face” with Anne. She’s pretty, her hair looks soft, and despite her lack of battle experience, she is quite the formidable woman in her own right. Gil does have a habit of calling her names, but it’s moreso in the way of a schoolboy who doesn’t know how to handle his crush. Gil and Anne are more civil with one another, but Anne has no problem putting Gil in his place. And for once, Gilbert actually listens.

Maria and Rod: These two are a little more distant from the others, but I think it’s because they both make a point to avoid one another. Roderich sees Maria as nothing more than an annoying childish nuisance, because her personality comes off as rather naive and idealistic in her early/middle years. She’s certainly the type to wear you down easy given how much she talks. Jules sees Roderich as the spoiled prince. He’s a little too uptight and proper for her tastes, and she generally makes a point to make him uncomfortable during their meetings. This could range from physically prodding him to using the most god awful manners imaginable.

Maria and Anne: These two have a very rocky history. Maria has always been closer and more sympathizing with the other female nations, but Anne is a little different. Much like Gil, Maria hates how little Anne has worked to achieve what she wants. This isn’t to say Austria is lazy, they definitely do the work required of them. But Maria fought for her right to fight tooth and nail. Maria spent literal decades, centuries, trying to convince her bosses she was worth something. But then Anne had it all without so much as lifting a sword. This is partly because Anne is, in fact, very smart, and Maria does end up taking a page out of her book in making connections and networking. Maria always calls her “Princess”, and often in a very demeaning manner. For a girl who grew up with nothing but the clothes on her back, Anne comes off as very snobbish and spoiled to Jules. I would like to think in their later years they start to understand each other a little more, but I think mostly Maria’s a little jealous of how pretty Anne is.


Maria’s full name is “Maria Julia Beilschmidt“.

She has a LOT of nicknames, but the one she goes by most (at least on this blog) is “Jules”. So she’s both Maria AND Jules!

I flip flop a lot between calling her “Maria” and “Jules” so I apologize if that gets confusing, but they are one and the same. UwU

Anonymous asked:

Speaking and language headcanons!!!!

I admit to not knowing a lot about German Dialects, but we can assume both Maria and Gil have a “Berliner” accent. I think, as far as I remember, this means they use a hard “K” for “-ch” instead of that weird guttural phlegmy thing.

“Ick bin” vs “ich bin”. I’ve only every really stayed in Bavaria (for like 4 weeks max) and spent 1 week in Berlin six years ago so I honestly couldn’t tell you for sure.

In regards to languages, they know a lot. Like, a lot a lot. But most nations do.

The Teutonic Order was first founded in The Kingdom of Jerusalem. So it’s safe to assume that Gil and Jules have some hebrew/arabic under the belt, though I doubt they’ve had any reason to use it for several centuries, and it’s probably fairly archaic. They are completely fluent in French. It was the “language of the courts” back after the 30 Years War, and even Frederich The Great preferred it over his native German. You couldn’t tell the twins from foreigners in France no matter how hard you tried.

Other languages of note that they can speak fluently: English, Italian, Hungarian, Spanish, Polish, and like most other nation-people, Latin.

Of course they know various dialects of their own language, like Austrian or Swiss German.

Gilbert was particularly rebellious in that he never learned to read Russian. He can only speak it, but having spoken it for as long as he has, he’s fairly fluent. This was his subtle little “fuck you” to Ivan. Maria on the other hand, is completely fluent and literate in the language. She doesn’t half ass her language studies.

Fun fact: Gilbert is really great at covering his accent! Particularly in English (and French as stated before). His accent only ever comes through when:

  1. Drunk
  2. Tired
  3. Angry
  4. All of the above

Maria has a little more trouble with her accent. I imagine her English is a rather lilted. You couldn’t possibly decipher what accent she has, as it kind of sounds like a mishmash of several. Particularly French and her native German, but ever since living in Russia, she has a bit of a Russian lilt to her words too. It’s adorable, to be honest.

For some reason, and this may just be because I live in the south, my Gil tends to drop the “-g” when using action verbs. (Ex: Going -> Goin’, Running -> Runnin’, and so on). Mostly he only does this when relaxed and in a familiar environment. I have a bad habit of pushing my own linguistic habits on my characters

Maria tends to speak more properly, though she has a habit of doing the same when she’s particularly riled up. ( “I AIN’T TELLIN’ YOU NOTHIN’, JERK!!!” )

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