
voltage trash


kbtbb, bum, scm,sits,llftx oh an my name is amy

Dinner with MC parents and Jumin be like

MC: Daddy, could you pass the salt?
MC dad and Jumin both reach for the salt
MC parents:
Jumin: I can explain
Anonymous asked:

RFA discovering that MC suffers from chronic stomach aches?


  • he’d make a list of everything that could hurt your stomach
  • actually TAKES cooking classes to help!!
  • also if you mentioned your stomach hurting he’d run to his room and get a heating pad and make you lay down until it passes


  • any time your stomach started to hurt he would give you a back massage
  • your medicine counter would ALWAYS be stocked high of pain killers and sweet notes :)
  • if it ever got too bad he could call into work sick and stay home with you


  • she’d research and try to figure out any possible cure 
  • she would try anything and EVERYTHING to make you better
  • she even bought this yoga dvd that teaches you positions to lay in  tho relieve the pressure on your stomach


  • I hope you’re ready to go to the doctor once you tell him
  • but he also gets upset because he can’t do anything about it and he hates feeling powerless
  • regardless he is extra nice when you feel sick


  • he panics when you tell him bc he’s afraid you’re dying
  • when you calm him down he asks you if there’s anything he can do to take the pain away ANYTHING AT ALL
  • he tries to make you laugh bUT OH GOD WHAT IF THAT HURTS HER STOMACH MORE

I made a little Zen from Mystic Messenger aesthetic //// All the photos comes from Pinterest!


Zen hangs out with the MC, and her phone rings.  “Aww your dad is calling you. You still call him ‘daddy’?”

The MC looks him dead in the eyes and answers the phone with “Hey, Jumin~”

Zen c h o k e s on his beer

Anonymous asked:

How would the members of the RFA react to accidentally walking in on MC showering?

* Yoosung : Let’s say that Yoosung wouldn’t be able to handle all of that, If he’s not ready, so once he walks in and sees MC in her naked splendor, he would probably faint, and would avoid MC for a day or two.

*Zen: He’ll stand there, blinking, looking up and down, much to MC embarrassment, “You are like a female version of me”, MC is going to look at him with her best “WTF” face, and he’ll clarify “It means, that you look amazing”. It would be awkward for MC, Zen would probably stay talking with her, as If it is the most normal thing, all casual “Is going to take you long MC?”. “No, why?“Waiting to take this to the bed”.

*Jumin: He is going to  apologize, but not for looking at her, even If he is going to blush a little, mostly he’ll be like “I’m sorry for being this blunt, but I noticed” while he takes off his clothes “ that you are not doing a proper job at washing your back”. Let the kinky  dude do the rest, proper ravaging situation.

*Jaehee : Jaehee is going to hit her head with the door, while she walks back “Those are some really nice tit.. I mean breasts” and then walk out. She is going to be mortified “Dammit. Why I had to say that?. “ But at the same time she’s going to be thanking the heavens, because she has an excellent photographic memory.

* 707: He is going to stare at MC, then walk out, come back with a chair, take a sit, open his zipper and say “Continue”. MC is going to laugh about it, and ask him to join.

-Mod, Trustfundgurl

Anonymous asked:

I saw a picture of all the boys as little kids with mc, and imagining her as their babysitter is the cutest thing to me. Especially if they all end up with those cute, totally innocent little kid crushes on her. (Not in a weird way! Just you know the way kids do sometimes where they're like 'she's pretty and nice so I like her' and it's just really cute?) you know? I hope that doesn't sound weird orz just. Adorable kindergarten rfa running around.

They all claim they’re going to marry you.

Zen and Jumin get in a fight about it

Yoosung brings you daisies he found on the playground

Luciel is constantly sitting next to you even if he has the chance to be somewhere else

Jaehee likes to help you organize things. She also likes watching TV with you.

Zen is always reciting lines from Disney princes

Jumin has his dad pay you triple because he wants you to stay. He even suggests you moving in with his family.


Life as a High Schooler playing Mystic Messenger:

@ home

me: *cough* i’m sick mom

mom: okay you can stay home. love you i gotta go to work!

me: bye mom. love you

*waits two minutes for mom to leave*


me: now just gotta wait for my babies to call me, worry free with no teenagers around me

Anonymous asked:

How would everyone feel finding out mc is just 18,would they care or? I always feel so odd knowing how old they are haha

oh boy

  • Seven is the least shocked. He’s been sending emails to your school about how you’d need to be off because of a family emergency for the past fortnight or so, anyway. He’s the one that’s been watching you through the cameras, and silently wishing you’d go to bed early and stop overworking yourself. He’s known for a while that you’re young, and honestly, he can’t wait to show you the world.
  • Yoosung’s happy that you’re so young. Although not averse to the idea of dating someone younger than him, he’s not exactly fond of it. He’d much rather date someone younger than him, to be honest. Plus, you were still a student!! You understood his woes, his worries, and his stresses!! If anything, he just likes having someone in the group he can relate to.
  • Jaehee is similarly unaffected; she has to admit that she’s very shocked that such a young woman can keep herself so motivated, organising the party as well as you’ve done. She surprises herself with how quickly she manages to bond with you. You do have to remind her, however, that you’re her lover, not her younger sister…
  • Zen is probably one of the most shocked - he’d been saying all those things… To a teenager?! After his initial self-loathing has taken its toll, he realises that, really, it’s no big deal. It wasn’t like you were a kid or anything, just… Inexperienced. He liked that; it meant that there were only things for him to teach.
  • Jumin is the oldest of this bunch, and probably the most surprised, too. He never associated himself with people as young as you unless he had to, for work or whatever reason. Honestly, he never thought he’d be able to get on with someone who’s so young, so well. Once he’s over the fact that he’s fallen head-over-heels in love with someone almost a decade younger than he, Jumin’s quick to accept you as who you are, age and all.

helpful advice from the rfa members

zen: make her pussy wet not her eyes.
v: make his dick hard not his life
jumin: break her bed not her heart
jaehee: play with her boobs not her feelings
707: get on his dick not his nerves
yoosung:...always salt your pasta while boiling it
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