
🌙In Love with the night sky⭐

@finding-our-silver-linings / finding-our-silver-linings.tumblr.com

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Hey guys hows it going? We are a rather big trauma based system. We have a disorder known as Dissociative identity disorder. We are 23 years old and learning to love ourselves again. Please feel free to ask us anything. we are trying to share our experience and inform ourselves and others. ❤🐋

Tired and desperate.

Us and our partner are trying to get out of our current situation. The house we live in is toxic (when his mother is home) and we need to save up to get out. But with how much we are paying for rent and utilities there’s no way we can save.

That’s why I am making this post. We need help. We have a PayPal and any money given would stay in that account until we have enough to move out.

We are two trans men with mental disabilities. I get social security but like I said our rent is most of my check. After our food bill and phone bill we don’t have enough to save anything. Any little bit will help. We are really hoping to get out of here by next month.

and my partners is PayPal.me/seraphimszobek


Fresh start.

I might just make a new blog. If I'm gonna be host, this blog has too much shit attached to it. We need to move forward and become strong again and have a safe place. Message me if you want the new blog details once I've made it.


What if it bites me and it dies?

that means you’re poisonous. jesus christ, nate, learn to read.

What if it bites itself and I die?

It’s voodoo.

What if it bites me and someone else dies?

That’s correlation, not causation.

what if we bite each other and neither of us die

that’s kinky

oh my god


Just a gentle reminder for tumblr users with anxiety, panic disorders or who get nervous quickly: 

- Chain mail, “reblog this or..” posts etc. don’t work. They’re not real. Nothing bad will happen if you don’t forward that mail or reblog that post. 

- “If you don’t reblog this, you’re a bad person” is a lie. You’re not a bad person for not clicking a button. 

- You are allowed to unfollow blogs that post triggering contents. 

- You’re not weak or a crybaby for avoiding things that are triggering. Far from it, you’re taking care of yourself. That’s amazing! 


Girls and gays going into 2019 like

I’m legit getting a crop top over the break

Will I ever get tired of watching this?


I know I’ve reblogged this already but it’s just so beautiful

This is me. It just is. -Kona

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