@o188 / o188.tumblr.com


                          BUT MAYBE WE CAN HOLD OFF ONE SEC                          SO WE CAN KEEP THIS TENSION IN CHECK                          lucas “𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐁𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑” danvers // charlie “𝐏𝐔𝐒𝐒𝐘𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒” jackson                 two cia agents charged with keeping cryptids from being exposed to the public                                                         penned by adrien and sunny.


so i’m going to say this all of one time. just once, so pay attention. it’s never okay to go to a mun and complain about the fact that they are interacting “too much” with another mun. stop. stop it. don’t fucking do it. the people you follow and interact with do not owe you anything. this is a hobby. this isn’t a job. rp has never been a job. it’s meant to be enjoyable. it’s meant to be fun. for some people it helps with the stress that life throws at them from day to day and it becomes to heartbreaking and frustrating when people make one’s happy place ... not so happy. this is what you do by complaining. this is what you do by bitching. we’ve all felt second-best at one point in our lives. we’ve all had that one person we wished we could do more things with but you know what? if you cross that line? if you don’t respect basic boundaries? you don’t deserve to interact with that person at all. please put yourself in their shoes. maybe they are busy. maybe they only have so much time to write in a day. maybe their muse is being fickle ( we all know what that’s like ) or maybe there’s some outside stressor you don’t know about. maybe they are interacting with this person so much because they will be on hiatus shortly and they are trying to get in as much time as possible. or. maybe. just maybe. these two people are interacting with each other because it’s a lot of fun and it’s what they wanna do. all of these options are really ... none of your business. they don’t owe you an explanation. they don’t owe you jack shit. get off your high horse for two seconds and imagine what it would feel like to have someone come to you and make you choose. if this shit happens between friends? god forbid. that’s a good way to destroy friendships entirely. and if the person you’re trying to shove out finds out? good fucking luck, there. 

Anonymous asked:

Jesus Christ. I didn’t know. I still have one of his old Discord’s on my friends list filled with past conversations between us. He used to bitch about you and your “clique” a lot, complained how this fandom ignored him, how people got mad when he moved blogs and stuff despite claiming to care about people’s real life mental health... I feel gross now, ugh. Thanks for letting me know, I knew snarksuited also had the Huang account but I thought judicial was a different person who just moved alot.

I’m honestly just like so sorry. It fucking sucks. We tried really hard to patch things up with him when things happened but he just didn’t want to hear that what he had done was unacceptable? So now he calls the fandom a “clique” and used to go to new RPers and essentially harass them about how terrible we all are on anon. It’s. Kinda exhausting at this point, really. He had the Huang and even a multi-muse for a while.Again, I’m sorry. I know that this doesn’t provide much in the way of closure but at least it’s something. I definitely would have wanted to know. 

Anonymous asked:

Anyways, sorry for bitching in your inbox, I just considered these people my friends and now I’ve been hearing some not-so-nice things about them and since you’re one of the older SVU RP blogs around I guess I hoped you’d have answers/understand? But I guess the truth is they were just selfish and didn’t care about their partners lol. Oh well, live and learn right?

Honestly, there’s no need to apologize; this one person did a lot of damage in what small fandom we have and it’s — I can definitely say that I was crushed the first time around but now it’s just frustrating. Some people forget that their RP buddies are actually people who have lives and feelings and get attached. I make a lot of friends doing this and I worry about every single one of them for as long as we know each other — Hell, I’ve fallen out of touch with some of them ( especially a few who have moved on from RP as a hobby ) and I still think about them all the time. I form actual bonds with people. And it sucks when someone just throws people away like this person did — on top of actually being really destructive. 

Anonymous asked:

I figured that was the case & at first I was worried, now I’m just pissed. First snarksuited then judicial—seems like every fucking time I start to make a friend in this fandom (not an SVU blog but I love xovers) they delete without warning & fuck off forever like, thanks guys! I tried to contact you but you deleted your Discord too? Would’ve been nice if you told me you were leaving especially after making comments about being very depressed?? Can’t believe I missed sleep over these assholes.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, anon, but snarksuited and judicial were the exact same person. He lied to all of us about who he was and tried to befriend everyone as someone else entirely and even used this new alias to try and get closer to someone who had already made it very clear they wanted nothing to do with him. It was a very sneaky and manipulative thing to do and it’s a big part of why he isn’t very welcome in the SVU RP fandom. He hurt a lot of people — especially people who honestly cared about him. It’s shitty. I’m a lot more careful about who I befriend and how much time I put into people now because of it. I’m sorry he managed to rope you in, too, man.

A WARNING: This is to anyone that starts seeing any brand new SVU based blogs pop up onto tumblr. There is a mun that goes around creating new Law&Order based blogs and pretends to be a fool at knowing nothing about any Law&Order shows in existence. THIS PERSON IS A LYING AND MANIPULATIVE MUN. This mun has terrorized this fandom far too many times and we are concerned they’ve reared their head again.
This is a warning to those of you that are associated with any of us long-timers to be wary and alert when speaking with others that follow this routine of pretend.

This mun has sent hateful anons to those in the RPC, has created fake accounts/identities to harass and stalk other muns, and done a whole lot of lying about it. This mun often plays the victim and is known for calling the L&O RPC a ‘clique’ because we refused to put up with his manipulative habits. If you are new to the fandom or have interacted with those in the fandom recently and start to receive anons that are hateful, it’s because of this mun. Block the anons when you get them. 

Anonymous asked:

Since it’s been a while and I don’t think they’re coming back, do you know know the details of what went down with snarksuited? One day we were plotting and chatting and becoming friends, the next thing I knew they’d deleted all their blogs and disappeared.

YOU AND LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE, ANON. snarksuited kinda blew in, did a few basic-decency no-nos and got the fuck outta dodge without so much as a word. every once in a while this mun resurfaces and stirs the pot again and it’s kind of become a thing. it’s a thing that i personally hate, especially since they have hurt a lot of people in the past. i’m sorry that you were starting to become friends ( i can say the same thing ) but i can’t help but feel like we dodged a bullet on that one. people who go out of their way to deceive and even stalk others usually don’t make super-duper great friends.

Anonymous asked:

I love OCs, especially fandomless OCs, but the SPN fandom is and always has been garbage, there’s a reason everyone hates the SuperWhoLock kids who rabidly drag their faves onto every post that doesn’t involve them with poorly made gifs.

Okay. This is a weird flex but? Okay. You don’t have to like Supernatural as a series, you sure as shit do not need to like the fandom. This isn’t even relevant because, especially if we’re talking about Wade ( @shiftingtm ) here, he’s not a Supernatural OC? He’s supernatural in that he’s a cryptid. His storyline has nothing to do with the show? He’s fandomless. Like I wish I could explain how frustrating all of this is. I made a character. I love that character. I love him so much and I’ve been having more fun on his blog than I have on Sonny for a few months now. I’m not leaving Sonny; I adore this character with all my heart and soul, but sometimes I need a break and to be able to write what I want? That’s all I have ever done. I don’t write for people. I’m not here to cater to my follower’s needs. This isn’t a job. I’m not getting paid. I’m going to do what makes me happy and right now Sonny isn’t it. This could change later tonight, tomorrow, next week, next month. I don’t know. It’s just frustrating when you still want to write with your friends but they don’t want to give your personal creations a shot. And don’t ... get me started about the anon that @southbronxabogado got today. Adrien can ( and always has ) write with whoever she wants, whenever she wants. Nobody should try and control that. These blogs are ours. We decide what to do with them. 

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