Mulder, they're worms.

@sydneyadaamu /

she/her | total chaos!

I woke that night to the sound of chaos. Claudia... she was dreaming. Her head, twitching like you would. I can feel her. I can feel her next to me. She's having a nightmare. What's worse than a nightmare? If your soul's projecting out its fears, at least it's up and running. But the absence of anything? The void. The nothing. Pieces... coming back. Hours, nights. Objects surfacing in water.


I wanna say something to you. I don't need to hear anything back, I just need you to hear me. Hard words and soft words. The hard. Our life is shit. It's been shit, it is shit, it's gon' be shit again. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. No one's watching, no one cares. A shit life beats no life. But where we're going now we can't be running away again. Doesn't mean we forget what we saw, what she did in front of us. If I see you going that way, I'm gonna pull you back. I don't need that from you. As long as you walk the Earth, I'll never taste the fire, you understand me? We're going to find others like us. And if it ain't here, 'cause life is shit, or I fuck it up again, or you fuck it up, we'll go to the next place. We can't be the only good ones out there.

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