


~Lead us not into temptation. Just tell us where it is; we'll find it.~
Hello, I'm basically jmichellew-1, call me J. I just needed a separate blog for all my reblog and side interests. This is a dumping ground for all my obsessions. Enjoy!

What a pleasure to see Iban Coello putting emphasis on Kurt’s tail. Most of the artists just stick something on his butt, leaving the tail hanging in there without being a part of his body and anatomical structure. Worst are the ones where the tail just grows out from his ass cheeks! No, it’s an extension of his spine. When he moves, the tail moves, too. 

 Alan Davis also understands the tail business in his art! 


Remember the Nightcrawler aka Kurt Wagner? I loved Alan Cummings take on him in X-Men 2. When I’ve read that he’ll appear in a younger version in the newest X-Men movie I tried to imagine him. I know that he’ll look totally different tho. :)


Magneto and Nightcrawler at a german christmas market in New York, Dec 2016

Send from a train to Hamburg wirh Smarties and shitty icetea omg I'm so cranky and tired I want my bed and my teddy 😭


Kurt meets Logan’s kids for the first time



It’s all Logan’s fault, it runs in the family:

But Kurt doesn’t seem to mind that much:

well, who said that being wolverine’s best friend is easy?


Kurt and Logan just sacrificed themselves together to save mutantkind!!!

“When you wake from this earthly slumber my friend, look for me. I will be there, waiting for you. Radiant and with open arms.“

The Logurt feels exploded… 

Anonymous asked:

if logurt was a yogurt flavor it would taste like you licked the forest floor... with a hint of Mango or Mint

I approve because this reminds me of the comic when Kurt died and his last wish from Logan was that he takes a piano up to the Venezuela mountains through a jungle to teach him a lesson about faith. And of course, the lesson was learned :)

This is Kurt’s idea of a joke. And if there’s a heaven I know he is up there right now laughing his little blue ass off.

Okay Elf…You win.


Nightcrawler Excalibur Moments

Excalibur (1988-1998)

While the handsome Nightcrawler appears in the vast majority of the run of this series, the purpose of this list is to find those comics in which he plays a central and/or larger roll. Because. You know. We all need more of the blue elf in our lives and some people might not want to wade through the filler in-between stories—because honestly, who cares about those? I will also include a short (spoiler-free) summary and a funny panel or two from the story.

Issue -1

No, you read that right. This issue is in the negative numbers for… some reason. Maybe because it’s a backstory? Who knows. What is important is that it’s Nightcrawler’s backstory! One of them! Namely, this one is about him deciding to leave the circus and trying to convince Jimaine (later known as Amanda) to come with him.

Issue #16

Kurt gets to run around as a swashbuckling hero in an alternate universe. Plenty of fuzzy fanservice!

Issue #31

Dear Nightcrawler tries to take a vacation and ends up running around a tropical island in nothing but a tiny red loincloth. I’m sure there’s some sort of story going on here, but I honestly couldn’t tell you what it was. I was too distracted admiring the… artwork.

Issue #43

Captain Britain finds out about Nightcrawler’s crush on Meggan after Kurt accidentally moans her name in his sleep and fighting ensues (during which Kurt’s leg is broken), followed by a bro moment that is rudely interrupted…

Issues #62-#65

The members of Excalibur are captured—But not due to negligence on their leader’s part. Nightcrawler goes into a berserker state (which I shouldn’t find as sexy as I do) and just lets loose. Over the course of this story arc there’s lots of good stuff (the majority of which I can’t talk about without spoiling things), but the high points with Nightcrawler include, but are not limited to: bonding with children (#63), getting to show off how amazing he is in a Danger Room-esque environment (#63), lifting weights in his underwear (#64), showing off that he’s more than a pretty face (#65), an explanation of his invisibility abilities in the dark (#65), and punching a guy because he doesn’t like politicians (#65).

Issues #68-#70

The team attempts to cope with the death of Captain Britain, each in their own way, but are rudely interrupted in their grief by the Startammers who have come to take Cerise in for war crimes. Understandably, Kurt ain’t havin’ it. This arc definitively proves that Kurt is the best boyfriend ever (as if we ever doubted it).

Issues #76-#77

Kurt returns to Germany with Amanda to help rescue his foster mother from D’Spayre. Poor Nightcrawler has to deal with people treating him like a demon again and we get a peek into his childhood (which starts sad but turns utterly heartwarming and I can’t even). Kurt also gets to use a sword, which is always a plus.

Issues #83-#85

This arc concerns the Soulsword, which is your typical magical maguffin that everyone wants ever and things get dramatic. The actual Nightcrawler doesn’t appear much, since his body gets possessed by a Gravemoss, but this comic has some of the best Kurt-tail moments in it. Gravemoss, apparently, just loves flicking that tail around. Can’t really blame him.


Issue #103

Okay, honesty time. I really, really hate this version of Nightcrawler—the nearly shaved head, goatee, and single earring just. Looks horrible. And he’s all emo and mopey and not our fun-loving rogue. BUT in this issue, he gets to meet a bunch of alternate reality versions of himself which is, admittedly, hilarious.

Issues #116-#117

Kurt is still rocking the horrible haircut and beard, but we’ll get over that for the sake of story. Nightcrawler gets kidnapped by aliens (as you do) who are out for revenge for… reasons. The others come to save him and there’s an awesome bro moment between him and Colossus.

Overall, I highly recommend the complete Excalibur series to any X-Men fans or people who just love the slight (or major) campiness of comics from the 90s (as well as some of that edge of the early 2000s). If you aren’t one of these people and just love Nightcrawler… Feel free to use this as a guide to find (most of) his best moments from this run of comics!

If you like Nightcrawler, read Excalibur!!


Hi! so far I've loved everything you've written about Kurt, Logan and Remy. 🧎🏻‍♀️

Could you write something about Kurt? where together with reader they are in the kitchen of the mansion because they can't sleep, and she finally tells him her concerns about the magnitude of her powers and Kurt with his heart of gold tells her beautiful things to calm her down and make her laugh, the rest to your imagination, I would appreciate it, you write great! Thanks 💙✨

SFW! Nightcrawler/Fem!Reader
Ok so I will admit that I made this a leeetle self indulgent. I was trying to think of a power someone could really struggle with and a fun one that I thought of was having necromancy, but having such respect for life and death that it feels wrong. I thought it would fit well with a Kurt fic because it's something that almost feels sacrilegious, and it's good to have a fuzzy blue elf assure you that you aren't a monster :) I know its def not power ambiguous, but I hope this is okay :)
Also, I know my writing style is a little different in this one, And thats because the first few paragraphs set the tone for my writing when I start and tbh I think this one just flowed from my soul to they keyboard.
TWs: nightmares, necromancy, gross descriptions of rotting flesh. Extreme self-doubt and self-consciousness. Basically angst with a happy ending.

You’ve been having nightmares again. They hardly seem to stop, but after a break in between the terror, you'd become too relaxed. Too comfortable. You felt defenseless when they started to begin again.

It’s always the same dream, different font. Bones cracking, flesh ripping as it’s forced into place, natural or not. Skin rotting off of once human bodies, sockets where eyes used to be. It was horrifying. You’d see your family, friends, acquaintances, everyone. Dead. Brought back to life by your power, the power you were still so afraid of. You were always afraid of zombie movies as a kid. Anything rising from the dead, anything breathed back to life in some sick and twisted fantasy. It was ironic that your very own strength was the thing you had always been the most afraid of.

Of course, as you aged and the professor took you in, the fear began to wear off. Mostly, it did. The professor not only taught you how to control your powers but also how to work around your fear. You can remember the confusion you felt when he had set a box of ancient bones in front of you. Fragments of titans, dinosaurs who had long since passed. Bones that would never be matched to an accurate set, parts of them being crushed to dust by the cruelty of time. Bones that only you could breathe to life, to bring them together as a whole again. It was convenient, the professor had told you, that you only needed a fragment to do so. He spoke as if it were a service to them. Most importantly, he brought you a box of bones that weren’t, and never had been, human.


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