
T.A.P.'s Modblog

@theamishpirate / theamishpirate.tumblr.com

Because I figured it'd be nice for some folks to know they're being followed. And then I broke down and started contributing myself. WHOOPS I MADE A BLOG. Ask Sandy Shores


Okay I'm gonna add some context in case anyone doesn't know or remember

There's been a group of people on the internet called "Team 0%" (link it to their website, where you can also find this info), who've been working towards making the original Mario Maker for the Wii U have every level cleared

They though this level, named Trimming the Herbs, would be impossible for a human and would stay uncleared, because it was clear tested using a hardware cheats, something though to be impossible for the Wii U until the creator admitted to using them 7 years later, so the team decided to not count the level due to this

However, the person playing in this video, Sanyx91SMM2, after 100 hours of practice and attempts, managed to beat it without any tools on April 5th 2024, becoming the first to ever truely clear the level, days before the servers shut down

To signify this, team 0% decided to make the completion percent on their website say 101%, treating it like the secret final boss of Mario Maker


if yall ever want like serious advice from me about how to solve burnout as a creative it's like...

literally ignore it. stop pushing. go do something else, enjoy your life, fill it with other things, do what brings you joy in the moment if you can.

go to the gym, take a walk to touch grass and look at dogs and smell flowers, cook dinner, watch tv with your friends, talk about your feelings as needed with ppl you trust, take a drive and blast your music, do the chores you need to do, the job hunting slog you need to do, read books that aren't for research, stop cordoning off your brain for The Craft or The Draft or whatever the fuck

forget about the project, stop thinking about it for as long as it takes to be excited again.

fuckin rest, basically

reiterating this--

stop pushing. stop blaming yourself for not working on creative stuff enough, stop tormenting yourself. remove all pressure and expectation. it'll be done whenever, you'll work on it whenever. who the fuck knows when that is, but it'll happen when it's ready.

stop doing shit that feels bad. do stuff that makes you happy and relaxed.

at a certain level of spoon usage from job, chores, errands, socialization and basic maintenance there will just Not Be Anything Left for your projects for awhile.

you have to let it build back up and then take your time getting back into it organically as it comes.

hope this helps someone else, bc I have learned it the hard-headed stubborn-ass fish-thrashing-in-a-net way and it's been agonizing.


learning that people want you in their lives is a skill you can develop if it does not come naturally

it feels fake but your friends miss you sometimes

the reason you've been hanging out with your closest friends fairly regularly for the past 12+ years is because you have fun together

people who don't like you that much will not stay in your life for over a decade asking to hang out and inviting you to things and texting you


Dungeon Meshi cast in order of weirdness:

Chilchuck - Chilchuck is just a regular dude. obvs he has a degree of weirdness due to being (presumably??) a career adventurer but i think if you took him out of that setting he'd just be a regular & chill guy

Senshi - Senshi is eccentric moreso than weird. i think if he really wanted to he could go above ground and socialise and act like a regular guy. he is simply choosing not to do that.

Marcille - Marcille thinks she is the one normal person in the group. she is wrong.

Laios - jesus fuck where do i start


I've come to the conclusion that the best way to quit bad habits and start good habits is to pair them, like goes with like, and then replace them one at a time. Figure out why you do The Bad Activity and what Good Activity would scratch the same itch. Wanting to start fights on the internet just for the sake of arguing either means you want social contact, and you should try catching up with friends instead, or you're in the need of intellectual stimulation, and you should try reading a book instead.

If you want to pick at something you're not supposed to pick at, give your hands something else that you're allowed to pick at. Dogs that don't have chew toys will chew on walls, and your hands have the urge to do things. If you're fiddling with stuff you shouldn't fiddle with, try gettin a stim toy. If a stim toy is insufficient and you still want to pick on your face or nails until they bleed, try finding a hobby that you do with your hands. Knitting, crafting, those adult colouring books, tearing unsalvageable old bedsheets into long strips and then braiding fabric strips for no reason.

And it doesn't have to be a 100% thing either. I've replaced roughly 30% of my fucking-around-on-the-internet-doing-fuck-all time with reading a silly book and painting Warhammer figurines, and I've been much happier.


The other day I told a friend of mine that I never forget to take my ADHD meds because I fucking love my ADHD meds. I'm in my late 30s, I didn't finally get a diagnosis and meds until less than two years ago, and they have changed my entire life.

And he raised his eyebrow at me. We'd been discussing addictive medications a few minutes before, like the Tramadol I finally got from the pain specialist to take once a week or so to give me a break from my chronic pain, so I reassured him that methylpenidate (Ritalin/Concerta) is not addictive (at least not in people with ADHD).

His response? To raise his eyebrow even harder and say "Well it sure SOUNDS like it's addictive!"

And I had to explain to this man - who works in a healthcare related job by the way - that just because medication makes you feel good and helps you, just because you look forward to taking it, that doesn't make it addictive or dangerous. And he wasn't convinced.

The simple fact that I was excited to take a daily pill that has literally changed my life, after decades of fighting to get that medication, made him think I shouldn't be taking it so often. That it must inherently be dangerous.

I'm not even in America, but I'm pretty sure this attitude began there and then spread over here to Europe. This Puritan idea of "if something feels good, you must beware of it. Pleasure is dangerous, it is sinful, it is addiction, it is evil."

I know too many people who subconsciously believe that pleasure = addictive = dangerous = bad. Joy is a slippery slope to hell.

So here is your reminder for today that you don't need to be afraid of feeling good. If something improves your life, use it. Even if it is addictive - learn what that addiction means, whether the addiction is inherently dangerous or not, and whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks and risks.

My ADHD meds are, in fact, not addictive. But I will take them every day because they make my life orders of magnitude easier. I will enjoy them every time I take them.

My tramadol is addictive. I will still take it. I will keep it on a schedule to avoid becoming addicted, primarily because addiction in this case would mean reduced effectiveness. But I am not afraid of my painkillers. They are life changing.

Take your meds, everyone. Don't let anyone scare you away from doing something that improves your life.

There is something so sinister about the idea that a medication made to improve your life cannot be trusted if it improves your life so much that you like taking it. Bleh.

It puts this weird moral obligation on suffering. Like if you’re actually comfortable with yourself and your treatment you’re somehow failing. That you need to be ashamed somehow that the medication helps you and need to be looking for alternatives.

But you don’t. You found a solution that worked great and then you moved on to something else.


I believe I have collected every single Valentine card showcased in the newsletter shuffle! Thank you so much to everyone who sent theirs in for this post <3 (1/2)

Tumblr limits 30 images to a post, so these get their own. (Credit to @captn3 for finding more)



Dungeon Meshi is about a quirked up white boy on a quest to save his sister and perhaps indulge his special interest along the way. He's a man of pure heart who has done nothing but help anyone he's met. Then part way through the story you start seeing other pov characters and it turns out every single person who has met him outside his party has read his awkward social skills and love for grilling as a sign of something deeply evil and has vowed to kill him on sight.

The boy has the vaguest clue of it all too like: "ahh im probably gonna get arrested when I get out of this dungeon!" While in the meantime like 17 different political parties want him executed and for at least half of them its highly personal


With so many elections coming up worldwide it's probably a good time to remind everyone that tumblr once got infested with agents trying to convince everyone not to vote, or not to vote left because the candidates weren't morally pure enough.

Also a reminder that they were better at tumblr than most of us, comrade interloper was great at memeing. Like, the talent!

Anyway don't fall for it. There is no morally pure option.


Vote for whoever can move you one inch closer to your goals. This is a long game. If there's a candidate who wants to move you a mile closer to your goals but they do not stand a chance in the general election, you vote for whoever can move you one inch closer to your goals. The time to vote for the "one mile" candidate in the primaries. Once you get to the general, you vote for the one who has a chance in hell of winning, or you're actively working against progress. 100% of the time, voting in a general for a "can't win" candidate because their beliefs align more with your beliefs is actively working for the opposition. There is no situation in which this is not true.


One side is addressing climate change and raising the minimum wage and forgiving student debt. The other side are GODDAMN TRAITORS AND INSURRECTIONISTS and are openly removing women's rights, LGBTQ people's rights and VOTING access. But DO tell me again that Both Sides Are Just As Bad As Each Other.


Vote. Every time you don’t vote moves you closer to the day when you’ll never be allowed to vote again.

ESPECIALLY vote in smaller and local elections, too. Not only is it a step towards getting better candidates (because it's not like better candidates just come from nowhere - they build up political experience and capital), but local elections matter for your community and can matter to what you can and can't afford or whether terfs make it onto your local schoolboards.

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