
There's A Sudden Itch, An Electric Twitch

@carpecerevisiam / carpecerevisiam.tumblr.com

Russophile. Photography fanatic. Owner of a level 20 Callan Mulvey problem.

You can love a character and still admit when they’re in the wrong. I love Brock but can acknowledge his flaws (he has none), can hold him accountable for his wrongdoings (he’s never done anything wrong in his life), and call him out for his actions (which are always correct).


What kind of two-bit platform doesn't set multiple choice as the default for a poll?!

Anonymous asked:

How would the hydra husbands react to figuring out they love/are attracted to each other?<3

Idk what kind of relationship you see them having 😭

(Warning, a bit lengthy)

I can see Brock being instantly attracted to Jack bc as much as he tries to cram down his same sex attraction it rears its head constantly. Of course he denies this to himself, saying he just appreciates a healthy, fit body. (But, oh, his eyes are pretty…) He keep it to himself, forcefully tells himself “he’s just on the boys”. Brock tries to keep a distance but Jack is everything that Brock could ever want as a partner. He’s confident, works in the same field with an unpredictable schedule that would leave others feeling neglected but Jack actually gets and respects it, he always has Brock’s back in and out of the field, shows Brock respect but is also not afraid of contradiction when he feels like Brock is making a bad decision. So they start to hang out more, and Brock finds himself falling in love which is as exciting as it is distressing.

And Jack has finally met someone who can handle himself in high stress positions, has similar stances on life, and is highly competent. Of course he also notices that Brock is attractive. He’s content to let things remain as Brock wants them to be because he enjoys spending time with him (and he loves his job and doesn’t want to risk demotions; and, of course, he enjoys spending time with Brock even if it is only platonic).

But, after Jack saves Brock’s life, Brock feels indebted and decides to push the boundary of comradely relationships and asks if Jack wants to get drinks together after an op. And Jack is startled but quick to agree. They both go home, get cleaned up, and meet up. And it’s during that night that they both realize they each have a magnetic force pulling them together. Jack realizes that not only does he find Brock attractive but that he wants to know him more personally; to see what the man is like behind the scenes.

So they end up making plans to meet up together at the end, something that becomes a trend. They move from team mates to friends. And, the more time they spend together, more. Brock decides to playfully flirt in a pointedly “no homo” way but it quickly proves to be a poor mask to his actual feelings. And Jack quickly picks up on this but goes with it, unwilling to push Brock beyond what he’s comfortable with.

Eventually Brock confesses his feelings, probs after having way too much to drink, and Jack calmly says he feels the same way which stuns Brock. Jack takes him home and they don’t talk for a few days, Brock having a mini meltdown of disbelief because he knows it’s dangerous for job not to mention he’s being more open that he ever has been.

But on like the third day of Brock hiding in his apartment Jack shows up a the door with takeout from their favorite Chinese place and Brock just silently lets him in, waiting for Jack to tell him that what they’re doing is dangerous but Jack firmly tells him he doesn’t care. And by the time Brock is packing the leftovers into his fridge they’ve agreed to try the whole “relationship” thing, with the understanding that it’s very lowkey because neither wants to risk higher ups finding out.

And, as for their relationship Jack becomes Brock’s conscience and ultimate force when it comes to personal conflicts. And Jack loves to take care of Brock, happy to come over and help him clean because he’s chronically messy and yet gets overwhelmed by it. They grocery shop together and Jack helps Brock comes to terms with his food issues (personal hc, sorry lol) and Brock embraces this new way of life with Jack. He soon can’t imagine life without him.

Who else will tuck him into bed after drinking too much? Who else would he call after a nightmare about the horrors he’s seen in the field or trauma of his chaotic childhood? How can anyone else make him feel as important and loved as Jack does?

Brock absolutely becomes co-dependent but Jack embraces that responsibility, focused solely on ensuring that Brock is well cared for and always feels loved and supported regardless of what he’s going through and what mood funks he finds himself in. Even when Brock gets in his head about their relationship, feeling like he’s taking more than he’s giving, Jack is quick kiss him on the forehead and tell him just how much he loves and cares about him and how he doesn’t want to be anyone else ❤️


Jesus. I've just spent over an hour watching funny Friends clips on IG, and now I read that Matthew Perry has just died.

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