
✨bruno diaz✨

@georgeousrussell / georgeousrussell.tumblr.com

n | USA, 25 | entirely in love with George Russell, Callum Ilott, Daniel Ricciardo and McLaren
I'm an adult

You're a dumbass who the fuck says something like that


a few months ago my friend called me and told me she was moving back up near me from 7 hours south in the middle of nowhere and asked if i would help her because she couldn’t move the furniture by herself and the town was so small there was no moving company (there were actually only 5 or six businesses in the whole town including both restaurants) and she had no one else down there to ask. 

And even though money is pretty tight for her, she told me I could name my price if I would help her, because it was so far away.

I told her she was a dummy for thinking i would take her money but that i would accept the traditional helping-a-friend-move price: a meal (i know she would feel wrong about herself if she didn’t do something for me in return, that’s just how she is) Tradition suggests pizza and beer, we opted for enchiladas and a margarita.

we crashed on the floor of the empty place and left back north in the morning - when we got back to the city three more friends met us at her storage place (the place she was moving into wouldn’t be vacant for a couple months) and we started to move all her stuff up to a storage room on the THIRD FLOOR (because large city storage places be like that)

we had just taken the first box out of the truck when the (only) lady working there walked by and told us they closed in an hour and twenty minutes, and she couldn’t stay even a little late because she had to get to her other job.

One hour twenty minutes. To completely un-jenga a large uhaul and re-tetris it back into a similar sized room on the third floor.

We all just, shared a look, took off hoodies, and got the fuck down to business. 

It was actually.. I still cherish look we passed around. The tiny eyebrow quirks and chin nods. The eye glints. The bigger breath we each took as we prepared to kick it up several gears. That moment of wordless connection, when we all just silently agreed that we were damn well going to do the impossible and didn’t even waste the time it would take to say anything, just got to it.

And we did it too. Finished with exactly two full minutes to spare. And then we all went for dinner and drinks to celebrate. And my friend’s friends that came to help? Two of them were acquaintances/friends of mine already. Like I lived with one for a year a decade ago sort of thing. But this experience? Brought us all closer. Made myself a new friend too.

And the friend i helped move? She and I are closer than ever because of it.

When i left our storage success diner to go home, she asked me again if I was sure i wouldn’t take any money.

I said “I ever tell you when I was 22 I went down to Hollywood to try that scene out? Anyway ten months later, when I just couldn’t do it anymore, and needed to come back, I called one of my best friends and said i can’t do this anymore i need to come back. You know what he said? He said: I’ll be there tomorrow. Not how much will you pay me, not what do i get out of it, not will you be able to cover my gas, just: I’ll be there tomorrow. Okay? You’re my friend. If you need help, I’m going to be there”

If helping someone move ruins your friendship, you’re doing at least one of those two things very wrong.


Reblogging for the last line


"he just wants to race!" "he doesn't pay attention to the world around him, he probably doesn't even know politics is something that exists!" "he was told to do this/say this" i dont know how to break it to you but saying that your favourite guy has the spine, brain and agency of a jellyfish is not the grand justification you think it is.


best part of today has to be everyone who's never listened to Nico Rosberg commentate before slowly realise in real time that he really is that unhinged, really couldn't give less of a fuck, knows an incredible amount of wheel, and has still to get over Lewis Hamilton


most of the drivers' reactions to the whole Horner situation is so disappointing tbh. what do you mean someone in the paddock, an employee gets harassed by one of the top figures in the sport and your reaction is either "it has nothing to do with me", or "no comment", "i just like cars and i want to drive", "it's noise and distraction", "i'm here to race", and "it's a good thing for the media", "it doesn't affect me", "i don't really have an interest".

why is it so hard to care about something other than your racing career? you gotta have some morals, dude. not caring about women's safety in your oh so beloved sport is some fucked up behaviour. in situations like this it really shows how fucking privileged they are and it's honestly repulsive.

this is precisely why Lewis is always the one being asked about any non-sport related topic. because he's the only one who cares and gives honest and nuanced answers. genuinely terrified of what this sport will become when he retires, cause no one will speak out on anything.

and then people wonder why we say that f1 is not a safe place for women and that misogyny is still very much a thing in the sport? men don't care, including the president of the fia and f1, the other team principals and most of the drivers as well. when the faces of the sport clearly don't give a shit about women, what kind of hope is there?

they can talk about equality and progressive values and promoting women in motorsports, when this is the reality of how they actually treat the women working in the sport. imagine how that poor woman is feeling, seeing how much the drivers care about what she's going through. utterly disrespectful, with no compassion or empathy.

f1 needs to do so much better.


so let me get this straight. these drivers work with women in the paddock, but when allegations of sexual harassment and how women are being treated in f1 comes up all of a sudden it’s “noise and distraction” and “you don’t care about those stuff”??? like your girlfriends and wives are in this same paddock but you don’t care since you’re not affected by it?? Got it 👍🏾 but then again these are men and i don’t expect anything good to come out of a man’s mouth much less a millionaire driver.

all this goes to show you that most of these drivers don’t care about the safety of women much less support women in the paddock. as long as their check clears that’s enough for them. that also makes me think that formula 1 doesn’t care about women empowerment or diversity and inclusion, they are just doing it for a show.


i truly don't know what else to say.

this woman went through hell and is still going through it, because his ego cannot handle being told off. fuck this man.

i'm done throwing around words like allegedly and apparently and supposedly or reportedly to preserve the possibility of him being innocent.

the more we find out, the more this unravels; every single sign is pointing to the fact that he's guilty. if you ever even remotely protected or defended this man please never ever interact with me.


If you're in Australia you'll already know this, but for our international readers, basically the whole of Australia ground to a halt today because one of our two mobile/internet networks - Optus - just completely shat its dacks for about 9 hours, taking out the country's phones, internet and banking.

The funniest part though, is that apparently when the national broadcaster tried to reach out to find out what was going on - they discovered the quite forseeable problem that everyone at Optus used Optus for their phone and internet, so there was basically no way for their company to contact anyone inside or outside the company to work out what was going on or to try and fix it.

What a country.

Brought to you by the country that couldn't do the 2016 census because the website crashed on census night after they received an "unexpected DDoS attack" that turned out to be the population of Australia trying to fill out the census.


The Optus CEO having to WhatsApp call into the ABC from a local Maccas wifi rather than resorting to using Telstra, the only working mobile network, will never not be funny


if you care about riders' health, support, and the future of the sport, please read this article.

tatay's situation exposes the overwhelming redundancy of bureaucracy in the sport world and how it actively denies athletes help.


Man I know we had fun here yesterday and I know it's too stupid a take to take seriously but. I really do think there's something so fucking cruel about using Niki coming back to racing after his crash as a weapon to shame drivers into not complaining about the circumstances they have to race in, when Niki literally did not want to race in the race where he had his accident because of the weather conditions. If the people running the sport had listened to him and taken his concerns seriously he would not have had to suffer through burning alive and the intense pain and trauma. He fucking suffered, he went through pain that he had no reason to go through, and it was entirely avoidable if people had just LISTENED to his concerns. And you use that accident to silence other drivers like it was GREAT that a man was set on fire because he got to "prove" what a badass man he was. It's just. It's so fucking insidious and ridiculous.

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