
Julian and Romeo


There are three sides to me: Jojo, Juliet and Julian.(None of which are my real names). I am obsessed with anything aesthetic and I am a CARAT, ATINY, STAY and ARMY.

“Israel is committing genocide.” Yes. They are. But so is the US. The US is 100% complicit in this, and Israel would not have been able to do as much without the help of the US. I’m disgusted to be living in a country that is complicit in the literal MURDER of civilians. Men, women, children, elderly, families. All dead because of Israel AND the US. This needs to STOP.


If somehow you haven’t seen by now, while the Super Bowl is being aired, Israel is striking Rafah.

The people of Palestine had been told to go there, they were promised it was safe.

And while this is happening, even though earlier several tags on Palestine were trending, only one or two are now.

I haven’t written any posts personally on Palestine myself. I didn’t feel I had anything to add here aside from reblogging and boosting whatever I can but please. We can’t forget Palestine or its people especially now.

This has gone on too long and gone much much too far MANY times and now is when we need to push harder.

Many of the heads of Western countries are either beating around the bush and wasting time, or outright denying the things the Palestinian people don’t have the privilege to ignore. They don’t have the choice to look away from their pain, or the pain of friends, family, neighbors, their country. And even through all of this they’re still trying their damn hardest just to live. And we all need to listen.

So now, especially if you live in a western country like I do, now we step it up a notch. Now is the time if you haven’t already to read up on Palestinian history. Listen to what the people of Palestine are saying. Hold firm on the boycott like never before. Any and every way you can donate, do it. eSIMs, aid, anything that will reach. Save as much evidence as you can. Videos, articles. Don’t let Zionists pretend all of this never happened.

Even if you think there’s nothing you can do, I’m telling you, keep going. Even if you feel you can only give a little, if we all give a little together it becomes much more.

Hit imperialism where it hurts. In the wallet. Follow the BDS instructions, find protests in your area if you can, boost as much information about Palestine as you can find, call your reps, and do not lose hope. The people of Palestine are not dead. They are holding on even through all this and we all owe it to them to do the same.

A Free Palestine will happen in our lifetimes. But it will be hard fought. So go out there and fight hard! The governments can’t hide from their own people forever. The companies can’t bleed cash forever. The people will win. So push until we do. Do not look away. Free Palestine


Y’all in the American SW and west Mexico better check the national hurricane center and your weather for this weekend and next week.

Hurricane Hilary is about to make landfall and that whole desert area is supposed to get a years worth of rain or more. Death Valley is supposed to get twice the annual rainfall. Severe winds, massive flooding, and landslides are all strong possibilities.

This is gonna get ugly. Please spread the word. This is a majorly anomalous event and people may be unaware of the threat headed their way.


Yes, Ao3 is down because of a cybersecurity attack.

Yes, the group is claiming to be Sudanese Muslims (Sudan Anonymous). No, this is not true.

This group has been identified as a Russian hacker group intent on sowing dissent between the world under the guise of “strengthening Middle East relations”. They targeted Ao3 because of its pro-LGBTQIA+ stories. Again, they are Russians sowing anger.

Do NOT be Islamophobic. Do NOT use this as an opportunity to whine about how you didn’t have time to finish reading a fic.

Ao3 is run by volunteers who are currently under siege by Russian hackers. Take this time to step back from the site, appreciate their work, write your own fics, or read a physical book.

If I see ANY Islamophobic rhetoric by any of my followers, I will pop your dumbass into my shit list and block you into the high heavens.


not to doompost or anything, but if you’re trans, arm yourself. if you’re the parent of a trans child, arm yourself. if you’re trans in south dakota and you have the ability to get out, do it now. they aren’t going to stop here and we need to prepare for when it gets worse.


Like the recently launched Trans Witches are Witches bundle, I too reject Hogwarts Legacy. It's a shame considering how much time and effort a lot of people put into making what would have been a really fun video game if not for its ties to the transphobic creator of the world it's based on: J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter. So, how about supporting well over several dozen independent LGBTQ+ creators instead?


that iconic lord of the rings drawing except make it call of duty

gaz has to be in the carrier because he’s the one who keeps falling out of helicopters 


Anything (König x Reader)

Summary: A lack of information from the chain of command results in König mistaking you for an enemy sniper. The altercation ends in your hospitalisation and when you've finally recovered, Price assigns the same man who destroyed you to teach you how to never let it happen again.

Requested by @sinnerburrito:

#68 Are you afraid of me?

A/N: I have no idea how we got here.

Category: Angst || Hurt/Comfort || Forced Proximity || Enemies to ?

Warnings: Graphic description of violence, graphic description of injury and graphic language.

“You’re a liability.”

The words rang like a church bell. You were never one for petty violence but in that moment, after he’d so calmly said the words, you thought that you just might kill him.

“A liability?” You hissed, glaring at your superior like he’d grown two heads. “I’m a sniper, Sir, not a fucking ninja.”

The captain simply shifted his weight lazily, unfazed by your temper. He’d dealt with it many times throughout the years but it hadn’t bothered him because you weren’t inherently his. You were somebody else’s spitfire, under another unit’s command; but now you were part of the 141 and you needed to learn.


Our Republic are petitioning the Scottish Parliament to end legal loopholes for the Monarchy.

The former Queen and new King’s lawyers can refuse to sign off on laws unless the Scottish Government exempts the Monarchy. Basically the King can hold back progress unless the Scottish Government writes into law that the monarchy doesn't actually have to follow it.

Sign here:

Even if you’re not in Scotland, you can still sign.



So let's talk about asexuality! This is an introduction trying to cover as much as possible in a little format, so its mostly surface level stuff. You're gonna have to dig on your own :P

For more information, I recommend checking out aceweek.org or acesandaros.org ! You can also read up on ace history through the Asexual Manifesto by Lisa Orlando !

Actual links and Image description coming in a reblog ;)





happy juneteenth im a black trans woman i need help gettin my phone bill paid for its 107$

v*nmo/c*shapp: smokeyquartz


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