
~Cotton-ball cloud~

@rukahaio / rukahaio.tumblr.com

Random Fandom-Posts, Cats, Sweets, Spam in general...sometimes own stuff...whatever I like to post? x'D


Today is day 11 of the Fragile Dreams 15th Anniversary project with @lunarhillfunland, and I'm presenting you all with today's theme: Ghosts/Spirits!

A strange man with his many, stranger guests...

Lets keep this train going! If you havent yet, please check out everyone's work over at @lunarhillfunland! theres plenty of excellent writings and drawings to be had~


This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years. 

If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life. 


Websites that help with content filtering and content warning

Can I Play That? - accessibility of video games

Does the dog die? - tracks different content of movies and shows, you can check if a particular one has content you don't want seeing

Trigger warning database - like doesthedogdie, but with books

Unconsenting media - for all media, checks with whether or not there's sexual violence in a certain piece of media


Does the Dog Die also includes books and video games


i saw some comments on tiktok where people were talking bout how they found tumblr too hard to use and part of it being that there was no lack of dates so “what if you reblog or like something from five years ago?!” 

buddy… we have posts circulating still from 2011, its literally just how it is

Being on tumblr for years like:


the difference between tumblr and twitter is that pretty much everyone on tumblr needs some kind of compassionate intervention in their lives, but at a low background level. Twitter has 99% normies succumbing to internet brainrot and 1% just the most outlandish personalities you’ve ever seen. 

your average tumblr personality is a shaking dog in a Sarah McLachlan appeal, with enough time and care they can be rehabilitated and placed in a loving home. your average big-time twitter account should be sent to a prison colony on the moon

how quickly we forget our past on this site…

Friend I was here for the bone stealing witch. Even as the sun and moon hid their eyes and averted their gaze I saw the witch walk without fear of the laws of God nor man and steal those bones and sell them on etsy. The amputated toe. The breast milk jewelry. A man who against any law of heaven desires to own another human as a pet reblogged my star wars discourse posts. You want to talk about racefaking cannibal mermaids?? Bah! How many kickstarter scams for cartoons that sounded unbearably twee have come and gone? How many stars risen and fallen? I remember when this site had a sizable userbase of meth enthusiast who just posted aesthic shots of their stash and rigs. Where are those crank aficionados now? Gone like so many others. And yet I remain! 

And when I tell you that twitter is worse than any of that you should heed my words!! 

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