
@mousepregnant / mousepregnant.tumblr.com

dms for mutuals only
about me

happy pride to all my aspecs and arospecs out there

happy pride to asexuals

happy pride to aromantics

happy pride to aplatonics

happy pride to aroaces

happy pride to alloaces

happy pride to alloaros

happy pride to het aces/aros

happy pride to demi romantics/sexuals

happy pride to grey romantics/sexuals

happy pride to ace/arospecs in platonic, romantic, and/or sexual relationships, or relationships that dont fit into any of those categories

happy pride to ace/arospecs who aren't in relationships and never want to be

happy pride to people who use microlables to describe their ace/arospec identity

we are all valid and we belong in this community no matter what anyone says. we deserve pride too.


joining a fandom discord server is so funny bc you either come out with some of the bestest friends you’ve ever made in your life OR the experience of bearing witness to some of the most insane and specific drama you could imagine

if the fandom is large enough you can speedrun both at once


new trend called 'heavenmaxxing' basically where you be really kind to others and help little old ladies cross the road & stuff


new trend called 'purgatorymaxxing' basically where you be NOTHING to others and help NOBODY cross NOWHERE & NOTHING MORE


new trend called ‘hellmaxxing’ where you RELEASE THOUSANDS OF DEADLY HORNETS INTO A NURSING HOME


i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate when a monster is loved and that love turns them human I HATE IT I HATE IT SO MUCH. tell that thing that goes bump in the night that you love the way its fangs glimmer in the moonlight and the way its horrible gnarled claws are so gentle with you or GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!

^ Yeah


kicked out of the girls only sleepover because i sang karkalicious during the fergie karaoke marathon

kicked out of the homestuck only sleepover because i sang fergalicious during the broadway karkat karaoke marathon

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