
Jack N F Ibblefool

@ineffablefool / ineffablefool.tumblr.com

This is a very Soft(TM) Good Omens sideblog! I also post asexual fat-positive mostly-Soft(TM) Aziraphale/Crowley fanfic on AO3 under the same name. 42, visibly fat, ace demiromantic transmasc enby (he/him). You can call me Jack. Hello!
Feedist or other k/i//nk blogs: please don't reblog my art or writing on a blog with that kind of content. I frequently use myself as a model for both those things, and I'd rather not be coterminous with the personal times material of a complete stranger. Thank you.
I follow from ineffablemainblog. I have an About page and a page that lists my tags, but they're kind of still circa 2021. Asks will be answered anonymously or privately if you request it in your message!

Okay! I've already used a "negativity" tag before, so let's keep that. Please block that and "discourse stuff" if you would like the maximum Soft(TM) experience! And I will always be the opposite of mad to be told that I missed tagging somewhere.

Posts about s2 will generally be tagged "Good Omens 2: Revenge Of Crowley's Plants", but just for my own purposes, not for warning about spoilers. Currently I am not spoiler-tagging anything!

Also Raoul and the Fennec Foxes is still my new band name.

(Old version of this post, because I have a thing about keeping old versions of stuff, moved behind a readmore on October 6 2023: )


people telling you they reread your fic is the biggest compliment you could ever receive. there are thousands of stories out there begging to be found, to be explored, but your story meant so much to someone that they came back to it eagerly, they went over every word again. to love is to return and loving a fic is rereading it. thank you to all readers and rereaders <3333


I have a very lovely little fern garden next to the house, in an area which was just scraggly weeds and mud when we moved in. I started out with a couple-three each of a bunch of species, but I'm pretty sure nothing is left now except a small stand of maidenhair and an ever-expanding series of ostriches. They do super well in that corner and their roots slurp up enough rain that the basement on that side now leaks about once every five years instead of every moderate rainstorm. I love my ferns a lot!

I guess this sleepy fox does too :D


Fun fact: I have been kicking around for like a year now the idea of a fic that's House On Haunted Hill (1959) except make it Good Omens. Couple different ways I can see going in terms of casting the Lorens and Lance and Nora, although I still have no idea who I'd pick to fill Trent's role.

(this is a public domain movie, so it's usually not hard to find streaming! There is a pretty good print on YouTube here, and it even has what looks like human-made captions rather than autogenerated ones. Spooky atmospheric fun; very little in the way of violence or blood; nothing that should give you nightmares, unless you really don't like repeated establishing shots of Frank Lloyd Wright architecture.)


Fun fact: I have been kicking around for like a year now the idea of a fic that's House On Haunted Hill (1959) except make it Good Omens. Couple different ways I can see going in terms of casting the Lorens and Lance and Nora, although I still have no idea who I'd pick to fill Trent's role.


I've been asked multiple times, which Vincent Price films *I* personally recommend. Well... all of the above... Also, Theater of Blood...(Gif wouldn't load)


one thing that really keeps me planting flowers is that some flowers in real life have really really over the top psychedelic BRIGHT colours that cannot be caught on camera and the only way to experience them is to just keep it alive somewhere you pass constantly. Im into really yellow yellows, cobalt blues, deep sharp cadburys purples, and a magenta that i suspect is my brain short circuiting because it's a fill in colour. There are some super reds with the same effect too, but im less into those.

My colour picks are gaudy because i usually get flowers JUST for the spacy effect of the unreal colour.


Would you be willing to share some of the names of these plants?


@chugthebones I like the surprising pop of cobalt blue from the really intense lithodoras. (I only recently got these, so i dont know if they'll survive yet, but ive been checking local gardens for typical established plants, and ive seen a few around growing freely)

I'm currently into getting petunias which probably sounds really old fashioned, but they have a really good range of colours and can get some fantastic intense velvet purples and super magenta. They are still in development for a good yellow i think (i bought what were supposed to be yellow, but it looks like the colour of used paint water. There is a yellow that looks like pastel lemon meringue) They also have some weird varieties, and a really good black, polkadot, stripes and contrast bleach tips. (Red and white, acid pink and green, maroon an yellow) There's a white with dark veins that looks like it should be called "the undead" there are just a ton of reds of all kinds and a massive range of pastels. I quite like the cinnamon, which changes colour as time passes, and the underlying magenta shines through. They flower like crazy through the season too.

For a really bright acid yellow and ease of care, there's pansies which also have their own wide colour range.

For intensity, i also like the ruby (magenta) and crystal palace (violet blue) lobelia.

Petunias and lobelia i buy back year by year as they dont survive, but pansies can over winter, but i start discarding when they get tatty.

Nasturtiums can get a intensely fluorescent orange going.



This is a peony from our yard. No filters. It is really just that punch-you-in-the-face magenta.

Wood poppies (Stylophorum diphyllum) my beloved!

(this image from Wikipedia does not do justice to how it turns practically highlighter-luminescent in sunlight)

They should probably not be planted anywhere they're not native, because even here in Wisconsin they can be aggressive (a huge swath of my backyard is now a 100%-volunteer poppy meadow instead of ugly old lawn and various invasives); but oh, are they yellow. They are probably my favorite flower (unless it's shooting stars, Dodecatheon meadia, which apparently can get very magenta, but so far I've only gotten my hands on paler specimens).

Cardinal Flower is a lobelia that is so red you'd think it belonged in a children's hospital, and Great Blue Lobelia is pretty much what it says on the tin. But they're biennials that you have to hope will reseed, and I've never had much luck with those.

(Check the local status of anything before you plant it outdoors! Beautiful flowers which are invasive where you live, and outcompete all the native flowers, leaving all your native pollinators to starve, are Not Worth It. Not all out-of-towners are invasive, though, so there's still lots of options!)


Housemate and I have been slowly trying to turn our entire property into a native garden for over a decade now (just the backyard at first, but now that the city allows it in the front ~1/3 of the front, we've started converting the whole front over too). We both hate standard suburban lawn, and we want to encourage native species of birds and bugs and things to flourish on our little .3 acre patch.

I think it's working.


Congrats! Do not feel bad about milkweed not growing, I have been working on my yard for a decade and I planted SO MANY milkweed plants that absolutely failed to grow. Multiple species, even. The one common milkweed that finally turned up was a volunteer that has decided to grow just outside the stone border. 😡 I think it was the one survivor after I buried an entire seed pod there several years before.

I think milkweed just likes being difficult.

Yeah, my assumption is that milkweed definitely likes being difficult.

Hey there are a lot of species of milkweed and they all have an ecological niche so you might have more luck with a different species. Almost all of them do best by starting from seed in the ground rather than transplant. I don’t know where you live but check out this map: (green and yellow mean native to the county) https://bonap.net/Napa/TaxonMaps/Genus/State/Asclepias And go from there!

Oh, yeah, I know there are a lot! Thus far we've tried Sullivant's, common (via seed), red/swamp, purple, whorled, butterfly weed, and a special variant butterfly weed that was found chilling on a clay prairie. Nothing takes. What I didn't know until I checked out the BONAP site, though, is that there's a Wisconsin-native variety of milkweed that specifically likes moist, shady forest edges, which describes about 70% of the backyard. So now I have some poke milkweed seeds! I will be planting them in the fall. Thank you for the tip!

Yes! I was going tonsuggest the same thing! Tropical milkweed does best in hot climates with little rain but if you have more shaded areas than full sun and more rain that say, California, than you'll need a different variety! Milkweed is amazing and the monarchs go nuts. Good luck!!!

Tropical milkweed would definitely not do well here. Apparently there's also some indication that it might mess up monarchs if planted outside its native range? Which, I mean, yet another reason to do native gardening, if "it's practically zero maintenance once it really gets going" doesn't already seal the deal.

#Op if you have any suggestions for an easy-care plant to replace the grass of my front lawn and still be able to be walked on #I am all ears #Please. I've been trying for years #Everything I've found so far either gets too tall or will die if trampled or just flat-out won't grow #Plants

I got nothing, unfortunately -- all our walking areas are either smothered in mulch, or are grimly-surviving patches of whatever grass was here when we moved in. For years now we've idly discussed putting in a low/no-mow lawn of Pennsylvania Sedge but never actually have. Local-ish plant nurseries might carry ground covers or lawn seed mixes that would work?


Desktop logged me out of Tumblr, and apparently the password I had securely stored elsewhere is wrong, and the Reset Password email is taking its sweet time showing up which makes me wonder if it did send after all but to someone else's email address, so. Probably nothing is actually wrong with my account? but if it is, or if you just don't want to talk on the tumblies, then I am also ineffablefool on discord, and AO3 for that matter.

Now to request the reset password email again, since they say to allow up to 10 minutes and it's been 20...

EDIT so by "up to 10 minutes" they meant "up to an hour and a half" NOTED FOR NEXT TIME anyway i'm back time to post about milkweed


i just watched the omen (1976) and while i really enjoyed it, i couldn’t stop myself from laughing at JUST how much neil and terry stole from it when writing good omens 😭😭


When we wrote the book the film The Omen was popular currency, much like Jaws or Star Wars, and people knew we were (among other things) parodying it. These days people have forgotten. It’s as if Spaceballs had gone on to have a longer media life than Star Wars.

...which is hilarious to me personally, because I grew up with a taped-off-the-TV copy of Spaceballs first, and never actually saw a Star Wars movie until years later. That funky little green guy in the swamp still feels a tiny bit like a knock-off of Yogurt The Wise, The All-Powerful, The Magnificent, to me.

I'm not sure I've ever seen The Omen, but now I'm wondering if it would feel like a knock-off of Good Omens.


Greetings and salutations, Good Omens fans! We have excellent news about the Ace Omens Zine - our shop is open now! Click here to purchase the second edition of our zine, which includes all new asexuality-themed fanfic and art, and merch! As with our previous edition, this is a charity zine. All proceeds will go to the charity our contributors chose: Palestine Children's Relief Fund. We are so excited to share this zine with you! Shop open from May 15, 2024 to June 15, 2024.

You can find the shop here: https://aceomens.bigcartel.com/

I'm in this, and so are a bunch of nifty people!

My story is something that I wrote like a hundred words of back in 2022, literally shoved in a drawer (top drawer of my bedside IKEA Alex), then realized would fit perfectly with this zine. I think I ended up keeping about two-thirds of that original seed text? Also there are about 1400 additional words. If the versions of Aziraphale and Crowley who live in your heart are aroace, then you perhaps might enjoy the words.

Also, if you missed volume 1 back in 2021, you can pick up a digital copy for 5 USAian dollars! I already posted my submission to AO3 ages ago now, you can read it any time you want for free, but there's so much good stuff in there that has nothing to do with me.


The haunting ancient Celtic carnyx being played for an audience. This is the sound Roman soldiers would have heard their Celtic enemies make.


Man if I heard that shit while descending upon a strange land with my brethren I'd straight up dig a hole to die in right the and there, fuck the emperor fuck the gods that's a warning straight from the bones of an older evil and whatever is coming is worse than death

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