
"Briefcase Buddies!"


Where shippers of Sam I Am and Guy Am I come to be inspired! Please feel free to submit suggestions and please @/credit me if you use anything of mine :) Also come on by my main, chelseyelricjr, if you like!

Give me fictional romances that are star-crossed!

Doesn’t a romance being forbidden make it more enticing?

Doesn’t a romance being forbidden make the yearning sweeter?

Isn’t a romance where the characters think they have to hide their love more romantic?

Don’t the barriers of a relationship make it so much more satisfying when the characters finally manage to surpass the barriers between them and connect?

The heart always wants what you say it can’t have. And the heart will not be denied.


“There seemed to be something tragic in a friendship so coloured by romance.”

-Oscar Wilde


Dust kitties :)

[ID: fist image: a digital drawing of a black furr ball with tiny trangular legs, triangle kitty ears, one cat eye in the middle of it’s face and a small tail.

second image: the same creature as described before drawn with pencil, there are five of them, in the upper left corner it is yawning, showing off the sharp cat teeth it has, in the upper right corner it is looking up, looking interested, in the middle it has a “smiling” eye, lower left corner it’s playing with a yarn ball, pupil dilated, lower right corner it is sleeping, curled up, eye closed. end of ID]


“Are you really asking questions right now? I have a gun pointed at you!”

“Dude, you think you’re the first person to point a gun at me?”


i'm sorry i wiggled your skinny boyfriend like a sheet of metal. weeop womp weeoop womp weeeoop womp


men just don't get into a big cloud of dust and start punching and kicking each other with only their arms and legs briefly visible like they used to

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