
This Is Tony Stank



When I first started reading tarot I had all these reservations and newbie mistakes that I sometimes made for YEARS. Don’t be like me, learn how to read tarot, be confident and understand that the good comes with the bad. And you’ll be an expert tarot reader in no time. 

Tarot is a tool for YOUR intuition - I don’t know why, but this really didn’t resonate with me right away. I would second guess, re-read, and not use my intuition when interpreting  the cards. In the end that cause some really inaccurate readings then if I would have just used tarot as a tool to grow my own intuition and spiritual feeling. 

Don’t stress read - I know I know we all do it. Madly shuffle the cards then start pulling whenever things start to go array. Let me be the first to tell you that is not an accurate reading. That is just you stressing out pulling cards in a fury that will only lead to more stress. 

Take time to meditate and clear your mind beforehand - Don’t come into a reading with a cloudy head. If you really want to get a good read, spend a few minutes clearing your mind before you shuffle your deck. 

There are no bad readings - I repeat, there are no bad readings. Even horrible tower falling outcomes are just the start to something new and better. If you do get an outcome from a tarot spread that is less than favorable breath and take it one day at a time. 

There are also no bad tarot cards - Just like there are no bad readings, there are no bad cards. Endings are just beginnings in reverse. So even if your BFF is stabbing you in the back with the 5 of Swords, don’t worry it’s just your spirits getting rid of them for you. 

Get to know your decks beforehand - Each deck sometimes has a little personality. Spend some time with them, know them, see how they read for you before you jump in with all the important stuff. 

Meditate with cards you feel drawn towards - Do you really vibe with the High Priestess? Or maybe it’s The Hermit for you. These cards could be your archetype. Pull them out, meditate, feel their answers and seek guidance from them. 

Take breaks from reading - I am a huge advocate from taking a break from tarot. Sometimes you need to change it up, put it down or just step away for a few days or a year. Whatever it is take time away if and whenever you feel the need to. 

Use tarot as a tool for manifesting - Ask questions, lots and lots of questions about different outcomes. If you don’t like the outcome, change your question or change your mind and ask again. Once you get the desired results stick to it. 

Don’t read for free, but practice - I see so many new tarot readers reading for free online. Don’t do it! Your time is precious and if someone wants a free reading, they can lean it themselves. 

Don’t skip knowing your shadow self in a reading - One of the best things you can do is learn exactly who you are, and you can’t do that without knowing all the parts of yourself you’ve rejected. Use the tarot to get to know yourself in the shadows too. 

The cards never lie - Never. Ever. 

Reshuffling won’t bypass a reading you didn’t like - Don’t get yourself trapped into ‘clarity’ cards. That’s shuffling and asking the same question again and again for clarity, or until you get the answer to the question you want. Sure ask for clarity ONCE when you don’t really understand, but don’t ask again and again just to see what you want. 

Don’t wait to start tarot - If you feel called to read tarot, start now! You don’t have to wait for someone to gift you a deck (who started that bad rumor anyway?!) 

Confidence is key - This also took me a long time to ‘get’. Read with confidence. You are a badass witch. You have stepped outside to do so much spiritual growth, why would your card reading reflect any different? 

Your tarot reading is not the end all be all - Tarot is subjective, not prophecy. So change your mind and change your future. Nothing is set in stone. 


Emergency cleaning: Unfuck your whole house in the shortest time possible

So, your landlord/parents/home inspector/favorite movie star is dropping by, and your place is a disaster. You don’t have much time to clean it up. You’re in emergency mode. Let’s get started.

  • Don’t panic. Panic leads to fear, fear leads to procrastination, procrastination leads to the dark side. You can do this, but you have to stay calm.
  • Unlike maintenance cleaning, we’re not looking to completely unfuck one space at a time. Instead, we want to decrease the overall mess in stages, spread evenly across the whole area that we’re concerned about. If you think your home is at Level 10 filth, we want to bring the whole thing down to a Level 9, and then down from there. One really clean spot in an otherwise messy home is not going to be helpful here.
  • Get prepared. You’ll want to shut the computer down (or turn the modem off if you need your computer to play music). Trust me. Get your music going. Gather up trash bags, your vacuum and mop, some rags or paper towel, sponges, and other cleaning supplies. Use what you have on hand. Don’t get distracted running to the store and spending an hour browsing cleaning supplies. A multi-purpose cleaning concentrate or a jug of vinegar will be just fine.
  • Breaks are very important. Depending on your time constraints, work in 20/10s (20 minutes working, 10-minute break) or 45/15s. But take breaks because otherwise you’re marathoning, and marathon cleaning is no one’s friend. Keep hydrated, don’t forget to eat, and check in with yourself frequently to make sure you’re physically doing OK.
  • Make your bed. This will be your home base if you get overwhelmed or need somewhere clear to take a break.
  • Start with the garbage. Going from room to room, throw out anything that is obvious trash. Once you fill a bag, take it out. Repeat as many times as necessary.
  • Move on to dishes. Gather the dishes from all over your house and bring them to the kitchen. If you can, start them soaking in a sink of hot, soapy water or start loading the dishwasher. After the dishes are all in one place, spend one 20/10 getting started getting them under control.
  • Now it’s time for your flat surfaces. Countertops, tables, dresser tops, etc. Clear them off and wipe them down. Don’t get distracted in too much sorting and organizing. We’re in crisis mode here. There will be time to get in-depth once this is all done. The same applies to cabinets and closets. Unless you have reason to believe people will be opening closed doors, leave these alone for now.
  • Attack the floordrobe and shoe pile. Get your clothes either put away or in the hamper. Start a load of laundry if you need to, but keep in mind that laundry and dishes have three steps: wash, dry, and put it away, goddammit!
  • Get random stuff up off the floors. If something is trash-worthy, throw it away now rather than just move it around a bunch of times. Otherwise, put stuff where it belongs.
  • Take another 20/10 or 45/15 to catch up on more dishes, if needed.
  • Head into the bathroom. Pour some cleaner in the toilet bowl, fill the sink with hot water and cleaner, and either spray the tub and shower with cleaner, or fill the tub up with some hot water and add cleaner and let it soak. Put everything away that’s out and shouldn’t be, clean the mirror, counters, and toilet seat. Sweep or dry mop the floor. Wipe down the sink and tub/shower, and give the toilet bowl a scrub. Mop the floor.
  • Sweep and mop the kitchen floor.
  • Vacuum everything you can, and sweep everything you can’t.
  • Walk outside of your house (don’t lock yourself out, please). Walk back in and see what catches your eye first. Go and deal with that.
  • If you’re being inspected or your landlord is coming in for repairs, spend time on whatever area they’ll be focusing on.
  • Give the whole place one more once-over and pay attention to anything you’ve missed so far.
  • It’s an old trick, but if your place is a little funky-smelling, put a pan of water on the stove on low heat and add some citrus or cinnamon or vanilla. Don’t leave it unattended or forget about it.
  • Take a shower, put on something clean, and eat something.

You can do this. It’s overwhelming, yes, but it is not impossible. You just need to do it. You have a list. You have directions. You have a whole bunch of Internet strangers who have been there before and who are cheering you on. You can do this, but you need to get started.

Why are you still here? GO. START. NOW.


the number of times in my past that I desperately wanted/needed someone to sit me down and tell me this stuff. I will never get back the hours and hours lost to headless-chicken mode, but it’s nice to know that in the last year I’ve learned so many coping mechanisms :D


Reading candle flames and soot!

tall/strong flame: lots of energy; barriers coming down; quick, happy results are likely. small/steady flame: less energy (still good!); positive results likely/may be delayed. stay focused on your goals! small/weak flame: flickering and bending is generally a sign something is not working; timing may be off; asking for something unfavorable; if flame falters and dies, it's a sign your spell won't be granted at this time. high/dancing flame: possible chaotic energy; successful spell, possibly with some complications/other wills may be working against you. rapidly flickering: dims and brightens; spirits are present; usually indicates success and that your message was heard. blue flame: a sign of spiritual presence; higher spiritual beings have taken an interest in your spell; power added to the spell. popping and stuttering: noisy candles indicate that outside forces are present; communication w/spirits; can mean interference or sending a message to you/increase concentration on the spell. flame suddenly goes out: spell has been extinguished by outside forces; usually means spell did not work; sit and rethink/meditate longer. candle won't light: possible wick issue or this spell won't work for your purposes; the outcome is outside your control; try again after reconsidering your intention and cleansing/smudging your space. -- black pieces in wax: (unintentional) black debris signifies unintended consequences; more spell work may be required; karmic baggage/guilt. Try some cleaning up. black soot on glass: signals negative energy/interference. black soot on top of the jar only: negative opposition has likely been overcome. black soot entire/majority of jar: spell unsuccessful; may need to cleanse and repeat work another time. white soot on glass: rare, represents spiritual communication and assistance. candle forms tunnel/crater in middle: incomplete candle burns w/lots of leftover wax isn't a good sign; will/focus too weak; ineffective energy to complete the task; spell blocked. candle explodes/container breaks/cracks: dramatic endings in candle magick are a sign your spell has been stopped by a higher power and you shouldn't be doing that spell work; reconsider intention/spell.
wax left in the container: lots of wax left on the bottom or sides of the candle container can indicate blockages to the success of your spell; might need to cleanse space and try again.

Giveaway Contest: We’re giving away 12 vintage paperback classics featuring Carson McCullers, John Steinbeck, Albert Camus, Kate Chopin, Jack Kerouac, and others! Won’t this collection look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these classics, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will choose a random winner on October 25, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, we’ll ship to any country. Easy, right? Good luck! Follow macrolit.books to qualify for our IG giveaway. 📚


a lesson on nonbinary individuals and why we feel the way we do about numerous basic things, such as the mere fact of our existence and our pronouns.

This is such an important message and such a good way of communicating it. Thankyou for this.


Please, reblog! IIt’s called self defense. Apart from having here, in the US, one of the highest cases of homicide and rape in the world and high rate of GBV, think about how this could help your mother or sister


It’s a shame I have to reblog, but please do the same




0. THE FOOL | blank slate, beginning, innocence ®* | reckless, negligence, unaware of consequences 1. THE MAGICIAN | willpower, manifestation of desires ® | trickery, illusions, lies, out of touch w/ truth 2. THE HIGH PRIESTESS | intuition, inner voice ® | repressed/unheard inner voice 3. THE EMPRESS | mother figure, nurture, earth/nature ® | smothering, dependence, needing to let go 4. THE EMPEROR | authority, structure, control, father figure ® | tyranny, too much control 5. THE HIEROPHANT | tradition, conformity, morality ® | rebellion, subversiveness, divergence 6. THE LOVERS | union, duality, choice, harmony ® | disharmony, loss of balance 7. THE CHARIOT | self-control & willpower leading to victory ® | loss of control, lack of direction 8. STRENGTH | bravery, inner understanding that radiates power ® | self-doubt, insecurity, weakness 9. THE HERMIT | solitude, contemplation, seeking inner truth ® | loneliness, isolation, disconnect w/ fellow humans 10. WHEEL OF FORTUNE | change, cycles, inevitability ® | bad luck, helplessness, series of bad events 11. JUSTICE | cause & effect, karmic retribution ® | unpunished misbehavior, unfair, turning a blind eye 12. THE HANGED MAN | willing sacrifice, release of control ® | stalling, needless sacrifice, waiting to no avail 13. DEATH | end, cyclical closure, metamorphosis ® | fear of change, stagnation, limbo, holding on 14. TEMPERANCE | moderation, balance, middle path ® | extremes, excess, lack of balance 15. THE DEVIL | materialism, destructive patterns, excess ® | freedom, release, restoring control 16. THE TOWER | sudden disaster, upheaval, collapse ® | delaying inevitable disaster, avoiding suffering that could lead to growth 17. THE STAR | hope, faith, guidance ® | faithlessness, lack of guidance, negative thoughts 18. THE MOON | unconscious, intuition, illusions, dreams ® | confusion, misinterpretation 19. THE SUN | success, clarity, positivity, conscious ® | negativity, depression, sadness, pessimism 20. JUDGEMENT | reckoning, honest evaluation of oneself ® | lack of self-awareness, self-loathing 21. THE WORLD | completion, wholeness, fulfillment ® | incompletion, no closure, nearing end of journey but something is missing

*® = reverse card meaning*® = reverse card meaning


‘eat the frog' method

Hi all, it’s werelivingarts. I just stumbled across this method called ‘eat the frog’, which means you get the most difficult or important task out of your way first. I actually have been using this method for a long time, hope this post gives you a new way of managing your time and productivity! 😜 ❤️

“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” – Mark Twain 

heart warming potato soup

- 🌿🍲🐌🍄✨

this soup.. is a cure all. break up? bad day? lazy day? rainy day? stormy day? repressed all your feelings for too long and now they’re coming to the surface far too rapidly to get a grasp on and this was all you could manage to pour yourself into as some form of healing spellwork.. day? try this soup! aha

originally when i made this i was slugging around the kitchen throwing sh*t in the pot but i think i retained enough to slap a recipe together so here goes!

[ potato soup ]

• 2 medium yukon golds (or 3 small)

• salt

• thyme

• pepper

• 1/4 sm onion

• 2-3 cloves of garlic

• butter

• flour

• 1 tbs sour cream

• handful of sharp cheddar

[ steps ]

cube up and boil your potatoes in some salted water, throw some thyme and pepper in the water too, do the toothpick/fork thing and when it’s time to strain save maybe a cup of the liquid for later, throw the potatoes back into the pot a sec to sautee up with your onion and garlic and some butter for a sec, just enough to infuse the flavour

chuck it into a food processor or blender to get it smooth with about 2 tbs of butter or substitute and however much of that reserved liquid it takes to get it just smooth enough to blend nice

now! get your butter and flour and make a little roux real quick, just adds a nice texture and flavour density to the soup but you could omit, from here stir in your potato sludge and more liquid as needed to reach your desired consistency

add a little more salt pepper and thyme, maybe some more garlic powder if it needs it, stir in a handful or so of sharp cheddar and about a tbs of sour cream; ofc you can omit or sub both of these if you’re vegan/lactose, let the soup simmer and serve up with a sprinkle of thyme and/or fresh cracked pepper :)


Giveaway Contest: We’re giving away fifteen paperback classics featuring F. Scott Fitzgerald, Edith Wharton, Agatha Christie, J.D. Salinger, Daphne du Maurier, Friedrich Nietzsche, and others! Won’t this collection look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these classics, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will choose a random winner on July 12, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, we’ll ship to any country. Easy, right? Good luck! Follow macrolit.books to qualify for our IG giveaway. 📚


Just found this Where’s Wally inspired Where’s Harry that I drew about 2 years ago and never finished. There’s still loooooots going on here and pretty much every character so thought I might as well share it. To properly see the details click this link for a bigger pic and zoom in enjoy!!

“I am creative and motivated”

Like to charge this sigil, reblog to activate and get that creative energy flowing!

I used the elder futhark to create this sigil because I like the angular shapes of the runic alphabet. I also included the element symbol for air, which I associate with creativity and inspiration.

Please don’t remove my caption or url, I worked very hard on this and deserve full credit for my art!


I made a difference in the world!



I’ve seen a bunch of people in the notes concerned (like I was) of comparisons of members of the lgbt to dogs: but upon visiting their website I was reassured that they monitor a variety of content, including (but not limited to):



Yeah, this site is literally so people can check for content they don’t want to see…or in some cases content that would make them physically or mentally ill. (I have strobe issues myself…)

It’s highly useful for a lot of people.

I had no idea they warned for strobe effects, that’s awesome! They give me headaches and nausea.


Y’all r wildin OUT


ii but he sexy as fuck tho he could be my gangster penguin ill be his bird 





guys ive seen this before and it makes me so happy you all need to see it too


imagined King Julian dancing and had to reblog 😍

That is the most accurate human king Julian I’ve EVER seen, I love all of these!


Where are the other penguin humansonas?

Here is the other two penguins for those asking. But like srsly this dude has A SHITTON of cool art. He is called “Crazy Tom”

Private looks like Dan Howell


That last comment made me snort out loud omg


Had to reblog again for Melman

Edit ps - found the artist in someone else’s reblog so I’ll add the name to these

Also the Instagram page has reposted his work

@crazytom666 is the artist.

the kING J U L I A N


Giveaway Contest: We’re giving away fifteen paperback classics featuring F. Scott Fitzgerald, Edith Wharton, Agatha Christie, J.D. Salinger, Daphne du Maurier, Friedrich Nietzsche, and others! Won’t this collection look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these classics, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will choose a random winner on July 12, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, we’ll ship to any country. Easy, right? Good luck! Follow macrolit.books to qualify for our ig giveway. 📚

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