
JSE Wolf

@arlinabloodgrave20 / arlinabloodgrave20.tumblr.com

Hello there! The name's Arlina Bloodgrave! I'm an aspiring voice actor, singer, and YouTuber. I stream sometimes with friends on either Twitch or YouTube. I am a big fan of Devil May Cry and YouTubers Markiplier and Jacksepticeye!

Protesting is a FELONY in Tennessee now…Facism at it’s finest (x)

I’m sorry, but people need to know this. This is LITERALLY the most blatant telltale sign of totalitarianism and this needs to be spread like wildfire. DO NOT LOOK AWAY.

Here’s an actual link, since the one above seems to just go to Reddit:

It’s important to point out that protesting generally hasn’t been made a felony, but rather the camping that the protestors are doing (and the legislation also includes other things to discourage protesting).

This is still really bad though, because the right to peaceful protest is protected in the Constitution, and even if protesting isn’t outlawed outright the government is still criminalizing an act of peaceful protest just because it’s a protest.


According to tn.gov felons in Tennessee lose their right to vote. This is called Felony Disenfranchisement

So this means that the Tennessee government just passed legislation that would render the protestors unable to vote.

I’m sorry lemme repeat that again

the Tennessee government just passed legislation thar would render the protestors unable to vote


What the actual… @arlinabloodgrave20 you know about this!?!?

I knew they were gonna make not wearing a mask attempted murder but I think I had heard about this from my boyfriend


To any of the accounts out there using what’s going on in the world as an excuse to further amplify your petty hate agenda against me and this community, you should absolutely fucking ashamed of yourselves. How dare you use the suffering of people to further your own petty, childish and gossip filled garbage.

  Use that tenacity and passion you have to do something good with your time, especially now, instead of constantly bickering over false information every day.Be part of something better.  I normally don’t interact with this stuff because it’s incredibly childish and most of what people say is flat out wrong anyway but there are SO many more important things to discuss right now. Get involved and make the world a better place. 


Here’s a couple of things about me that people should know:

  1. I am no Homophobic. Never once have I ever said anything that would threaten an LGBTQ+ person or the community as a whole.
  2. If I see something that I don’t like what’s going on, I’m gonna call it out. I would do the same to a straight person if I saw that they were doing shit that I didn’t like

If you don’t like that or wanna take what I say out of context, then block me. That’s all ya gotta do. Now goodbye and may the light of Lathander shine upon you!


Some of y’all take Pride Month way too seriously! Yes the LGBTQ+ has been through some tough shit! I have a cousin that was disowned in the 70s for being gay. Yes, I’m straight and I probably don’t know everyone’s story and how some people are afraid of the outcome of coming out of the closet but over simple mistakes, y’all just go nuts! Not just on straight people but your own community members and supporters! Seriously, chill! It honestly pisses me off to see the toxic LGBTQ+ members of the community and I know there are good ones in your community.

Tensions are high right now because of Black Lives Matter and COVID-19, but please just relax and chill. Put on a book to read. Go for a jog. Do yoga! Something for the love of Lathander! Don’t attack people!


If there’s one thing I wanna say, it’s that the world is full of people that either seriously need a new hobby or to just pike off and go kiss a vampire while in shark infested waters


So that’s the only way you’ll fix your mistake???Not actually based on regret??? Just wanting to be rid of me? Oh dear, seems like me being here is a good idea then. wouldn’t want to make is easy for you


Wow! Trying to control the blog by manipulation? That’s a low blow! I’m sorry that your self esteem is so low because your parents didn’t raise you better and pay attention to you that you wanna start some shit over a simple mistake and make a hissy for over it. Lathander help this poor soul!


Alright C or whoever the fuck you are, leave TGS alone and pike off! If ya wanna hack something, go hack the Cheeto Puff that’s in the White House


No. Because I’m not attacking TGS. I’m doing the right thing. If i really wanted to fuck shit up I’d delete everything on this fucking blog and wipe it clean. But I’m not. I made a fucking proper pride post. This has NOTHING to do with TGS. it’s to do with pride and properly showing support



Look Jarasshole! You’re not Anonymous! Hacking a blog is not gonna make people feel Pride! You’ve been harassing this blog by hacking it and trying to bring up the past. Maybe Zerrek deleted your post was because you would use it to beat the dead horse. Zerrek and the whole TGS is sick of your shit! Now leave or I can use connections to find you and arrest you for harassing people

Anonymous asked:

Vampire Damien??? Vampire Damien!!!!!

Yes? Yes!! owo)b I whole-heartedly agree!! 


(oop almost forgot to tag @boopymooplier ;w;)/ )

Words: 3200

Pairings: Damien x Reader (Y/N the DA)

Warnings: Blood, Blood drinking, Descriptions of death, Cursing, Vampires, Actor being a binch, my writing if it can be called that, sadness, my uwu’s


“Wake up, Damien.”

His eyes struggled open, unfocused, searching for the source of the voice. A playful hum came from above him and he strained to tilt his head to see a blurred smile leaning far too close to him.

“Ah there you are my friend, I was beginning to worry you wouldn’t come back.” Damien could only blink and try to clear his vision further…but just by the voice he began to realize…


So apparently I’ve been hearing from the ravens on the wind that people in the Jacksepticeye community on Tumblr have been claiming that Jack is basically a piece of shit that needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. Wow! Are people that serious for clout that you’re trying to belittle Seán for a game that he didn’t know was homophobic and despite him taking the video down and apologizing that he made it without knowing about the developers and their homophobic comments?! Did he make a mistake by playing the game? Maybe. Does that mean that he’s inherently bad now because of that game? Fuck no!

Y’all are trippin and here’s an idea. Don’t like him anymore, then GTFO! Go whine about it to Monica Rial and maybe she’ll make up a false accusation about Seán like she did with Vic Mignogna! Y’all are putting him on too high of a pedestal so much that you forget HE’S A HUMAN BEING LIKE THE REST OF US!

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