


Ann/AC, she/her, writer. AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/foureyedwriter, mostly Daiya no Ace, Grishaverse and AoT (SnK).
All We Ever Knew
[Read in AO3] || [Twitter reprint]

(Read from right to left)

Happy kuramiyu day! This is my @daiya-no-bang submission alongside @kvramochiis/TripsH on AO3.

We’re super excited to finally share our work with you all after months of work!

Heidi and I put a great effort on this story and art so we hope you guys enjoy it as much as we did during this time :,D

Don’t forget to check out her fic on AO3! <3


let it never be doubted that Michiru has two wives and they're both whipped

Miyuki Pairings Challenge - Week 3
Prompt: The dead of the night.
Pairing: Miyuki & 2 (his mom)

Sorry for the rushed and crappy sketchy work, life is keeping me busy. Anyway, since the day I watched the episode about Miyuki’s past and I had been thinking about this headcanon where Miyuki sends texts to his mother’s number. But of course her number is out of service for years, even before Miyuki gets a cell phone, and so, his texts never get through. He knows that they won’t reach her, but he still texts her every now and then to tell her the things that he can’t say out loud.



Here are some ideas for the 5+1 trope! (I’ve included prompts for 2 characters and prompts for 1 character)

2 characters:

  • 5 times Person A was Person B’s hero + 1 time Person A needed saving
  • 5 times Person A pranked Person B + 1 time Person B got revenge
  • 5 times Person A wanted to tell Person B they love them + the 1 time they finally did
  • 5 times Person A cheered Person B up + 1 time they couldn’t
  • 5 times Person A embarrassed themselves + 1 time Person B did it for them
  • 5 times Person A thought Person B had a crush on them + 1 time they knew
  • 5 ideas Person A and Person B had for matching tattoos + the 1 they ended up getting
  • 5 times Person A called Person B beautiful + 1 time Person B called Person A beautiful
  • 5 places Person A and Person B have kissed + 1 where they did more than that
  • 5 times Person A saw Person B cry + 1 time they saw Person B laugh

1 character:

  • 5 times Person A thought the world was ending + 1 time it actually was
  • 5 times Person A pretended to be fine + 1 time they didn’t
  • 5 times Person A was afraid + 1 time they faced their fear
  • 5 times Person A almost lost their cool + 1 time they did
  • 5 times Person A knew exactly what to say + 1 time they didn’t
  • 5 times Person A felt alone + 1 time they knew they weren’t
  • 5 decisions Person A regrets making + 1 they don’t
  • 5 secrets Person A will never tell + 1 they couldn’t keep
  • 5 times Person A almost gave up + 1 time they did
  • 5 people Person A thought they were in love with + 1 person they actually were


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