
Ornamental Hermit

@hermitized / hermitized.tumblr.com

Sarah, she/her, thirty. this is an aesthetic blog, except when it's not.

this is gonna sound stupid but i’m amazed at baby capybaras bc they really truly are baby capybaras. there r so many animals you guys. so many where the babies look like tiny primordial creatures compared to the mature ones but baby capybaras r just little capybaras. they just start out like that. you know what i mean

[Image ID: An adult capybara standing beside and looking down at a baby capybara sitting on the floor. They are in a room filled with hay.]


The weather's getting warmer, so here's my seasonal reminder for other folks who have issues staying hydrated (autistics, people on certain meds, people who hate water, whatever):

Jello is, in fact, mostly water. So are a lot of fruits, like melon, cucumber, and berries. Ice chips are also water. If you find it hard to drink enough day to day, try eating your water instead. Every little bit helps!


I had my first oops-overheating of the year today, time to get out the ice vest and make sure I take fluids with me every *single* time I go out there. Thanks for the reminder! Be safe out there folks.


How To Tell Your Cat That You Could Walk To His Food Faster If He Weren't Weaving Under Your Fucking Feet In A Beautiful And Intricate Idiot's Ballet


how to tell human,,, "ilove you",,,


(girl with adhd voice) yeah i just love in fiction when a character has a superpower thats also a disability. like a power that changes how they interact with the world in exciting ways but also has terrible drawbacks to their daily life. no real reason why

(girl with autism voice) yeah me too weird innit


Mom sent me a facebook link to a PBS news hour post about how the anti-lawn movement is growing. The vast majority of the comments on it were stuff like this:

Most people are on our side here, even the so-called "boomers." We just have to be spreading ecological knowledge and practical means of creating useful habitat in back yards! Educate! Protect! Resist!


“Surge in antisemitism”

I have worn my magen david and not had a single comment, from anyone— not Muslims, Christians, people wearing kufiyahs. I’ve been to protests and demonstrations, and never been more welcomed or felt so safe. Palestinians have hugged me, have shared food with me. Leftists have constantly held space to listen and to learn, to make room for changes and growth.

But you know what I have experienced? Jewish Zionists screaming at me, calling me shameful, Jewish Zionists on the internet debating the legitimacy of my Jewishness. I’ve been called kapo, k*ke and told I’d be r*ped by Hamas. I’ve had the most vitriol from ZIONISTS. I’ve faced the most antisemitism from Zionist Jews, and that makes me so inconceivably sad. I’ve been looked down upon and cursed at.

Zionism is not Judaism. Never will be.

& like, even if there have conceivably been extra incidents of actual antisemitism, we can not know because all the institutions who have made it their job to monitor antisemitism absolutely refuse to provide reliable, transparent statistics on real antisemitism and instead insist on counting every pro-Palestinian thing as antisemitic. The monitoring ability that we had of these things has been destroyed by Zionists.

Passover just ended (and I skipped it this year because the hypocrisy was too upsetting). Passover is the story of people escaping oppression. It is a very black and white, good vs. evil story the way it is presented today.

Despite that, we take a break from the festivities to acknowledge that the oppressors also suffered and died, because any death is a loss.

What Israel is doing right now is contrary to the most basic ideals of Judaism. Justice. Love. Compassion. Knowledge.

Antisemitism is a real problem and a real danger. Claiming that all Jews support this genocide is explicitly antisemitic. Railing against those of us who speak out because we know this is wrong is antisemitic.

None of you are Jews and you’re at the top of the chopping block. 😘

Really need you to understand that this is vehemently antisemitic. You are being antisemitic and it’s abhorrent. Robbing Jews of their identity because you don’t agree with them, is antisemitism.

Lol. You’re no Jew.

Imagine all of our people who have died through out history for the crime of being Jewish. Imagine them hearing you sit here and tell Jews they are not Jewish simply for standing against violence, against ethnic cleansing and hatred. For not conforming to an ideological framework that stemmed from Europeans wanting us out of Europe. It is shameful that you cannot see how damaging your attitude is— how you assign a violent ideology to the Jewish identity and cast away anybody who refuses it. That is how hate grows and festers. You are allowing hate.

Unfortunately for you, I will always be Jewish. Even as I say FUCK ISRAEL and LONG LIVE PALESTINE.

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