
an. bean


ex Hamilton blog, now stream of consciousness

are u ever sick w longing. and i don't just mean romantic longing. i mean longing for a place you barely get to see, longing for friends you no longer have, longing for feelings you might have left behind in your childhood, longing for creativity, longing for a rich and more expansive life, longing for less inhibition. longing for more passion. longing for ur life to be so incandescent w something it thaws all the frost in ur bones. are u ever so consumed w it it rends ur heart in two. do u understand me

this is not just "look out the window and sigh" longing. i'm talking you're at the grocery store and you're suddenly hit w a wave of grief bc you don't have it. you don't have whatever it is you ache so badly to have. you go about your everyday life and yet it throbs under your skin moment by moment, almost as though it has a life of its own. that's the kind of longing i mean.


with the new round of JK rowling being a transphobic prick rolling out, I think it’s important to reference what I call the H.P. Lovecraft rule. Fans of Lovecraft’s stuff openly acknowledge that he was remarkably racist and that his shitty beliefs bled into his work, whether through metaphors or more blatant pieces of the text, while also enjoying the monster concepts and such that he created. They use critical thinking when approaching his work and acknowledge . In my opinion, it’s fine for people to still like Harry Potter, it’s just important to acknowledge that the Rowling’s own shitty beliefs also bled into her work (the house elves ‘enjoying’ slavery, the sexism, the antisemitism with the goblins, laughable attempt at gay inclusion, lycanthropy being compared to AIDS, etc.). I really don’t think it’s bad for anyone to still enjoy the franchise, it’s just really important to use critical thinking when consuming it, which is true of any media really.

Also I know there are people who are going to drop it all together, and honestly valid, can’t blame ya, it’s just that I saw a post saying ‘you can’t separate it from her beliefs!’ and I just wanted to point out the truth in that while ALSO pointing out that it doesn’t mean people have to quit it altogether - they just need to be smart in their consumption. If someone says something along the lines of, “JK Rowling sucks but the series is still perfect, I’ll just pretend she didn’t write it,” then that’s not critical thinking. That’s just trying to make yourself feel better and pretend there’s nothing wrong with it instead of admitting there are things absolutely wrong with it and that the thing you like is flawed.


Okay, but Sirius needing somewhere to hide urgently because of some prank he stubbornly insists is James’ fault and he dives into the first classroom he sees and slams the door shut. 

“Are you here for the LGBTQIA meeting?”

Sirius turns, thinking fuck, and realizes the classroom is not empty and is, in fact, full of students sitting in a giant circle. He looks up to the leader who asked the question, the words nah, I’m going to jump out the window, thanks on the tip of the tongue when he sees that the leader is the most adorable person he’s ever seen. The leader looks at him expectantly, one eyebrow impressively raised. 

“Are you gay or what?” Some kid in the circle shouts out.

Staring the leader, whose name he’d later learn is Remus, dead in the eye, he smirks and says, “I am now.”


Feed him twice a day he’s insufferable when he’s hungry

[click on image for higher quality, don’t let Tumblr ruin my art]


Things that Lily Evans did before dating James that drove him crazy

  • when she was stressed she bit her lip
  • always wore her hair in braids on lazy days
  • her laugh
  • the nose scrunch when shes really smiling
  • ink stains on her left hand
  • never wearing a jacket
  • lipstick
  • always late in the morning
  • her laughing at everything and i mean everything james does
  • how all the younger students loved her
  • the way she walked - especially with muggle jeans on
  • reading muggle books
  • how competitive she is
  • how her eyes twinkle when she smiles
  • hair in braids on good days
  • too strong to cry but will cry at any puppy, always
  • unapologetically muggleborn
  • spilling tea down her shirt
  • talking really fast when she’s excited
  • taking her hair out and it tumbling down
  • muggle jeans!!
  • mocking him bc of his glasses. and his hair.
  • biting her lip when she’s concentrating
  • watching her read. or study. or laugh. or anything, really
  • overthinking big things
  • but also underthinking other things
  • muggle jeans and biting her lip might actually kill him
  • can talk with anyone about anything



*after some mutterings behind the door*

… Will you come down to dinner.

It would give me great pleasure… If you would join me for dinner.

… Please.




((Belle’s having a rough adjustment… Come keep her company?))

Alternate Take:



(a Part 2 to this post)


Teachers RP Night

The school year is finally over. The students have gone home and left at Hogwarts are only the staff and the ghosts. They can’t exactly leave after all.

By the newly set tradition there is gonna be a celebration of sorts for the left behinds and even the most closed off teachers comes out for a drink. Finally a bit of calm and what better way to celebrate that it than to get horrendously drunk with ones colleagues.

On Satuday the 22nd of June at 8pm CST(and anytime after) @nikapuff and yours truly will be hosting a teachers rp night set whenever you want. TIME ISN’T REAL. We expect nothing less than drunk chaos(you don’t have to drink either in character or yourself) and we’d be honored to have you join the madness cowards. Simply message one of us with your wished character and we’ll keep the cast updated. Genderbend? Yeah I sure hope it does.


Albus Dumbledore (Headmaster of Hogwarts):

Cuthbert Binns (History of Magic):

Filius Flitwick (Charms):

Minerva McGonagall (Transfiguration):

Pomona Sprout (Herbology):

Horace Slughorn (Potions):

Rolanda Hooch (Flying Instructor): @softsiriusblack

Rubeus Hagrid (Keeper of Keys and Grounds): @pomfreypullsnopunches

Sybill Trelawney (Divination): @youngwolfchaos

Aurora Sinistra (Astronomy):

Defense Against the Dark Arts OC or RP’ers choice:

@muggle-on-main as Gilderoy Lockhart

@gobletofvodka as Remus Lupin

Septima Vector (Arithmancy):

Charity Burbage (Muggle Studies):

Bathsheda Babbling (Study of Ancient Runes):  

Alchemy OC or RP’ers choice:

Argus Filch (Caretaker):

Irma Pince (Liberian):

Poppy  Pomfrey (School Nurse): @nikapuff


House Elf:

Nearly Headless Nick:

The Grey Lady: @cheapenigma

The Fat Friar:

The Bloody Baron:


Any questions? Ask either of us and please do spread this post like wildfire!


Sirius Black - The Prettiest Dog in Town

When Sirius ran away from home, he found himself rather short of money.

He strongly refused any offers of galleons from Mr. And Mrs. Potter. He thought I was kind enough of them to let him stay in their home, he didn’t want to impose or take anything else. No matter how much James insisted it was alright.

So, after weeks of arguing about it, James finally barged into Sirius’ bedroom late one night, promptly flopped down on the floor and declared that he had a stroke of genius.

There was a local town fair next week and they were hosting several dog competitions. And guess who was a newly turned animagus?

Sirius found it hilarious and offered to enter for entertainment purposes only. However James then went on to tell him that the first place prize money roughly equally 250 galleons.

That’s when things got serious.

James set up hoops and obstacle courses in the woods behind Potter Manor and the two boys would sneak out at night time to practice. They were going to win.

Though things didn’t run quite so smoothly on the day of the fair.

Sirius: *throws his head back and groans in dismay* Prongs, you said it was an obidence course!

James: *Barely hiding his laughter* I assumed it was! How was I supposed to know it was a prettiest pooch competition?

Sirius: You could have bloody checked

James: It’s fine, you still got this in the bag. Look at these dogs, they’ve got nothing on you!

Sirius: *hums and looks around the grass. Finally letting loose a giggle* You’re right, I’ll beat all these b*tches.

And so, Sirius went behind the tent and transformed into Padfoot.

He pranced around in front of the judges.

Turned the charm up to a million.

And painted on the goofiest most adorable smile.

Sirius: *steam practically coming out of his ears* I cannot believe I only won second place! Second place! Me! I’m absolutely fuming!

James: *clutching his stomach. He’d never let Sirius love this down* You still won what equals to 125 galleons though!

Sirius: *glaring at the first place dog* Yes, fabulous but I’m still better than that flaming rat of a terrier that won though !

James: Agreed. You’ll always be the prettiest pooch to me though Paddsy

Sirius: Oh f*ck off

(Inspired by the fact my family dog, Elsie, was robbed of first place at the fair. I’m also low key tipsy so sorry for any mistakes.)

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