
Cat Vet


Howdy! I am a new grad veterinarian working in a cat only hospital!

Take the memory, leave the shell! Watch what happens when we return seashells to the beach & marine hermit crabs!

Seashells are so important to beaches for a whole host of reasons.

🐚Over-shelling can affect hermit crabs because it reduces the availability of suitable shells for them to inhabit. Hermit crabs rely on empty shells of other creatures for protection and shelter. When there are too few shells available, hermit crabs may be forced to inhabit inadequate shells & pollution as homes, which can hinder their growth and make them more vulnerable to predators and environmental stressors. This can ultimately impact their survival and reproductive success.

🐚Shells provide homes or attachment surfaces for algae, sea grass, sponges, coral and a host of other microorganisms.

🐚Animals such as decorator crabs and octopus use shells as camouflage and many fish use shells as hiding places to avoid predators.

🐚Shells help to stabilize beaches and anchor seagrass.

🐚Shells are used by shorebirds to build nests.

🐚When shells break down, they provide nutrients for the organisms living in the sand or for those that build their own shells. (Shells are a major source of calcium.) I’m a firm believer in when we know better, we do better. I once shelled, and then when I learned all of this, I returned all shells that were not sprayed with a clear varnish to the beach & watched the marine hermit crabs go wild changing shells that were so needed!


I think an important part of Percabeth's relationship is that Annabeth knew the full prophecy all along. From the first time she saw Percy, she knew he was fated to die at 16, if not before. She pushed him away to protect herself from the pain of losing him. She befriended him even though she knew their time was short. She took a knife for him even though he might not get another day either way. And when he didn't die? They started dating right away. She no longer had to worry about loosing him.

Then one day, he goes missing.


All I want from Bridgerton season 3 part 2 is an awkward family dinner with the Bridgertons and the Featheringtons. I want Prudence and Phillipa to be loud and embarrassing, I want Portia to be casually cruel, I want the Bridgertons to feel weird and uncomfortable, I want Penelope to be upset about something her mother/sisters say about her, and MOST IMPORTANTLY I want Colin to stand up for her!


since moving here ive noticed europeans have no concept of how few americans ever leave USA. every american tourist youve met is of an economic crust that is vastly unobtainable to the other like. 85% generously. no matter what you have believed i can guarantee this. even getting to canada isnt really a possibility and the mexico-US border is highly controlled and militarized.

to put it into perspective. a ~2 hour flight from london to warsaw is like. 30 to 45 USD?

and a 2 hour flight from one US city to another would be about 130 USD

it was very cheap to fly here. i make over 100k USD now and i dont know if ill ever be able to afford leaving. if that gives you an idea of how prohibitive travel is here. i havent even touched on how the US has Zero guaranteed holidays by the govt. many people here go years without ever having an entire week off of work

this has had a like. massive impact on American Brain and they dont even know it because travel isnt even a consideration economically. they dont even know how much more vacation time european countries have guaranteed

london to warsaw - which is what they specified - literally is Β£20. flights from london to poland have always been cheap

Β£20 is actually $22 so really $45 is overestimating


What’s funny is that if Taylor and Travis ever break up and she dates someone new, she’ll still be able to sing the prophecy and lss together. It was true when TH was the wrong guy and Joe the right one, when Joe was the wrong guy and MH (briefly) the right one, when MH was the wrong guy and Travis is the right one, and it will still be true if Travis ends up being the wrong guy and there’s a new right guy. It was never about Travis specifically, or anyone else, really. She’s not fated to be with someone, it’s not fate that decides: she’s always freely decided by herself what to consider fate and what to consider a mistake. It’s about her, not about fate or a guy. Does that make sense?


The thing about the VA books is that the forbidden romance is literally the least interesting part of them and high-key seems to exist in large part to highlight the political plotlines by discussing to what extent you should give up on what you want because of traditions which demand one specific life from you and give you no other real options


also eloise bridgerton is conceptually the most hilarious character on the whole show. claims to be a feminist but every time her fellow women talk about their artistic pursuits or hobbies or interests or ambitions she’s like ugh you all fucking suck. not me though. i’m different. i want to be like my brothers. and then she has no real talents of her own. she’s not a feminist she’s still a reactionary turbohater AND a girlfailure. what she’s trying and failing to articulate is that she’s a lesbian.


hey don't cry. 7,401 species of frog in the world, ok?

IMPORTANT UPDATE: 7,532 species of frog in the world, ok?!

great news! 7,556 species of frog in the world, ok?!

hey don't cry, now there are 7,576 species of frog in the world, ok?!

excellent news! 7,591 species of frog in the world, peace and love on planet earth

guess what! 7,624 species of frog on planet earth, ok?

hey don't cry, 7,645 species of frog on planet earth, ok? peace and love on planet autism

great news! 7,653 species of frog on planet earth, ok?

hey don't cry. 7,670 species of frog on planet earth, ok?

new year new frogs! 7,678 species of frog on planet earth, ok?

hey don't cry. 7,683 species of frog in the world, ok? ❀️

hey don't cry. 7,698 species of frog in the world, peace and love on planet earth

hey don’t cry. 7,701 species of frog in the world, ok?


neither millenial nor gen z but a third secret option (born in that 1995-2000 gap where people can't agree what generation you belong to but blame you for both anyway)

Anonymous asked:

can i just say that thinking her speaking up about palestine would make any difference is pretty naive. it would be nice, of course, but thinking that if a pop star says "please stop" the conflict will end is incredibly dumb and divorced from reality

i do not think any reasonable person believes taylor has the power to singlehandedly end a genocide. they are simply pointing out that public pressure is a tremendous resource, and when more people speak out, the stronger it becomes. influencing the public perception of this conflict is critical!

and it's not dumb for people to care and to look for any way to achieve that. this is a genocide! people want it to end! it boggles the mind that so many people can stay silent when you hear or see the suffering that has gone on.

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