
Saeran Choi and Tea ☕

@yoosungiib / yoosungiib.tumblr.com

Hai, I'm Natalie~
{ Writer | 17 | Boston | In Mysme Hell }
THIS BLOG IS NO LONGER ACTIVE - To keep up with me, follow other links below
Header by murraydrawin ✨

This fandom really does bring people together... making friendships that will last forever...

Hello everyone— it’s been so long since I’ve been on here! But it feels nice, because I’m really excited to be sharing something with you guys.

As many of you know, or may remember, or maybe did not know, I met my best from @juminss-cat on this tumblr, in this fandom. We were writing together a few times, always talking to each other and made the friendship every public.

Today, we finally met each other :)

I wanted to share this to show one of the amazing things that this fandom has done, for both of us, and one of the really amazing things that came out of this blog. I left very sad, and ended writing very upset with how I felt some people had acted towards me and towards each other.

Some may know I had written a very angry post in regards to how people acted towards @cheritzteam in retaliation of the V after ending on my other tumblr.

I will always love this fandom, and love this blog and you all, even if I am no longer on it.

I cherish every happy, beautiful memory I made with you guys

I would love to continue talking to you all, whether it be about Mystic Messenger or any other fandom. You are all so special to me, so please feel free to contact me here, here, or here. :) 

I love my best friend, Holly. This is the best day ever. Words cannot explain how happy I am that we have finally been able to meet! Took two years, but been worth it! I hope others have been able to make a friendship as great, strong, and powerful of ours from this fandom or any other platform. Thanks guys!

Best, Natalie


I’m Sorry.

Hello everyone.

As I am sure you are all well aware, I have not been on in a very, very long time, and you all deserve an explanation - one you all deserved a long time ago, however, I avoided this all together. . I hope, if anything, this can bring some peace of mindand explain things. What I need to say first, however, is I will not longer be writing on this blog anymore - I think many of you could guess I have stopped, but it needs to be said officially.

I want to apologize; again, for not writing this for so long, and just avoiding the topic all together. It wasn’t very mature of me. And secondly, for stopping with this blog. This blog has brought me so much joy and happiness, and helped to make so many friends, but I cannot continue with it anymore.

I am really sorry to everyone who sent in requests. I know I upset a lot of people when I cleared my inbox, and I can only imagine how upset people are feeling reading this. And I am so, so sorry to commisioners I could not finish.

In the honest to god truth, the blog stopped being fun for me, and it had stopped being fun for awhile. The stress was unbearable - school stress added on with writing stressed, which I really hated because writing should never have been stressful. Writing has and will always be an escape for me, but it became a hardship and something I dreaded. I just found myself having unnecessary panic attacks over it.

I won’t lie, I  recieved some pretty nasty messages on tumble - some of which I have obviously responded to, and some of which I haden’t because I just couldn’t. I feel almost cowardly saying that it put me off this blog but it really did. A few commented on my features, which were really hurtful, even if I knew they were not true. Some were incredibly offensive and rude, and I don’t really understand why I was recieving them. It all became really overwhelming, and I just never wanted to go on.

School plays a big part of this too, which I want to get into. A lot has been happening in school, and in my personal life, which I am not going to get into because it isn’t very diplomatic of me, but to give a little detail - a lot of work and a lot of mental health issues. School is something I needed to be focused on then, and need to continue to focus on.

I hope this was able to bring a little insight. I will always love Mystic Messenger, and I will always love this blog, and everyone on it. You are all so, so special to me.

I’m going to leave some links for you guys to contact me if you ever want to talk or just keep up with me. I will be continuing writing fanficiton for Mysme and more on my wattpad, so please feel free to follow that, and I will link it. You guys can always DM me on my instagram, or personal blog, @shin-ahb.

ARanimefan - wattpad Nataliedean123 - main instagram Lonelyywritersblog - writing instagram

I am so, so, so sorry everyone. Thank you for everyone. 

I love you all



GE Saeran- A flustered blushing mess whenever MC tries spoiling him or pampering him.    First bubble bath after Mint eye! <3


This cutie ☺️💕

Anonymous asked:

Just to let you know, i asked your friend Jumin cat to you know... hUrRy you up a little cause it's not fair you haven't written our requests you know after your clean sweep....

You know, I debated responding to this because honestly, I thought what was the point to responding to someone who is not the kindest, but then I though maybe I should use this as an opportunity to remind you I’m not obligated to do anything. I said earlier that because of mental health reasons I’ve not been able to write lately. I’m taking time to work for myself and I’m sorry if that conflicts with you getting what you want, but right now, I need to focus on me.

Also, leave Holly out of this :) don’t go to her and try to use her as a way to get to me. The both of us are devoted writers, and best friends, who will not stand for this rubbish. :)

Anonymous asked:

Hey, how are you?? What's been up???

I’m well, thank you darling. :)


Today is Mental Heath Awareness month, so I thought I’d take a moment to just talk a bit about mental health; Mental health is something I’m pretty sure everyone struggles with in one way or another, and differently for that matter - for me, my mental health deteriorated in 7th grade after transferring schools. I was diagnosed with generalized depression and anxiety - the littlest things, then, would make me anxious, such as leaving the house or being around a stranger. Now, I have made great strives in improving my mental health, but I still struggle greatly with anxiety having very frequent panic attacks black outs. I think it is important to recognize this month since Mental Health is something, like said earlier, almost everyone struggles with and faces. Unfortunately, some people are ashamed of their mental health issues, and that is very sad to me because there is nothing to even be ashamed of. Not everyone is open about their mental health either, but other people are, and thats ok too - in my opinion, there is nothing ‘the same’ about mental health, since it affects everyone differently. To conclude, I hope this day gives the awareness mental health needs. Here is a picture of me in 7th grade, and a picture of me now. Not completely ‘better,’ as some may say, but ‘mending.’ (This is the only picture from 7th grade I could find since I deleted most pictures before 9th grade. I almost nearly didn’t post it tho because of the bald spot, but that single spot plays a huge part in my mental health too, considering I would pull my hair out calm anxieties) (Also I made sure not to chose a photo of me with a filter of ‘now’ to show EXACTLY who I am) (Also, on google it says the month is October but it’s actually may)


PSA: To All Saeran Fans

This is a very important announcement from the Mods at Saeran Zine. Please do not ignore -

In the past few days, people in the Saeran Zine community have been receiving messages in their Tumblr chat with images that are highly offensive and triggering. They come from random accounts which we believe to belong to one person.

A few of our contributors received those and have tried blocking this person, but they came back with different accounts to send the same or similar things. Even the blog itself has received threats from this person stating that it will continue to target everyone involved in the Saeran Zine, even going as far as targeting supporters. They have in fact contacted a supporter this morning. 

Since it started with one of our contributors, we have warned all of them about this incident, telling them to not click on the blurred images from accounts they do not know.

Now we extend this warning to all of you.

We urge you all that if you’re getting DMs with images from an account you do not know do not click on them. Again we reiterate - they are highly offensive and triggering. Our advice, If you happen to get any such messages, is to not engage in contact with them. Below is a list of recent names they have gone by -

saeranchoishouldkillimself saeranchoishouldkillhimself moonlightgatorade sapphicslug

An important note that this list is not exhaustive. This person may create multiple new accounts with which to contact you. 

If you receive any messages from such accounts, we recommend the following:  1) Ignore and Report 2) Block and Disable all DMs from Tumblrs you do not follow. [desktop] You can do this by going into Edit Appearance and toggling ON ‘Only allow messages from Tumblrs you follow’, or [mobile] going on general settings → messaging → toggling to ‘Only Tumblrs you follow can message’. 3) Disable anon asks. [desktop] Do this by going into Edit Appearance and toggling OFF ‘Allow anonymous questions’. 4) Disable submissions. [desktop] Do this by going into Edit Appearance and toggling OFF ‘Let people submit posts’, or [mobile] hitting the settings icon and toggling OFF ‘Allow submissions’.

If in doubt, please refer to the Tumblr help guidelines and look in the community section over on: https://tumblr.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

Finally we want to say that we are truly sorry we have make this PSA; we wanted everyone to know and to take special care. We wish for everyone to stay safe. In the meantime, the Zine will still continue with all of our contributors working hard. The Mods are also looking into the matter separately - if you are contacted by someone you do not know with such messages, feel free to DM one of the Mods or email us at saeranzine@gmail.com.

Thank you for reading and please spread the word so others can know.

~ SaeranZine Mods



If you get any messages from this account immediately report and block. I woke up to 8 messages filled with gore.

I really fucking hate calling out accounts like this but I already suffering from panic disorder and gore fucking triggers me. I don’t want anyone else to go through the panic attack I am going through right now.


Some people are just filthy.

Signal boost this for the Saeran fans, and I might know who’s behind this blog.


I started this comic in November, but It was almost a non-stop onslaught of work from college that I just couldn’t get around to finishing it X’D

Hope you all enjoy this silly comic~ PS: There’s only one more week left to my current semester, so expect a lot more MysMe art and more!!!


saeran will not be dragged away by force


Well Good Morning Tumblr!

I woke up to a wave, a tsunami of thirst inducing, and quenching, MM content today.

I just want to say that I love ALL of you for sharing such delightful sin!

And now that I’m sure not to be capable of focusing on anything today, I’m going to go try to edit.  Ah well, at least I’m smiling!  ;)



Anonymous asked:

You're going to prom!? GO MOM! And I'm glad your back! My dadh is never the same without your amazing posts and care for everyone

Ahhhh that makes me so happy!!!! Thank you sweetie! ❤️💐💞🌸💝✨

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