
My Ciel and Sebastian

@my-ciel-and-sebastian / my-ciel-and-sebastian.tumblr.com

We have no need for the past. All we need are the present and the future.

Here’s a hot take: OurCiel didn’t inherit asthma.  Edit 2/23/21: If he did inherit asthma, it was purposefully exacerbated: 

And as we all know, OC was extremely sick the next morning and couldn’t go on the boating trip. Honey might have been in the milk, but I’m betting there was something else in the milk. A lot of poisons are sweet, and are only lethal in certain amounts.  And then, fast forward to much later in the manga:   

Why wouldn’t he be coughing and unspeakably ill in such deplorable, utterly filthy conditions? He’s a sickly child, after all. With an Aunt who is a doctor with the best care he could have had he was often sick at home. After all the abuse he was subjected to, in such a terrible place for MONTHS, we see no coughing? Nothing? 

This is the first thing RCiel says to his brother. He scolds him for being outside in the rain and delivers this line.  The Theory Is: Real Ciel, was hiding some dark, dark turmoil as a small child. From everyone including even his own family, his twin, and his dear butlers. Likely, he had a very real serious case of munchausen by proxy. Accompanied by other mental illnesses.  While RC may or may not be the mastermind behind everything, he had problems, well before he became a bizarre doll.  Edit: 2/23/21 - Even if RC was not the entire mastermind behind it all, I think he had his role to play in what happened ultimately to the Phantomhives and the mastermind exploited him.  While OC was later shown having asthma attacks, it very well could have been asthma induced by the poisons he was subjected to as a small child, between the ages of five to ten.  If he was indeed poisoned for five years, it surely had some permanent effect on his health and lungs– but it would not be as predictable and as simple to treat, as an ordinary case of naturally-inherited asthma.  *Edit: Many people are pointing out the circus ark asthma attack, and his diagnosis as “asthma” but remember: This is the 19th century we’re dealing with. Misdiagnosis happens today. If it looked like asthma and his mother had it, there’s no reason for them to call it anything else. Edit: 2/23/21

This is one of the Translation Notes in Chapter 32 of the Circus Ark. Even Yana Toboso Herself pointed out during this time period “Asthma” was the slap-on diagnosis for a lot of illnesses even from the most skilled physicians.  I’d like to point out every attack he suffered so far in this story, was triggered by something severe. We have yet to see an unprovoked, completely random, asthma attack.  Scarred lungs, and Lung damage is more fickle and harder to predict than run-of-the-mill asthma. Asthma attacks can occur unprovoked and O!Ciel has never had one without a serious irritant present. In the circus ark, it was the cold/wet that aggravated his lungs. He had another attack while a raging fire and smoke was beside him and smoke is harsh.  Also, why didn’t the bloody mustard gas in the green witch arc pretty much kill him if it was asthma? His eyes and skin were affected first, not his lungs?  On another note, RC was not a stupid child.

Taken from Kuroshitsuji Side story; a story that is considered in direct relation to the circus Ark. We know he was sneaking cough drops, which had medicinal properties/laudanum in them, during the time period.  Real!Ciel was taught how to carefully cook (How to use a victorian stove) and how to carefully measure. There isn’t much else needed to know if your intention is to tamper with someone’s food.  We KNOW he knows how to use the stove because this same night was the very night he snuck the warmed-milk and honey to his brothers bedroom. We also know that RC was the one who was allowed to carry the meal up to his brother, and was left with his food; unattended.   He wouldn’t have done this if he thought he would get caught.  And for the record, because this is important: if he was a mentally ill child, that doesn’t make him evil! And I’m not trying to imply that he was/is or label him as such! Merely, that he was sick himself.  Finally, as I and others have pointed out: Sebastian the Dog treated OC differently from EVERYONE in his family, Including Rachel– who had the same illness? Yeah, sorry, I don’t buy that! I don’t buy he hated OC for no reason until the last second the dog was alive. I think he was trying to call attention to something and protect him the best way he knew how without hurting RC ; dogs know. 

Edit 8/10/18 - I was talking with @mischief-mage​ - they pointed out that the comfort food that RC gives to OC has ties to fairy tales to being poisonous.  -Mushrooms can be poisonous  -Poison apples? (In snow white?) There is symbolism here. 

And not only that– 

If you recall the time OC was sick in the Circus Arc and recovering in the London Town house, Sebastian made OC the exact same comfort foods.

So it was NOT just a coincidence that Sebastian made OC the milk and honey. Sebastian may know these foods bring comfort to OC but how?  Edit: 2/23/21 Admittedly I had forgot Sebastian just happened upon the reciepe, but I think he had a lingering instinct that it meant something to O!Ciel.  He has RealCiel’s soul inside him, afterally. But if he was able to obtain this information, what else does he know?  New Spice to this Theory: Sebastian knows RC was poisoning his Master, and has kept his mouth shut this entire time. 


Hey!! Has o!Ciel's real name been revealed yet? I remember seeing someone saying it was Merde when the Two Ciel Theory was confirmed, but Merde... means shit. I have a hard time believing that Rachel would name her son that, even if he wasn't going to be the heir. I'm thinking of writing a fic on this exact topic, so... wanted to make sure that isn't redundant lmao


Dear K-e-i-l-y,

Nope, we have no true names for our main three characters. (ÓωÒ)

People really should stop making claims that are just not true… what’s with this fandom and all those bold claims out of nowhere? (Ô_ó)

“Yana says Grell is a man”, “O!Ciel’s name is Astre/Noel/Merde/etc.”, “Kuro was supposed to be a Yaoi”, “Undertaker’s name is Adrian Crevan” …ad nauseam.

If his name really is ‘Merde’, I would understand why the moment his brother died he took the opportunity to get rid of that cursed name XD Might be good material for a good fic too!

The following is all I could find about true names of Kuro characters on Yana’s Twitter, using all keywords like 本名 (real name), 名前 (name), 名 (name):

“I’ve been asked the following in in letters and mails: “Is the the name ‘Undertaker’ (EN) the mortician’s first name or last name?”, but ‘undertaker’ is simply the English term for a mortician (undertaker), and his true name is unknown. The same goes for Sebas whose true name is also unknown, there sure are a lot of characters with unknown true names (laughs)” 【Toboso】
“As of now this has become a manga with a lot of characters without known true names among foes and allies alike. (Laughs) it’s partially because I just don’t attach a lot of importance to names in character making, and I’ve been mostly giving [my characters] cheap/simple names. Though sometimes there are also names that make you suspect it’s an anagram of real people. Blavat Sky for example.” 【Toboso】

I think the name O!Ciel was given at birth is just something like a ‘dead name’ to him, and ‘Ciel Phantomhive’ is his assumed and chosen name. I actually doubt Yana is ever going to reveal the true name of either Sebas or O!Ciel, because the thematic of “you are who you prove yourself to be” is quite strong in the series.

O!Ciel’s character arc right now is that he is going to prove how he is not any less ‘Earl Ciel Phantomhive’ than his older brother is simply because he was born to the name, title and position.

Therefore I think storytelling-wise, it might weaken this point if Yana were to reveal O!Ciel’s birth name. Then he’ll always be known as ‘Ciel’ who is actually [insert name], and it’ll haunt this character forever. Once a name is dead, it’s dead, after all.

But hey, I might be proven wrong by Yana any time ^^

Anonymous asked:

Hiii!!, hope I dont bother you, but I've been thinking about this for a while... I guess Vincent's character design was created much later in the series, but may had it been a conscious decision to make his and Sebastian's character design quite similar? And if so, may had it been so as Sebastian has taken the "paternal" role in O!Ciel's life? (I remember I once read a phrase by Yana Toboso about parents and their influence, but I don't remember how it goes, quite well)

Dear Anon,

You are certainly not bothering me, don’t worry (^▽^)

Ah yes, I have seen mentions of Vincent’s and Sebastian’s likeness very often among this fandom. Back in 2014 Yana made a statement about this topic saying:

“Ciel’s papa and Sebas. Leaving parts of their faces aside, their facial expressions are similar, and that’s why I don’t like drawing them side by side (laughs) That Vincent and Sebas look similar is intentional, but I don’t think I’ll ever reveal the reason in my work.”

Later in 2017 however Yana did basically reveal the reason behind Sebas and Vincent’s physical similarity:

Today I was having food in a cafe and I ran into women having a heated discussion saying “Black Butler has very few handsome men”. Because I have no confidence in drawing distinguishable handsome men I can’t just increase my supply of canonically handsome men (adult males with a beautiful face and a long silhouette like Sebas). I have this fear that when I have to draw a close-up of [handsome] faces nobody could tell one apart from another 😅 【Toboso】
I do wonder whether in the manga my readers can tell Vincent and Sebas apart aside from using the mole (there is a difference in the droopy-eyes and the eyebrows though). I really experienced the difficulty of the concept of handsome men the hard way. I’ll do my best to train [my ability of drawing] handsome men though (∩^o^)⊃━☆゜.*【Toboso】

(I took a drawing of both Sebas and Vincent from a similar art-style period and traced their eyes and eyebrows for clearer reference.)

Answer: Yep, the actual reason for Sebas and Vincent’s supposed similarity is just plain old “SAME FACE SYNDROME”! And true to her word, Yana indeed did not reveal the reason in her work.

Indeed, the claim that Sebas intentionally took form after Vincent really is not true. It’s just one of the many examples of this fandom reaching, speculating, and then presenting it as fact.

Firstly, Sebas never saw Vincent or even an image of him before he took his current human form.

Secondly, Yana LOVES pestering O!Ciel, and by extension Sebas does too. Sebas has consistently shamed his master for showing any “weakness” and just loves pestering the boy in all ways possible. His go-to method to “help” his master with his trauma even is to re-traumatise him. Arguably taking form after the father O!Ciel had lost tragically would be a fair method to ensure maximum ‘seasoning and flavouring’ in Sebas’ textbook; that is, IF he knew what Vincent looked like. If Sebas actively took form after the boy’s late father, then it makes no sense whatsoever that the manga never shone light on the matter. Yana would never miss out on the opportunity to let Sebas really make O!Ciel’s life miserable in such a passive-aggressive way had that been the intention.

Thirdly, I also doubt whether Sebas and Vincent’s likeness is diegetic; i.e. does O!Ciel see it? If he does see the likeness between his butler and his late father, wouldn’t he have shown some reaction, especially upon first encounter? So far I have seen no indication of either master or servant having noticed any similarity. O!Ciel was surprised when he first saw Sebas’ human form, but any human form would probably have surprised anyone after seeing that entire goop-zoo display. After having seen what the demon is capable of shapeshifting-wise, surely the boy would have concluded it could take ANY other human form. And yet, when Sebas offered to take a different form O!Ciel didn’t hesitate to decline. That probably means that he really wasn’t bothered by this particular human manifestation. Of course one could argue that a father-look-alike is how O!Ciel likes it... but then, you’d also think there’d be some reaction.

About Sebas’ paternal role you mentioned, I THINK you were talking about this blog post by Yana in 2010?

[...] my assistant recently said: “Ciel’s papa looks so evil! Is he the final boss or something!?”” To which I replied: “he’s Ciel’s father you know” “Ahー... (agreeing)” she said. (Laughs) Somebody who is really good at heart cannot possibly have given birth to a child with that horrible a personality! Well, until the age of 10 he might have been a normal child, but he probably already had some grounding.. you know, through [evil] bloodline (laughs) We do say that “a parent who raises the child is the true parent”, and for the past 3 years Sebas has been keenly raising him to be a Thorough★ Sadist, so you could say that the evil blood inside him has awakened perfectly.

So yes, Sebas did indeed raise his master as he has explicitly been tutoring him on all matters. However that does not mean that he was trying to fill in the vacancy left by Vincent.

I hope this post has been interesting, and I wish you all a good day ^^


Kuma’s hilarious tweet

@Takekumax #Black Butler All volumes free online. Black butler has been categorised under arcs by the “~~arc” suffixes. A super simple summary for every arc & which arc I recommend to whom? are included. You can just read the arc you’re interested in or just criss-cross🍴

① “One hell of a butler arc” Volume 1… the This butler is cool!!🍴 arc ➡ To audiences who don’t know a single millimeter about Black Butler.

② “Red Butler arc” Volumes 2 and 3… The butler solves the Jack the Ripper case 👓 ➡ To audiences who are basically just savvy about the characters. The main thread of the story.

③ “Yellow Butler arc” Volumes 4 + 5… The prince and butler from India cause trouble 🍛 ➡To audiences who like cooking manga, also probably popular among men.

④ “Circus arc” Volumes 6 ~8… The butler infiltrates into the circus troupe that kidnaps children🐯 ➡ To audiences that like dark themed manga, the arc that holds the essence of the manga.

⑤ “Haunted mansion serial murder arc” Volumes 9~11… 🚬The butler gets killed arc ➡ The Sherlock fans who have a forgiving heart.

⑥ “Luxury Liner arc” Volume 11 chapter 51 to volume 14… The butler’s ship sinks 🚢 To zombie fans

⑦ “Boarding School arc” Volume 14 chapter 67 ~ volume 18… The master who climbs the hierarchical ladder of a traditional school 🏏 ➡ To audiences who like school setting smartphone games ⁂ Cricket and bullying is rare~.

⑧ “Emerald Witch arc” Volume 18 chapter 86 ~volume 22… The butler who solves the problems surrounding a witch girl, werewolves and Nazis 🐺 ➡ To audiences who like cult suspense and dark fairy tales.

⑨ “Blue Cult arc” Volume 23 ~26… the butler who crushes a cult using music to attract believers 🎤 ➡ To audiences who like idols and concerts.

⑩ “Blue Memory arc” Volume 26 chapter 130 ~volume 29… The arc of the little lord’s bad past and meeting his butler 👿 ➡ To audiences who have read Black Butler in the past, right, right?

⑪ “Blue Revenge arc” Volume 29 chapter 150 on ~ … The little lord loses and is driven from his position as earl and will now avenge himself arc 💢 ➡ People OK with spoilers and want to stay up to date with the latest developments.

Anonymous asked:

quick question: how do you think the manga is going to end? i always assumed sebastian to be the main antag since he will ultimately consume ciel’s soul at the end of the contract. i do know that R!Ciel has nothing to do with O!Ciel’s revenge, but since it’s the final arc, do you think they would somehow tie his revenge into it or will manga end with this idea that his revenge still needs to be completed/we never have a proper sebastian eating O!Ciel’s soul. im just very curious on how they’re going to do that and how it will play out is all.

Dear Anon,

First of all, I’m not sure whether this IS the final arc. I personally only think it is approaching end material. There’s simply too little information and tooooo little active work on the protagonists’ parts towards solving the Phantomhive murder case for this to just end to the best of my understanding.

If we look at all the officially named arcs so far, only the latest 3 arcs (that most people - understandably - thought was one big arc) actively addressed the Phantomhive murder case of almost 4 years ago.

Before, Arcs 4, 6 and 8 only showed glimpses of how O!Ciel personally experienced the trauma. There was still no start-up of the case itself. And even in the latest arcs, the focus is on taking out UT and R!Ciel’s agenda; not an investigation to find the culprit of the past. You can’t set up such a massive case and conclude it without even showing any of the active investigation. You just can’t.

But, regardlesssssss. If Yana gets to wrap up her story on her own terms, I think the story will end with a satisfactory completion of Sebas and O!Ciel’s contract. This contract is something Yana has been building up towards for 15 years, and the readers are constantly made to look forward to the closure of the Phantomhive murder case. Any respectable author would know that after such a long time, the wise thing to do is to write an ending with a good, satisfactory punch. Good stories are good, but the memorable ones are those with a good ending.

The entire story is built along the axis of O!Ciel being made to buy a weapon (Sebas) against his will against a steep price. As the weapon was bought anyway, he might as well use it. On Sebastian’s side, as discussed in detail in this post, he probably had very little choice in getting summoned as well. He seemed basically dropped into involuntary employment, so all he wants is his “salary” for his involuntary work. When the two main characters of a long-running series everyone’s come to love are both working for something which they didn’t initiate, but still committed themselves to, the best strategy is to at least give them a pay off.

Not just the characters, but the readers too. The readers have committed themselves to such a long-running series; you gotta give them this “pay off” for this long-term commitment.

One of the main reasons I think S2 of the anime is such a failure is because it was the anime equivalence of an orgasm denial. The first season ended with a half-arsed but concrete conclusion, FINE. But then S2 milked whatever little milk there was dry, and gave us absolutely nothing.......and had the guts to pretend it was a good ending. They THOUGHT it was a bitter sweet ending, but it was NOT. A bitter sweet ending is one where the character(s) you care about at least have gained something, albeit with a bitter cost. Did Sebas want to be an eternal slave and remain unpaid for his work? NO. Did Ciel want to become a demon because...??? NO.

It was just a forever unhappily ever after cuz the anime desperately wanted to pander to the loudest shippers. Writers, this ending is called “bitter-sour”. Not “bitter-sweet”.

The manga already has all the ingredients necessary for a good, memorable bitter-sweet ending. A powerless, sick child got empowered to change his own world and even the world around him, and an ancient demon who seemingly has seldom had the opportunity to “customise” his payment gets a satisfying one. Looking back at the entire story there’s a lot of struggling and agony, but in the end at least it was not entirely for nothing.

That’s what makes a good bitter-sweet ending.

About R!Ciel; indeed, he has nothing to do with the revenge. I don’t think Yana will shoehorn R!Ciel into the revenge plot, because that’d be nonsensical. There’s already sufficient drama; no need to add more unnecessary drama-sauce. I think if anything, thoroughly cutting R!Ciel loose rather would be a character-point for O!Ciel to show just how determined he is about letting to, and pace forward towards his path of revenge. We have already seen the excellent built-up towards this end.

In this post I have discussed how O!Ciel let go quite fast already, and later chapter 147 also phenomenally blatantly proved this point.

Anonymous asked:

You brought up a great point that even though the entire series revolves around O!Ciel's revenge, he hasn't taken many steps to find out who the killers of his family are. There are a few obvious reasons, such as his obligation to fulfill watchdog duties and the Undertaker getting in his way. However, Sebastian doesn't seem to be rushing O!Ciel towards revenge. I wonder if Sebastian's lack of "revenge push" could be him trying to further cultivate O!Ciel's flavour, or if perhaps this is G Fantasy elongating the series. What are your thoughts? Thank you!

Dear Anon,

Ah, I am very happy to see that I’m not the only one who finds it peculiar!

I personally really do think G Fantasy plays a role in there being such profound lack of active investigation towards the revenge. Though I don’t think it’s 100% their fault; Yana isn’t “innocent” either. In a long running series of 15 years, she could have shown more investigation. Especially earlier, before she became indispensable to the magazine. An initiated investigation with sporadic information is much easier to “drag out” than just… not address it.

The only time I think we’ve seen any active investigation was in chapter 85 (correct me if I’m wrong.) And that initiative was taken by Sebas; his master didn’t even know why Sebas wanted to go to the Somerset House at first. This shows it can’t be Sebas who is delaying the revenge, and that it was not Yana’s “active” choice to forestall the progress in-story through him.

On O!Ciel’s part, he can’t diegetically be stalling either. Yana has established very clearly that the moment O!Ciel even so much as considers “actual life”, he is raw food. If simply replying: “that’s not a bad idea either…” as an answer to “status, wealth and a beautiful fiancée” was enough to make Sebas attempt eating his master prematurely, I don’t see how “obligation to fulfill watchdog duties” would not be enough. That boils down to the same thing; just phrased a little less indulgently.

We must remember that Sebas is not the patient type when it comes to human “indecision”. Yes, he has a lot of time and is a bored soul, but he’s also impatient. So far we have already had two instances that showed that Sebas would rather eat a snotty egg than ones that were overcooked or left stale.

Sebas will “shoot for the moon”, so to say. But if the trip is so awful it doesn’t make the moon worthwhile, he doesn’t mind “landing on the stars” either. Had O!Ciel at the expense of his timely revenge decided on being a dutiful watchdog, he’d become an under-grilled hotdog 🌭 first.

It is also not the case that in the past Sebas was different than he is now. In a much later chapter when O!Ciel was CLEARLY in delirium and only therefore expressed his defeatism, Sebas also didn’t hesitate much to make a pounce for O!Ciel’s miserable little soul.

In short, neither Sebas nor O!Ciel are delaying the investigations for any in-story reason.

I also have fair confidence in saying O!Ciel’s lack of action/progress was not influenced by Undertaker.

For 6 whole Arcs Undertaker hadn’t even revealed himself as anything antagonistic towards O!Ciel. Then he did a “tadaa, I’m a mass-murdering maniac”, but that didn’t have anything directly to do with O!Ciel’s revenge or his actions towards it.

Otherwise UT also has not actively done anything to hinder O!Ciel in carrying out any investigation. If O!Ciel DID try to investigate, then UT might or might not interfere. But O!Ciel hasn’t even initiated any investigation for UT to interfere even if he wanted to.

In short……… I think Yana just kinda shelved the active revenge for her two protagonists, and G Fantasy isn’t helping either. They be like: “Our cash-cow hasn’t written any active revenging for more than a decade; why rush her now?”

To me personally the series is captivating enough to keep me very invested. Though the series is designed to revolve around the Phantomhive revenge… it’s basically a “slice-of-miserable-and-cunning-life” now. I love Kuro, my blog exists because of my love for Yana’s work. But DAYUMNNNN… Yanaaaa, Sebas not having grown impatient at all regarding this revenge is leaning DANGEROUSLY close to plot-hole now.

Yana… I love you. (ಠ_ಠ)

Anonymous asked:

Do you know why chapters are so short now?

Dear Anon,

I cannot say for certain, but I can make an educated guess.

Right now in G Fantasy, Kuroshitsuji is by far the biggest title, and Kuro fans in Japan are loyal readers, so the monthly sales are kept steady in part due to Kuro fans.

I think Kuro is approaching end material, so it could be that G Fantasy is making Yana stretch it out as much as possible to sustain the steady sales of the monthly magazine.

The manga industry is incredibly toxic, and most artists have no say in whether and when they can finish their story. For successful series, this results in bad pacing, stretched out, long-winded finales. For declining series this means abrupt, half-arsed endings. There have only been a handful of creators who were allowed the “privilege” of ending their own stories on their own terms. The most famous example being Death Note.

Artists that work commercially are always employee first, creator second. But going solo comes with other risks and lesser chances. I fear that in Yana’s work we are seeing the toxicness of the manga industry too.

Anonymous asked:

I want to know something that I've been thinking about all day and I want to know. Since Sebastian loves cats. Does he like cat girls?

I didn’t know what cat girls are so I had to google it^^; So you mean female characters with cat ears and cat tails?

Mmmm… personally, I can’t imagine that Sebastian would be interested in them, much less like them…

I can rather imagine that he would just

give them

a very cold look


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