
Welcome to my fanfics and reblogs



A friendly reminder that before Sakumo's death, Kakashi used to believe that friends always comes first.

Then this happened and changed everything...

The village, the leaders, his father's friends and Sakumo's suicide all forced him to be the way he became

Everyone told him that his father was a crowd, a traitor, trash and that what he did was wrong, was a treason. He just needed one person to tell him that they were all wrong and his father's beliefs were the right thing.

You can clearly see his struggles in his eyes and that deep down, he didn't believe the things they had forced in him.

How was he, a mere child supposed to keep believing in his father's teachings and stand against the whole world and all the adults when his own father himself abandoned it and took his own life to escape from everything instead of standing his ground and fighting for his beliefs?!.

Obito didn't change Kakashi, Obito restored his original beliefs, his true self and what his father raised him to be.


I wanted to draw Domesticated Life with Ches and Glam. I can’t wait to buy the book in English.



Ches just wanted to see what Glam will let him get away with. They’re somewhere between not just friends but not dating either.😅

Ches x Glam


Happy Father’s Day guys. My dad and I got our first vaccination shot. We’ll get the second dose in July. Can’t wait to stop wearing a mask.

I’m sure there were nights when Ches and Glam couldn’t sleep so they’d just talk for hours.🥰❤️

I have Feelings about chapter 9…..that scene wouldn’t leave me alone yesterday so i redownloaded procreate. @bubonickitten your writing is so vivid and compelling, and I can’t wait to see what you do next!!

(submitted by @audiobon)

Oh my goodness I LOVE this!! I’m so excited to see art about something I wrote, thank you so much!! Your art is gorgeous <3


I will reblog this every time.

Literally this.

Getting dirty, asking questions, being unapologetically enthusiastic about things, going overboard on projects. These are a few of my favorite things.

This is so heartbreaking, but so true. 


And it’s even more heartbreaking when you see the transition and how performative it is.

I was a camp counselor at a science/nature camp when I was 16, for a bunch of 10 and 11 yr old girls. And one day while we were waiting around for the naturalist to come get us to go on the day’s hike, the boys cabin we were grouped with was exploring the area and overturned a log and found a salamander. One of the boys picked it up and they brought it over.

My girls all went “ewww, gross, keep it away!”

…right up until I said “whoa, cool, can I see it?”

This boy handed me the salamander and all of a sudden my girls were clustering around. They wanted to hold it. They were asking questions about it. They had stories of other times they’d seen a lizard or caught a frog or something. A couple of them went with some of the boys to look under another log and see if they could find another one.

All they had needed was permission to be curious, to show interest instead of disgust. And as soon as someone they were looking to for cues on “how to be a girl” showed interest, as soon as they didn’t feel like they had to perform socially-acceptable girliness and pretend to be grossed out in order to gain adult approval, all that natural curiosity and the fascination most kids have for the natural world just came bubbling right up.

As a female engineer, I have to reblog this.


I just believe that Martin would play animal crossing and Jon would watch


obsessed with this post frankly


[ID: A digital drawing of Martin and Jon from TMA. Martin sits crosslegged on an couch with a blanket draped over it, and Jon lies down with his head in Martin’s lap. Martin is on a Nintendo Switch. Both are smiling, Martin looking at his game and Jon looking at Martin. Their dialogue goes- Jon: “There’s a Coelacanth in the water next to you.” / Martin: “Did you just use your powers for that?” / Jon: “And if I did?” / Martin: “Christ, I love you so much.”

Character designs: Jon is thin, scarred, and brown-skinned, with long, wavy, graying black hair and a goatee. He wears a gray shirt with a nonbinary flag across the chest, plaid boxers, and black nail polish. Martin is fatter and pale-skinned, with neck-length black hair with a white section. He wears a light grey shirt with red trimmings, gray sweatpants, light grey socks, black nail polish, and a wedding ring. /end ID]


Whumptober 2021

Welcome to Whumptober 2021! May the Whump be with you :)

To all of you who participated last year - we have changed a few of the rules, but overall things have stayed the same. To everyone new: WELCOME!

Please make sure to read the Event Info carefully, most of your questions will be answered there already. For everything else you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here.

This year’s AO3 Collection can be found here.

With that being said, we’re very excited to see the community come together once more and be a wild, chaotic bunch of creators and consumers of whump. We wish you all the fun!

(All 31 Themes + Prompts, Event Information, and FAQs are posted below the cut!)


I’m...I’m sorry, I just this minute realized that there are people out there who have no idea that Heinz Doofenshmirtz is the best fictional father out there. You guys don’t mind if I bombard your entire dashboard with proof right? Excellent.

BONUS: Doofenshmirtz around children he literally just met who wrecked his ‘inator’.

Literally I could go on and on with examples but my computer’s starting to crash from the amount of images.

The point is that Heinz Doofenshmirtz is the greatest fictional father out there and anyone who says otherwise was hit by a Lie-inator.

Hey op?


And then you read the whole thing in his voice.


Disney 1994: Tries to copyright the phrase Hakuna Matata. The Swahili rightfully calls them out.

Disney 2017: Tries to copyright Dia de los Muertos, a Mexican religious holiday. They get called out on their bullshit pretty damn fast and cease on their attempt.

Disney 2021: They now want to copyright an ancient Norse pagan deity.


[S03E09/10 Divergent Canon]

“I can’t believe he’s gone soft on us. Who would have thought the prince of darkness would move straight from patricide to toymaking?”
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