
@taurusgurl /

He knew me by heart. It infuriated me that he knew me by heart.
“You ruin your life by desensitizing yourself. We are all afraid to say too much, to feel too deeply, to let people know what they mean to us. Caring is not synonymous with crazy. Expressing to someone how special they are to you will make you vulnerable. There is no denying that. However, that is nothing to be ashamed of. There is something breathtakingly beautiful in the moments of smaller magic that occur when you strip down and are honest with those who are important to you. Let that girl know that she inspires you. Tell your mother you love her in front of your friends. Express, express, express. Open yourself up, do not harden yourself to the world, and be bold in who, and how, you love. There is courage in that.”

I love when my house is crowded with friends and butter w flaky sea salt on warm bread and the soft shell of acquaintance I have w cashiers at the grocery store and bougainvillea framing a doorway and connecting w someone I’ll never see again and when the wind drifts through the canopies of trees and how living w intention transforms you from the inside out


the show (going out to get groceries. making myself a nice dinner. showering and opening the windows. being kind to myself in everything i do) Must go on

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