
So There I Stood, With Only Jerky And A Donut


We must recognize that this short life can neither be ennobled or enriched by hatred or revenge. ~ Robert F. Kennedy
Love will always challenge Hate. | It's all jokes here mate | Left Leaning Centrist | Christian | ENTP | Choctaw/Irish blend | 17
IG: scooops5.0

I don’t even have anything funny to say that is just really sweet 

There is a statue in Cork to commemorate the donation of the Choctaw people to the Irish people, It is called Kindred Spirits.


Reading the donation notes is making me tear up


Please remember that nearly all of the kids dialogue was unscripted.


Made the mistake of going through the blog of that Kim Yo-Jong pride icons post

There's like 12 mods and they're all either awful or trolling. I can't tell.

That blog is a confusing place


Finn Wolfhard dragging James Charles on twitter

IT was amazing

James Charles is just mad that he didn’t get cast as Pennywise 

extra extra read all about it james charles owned by a child so fucking hard he has to counter it with the literal apocalypse 

I love that the IT kids are dragging him 


>Be John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

>Sign up to fight in WWI and come back as a man changed and haunted by war

>Write a Fantasy series based loosely on your Christian Beliefs, Your Experiences in the War, and your raging boner for language that’s so fucking good and in-depth that it codified the Fantasy Genre TO THIS DAY

>Write a scathing letter to the Nazis that you WISH that you were Jewish and that their ideology of Racial Superiority is Morally repugnant when they contact you to proclaim you an “Honorary Aryan”

>Borrow from various myths and legends all around the world, and create Orcs based on a quirk of language that goes all the way back to fucking BEOWULF.

>Characterize them all as evil servants of a Dark Sorcerer based on your experiences fighting German Infantry, who were very much NOT Black people

>Decades after your death, Mediocre Fake Nerd White Men who want to play White Savior declare you a racist for this, and use the characterization of Orcs as Primitive, Savage, Crude and Murderous as a sign that what you secretly intended them to be a metaphor for Black people.

>This despite the aforementioned hatred of racism being common knowledge

>This despite many, MANY people pointing out how drawing such a conclusion on a completely fictional race of typically tusked, green-skinned, pig-nosed monsters is actually pretty fucking racist because you’re saying that Black people are all Violent Savages 

>Woke Mediocre Fake Nerd White Men ignore this and keep trying to rewrite history in an even more egregious version than what happened to Lovecraft (Since you were never racist to begin with), all to shill their subpar products or otherwise fish for clout

If there was ever a reason that proved Social Media was a mistake, Progressivism is a Cult, and that fandom gatekeeping was actually good, it’s fucking this. Holy shit someone please kill Twitter. 

also the “default nature” (if you can even call it that, dnd books explicitly state that the writing within them are merely suggestions and you can write whatever you want) of many races in dnd are directly a result of 1: gods and devils being tangibly real within the setting and 2. many races being directly created and controlled by these beings

gnolls controlled by Yeenoghu, orcs by Gruumsh. even half orcs (often characterized in the book as not evil but feeling emotion more strongly; they get very angry but also very happy) feel the occasionally call of Gruumsh.

Tolkien also heavily implied that not all orcs were happy serving Sauron, but it’s all they knew. He once said “We were all orcs in the great war,” acknowledging that anyone has the capacity for that kind of evil in them, including himself.


Pc clown police


Orcs are the result of people being broken by war. Their cruelty, their malice, their brutal atrocities? They all pale in comparison to what normal men did on the Western Front. And the people who did these horrible things used to be normal, affable men who would’ve fainted at the sight of such nightmares in their civilian life. But alas- war had already taken them, and broken them into the sort of hateful, paranoid murderers that he based the orcs on.

Anyone can be an orc, because it isn’t really a race- it’s a state of mind, caused by trauma and pain. They’re a foe to be defeated, but also victims to be pitied, in their own way.

I should let this rest, but if the approach you’re taking is “Orcs are soldiers”, if that’s part of or the main thing you’re using as material for your Orcs, then that paragraph about how they have a “limited” capacity for love and always will have a bloodlust boiling just below the surface is still, uh, pretty darn gross.

But that kind of… IS the point. Or at least was. Orcs are ‘Acceptable Targets’. In the real world they don’t exist, there’s never a true ‘universally evil and there’s nothing wrong with killing them’ kind of enemy.

But in the world of D&D, which is ESCAPIST fantasy? They exist so that when you slay the enemy forces and destroy the lich king, you don’t have to come back from it with crippling PTSD because you killed people just like you who thought they were doing the right thing.

From a design perspective this feels like a false dichotomy to me. Like, e.g. Die Hard doesn’t have to start from the premise that Hans Gruber is from another species which is inherently violent and uncontrollable in contrast to humanity; he’s just a murderer and an asshole.

The original Star Wars blows up a whole Death Star worth of people and it doesn’t need to go out of its way to explain that the Stormtroopers are actually incapable of feeling love.

I don’t really buy into all the arguments around this; sometimes people sound a little like the loons from the 80s who thought Dungeons and Dragons was secretly training people in the occult. I don’t think this is some nefarious plot to inure people to racism.

I think the arrow kind of goes the other way; I think the reason that people going, “What would make a good experience pinata for the PCs to beat on?” settle on, “Evil primitive savage!” as a “natural” answer to the question is that centuries of real life racist narratives filtered into fiction and were a large influence (though not the sole influence) on the creation of the evil savage stereotype.

What on Earth is wrong with, “These particular Orcs that you’re fighting are just assholes?”

There’s other approaches too; D&D creatures like Skeletons or Golems are usually pretty much just objects, machines with no self-awareness; that Lich King you mentioned made the choice to turn himself into a Lich, he wasn’t born that way.

Even Demons and Devils usually don’t go back home to eat dinner and talk about their day with Mrs. Devil and Junior.

I also don’t really play D&D, partly because I don’t like the kind of assumption made in the OP. The last time I tried was 25 years ago, puzzling through the Players Handbook, DM’s handbook and Monster Manual for the first version of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.

That one has populations for Orc (And several other evil humanoids) settlements that talk about how many females and young can be found there, and I’m reliably informed that “Should we kill all these Orc children?” was one of the evergreen arguments for the game, often devolving into people pointing at their alignment in the players guide [EDIT: I mean Monster Manual.] which is just, to me, not fun on any level. I think experience pinatas ought to be designed in such a way that this doesn’t come up in the course of normal play.

Back then Half-Orc was a PC option; don’t know if it still is in whatever version that quote is from, but it limits character concepts pretty severely and, more importantly to me, it breaks what I think should be a cardinal RPG design rule:

Don’t ever give a player an excuse to go, “No, see, it says right here in the book that my character would be really disruptive!”

Now, while all of these are good arguments against having the Orc as a pure evil race in a DESIGN context, please do remember that the discussion is about if they are built-in racism.

I state this, because a vast majority of your statement is about how pure evil characters and the questions about them raise questions on a narrative level (which also misses the fact that demons and evil gods do go home and talk about their successes with their families, who are also evil. It’s a thing about settings, that stuff can and does happen.) or on a roleplaying level (with the issues of ‘That Guy’) but while those might be related to the reasons why the orc CHANGED over the years, that does not factor in to the actual subject at hand.


Tesla’s founder Elon Musk wiped $14bn off its value after tweeting its share price was too high in his opinion.

The tweet also knocked $3bn off Mr Musk’s own stake in Tesla as investors promptly bailed out of the company.

“Tesla stock price is too high imo,” he said, one of several tweets that included a vow to sell his possessions.

In other tweets, he said his girlfriend was mad at him, while another simply read: “Rage, rage against the dying of the light of consciousness.”

my man has won meltdown may on day 1

He did it to short the stock. 

Basically what that means is he had a bunch of stock, sold it at the high price, tweeted this shit, prices dropped, and he rebought his stock back at the low price. When prices increase again, he can do the same shit all over again.

Executives do this all the time. Not necessarily through tweets, but if they have insider information that the stock’s about to drop, they’ll do this. Tell everyone who has shares (usually employees) not to sell because the price will go up, secretly sell all of yours over the weekend, and then on Monday, crash the stock, and buy again at the low price while all your employees lose the entire value.

This wasn’t Elon Musk fucking around and being an idiot. This was the calculated move of an executive looking to make more cash and score a slightly higher score of riches.

Like always, eat the rich.


Usually people do this by getting news of some world event before it hits the rest of the market, or some complex plot to subtly manipulate investment strategies over the course of months or years.

Elon Musk was like ‘hmm I would like stock prices to drop now’ in public and it just happened.

Makes you wonder what all those other idiots are fucking about for.

The thing is? This whole thing only works because people do something as dumb as react to a TWEET that Elon Musk posted.

Like, if nobody reacted to his dumb ass, nothing would have happened. The stock wouldn’t have changed at all. But no, Elon Musk shitposts and everyone else shits the bed.


After seeing the tiktok of the landlord bragging she’s hoarding her tenants’ packages for paid rent, seeing the landlords who ran their tenants’ social security numbers to check for their stimulus checks, etc… 

Do landlords think that they’re above the law, or are they just so fucking clueless and stupid that they don’t realize they’re admitting in writing/online interactions that they’re committing federal offenses? 

i’d say both


fuck i tried to find it but I can’t, but apparently it was a joke:

(also saying stuff like “I’m sorry you feel that way” isn’t a real apology y’know)

but like

if it was a joke

where’s the funny?


Palpatine’s Journey

According to the review I just read this video offers more of an explanation for why Palatine is still alive than the new movie does lmao

the way he turns into a polygonal 3D object as he falls is fucking poetic cinema


In the Family Guy universe there is a disturbing amount of women willing to have sex with a dog.

I blame it on the fact that the dog can tell them he wants it. Lots of girls I have talked to wouldn’t do it because without consent it feels like rape.

You think more women would fuck dogs (and other species because why not) if dogs could verbalize it in a way we could understand? But if dogs have the average intelligence of like 5 year old, wouldn’t that raise up more questions of consent? Hm 🤔


who’s left- Mariame/Prison Abolition

by Flynn Nicholls


Man, I gotta be honest

“‘What about rapists?’ Fuck you” and “What will a world with the changes I want enacted look like? I don’t know!” aren’t exactly compelling

There certainly is an argument for replacing a large fraction of prisons with facilities equipped to deal with mental health, rehabilitation, and psychological counselling.

But between "People only claim to be scared of violent criminals because they're racist" and "abolishing prisons will break down societal boundaries between people and help us all get along better", you can tell this woman's only ever worked with troubled youths.

Also, "Rich morally bankrupt people sometimes don't go to prison, therefore prisons don't work!"

"Would you like them to go to prison?"

"Uhhh... nooooooooo....."


Prior to the development of prisons they didn’t need to imprison rapists and murderers to protect the public.

Because they executed them....

And to put it nicely, if you don’t have a somewhat punitive form of justice legitimised in your society you are likely to see illegitimate punitive justice arise in its place.


For fucking real, this is such bullshit. Anyone with half a brain stem can see this person has no idea what they are talking about

Should the prison system be revised and should the justice system be more thorough with putting people in prison? Yes

Should we get rid of prison when there are insanely dangerous serial killers/rapists/abusers/who knows what else being held there?? Absolutely fucking not.

We could just bring back public execution for violent criminals, that would take care of the problem real fast. No system is perfect, the one we're using now is far from it, but if you ain't gonna just kill them on the spot you need to put them somewhere.

Anonymous asked:

Would you be into a big tiddy werewolf gf?

Not really.   I’ve never really been into furry stuff.


Werewolves are monsters, not furry. :V

It’s both and if you say otherwise you’re in denial.

Pretty sure I know I’m not a furry and it’s not denial, but sure.

I’m pretty sure that’s what someone in denial would say.

Potentially yes, but considering how I have friends that are furries and watch a Youtuber who’s a furry and I have no problem with it except for the fact that it personally doesn’t do it for me, I can safely say it’s not denial. 

I just like monsters in which werewolves fall under monster, not furry. The entire point of werewolves is that they’ve lost their humanity and thus aren’t particularly anthro, let alone to the same extent as furry stuff is.

All I’m seeing here are excuses.

Wolf people are only considered 100% furry. However, Werewolves are only furry 50% of the time.

So @slime-boyfriend is only half a furry degenerate. c:

Would it kill you people to stop being assholes?

Little sister protective mode activated lmao.

If I may step in

Fools who are claiming werewolves are furry, even if it’s 50% of the time, you are wrong and let me explain how you are wrong. 

First off, an example of an actual fucking furry wolf.

Legosi from Beastars, a perfect example.

Here we see a wolf who has the posture and clothing of a human. Furries are attracted to this; an anthropomorphic animal that tends to mimic humans not always with their features but usually with their proportions and/or behavior and/or posture. 


Werewolves fall under a completely different category for a number of reasons. While you can try to argue that a werewolf is a furry for 50% of the time, that argument does not work for a number of reasons. I will give you that it is possible for a werewolf’s form to be similar to that of an anthropomorphic animal but it is not exclusively a furry creature because of that.

Werewolves are people who turn into wolves on the full moon. They do this because they were bitten by another werewolf. Oftentimes, they did not choose that bite. Oftentimes they lose control and have to stay away from other people for their safety on the full moon or just in general if they can still shift less strongly outside of the full moon. 

This alone designates a werewolf as a monster. Furries don’t tend to be attracted to beasts that lose their minds and have no idea what’s going on. They tend to prefer an anthropomorphic animal that is fully aware of what fucking is, if you will. 

There are also several examples of werewolves that furries wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole let alone fuck.

Prime example, Remus Lupin from the Harry Potter series. 

Compare to the image of Legosi. Worlds away from each other, right? This is not what a furry wants. This make the furry go limp. The monsterfucker, however, may be as hard as a rock depending on their preference. 

Another example, much different than Remus Lupin

A bit of a comical example but worth noting. The werewolves from Teen Wolf are basically humans with teeth, a doggy nose, some fur bits and claws. But they still fall under the category of monster, just as vampires do. Very fuckable for a monster (if they like Xena the Warrior Princess and Buffy the Vampire Slayer type monsters)

So in conclusion, this has been a crash course on why werewolves aren’t furry. You can bill me at 69 Fuck me Cthullhu Boulevard. 

I think if someone wants to fuck a chihuahua looking monster like Lupin’s form, I’d have bigger questions than if someone is a furry or not.

Also you know very well that what you’ve posted is not what most people think of when they think of werewolves.  As evidence by things like Werewolf the Apocalypse, Innestrad and Dog Soldiers.

Also, Legosi goes feral several times in the manga and, through either the view of other characters or the manga itself, appears more monstrous and werewolfy than what you have posted.

Literally in this shot if he wasn’t wearing shoes he’d look like a freshly transformed werewolf.  I mean, a huge part of the story of Beastars is how carnivores literally become hulking, murder monsters upon tasting meat.

Like say what you will, but choosing Legosi as your furry example is literally one of the WORST options you could’ve gone for.

Say what you will, Legosi is still a furry. Also I’m glad you completely missed the point of what I said about werewolves being monsters but what can you expect from a self entitled bitch who gets pissy at people and insults them when they dare to disagree with her. 

As i said before, lycanthropes are not always going to be anthropomorphic. And in addition, they are not always in their wolfy form which means they do not fall under the furry category. AND people do not want to fuck werewolves just because they look like monstrous wolves (note: monstrous) but also because they are unhinged creatures that could snap them in two.

That defining factor is what separates furries from monsterfuckers. Monsterfuckers will always want to fuck something that could kill them. Obviously that is not a mutually exclusive thing, because as you showed above, Legosi could of course rip someone to pieces but he is not a monster, he is a fucking wolf. 

if you wanna continue to argue and insult people, expect some blocking. Try to let things go and have a nice day. 

Then block me, because you don’t get to call me a bitch and not have to deal with me.

Legosi is a monster in the exact same way The Hulk is a monster.  Legosi literally hulks out.  If anything, Legosi goes from “Furry” to “Werewolf” and that’s one of the core distinctions of being a carnivore in Beastars.  

The ENTIRE premise of Beastars is that the main pair is INVOLVED in a relationship where Legosi could kill his girlfriend because he can transform into a monster and EAT HER.  This actually happens in the series itself with another, minor set of characters who get into a relationship.

You don’t seem to understand that your own fucking argument underscores the entire point I was making, that YOU don’t seem to understand that what you’ve done is further blurred the line between “monster” and “furry” by choosing the literal worst possible example you could.

And when I specifically point that out, that your example is not only bad, but contradictory to your fucking point, you get huffy and threaten to block because your goddamn ego can’t handle it.  Either you’re ignorant or your stupid.

You started this, you fucking don’t get to block me and walk away with the moral high ground. 

“Let things go, despite the fact that I spoke out of ignorance and insulted you”

Get fucked, you cunt.  Either apologize or shut the hell up.

EX-FUCKING-SCUSE ME?! What the actual fuck is wrong with you? You do NOT get to call my girlfriend a cunt just because she corrected you about something. You were wrong and making someone uncomfortable; people called you out on that. Grow the fuck up and stop acting like we have to kiss your ass.

You brought this entire thing upon yourself. Anya also didn’t threaten to block you; she said that people are gonna block you since you’re being a bitch. YOU are the one who needs to apologize, you self-centered, egotistical cunt.

YOU don’t get to act like you’re a victim in all of this when YOU started all of this. Eat shit and go fuck yourself, you obnoxious twat.

I’ll call her whatever I want when she started it by calling me a bitch.  Stop acting like SHE’S the victim when she came at me swinging.

You’ll note that I was PERFECTLY civil to her in my first reply.  I didn’t insult her, I even made some light hearted jokes, and just disagreed and thought her example was ill suited.

And then she called me a bitch because of it.

Don’t act like she was innocent in this.  Everything YOU said to me applies to her.  I don’t care if she’s your girlfriend or not, she takes a swing at me, I’m going to chew her out.

Maybe you should take a look at the conversation again instead of instantly leaping to her defense.

She WAS innocent in all of this. She also wasn’t just calling you a bitch because of how you responded to her, but how you responded to both me and Nick. I’ve been paying attention to all of this shit, and you’re 100% the one in the wrong by being such a fucking cunt throughout this entire thing. All you would’ve had to do was apologize for making Nick uncomfortable and then drop it, but you kept doubling down and intentionally making him uncomfortable after he told you to stop multiple times.

You then proceeded to call me a dipshit with no provocation, so it’s only fucking natural that Anya would be upset at you for that. All you’re doing is doubling down and insulting people just because we had the audacity to point out that you were wrong about something.

In short, she came to you full swinging because YOU insulted ME without provocation. YOU have been the one in the wrong this entire time. Just fucking admit it instead of proceeding to dig yourself an even deeper hole.

So Nick admits that he misread and misunderstood my original statement.

I asserted repeatedly it was a joke.  And that you seemed intent on acting like I was being malicious (thus the dipshit comment)

And then when I politely respond to her initial response, she calls me a bitch.

It’s like a chain of white knights who couldn’t fucking wait to leap to one anothers’ defense, all over a misunderstanding.

Fuck off.  I don’t have to apologize when Nick admits it was a misunderstanding on his part.  If you had actually taken a step back instead of being filled with self righteous indignation, this might’ve resolved itself normally, instead of you stepping in to throw shit against the walls, with Dragon coming in next to smear it around.

So let’s get this straight.

@king-kong-raisin-bran starts this off by calling me (and goat) an asshole.  I respond by calling her a dipshit.

@dragonhotcoffee calls me a bitch.  I respond by calling her a cunt.

And I’m the one at fault.  Even though you admitted that this was based not on ill intent, but King Kong there decided to rush in and take a swing at me, assuming I was being malicious.  And you didn’t expect me to hit back.

Maybe you all need to back off and realize that you were the ones who threw punches first instead of acting like you did nothing wrong.  You’re the ones who misunderstood my intent, you’re the ones who threw insults first and now you’re the ones crying that I responded in kind.

Get off your fucking high horses. 


uurrgghhhh…Margot..I really liked you…

Don’t be so fucking creepy and respect her diet choices the same way you want others to respect yours

“respect her diet choices the same way you want others to respect yours“ 

Yeah no…This isn’t an “I’ll respect your love of Marmite if you respect my loathing of it” situation. It’s vital to recognize that these aren’t simple issues of personal life choices to respect, as it stops being a matter of personal choice when those most affected are other sentient beings. It simply ceases to be a matter of simple personal dietary choice when those dietary choices have direct victims, and in the case of choosing to consume animal flesh/milk for young/eggs, it’s a fact that other beings are being directly and needlessly victimized by being bred, kept captive, exploited, and brutally slaughtered as a result.

How you style your hair, your favorite color, a banana or apple, these are personal choices that 100% should be respected. Who you choose to abuse, exploit, and brutally slaughter, however, are not. And If you still choose to support this as a consumer when it’s “possible and practicable” to avoid doing so, then no, that choice absolutely should not be respected. Just like other choices to support/contribute to such violence and cruelty when it’s possible and practical not to do so.

I doubt that most people would consider it a matter of personal choices that should simply be respected when it comes to other acts that needlessly harm other sentient beings for personal pleasure, such as the dog meat trade, dog fighting, animal abuse of “pets”, bullfighting, skinning animals for fur, etc.

What’s not creepy = Expresses disappointment on a personal blog at an influential public figure making a joke out of the slaughter of defenseless animals, by literally eating a big bowl of their butchered limbs as a game. 

What’s super creepy =  making a joke out of the slaughter of defenseless animals, by literally eating a big bowl of their butchered limbs as a game.

Time to roll up the sleeves I suppose.

There is nothing wrong with consuming milk or eggs. The animals that produce them are domesticated, and produce far more than will ever be consumed or become chicks. Most chicken eggs go unfertalized, and unless removed, will rot and attract predators and insects that will infest the area and kill chickens/chicks. The cows must also be milked because they over produce, and without milking they will develop mastitis or other infections. It’s incredibly painful and the cows feel relief upon being milked. It’s a mutual relationship for the animals and the humans, as we protect and feed them and they produce a product for us. Of course, this goes without saying, some corporations terribly mistreat and abuse their animals and they should not be supported, which is why it’s important to support local small farms and ethical production.

Same goes for meat. They live a healthy and much more comfortable life than they ever would in nature, and thus have a more comfortable death. If lions and wolves and sharks aren’t evil for fulfilling their nutritional needs, neither are we. You would never chastise an ape for eating their prey, don’t chastise a human either. Though again, some farms and slaughter houses are unethical and cruel, and it’s important to do your research and support your local small businesses that do things properly and painlessly. Or just raise and kill your own animals, like myself. I know for a fact they get the best care and the happiest lives and the most painless death, because I provide it.

Nothing wrong with a dog meat trade again, as long as it’s done with the best care and death provided for the animal. The first trade should go hand in hand with the meat trade, no waste. If your going to kill an animal you should use it all. It’s a waste of a death and you aren’t properly appreciating what those creatures died to provide you with in the first place. Animal fighting provides nothing, is cruel inherently, and should be banned forever and always.

No it’s pretty creepy, because you choose to phrase it in a horrible creepy way. “But it’s technically right!!” Yes, but so is claiming that vegans enjoy injecting the severed limbs and reproductive organs of organisms with they then slather in the juices from the same or similar organisms and slorp that down to injested in their own vomit. Plus plants can and do release signals that warn other plants of the damage they have suffered and attempt to summon organisms to assist, which is a pretty good piece of evidence that they know you’re eating them, and they they may feel pain. And you eat them alive, which is Uber creepy.

Things have to die for life to continue. Whether it’s bacteria, fungus, plants, or animals, including humans. We are all part of the food chain, and it’s ridiculous to attempt to assign morals to nature.

Get over yourself


Welp I’m gonna fucking eat my chicken titties and beef patties in front of a vegan for lunch.


I am sorry. But if You say something like “chicken titties”. I just have to go out and find them.

And then.

Share them.

With you.

Laugh a little? I’m dying! Someone find the sexy colonel.

I Present 3 progressively spicier flavors

And one experimental flavor

Fuck it, let’s pair them all and see what the shippers write in their smut

Ok but that first chicken girl is sorta cute

Found the furry

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