
Creative Writing and Theatricals


Things about musical theatre, writing in general and much more. Loyal Tanzblr follower and sometimes contributor. Also a few entries on analysis in terms of writing and interpretation on my favourite pieces (mostly Tanz der Vampire XD)

If Wade and Herren were the Guys to equip you in Inquisition

Wade: Inquisitor, the High Dragon population is at a tumultuous increase! Bring me their materials, let my genius flow!
Herren: Wade...we're in the middle of a war right now.
Wade: Don't silence my opportunities, Herren!
Wade: Inquisitor! You have travelled into a Titan, I hear?!
Inquisitor: How did you...this is classified informa-
Wade: What have you found in there? Can I see it? CAN I CRAFT IT?
Herren: Wade, personal space. We talked about this.
Wade: *groans* Inquisitor, this is a disaster! The Inquisition occupies Fereldan soldiers, Orlesian chevaliers, Grey Wardens, Templars, Mages! And not ONE, not ONE OF THEM HAS AN OUNCE OF CREATIVITY! It's always the same blades, the same shields, the same helmets, oh my genius! What will I do?!
Herren: Wade, what are you doing in the Inquisitor's chambers? *drags him away while a completely baffled Inquisitor watches* Apologies, Your Worship.
Wade: Inquisitor! Let me craft wonders for you! *before being dragged away by Herren*

An Ongoing Daily List of Good Shit Because I'm Tired of All The Corona Talk:

  • Australia is no longer on fire
  • U-Haul is offering free 30 day storage for displaced college students and discounted rates on moving services
  • The second person in the world was just cured of HIV!
  • There's going to be a new Dr. Seuss book this fall, published from a manuscript he wrote that was discovered 21 years after his death
  • Student loan payments are being halted with no interest until the pandemic clears
  • A zoo in Indiana recently announced the birth of two Chacoan Peccaries, an animal that is currently endangered (and also adorable)
  • On that train, two cheetah cubs were recently born in an Ohio zoo via vitro fertilization, which could seriously boost efforts to help endangered species survive
  • One more about animals - a komodo dragon in a Tennessee zoo just gave birth without male involvement! Which isn't something new, but it is rare and cool.
  • The state of Virginia has banned conversion therapy for minors recently, and is the first Southern state to do so
  • Scotland has created the worlds first Carbon Positive Gin made from peas instead of wheat, which reduces the carbon footprint created by normal gin making. Without wheat....it might also be a gluten free alternative (not certain on that one, you'd have to reach out to the creators). You can buy it here
  • The worlds first 3D printed houses were just created in Mexico, with the hopes to combat homelessness. They are designed to withstand seismic activity and come with two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, and bathroom.
  • Disneyland is donating all acceptable food to food banks in Orange County during their closure
  • The Olympic Games are hoping to become "climate positive" by the year 2030, and by next year they plan to start planting an "Olympic Forest" in Africa in an effort to combat desertification

Hopefully I can add more day to day, but even the small stuff makes you smile sometimes. Yesterday at my coffee shop, a woman tipped me five dollars because, and I quote, "Just because there's a virus doesn't mean I can't tip you for my coffee."

The small shit matters as much as the big shit. Good luck, try to look at the good and also try and DO some good, and wash your hands.

Today's list (3/15/2020):

  • Cleveland Clinic has found a way to make the Corona Virus test go from a 5+ day waiting time for results down to 8 hours, which helps speed up treatment and quarantine and slows the spread of the virus
  • You've definitely heard about this one, but citizens in Italy (including famous opera singers) have been singing with and playing music with each other during their quarantine
  • Hundreds of local restaurants (and some chain restaurants) are offering free meals for kids who rely on school lunches as their primary source of nutrition.
  • On this note, hundreds of teachers across the country are pulling from their pantries to make their less fortunate kids care packages (I know, they shouldn't have to, but they are, so let's celebrate the kindness)
  • Students of a school in Pembroke got together for the 13th year in a row to shave their heads for cancer research, earning more than 100,000 dollars

Feel free to add your own personal ones!

Day 3 (3/16/2020):

  • Woolworths has dedicated a set period of time for letting only elderly clients shop so they can stock up on supplies with less risk of catching covid19
  • A customer at a bar in Columbus tipped the staff $2500 on a $30 bill because of the shutdown of in house service for all bars and restaurants in Ohio, which will severely impact servers wages and tips
  • The last patient with Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was just released with a full bill of health
  • Scholastic is offering free courses for kids stuck at home during school closings
  • Reporters Without Borders have opened an uncensored library.....in MINECRAFT. In countries where a lot of books or articles are banned, Minecraft is still available, and they have made these books and articles readable through the platform. You can download it here
  • Today is National Panda Day!!!!! Here's a picture of a Floof Panda looking wistfully to their left:
  • Michael Symon is hosting free online cooking videos during the Corona Virus on Facebook
  • Ballet Nova Center for Dance is live streaming classes for all levels (beginner adult included!) on Facebook for the next week for anyone who might be interested in learning
  • Uber Eats is waiving the delivery fee for all local businesses so that you can keep supporting your mom and pop shops without risking getting sick or getting others sick. They're also offering contactless deliveries, giving affected drivers financial aid, and are donating meals to first responders and healthcare workers in the US and Canada

Its a struggle y'all, but there's good shit happening out there. Keep trucking, tip your delivery drivers and servers because they're making nothing now, and stay inside unless you absolutely can't. And please remember to wash your hands.

(Image ID: Black and white photo of Fred Rogers smiling. Quote reads: "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'" End ID)


how many stories have been wrecked because the author was scared they weren’t grand enough? how many incredible books have we lost because of people’s obsession to only praise stories that seem ‘big’ and have ‘worldwide stakes’? how many writers give up before they even start in fear that their story won’t be enough? please don’t forget how charming mundane stories can be. and please, write. believe in yourself, believe in your stories. write, because out in the world, there is at least one person who needs to hear what you have to say, and that makes your story worth sharing


If Dragon Age was like The Witcher

Cousland: Hmm...how are we going to assemble those armies?
Alistair: We will need quite a bit of diplomacy to convince them we're not the traitors Loghain makes us out to be.
Cousland: Hmm...
When a humble bard
Graced a ride along
With these fine Grey Wardens
Along came this song.
From when the outcasts cleared
A dark possessed tower
Its army of demons
They showed them their power.
They put me to sleep
With masterful deceit
I'm trapped in the Fade
In eternal dreams sweet!
While the demon thirsts,
hungers for my soul
And so came the wardens
And cleared tower whole!
Lend your arms to the Wardens!
O’ people of Thedas
O’ people of Thedas
Lend your arms to the Wardens!
O’ people of Thedas!
At the village red
Fight cruel undead
That bash in and break you
And bring you to mourn!
They freed Dalish elf
From their Keeper's self.
Deep in the forest
In Werewolve's dark lair!
They gave dwarves new king
Like it was no thing
They are friends of Ferelden, yes
Repay them your debt!
That’s my epic tale
Our champions prevailed
Defeated the villains
Now fight at their side!
Lend your arms to the Wardens!
O’ people of Thedas
O’ people of Thedas
Lend your arms to the Wardens
The friends of Ferelden, yes!
Lend your arms to the Wardens!
O’ people of Thedas
O’ people of Thedas
The friends of Ferelden, yes!
Lend your arms to the Wardens!
O’ people of Thedas
O’ people of Thedas
Lend your arms to the Wardens,
the Friends of Ferelden, yes!

hey guys, I have an extremely time-sensitive financial emergency going on right now despite literally everything in my life improving this week and I’m kind of freaking out

As some of you probably know, I am moving this weekend! This is a net positive in absolutely life-changing ways for me- the rent is $130 cheaper per month than I’ve been paying, but the location is vastly better (in Brooklyn, between two trains that are each only about 25 minutes to the city). I’m going to be saving vast amounts of money compared to my current situation (where I often have to take short cab rides to the train station because the buses only come by every half hour or so). I also started a second, non-nanny job yesterday, where I make $17/hr for typically 30-40 hours a week on my own schedule (around my nanny work)!

Here’s where the problem comes in:

  • I had been operating under the impression that I would be able to pay my first/deposit/broker's fee on Sunday when I move in. This turns out to not be the case. It all has to be paid ASAP.
  • My new roommates offered to cover a small portion of my move-in costs because my new job pays weekly, so since Friday is my last day this week, I figured that means I would have my direct deposit by Monday and could pay back for the rest then. As it turns out, my first paycheck (for this week) won't be deposited until two weeks from this Friday. I don't know why their system operates like this, but when I asked today if there was any way to get it sooner, I was told no because of their accounting system.
  • My security deposit on my current place will be returned to me sometime in the first two weeks of December, because my old bed frame put a deep scratch in the floor and part of the deposit will be covering repairing that. I will be getting the rest of it after that's been paid for, rather than immediately, so I can't count that as part of my moving money.

Long story short, I'm in some kind of final boss battle for my independence, dignity, and chance to start over and move forward with my life hopefully less stressed and crazy all the time, because I can't just conjure up the money I need right now on my own.

I am going to message some relatives that normally give me cash for my Christmases spent in NY anyway to say that this is far more important than my buying myself something nice at the end of December, but I can't push that too hard because we just had a death in the family (my grandma's brother) and I don't want to add to the stress. I have also been posting on r/borrow and can possibly get an advance at my nanny job, but I'm otherwise out of options other than asking for help. I am hoping to raise about $850 ASAP.

My Venmo is @Megan-Lerseth. CashApp, Apple Pay, and Zelle are also possible- PM me- but PayPal is currently a little thorny because my account is locked and that's definitely a "to handle later" situation that I'm going to clear up on my own sometime in December after I've been paid a few times.

If you've read this far, thank you. I will appreciate anything I receive, as well as any reblogs 💖. This is the last hill I have to climb before I'm in a vastly better position and will probably even be able to help others myself, I just have to clear it before it jeopardizes my ability to move into the new place at all.


Your blog was hacked: what to do?

If you see weird pics of ladies with dubious links posted on your blog out of the blue, here’s a step by step way of stopping this and preventing it from happening again that I think might work.

Important : this only works if you can still access your blog!

Changing your password is important, but it won’t do you any good if your hacker still has an opened session on your blog and can still access it. So the first thing you wanna do is close your hacker’s session.

For that you need to go in your blog’s settings:


On the new page opened, scroll all the way down. There, you can see something called “Active Sessions“. The first and oldest one (”current session” in green) should be yours, the new one should be the hacker’s session. To close your hacker’s session, click the gray X next to it.

Now that their session is closed, they can’t access your blog anymore unless they enter the password again.

So don’t lose time, go all the way back up and change your password immediately. Make also sure your hacker didn’t change your email address.

Now you should be safe from your hacker. But it won’t prevent you from getting hacked again.

If you really want to be safe from hackers, you should turn on the “Two-factor authentification” option (on the same page).

It requires you to enter your phone number, which is a bummer. But if it’s turned on, everytime you wanna log on (so not if your session is already opened, but only if you log off and try to log on again), it will send a code on your phone that you’ll have to enter (in addition to having a password).

That way if someone tries to hack you again, even if they get your password right, they won’t be able to enter your blog without having that code.

There it is. I hope it will help some of you, since I see more and more people noticing blogs being hacked

with light about the massive wave of bot-hacking i’m seeing, please do this and keep your blog and all of your personal information secure!


Hi so um I'm potentially getting kicked out and even if I don't I can't stay here

Long story short, me, my brother, and both my parents got into an argument that turned violent. My dad attacked my brother and when I pushed him away he fell and hit his head. Now my mom wants me and my brother to move out. My brother has a much better chance than I do at finding a place to live. He and his girlfriend are well over 21 years old and both have stable jobs. I'm neither of those things.

I'm 19 and the job I work won't let me get anymore hours. I've been trying for months to find a better one but no one has even looked twice at me. And I don't have the money or means for my own place to stay-- even with roommates. I need help.

My PayPal is https://www.paypal.me/johnnyvantas

Literally even a dollar helps.

Sorry I keep rbing this but I've gotten over 30 reblogs and no money... I'm not the best at art but I could maybe open commissions if people are interested... lmk

So now the check engine light is on in my car. Meaning most of my paycheck this pay period will be going to that. I seriously need some help here....


there’s dozens of stories about some kid from our world falling into a different, magical one,  being the chosen one or the close companion of the chosen one and saving the world, and then going home where they’re delighted to see their family again and have a new appreciation of their own life. but what about someone who didn’t miss it? what if you save the world and you’re given your medal and stripped of the magic you learned and put back in a world you never missed? and you’re furious.

maybe you gave up a few years of your life. you have callouses and muscles and a few scars and maybe a missing eye or something. you definitely have some blood on your hands. you might have PTSD you can’t talk to anyone about. and suddenly you’re fifteen again, in a body that’s too soft and too short and too complete. you’re always cold because there’s no magic burning in your veins anymore, and even as you grow up the feeling of not fitting doesn’t go away because when you look in the mirror at eighteen you look all wrong: this is not what youre supposed to look like at eighteen. the sky clouds and you rub at the phantom ache of injuries this body never received. you wake up screaming sometimes remembering the sorcerer who burnt your hand to ashes, or the final battle you almost didn’t make it through, or the moment you felt the magic in you go out.

but here’s the thing: they took you and made you into a weapon that was determined enough and powerful enough to save a whole world. they can put you back where they found you but they can’t undo everything. and there’s this, too: the place between worlds clings to you. you can’t tease fire out of the air but you can feel the pull of the doorways all the time, although none of them so far go to your world.

but you try to make it work for a decade, anyway. you’re dutiful. but one night you leave work late and for the thousandth time you catch yourself searching the sky for firebirds. and you break. of the three portals within five hundred miles, one is a howling, frozen wasteland and one is a deep violet void, but one opens into a misty forest that you step into and don’t look back. it’s not your world, but if you keep going long enough, you’ll get there.

(and maybe much, much later, hundreds of worlds later, you climb through a window, or a door of woven branches int he middle a field, or push aside a curtain, and as you set foot on new land you feel the fire in your veins and sparks at your fingertips and finally, finally, you’re home)

I’m sort of imagining someone like this person opening up a business where parents  can go if they suspect their child has been dragged off to another world. And this person can track down the portals and go find them before the worst happens (they forget the feel of their own world under their feet, they forget what it’s like to feel safe, or maybe they don’t get to feel anything anymore at all) or they offer counselling to the ones who went and were sent back, like them.

This is a thing! Seanam McGuire’s wayward children series is about survivors of portal fantasy tales and you should all go read it right now. My favorite character is the dapper butch lesbian mad scientist

reblogging to say PLEASE go read every heart a doorway and its sequels by seanan mcguire, they were recommended to me because of this post and they’re exactly what I wanted when I was writing it!


Here’s something I wanna say real quick, while I’m feeling salty: Amazon has totally contributed to the devaluation of literature. Those prices you see, the $13 they’re asking you to pay for a hardcover book? Those are deep, DEEP discounts that they’re able to implement because they don’t collect sales tax if they can get away with it, they don’t contribute money to the communities where they have a physical presence, they have shitty labor practices, Jeff Bezos has more money than god, etc. 

They’re so omnipotent at this point that they’ve normalized the discounted prices for books as the standard. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had someone come up to me and tell me what the price on Amazon is, expecting me to match it. The number of times I’ve been told, “Oh, it’s cheaper on Amazon, I’ll just get it there.” Even at author events, where book sales DIRECTLY CONTRIBUTE to whether or not that bookstore will be able to get more authors in.

So when you go into a bookstore, and you’re asked to pay $27 for a hardcover, remember: THAT IS THE COVER PRICE. Set by the publishers. The bookstore is not upcharging you. They are asking you to pay the value of the book. Amazon’s low prices come with a cost. Please, just keep that in mind. 

(I made a post with options for buying books online that aren’t Amazon. Check it out!)

This is a great post, and I just want to point out: publishers aren’t upcharging you either.

The cost of the book is the advance for the author, it’s the salaries for all the people who work on it (including editors, yes, but also designers and marketers and publicists and lawyers and accountants and everyone else who makes sure publishing works). It’s the cost of printing the books and the materials to print those books on and the warehouses to store those books in. It’s keeping the literal lights on.

No one in the book business, from the author to the publisher to the bookseller, is making themselves rich off your money. This is the cost to survive. Amazon is running at a deficit because they can make up the cost with other things they do, and because once they run everyone else out of business, they’ll be the only game in town and can charge whatever they damn well please.

And please, please do not ask a bookstore (especially an indie bookstore) if they “price match.” It’s so insulting.

Amazon routinely sells books at or *below* wholesale cost. Meaning that when you ask a bookstore to ‘price match’ Amazon, you’re literally asking them to give you the book for free, or even take a financial loss on it. 

‘So how can Amazon do it?’ you ask? The answer is Amazon does not care about losing money. It sells goods at a loss continuously. (Don’t believe me? Just search “Amazon quarterly losses” and you can find article after article about this) Why? Because its goal isn’t to sell the most things, it’s goal is to be the only place where you CAN buy things. They gouge prices on goods to a point where brick and mortar retailers absolutely cannot compete and they do it with the singular goal of eliminating competition.

Things have value. They represent many people’s time and labor. For books, specifically, they represent tremendous cultural worth that extends far beyond the value of the paper they’re printed on. We have to appreciate the value of goods and be willing to pay a fair price that will support and nurture industries. 

It’s ok to be upset that you can’t afford $26 for a new hardcover, but make sure that that anger is directed, not at the people whose labor makes books possible, but at the people on top (like Jeff Bezos) who have devalued your own labor such that you can’t afford it.


This is so wholesome

Update: he finally got the cat to the vet to see if she had a microchip


I was already on board with his sweet wholesome open-to-love-and-nurturing heart but I was fully unprepared for getting to that last tweet and seeing how off the hook HOT dude is

https://twitter.com/pariszarcilla?lang=en heres his twitter is here there is also additonal cat photos of his children. 


aww, the kids grow up so fast. ;-;


This is, by far, the single most adorable fucking thing I have ever seen. 


I love that he kept …. All of them.


I’ve reblogged the earlier part of this thread before, and the new stuff makes it even better.

This is the Tumblr equivalent of a warm hug on a cold day.

You’re welcome.

I remember this thread, but I never saw the grown-up pics ❤





This is so inspiring and uplifting.


three days ago I got an ao3 subscription update email and the author’s note on the chapter said they’d come back and written chapter ten SIXTEEN YEARS after chapter nine was published, so, never fear to hit that subscribe button folks


Hi, I’m Danneil John Flores (22 years Old) and I’m asking some donations for my sister’s condition since me and my parents are incapable of supporting her right now and most of my savings are all dried out now. Both of my parents does not have a stable Job, my father is just a pedicab driver and my mother is a housewife. I had a job way back a year ago. I can’t find a job in here since I’m the only one who can do the labors of getting her oxygen refilled daily and also in case of some emergencies, luckily right now (Sept 2019) I was selected to join a free course study of Tesda which can help me get a job! Thank God! Me and my family are also trying to start a small business so that we can also sustain on our own.

Most of the Donations from February 2019 to this day have been all put in good use. We already have repaired her room and put an AC on it since the doctor advise us. Also aside from that the money goes to our family needs, her check ups and medicines.

If you want to read more about our story please visit this blog by using your laptop/computer.

For donations please send to: https://www.paypal.me/sharmaineannflores

PS: Sorry for not updating this long. Please also share our gofundme campaign

Danneil reached out to me to reblog this. If you help this family with 10 $ or more, please send me a message and I will do a little sketch for you! Many of you guys have been asking for requests, this is your chance :) 


The fact that Snape is one of the youngest if not THE youngest professor is fucking hilarious.

Like how does he get away with half the shit he does like almost everyone there has taught him since he was 11 and they just see this 21 year old just walk back in like “Sup fuckers I’m a professor now by force better so you better start treating me like one.”

7th years in the school are like probably “Didn’t this fucker graduate 3 years ago?

Imagine being a fourth year who has done /said something to your classmate Snape and then in your 7th year he’s your TEACHER


1. He Went to School with Snape

2. Got taught by Snape

3. Became part of the Staff like Snape

And the Fact that he’s acting like he knew shit about potions is hilarious cause you just got Snape in the corner like

Listen here you little shit . I taught you. I’ve seen your test scores. I graded those shits and you coming in here talking about being able to come up with an antidote?…Sit down.”

The more people reblog this the more shock I am that they didnt know Snape started teaching at like 21 and he’s like 30 first book

People in the tags for the past week having been confused and going bananas so like we gonna forget about the movies. Because the movies got it all wrong

Snape is 31

Hagrid is 63

Professor Mcgonagall is 56

Lupin and Sirius and Peter (3rd movie/book) 33

Dumbledore is 112

Do what you will with this info fam

You forgot Burbage. In the books, she’s in her twenties.

Bringing this back around, when Snape started teaching in Aug/September 1981, he was 21

In Aug/September 1981, Lockhart was 17 :’)

lockhart, 17, never fucking learned how to read: actually professor ;-)

snape, professorially, as if he hasn’t just had his last growth spurt: on god, i’ll smack the shit out you. put—your hand—down.

@cokeworthcauldrons , your tags are fantastic


I wish more people got this because some ‘low-empathy’ people are the most compassionate and sympathetic in the universe, and I hate it when that’s taken to mean ‘unfeeling and probably hostile’ when nothing could be further from the truth


Or, as my dad put it,

Sympathy: I know how you feel Empathy: I feel how you feel Compassion: is there anything I can do to help?

Sympathy: that sucks bro empathy: I feel that compassion: want me to send you some puppy and kitten pictures to make you feel better?

Posts like this make me feel so much better. It always seems like society treat responses to others pain as though empathy is the most important kind. I am around 85% compassionate and this post helped me not feel like I am a monster because of that for once.

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