
It's time for me to show up!

@stilt-fox / stilt-fox.tumblr.com

I love you all. I'm dating cobrawebs. | Moxie/Duster | She/They | I'm 28 | bi Let me know if you want something tagged. If you're a pedo/nazi/terf just block me and stay far away. mutuals can ask for the social things Florida is weird. I live there. Icon: @g0revid | header by @lakecryptid

joseph: hermit purple..!! we have to take a picture of dio..!!!!

dio in his stupid mansion:


"THIS ISN'T A SEX THING" I exasperatedly yell as my leitmotif and that of my mortal enemy are arranged and mixed to play as a single track during our final climatic duel.

"ON MY MOTHER'S NAME, THIS ISN'T A SEX THING" I desperately howl as my nemesis and I pull off a seamless, perfectly coordinated team attack on a greater threat, with no prior training or practice, our skills and habits mingling and mixing perfectly and naturally due to our dozens of duels with each other, leading to immensely intimate familiarity with each other's martial habits, combat tendencies, and overall skillset.

There are two factions in the notes: "It's a sex and romance thing obviously and necessarily" and "sometimes, violence is actually just violence, and hatred is actually just hatred", one of these has the mandate of heaven and the other can only conceptualize connections through the narrow, touch-starved lens of projection.


Keying/graffiti-ing someones car is old news now if someone cheats we go at their wardrobe with a seam ripper

yknow what? Fuck you *unstitches all your shirts and jeans*

My mother did this to my father once. They got into an argument, my very pregnant and hormonal mother stormed off…except they lived in a tiny apartment so the only place to go was to shut herself into the closet for a good long sulk. And while she was sitting in there, fuming, she looked up and saw her sewing kit on the shelf, and all my father’s uniforms hanging right there.

So she picked one shirt and one pair of trousers, carefully, methodically ripped every third stitch out of every seam, and then hung them back up together so that he would be likely to pick them at the same time. This took her a couple hours, so by the time she was done, the anger had worn down. She came out, she and my father had a talk that ended in apologies, after which they were tired and went to bed. My mother swears up and down that she meant to warn my father about the sabotaged clothes in the morning, but he wore a different uniform set and they were both still feeling a little raw, so she didn’t want to bring up the fight again. She decided to tell him that night instead.

And then she forgot.

Anyway, about four days later, my father apparently came home roughly an hour after he left for work, his clothes slowly, gently shredding off his body, the most bewildered expression on his face. “Paula,” he said, his voice mildly shell-shocked. “Paula, my clothes are broken.”

My mother promptly burst out laughing so hard that she went into labor. And that’s the story of my birth, heralded by petty vengeance and utter confusion.






shoutout to unseamly behaviour


i got cut off my health insurance without warning yesterday. there are meds i can't go without while i'm trying to get back on it. so things are going to get very expensive.

if you like my art and wouldn't mind helpin out with that a bit, here's my ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/neonbuck


Can someone help me find the video of cell where he says "enjoy Oblivion!" and throws a copy of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for the Xbox 360 at you


I once went on a boat trip where one of these guys ended up flying INTO the boat. Smacked someone right in the side of the head too.

They smell really bad, FYI.

So, to get it back in the water...on the fly, with no internet let alone time to Google the safest possible technique if such a thing even existed, we figured the best way to make the landing feel most natural to it would be to, in fact, throw it like a paper airplane.

It was every bit as satisfying and goofy as it looks like it would be.


One of my most downvoted comments on Reddit was when someone posted saying "someone is camping in a neighbor's yard, what do I do, what if they're HOMELESS OR SOMETHING who do I call to have them removed" and I said basically "life is rough especially right now, if they're not hurting anyone just leave them alone" which I guess was the wrong answer.


this guy's beef got old enough to have geology

Item: did you know that if you leave beef broth in a bottle long enough you can grow Beef Crystals


The group this was posted in has been advertised to me several times on FB, and I think it's important to know where it's from- the group is called Dull Men's Club (gender neutral though, their rules explain the name was kept from the I think 80s when they started and had separate groups but anyone that believes in and agrees to abide by their rules can join).

The group's major conceit is only this: finding joy in ordinary (see: dull) things.

And they often do

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