
Phlare Shadowdancer

@phlareshadowdancer / phlareshadowdancer.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

I never thought you'd haunt this little piece of our world again.

Inform me little ghost of my past, what and where might I be haunting?


To the Rogue in the Row Claiming to be Me

Phlare made his way down the streets of what seemed to be an empty city. Looking around, a sorrowful sigh left his lips as he approached the row. "As much as I tried to kill everyone.. and I mean, literally everyone. It's.. odd returning to seeing this city so empty." Slowly he would walk up to the wagon, drawing a piece of parchment that was tucked into his glove. Climbing to his old spot, he sat in the middle of the mantle of the wagon. Drawing a needle filled with ink from behind his ear he'd begin to scribe into the paper.

"There can only be one of me. Your legacy won't ever even be comparable to mine, but.. I'm flattered you wish to be me."

He would pause, narrowing his eyes at the letter. Groaning to himself, his head would tilt and his eyes would relax, almost falling closed as he began to write once more. "But if you must be me.. This was my seat, my unofficial throne. So if you can still manage to raise hell in this city.. under my name, well? I can't say I wasn't you at one point.." Looking up to the drapes of the with widening eyes Phlare slowly stood up. Tilting his head as he began to stretch his arms, parchment and all over his head. Finally, he'd jump into the wagon bay, turn around and place the parchment down on the mantle. Pressing the needle's tip into the parchment, he would grab his dagger and begin to tap the top of the needle with the blades hilt. Much like a hammer to a nail, he would leave the parchment stuck in the wood of the old wagon. With a low sigh, he'd snicker to himself as his eyes closed and the shadows began to envelope around him, removing him from this reality and taking him to another. "None of you miss me most likely. But.. I do miss some of you. Just some.. Awol'morie as we once said.."


"They call you Phantom, but.. have you ever actually seen a real ghost..?"


“Have I seen a real ghost? Well.. I could tell ya’ I’ve created many but.. have I actually seen them? Well magically I’d say yes, I think we all have. But personally? I would have to say.. I don’t think ghosts truly haunt people as much as memories do.”@snowfallen-nymph


Hai hai, lovely peoples! Ahhh, my heart! I cannot believe I’ve even gotten to this point, I literally have met so many wonderful people within this community and am so thankful for every single one of you.

To show my love and appreciation for hitting 300 followers, and as a means of hopefully branching out to eventually take on commissions in the near future, I’ve decided to throw a little art giveaway! Yay!

The Rules are simple:

♡ Must be following me. New followers are welcomed and encouraged!

♡ Only reblogs will be counted as entries. Likes are appreciated!

♡ On February 20th I’ll randomly select two winners!

♡ I shall be contacting the winners via Tumblr IM and they have 24 hours to respond, otherwise I’ll have to redraw the winners.

First place winner shall receive a fully colored piece of their WoW character as shown above with simple armor/clothing, an accessory, and a simple background.

Second place winner shall receive a simpler colored rough sketch of their WoW character as shown below.

Disclaimer: I primarily draw female OCs! Not to say that I am not absolutely willing to try to draw males, but if you’re willing to have some patience with me I’d greatly appreciate that. c:

I will not draw any anthro, mech, or heavy plate/complicated armor.

I am willing to do light NSFW, but only if I deem it tasteful.

♡ Thank you all so much again! Best of luck to you all! ♡


Interview with a Phantom Name “Phlare Shadowmancer”

Are you single? “Why is this always the first question,- Not really.”

Are you angry? “Am I angry? No but you’ve already annoyed me..”

Are your parents still married? “I can’t say I remember. Ya’know, long history with mind control spells, shadow magic, evil and I mean fucking evil eldest brother.. Don’t remember ma’ and pa’ much.”


Birth Place “Uh, don’t know.. What’s with all the person questions?”

Hair Color “It’s like an abyssal black. You know, lacking the blue and purple underlining. Just. Black.”

Eye color “Really? It’s gold...” His eyes would shift as he’d look around. “Yep, gold.”

Birthday “Ask my twin he’d know our birthday.”

Mood “Curious, frustrated, hungry.”

Gender “If this is really a question, and I mean really a question.. you’re fuckin’ blind.”

Summer or Winter “That’s easy, winter. Snow, moon light. An excuse to not do a damn thing. Yep.. Winter.”

Morning or Afternoon “Afternoon. Actually, what time is it? I’m pretty sure I didn’t even wake up till around five or six in the.. afternoon.. Neither, actually. Night.”


Are you in love? “I’m getting to be in love with the thought of stabbing- I uh, mean.. Mmm. Next.”

Do you believe in love at first sight? “No, I believe in love at first healing spell.”

Who ended your last relationship? “That was me, completely and totally me. I do this thing where it’s me first and well.. I think ya’get it.”

Have you ever broken someone’s heart? “One time.. One time I broke someones heart, after they broke mine first. They decided to take some sort of concoction that made them forget me and uh.. I’ve never been the same since. Worst pain I’ve ever felt and.. Just.. next..”

Are you afraid of commitments? “Yeah. Refer to the last question.”

Have you hugged someone within the past week? “Every morning, every night, and every chance I can in between. I’d say she’s gotta’ good spot against my chest. Fits’er perfect.”

Have you ever had a secret admirer? “Describe admirer.. Stalked and shot, stabbed, cursed admirer? Or like.. love notes and creepy pictures admirer? If its either, Yes.”

Have you ever broken your own heart? “Yeah, refer to the the previous broken heart question.”


Love or Lust? “Both, either.. Whatever gets us off.”

Lemonade or iced tea? “Whiskey.” 

Cats or Dogs? “Cats are uhm.. Less maintenance but dogs are more entertaining. Neither? I’m never home and animals don’t tend to like me.”

A few best friends or many regular friends? “I mean I’d have to have friends and not coworkers first.. All my friends? Betrayed me or they’re just.. gone. Poof.”

Wild night out or romantic night in? “If you’re a match, the wild night out leads to a romantic night in. Or sometimes it’s a flip flopped but uh- Next question.”

Day or Night? “I answered this.. Night.”


Been caught sneaking out? “No. Bad question.”

Fallen down/up stairs? “Stairs.. My fuckin’ bane.”

Wanting something/someone so badly it hurt? “Hurts? I.. would describe it as burns. Constantly until she’s with me.”

Wanted to disappear? “I always want to die.. I always want to live, its an.. odd battle in my mind.”


Smile or eyes? “Eyes. So much emotion within them.. The windows to a soul.”

Shorter or taller? “This question sucks. Shorter or taller what?”

Intelligence or attraction? “That’s a hand in hand thing, ain’t it?”

Hook-up or relationship? “Either.. Kind of in the in between on it now but it’s leaning right, not left.”


Do you and your family get along? “Never.. Ever, ever.. EVER.”

Would you say you have a messed up life? “Well I can’t remember at least half of it so I would say yes.”

Do you consider all of your friends good friends? “We talked about friends.. No, I don’t have friends.”

Who is your best friend? “I don’t have one.”

Who knows everything about you? “The only one that knew chose to forget me. Says a lot about me, yeah?”

Tagged by: @snowfallen-nymph =D


20 asks for OC writers.

Some of these can also be used for canon muses.

  1. When did you create your muse?
  2. Where did you find inspiration for your muse?
  3. Tell us something about the world/universe in which your muse lives.
  4. What’s your favourite headcanon about your muse?
  5. What’s something only very few people know about your muse?
  6. Are there parts of your muse that resemble parts of yourself?
  7. How many face claims do you have or have you had for your muse?
  8. How did you choose the name for your muse? 
  9. If your muse could be a canon character in any fandom, which fandom would you choose?
  10. Do you ship your muse with any canon characters? 
  11. Do you ship your muse with any other original characters?
  12. Share a song that matches with your muse!
  13. If your muse were the main character in a movie/book/show/game/…, what would it be called? What would it be about?
  14. Do you have any NPCs for your muse’s world or story? If yes, can you tell us something about them?
  15. Share a random headcanon about your muse!
  16. Is your muse religious? 
  17. What is something about your muse’s background story that you’ve always wanted to have a thread about?
  18. Give us one thing from your muse’s wishlist that you really want to write in a thread!
  19. List some of your muse’s favourites! (eg. food, movie, book, song, drink, place, celeb, etc.)
  20. This or that according to your muse: morning or evening? Marvel or DC? Mayonnaise or ketchup? Books or movies? Red or blue? Black or white? Halloween or Christmas? 
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