
Still getting stouter.

@s-trawbie / s-trawbie.tumblr.com

I'm a sarcastic hippie with no real ambitions in life.

I like these photos because someone clearly set up a camera, took a picture, ran all the way up the grain silo to change the slide doors, and ran all the way back down to take another picture. That's dedication.


the idea that all coping mechanisms are valid and completely immune to criticism is honestly one of the worst things on nd/mentally ill tumblr.

just because you’re doing something to cope doesn’t mean it’s not hurting you, or that it isn’t hurting others.

sometimes, coping mechanisms hurt other people, like compulsive lying or constantly expecting your partner to give you reassurance every second of the day. sometimes, your coping mechanisms harm your recovery even though they feel good at the time. sometimes, your coping mechanisms just further entrench you in whatever you’re struggling with.

stop defending unhealthy behavior with the justification of “oh it’s just me coping”. you’re not permanently chained to whatever harmful bullshit you do.


“if you can’t brush your teeth that’s fine uwu one step at a time” posts are supportive and that’s great but I’m about to have a 4.4k$ dental bill because I wasn’t taking care of my teeth when I was super depressed so uhh brush your fuckin teeth

the reason I bring up those posts is because every time I saw one I felt less and less bad about not brushing them and when my teeth actually started causing problems it made my MH worse because I was having horrible anxiety about my teeth getting worse and now I’m facing procedures that will probably be pretty painful and will definitely be expensive so I kinda got some beef with the anti-recovery culture on this site

switch up the language a little.

didn’t brush your teeth this morning? forgive your past self and do it now!

woke up at 3am and realize you didn’t brush your teeth before bed? 11pm you was tired, forgive yourself, and just do it now!

“it’s okay” DOES lose helpfulness when you forget that it’s supposed to mean “don’t beat yourself up about mistakes, and don’t let it keep you from doing something different.”

present you and future you don’t have to suffer just bc past you slipped. past you was going through it. give them a break. but, please, don’t let that stop you from doing something different. 11pm wants 3am you to feel better, even if they couldn’t make it happen.


there she goes again, daydreaming about her future house and how she’ll decorate it knowing she can’t afford a house in this economy ever. and by she i mean me.


this is by far the funniest jigsaw_quotes post i genuinely cannot stop thinking about the sight of like, jigsaw opening his wallet in the checkout line at the Death Trap Lowe’s and he has like two pennies and a dime in there. and he just sighs

Then yall will love this other one of theirs'


gonna check in on this redditor in 2 years and see if theyve figured it out yet

okay but this is exactly how i feel and i don’t get it

gonna check in on you in 2 years and see if youve figured it out yet

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