
Boom's Fanfiction

@boomchickfanfiction / boomchickfanfiction.tumblr.com

She/her | ADHD-haver | Boomchick on Ao3 Support my writing: Patron.com/LucyWritesBooks

op on the version of this I saw has turned off reblogs while posting lots of frustrated messages about how they don't care about people's actual responses. I'm adding some things they didn't think of.

I care about y'all's actual responses.

I wanna hear all about your writing in the tags. do tell.



currently reading No Water Is Enough by @boomchickfanfiction and aughhh!!! it has done me so much emotional damage /pos

spoilers for the fic + symbolism below the cut ↓

WOW, OH MY GOD THIS IS GORGEOUS!!!! I can't believe I haven't reblogged this before! What an INCREDIBLE PIECE!!!! The torn Ruoye in the background! The Stained Glass iconography! The BUTTERFLY ;;;;; Thank you SO MUCH for putting your love and effort into making this gorgeous piece of art!!! I'm so honored. May I link to it from the story? (Also, just to add, the sort of defeated posture he's standing in.... Absolute heartbreaker. INcredible work!)


I am SO delighted to have written for your gorgeous art, Lee!!! Thank you so much for letting me take your idea and run around! It has been an absolute pleasure!


Upcoming Vampire Novel: Vol. 1 Cover & Blurb Reveal!

Featuring cover portrait by the AMAZING @mynqzo !!!

- Full title -

The Count of Amaranth Moor: Memoirs of a Modern Vampire

A Novel in Three Volumes

-Details -

🩸A warm, slow-burn m/m vampire romance, set against a lush gothic backdrop 🩸Regency Era 🩸Expected to release in Summer 2024 🩸Upon publishing, will be available for FREE as downloadable epub & pdf (or purchase as paperback & hardback)


For more info and mailing list (sign up to be notified upon release!): amaranthmoor.carrd.co


-Paperback (with blurb)-

*Note: Covers subject to adjustments for final spine, trim, & barcode placement

Covers for vols. 2 & 3 to be revealed in coming months! All volumes will be released at once.

More details on twitter announcement: [Here]


fuck it, Toshiro Mifune fancam set to Kate Bush

hey op, what’s it like being a goddamned genius?

every so often, someone reblogs this from me and not OP (hi @majortomwaits!) and i get to look through the notes before i go cry bc mifune was So Handsome. highlights include:

  • young folk who have never beheld him discovering his beauty
  • lesbians and straight men saying “if i had to pick a dude”
  • wailing and gnashing of teeth, generally
  • “this was BEFORE stranger things, the vibes are that strong”
  • (My New Favorite) HE IS SO GENDER (y'all are so right, the man Performed Masculinity like no other, but then The Vulnerability)
  • agreeing with me that OP has the biggest, juiciest brain ever
  • Lucas wanted him for Obi-Wan Kenobi *rolling in the deep plays in the background*

just as it is useful and important to learn to distinguish between “this media is bad” and “this media is not for me,” it is also useful and important to learn to distinguish between “this media is bad” and “this media is not precisely following the narrative i have arbitrarily constructed in my head about how it should go”


you have to learn to say “this is not the story I expected or wanted it to be” and walk away. there are other stories out there.


Received Asks: How Did You Pick the Name You Create Under and What Influenced that Decision?

A collaboratively written post by multiple members of Duck Prints Press. The input of every individual author has been used and lightly edited with permission and credited in the way they’ve requested.

Two days ago, a member of Duck Prints Press posed the following questions to our blogging team:

  • Whether you publish under a pen name or your given name, what factored into your decision to use one or the other?
  • Was personal safety the primary reason behind deciding to use a pen name, or were there other reasons? 
  • If you use your given name, do you feel safe? 
  • What's your advice for [creators] who are thinking about publishing original [work]? 

A number of us replied, and we all felt that the compiled responses would make a good post to share, as “whether or not to use a pen name” is a recurring question we often get in-server, and is likely one many of y’all out there thinking of publishing your original work have pondered as well. 

Do you publish under a pen name or use your given name, and what factors influenced your decision to use one or the other?

@arialerendeair: I publish under a pseudonym and always will! I decided to go with names that riff off my fanfic name (Aria Lerendeair) - Aria L. Deair (for non-erotica) and Aria D. Leren (for erotica) because I’ve built a community and wanted it to be a bit of an in-joke when they find/buy my content. If someone were to find the story organically - they might get the name reference, they might not. It’s a fun way to create not-separation between the names and have one for the different genres! 

B. T. Fish: I (try to) stay anonymous aside from necessary contracts because of personal safety as regards certain family members. I honestly don't worry about strangers knowing who I am, but if I am aiming for anonymity I have to commit.

Annabeth Lynch: I use a pen name, but I plan on taking at least the first name as my legal name when possible. I won't share that or my pen name with my family because 1) they don't know I write, and I'm not content to share that with them at all, and 2) I don't want them to know I'm queer. They likely wouldn't be hellish about it but I would certainly be mocked. Also, now I live in the south and while I live in a liberal section because of the nearby colleges, the place I want to move after my husband's schooling is ~liberal~ in a vague way but definitely not as good as where I am now. It's one reason why I'm hesitant to try and get my books in bookstores that might want in-person events.

Dei Walker: I went with a pen name for the erotica I wrote for DPP (and I'll keep with that), but the first name holds a link with my real name in some ways. My husband's a teacher at a fairly prestigious private school, and there's a degree of "yeah my wife writes smut" that's okay with colleagues but isn't okay if the parents find out about it if they use search engines to learn more about me.

Willa Blythe: I chose to use a pen name. One, my real name is kind of weirdly spelled and I don't actually even use my first name because it is a very popular name from the 80s that my parents left a letter out of... I go by my middle name but I spell it differently than what's on my birth certificate, and I've gone by this name since I was 18. Everyone in my life knows me as (NAME) save my family, and they know I go by that. It's not a nickname, it's my name, and that's fine. 

Anonymous: I decided to use a pen name for two reasons: 1) my name is incomprehensible to English speakers - not only is it hard to pronounce, but it also uses special characters; 2) I'm a primary teacher in a small town where gossip goes wild (for example, when I decided to go part-time so I have more time for writing it was going around that I was pregnant ) so I don't want anyone to find out that I'm queer and write queer romance. There are idiots out there who wouldn't want me to teach their kids because of that. I eventually came up with a pen name that is a word play on my legal name so it still feels like me, and the people I want to know would recognize it as me but strangers are unlikely to make the connection.

Nina Waters ( @unforth ): I publish under a pen name because people always mispronounce my last name and my understanding is that it's better to make a pen name people can pronounce. Back when I was still considering trad pub, I was planning to use multiple pen names so I could write across genres. Nina Waters was gonna be spec fic and romance, but I love historical drama type stuff too and like. Those sell better with a male name on them? So I was gonna use either C. P. Houck (so, my actual initials and last name) or Charles (or maybe Chuck) P. Houck, since Charles is a family name (my uncle, my grandfather, and my great grandfather on my dad's side are all Charles's). That all said, when I decided to go the small Press creation route instead, there was basically no way to keep my real name out of things since as the owner I have to put it on all official paperwork, which means it's filed with the government and a matter of public record. Since anyone could access it, there didn't seem to be much point in keeping it a secret/separate. 

Was personal safety the primary reason behind deciding to use a pen name? What other reasons influenced your decisions?

(some authors included their answers to this in their replies above)

Nina Waters: Not really, though I did originally concoct the Nina Waters name for a really silly version of personal safety? I was writing a thing based on my unrequited feelings for someone and I obviously couldn't put that under my real name without risking them figuring it out, so I needed a pen name. I never did finish that project lmao and now I would never bother but the pen name stuck. 

arialerendeair: Part of [why I use a pen name] is because I was doxxed (and received threats) from a non-writing community almost a decade ago. I’m not afraid of attaching my real name to my works - I’m proud of them! But with the very real possibility of that happening again at some point in the future, I didn’t want to risk it!

Willa Blythe: There was an additional reason that using a pen name was important to me, though. When I wrote fan fiction, I was the victim of a targeted hate campaign aimed at people who wrote fanfiction about a certain character. I wrote fic that I loved and I stayed in my corner, but I got aggressive and hateful messages constantly about not only myself but also my young son, for the crime of choosing to write about a young man of color instead of the overwhelmingly popular white m/m ship in that fandom. It was alarming, especially when people I didn't know sent me messages about my workplace and my movements there. Prior to that, I'd been pretty open online. I'm not now. I take doxxing very seriously. My son's safety, but also my own and my roommate's, are of huge importance. I write about things people don't love: complicated queer relationships, critiques of capitalism and white supremacy, critiques of religion and spiritual practices, etc. I have to do what is necessary to create distance between my real life, my fandom life, and my writing life. That said... I've done more to separate my fandom and writing identities than my real and writing identities, for a variety of reasons. It's complicated, but as much as I love fandom, it does breed a certain kind of entitlement that my personal friends and family just don't have.

If you use your given name, do you feel safe?

@owlishintergalactic: My wife and I had a huge conversation about the implications of me writing under my wallet name. I am quite politically involved in the Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education sectors in my county and state. This is a sector where being openly LGBTQ can cause problems with a particular subset of parents and voters. Yet, we don't believe we should have to hide who we are and that we are LGBTQ - like many other parents in our state. We decided, in the end, that since I don't write anything more racy than "mature," it makes sense to build my platform using my real name. My writing is a part of me. It is a part of my advocacy. It's my profession. But it is a risk, and it's mitigated some because I live in one of the most open and inclusive communities in the US. For the most part, though, I do almost all of my online work under a variation of Owlish because it creates a layer of protection between me and the internet masses who don't always have the best intentions.

Nina Waters: I. uh. Mostly? I definitely worry about it. I've been thinking about getting a P. O. Box for the business so I at least don't have to use my real address all the time too. I worry that if someone took offense to the kind of work I do, they could go after my children, and that scares the crap out of me. In retrospect I wish I’d worked a little harder to keep my identities separate, but they were already mostly merged by the time I had kids and I’d have had to completely restart with new screen names and everything, so it felt like it was already too late by the time the business became public.

What’s your advice for [creators] who are thinking about publishing original [work]?

Nina Waters: The advice I give to people in the Press is if they're even a LITTLE unsure, they should use a pen name. At any time when they decide they're comfortable they can always switch to using their real name, but once the genie's out of the bottle there's no putting it back.

arialerendeair: There are a great many reasons to choose to use a pseud! For your own personal reasons, for reasons involving your spouse, your family, your activism work, because the internet is a scary place sometimes and many grew up in the web safety diligence era. If you are picking up a pseud for any reason at all - great! They can be fun, they can be punny, (is it a coincidence that D is the middle initial for my pseud that I write erotica under? Nope!) and they can be a chance to reinvent yourself for an audience that doesn’t know you yet. There’s a power in being able to shape a persona - and sometimes it’s fun to grab that and see where it leads!


Do you - yes, you, the person reading this! - use a pen name for publishing your art, fiction, or other types of creations? Have you kept your fandom, creation, and meatspace selves separate? We’d love to hear your answers to the above questions, so feel free to reblog and weigh in!


Have a question? Feel free to drop us an ask any time!

Want to support what we do and get access to extras and behind-the-scenes information? Back us on Patreon or ko-fi!

I publish under Lucy K.R. because I think it's fun to reverse the old trope of women having to hide their first names to pbulish :D


“Aim For The Heart” Creator Spotlight: Lucy K. R.

Today, as we inch toward the finish line on our crowdfunding campaign for Aim For The Heart: Queer Fanworks Inspired by Alexandre Dumas’s “The Three Musketeers,” we have a modern setting alternate universe retelling from Lucy K. R.!

The Three Mic O’ Tears by Lucy K. R.

About the Author: Lucy K.R. (she/her) is technically in existence. Every time she is free, she writes. Sometimes when she is not free she also writes. This has occasionally created problems. She is fortunate to be supported (read: enabled) by her enthusiastic fiancée Tomo, a loving OG family, and a lively found family as well.

Eager for a change after a decade of waitressing, Lucy K.R. took the chance in March of 2021 to make her first steps into the world of published work. Prior to the success of the largely-fabricated German translation of the short-story found in this collection, ‘die Karaoke-Königinnen’, she was best known for her work on Mageling: Rise of the Ancient Ones and in the Duck Prints Press anthologies “And Seek (Not) to Alter Me” and “She Wears the Midnight Crown”.

In her stories, Lucy K. enjoys writing evil ideas as gently as possible, portrayed through unexpected lenses. She would like to acknowledge that she has never written a biographical statement that did not turn out weird, beg your indulgence, and express her hope that you enjoy her work in this anthology. The people at Duck Prints Press have been a delight, and she is deeply grateful to be included!

Story Teaser:

“The plan is to pay you back for the slight, not to ruin your life,” Ash agrees with such dead certainty that Dart feels a thrill of terror and excitement all jumbled up, merged into the same creature.

“You seem very sure you’ll win,” Dart offers, tilting her own head in return.

“Ooh,” Portia’s lips quirk into an even cheekier smile.

“Cute,” Artemis comments, appraising eyes still fixed on Dart.

“So, in order of offense?” Dart asks, feeling her inner performer awaken at their attention. “Ash first, then Portia, then Artemis?”

“You seem very sure you’ll make it to the last dance yourself,” Ash returns, even as Artemis strips off her jacket and neatly folds it, nodding her approval.

“I came here to sing karaoke,” Dart takes the opportunity to roll up her sleeves. “Nothing and no one is going to keep me off that stage.”

She’s never fought anyone before. She’s never had to. But she said it, and she meant it—nothing will keep her off that stage. She lifts her fists, only to be tutted at by Ash.

“Wrists straight, dear,” she says, lifting her one good arm in demonstration.

“Ah,” says Dart, and fixes her posture.

We’ve posted this and 18 other teasers at our campaign page, and shared a lot more info to boot, so if you’re looking for a fabulous anthology this summer, make sure you check it out!



[Do Good Weirdly: Mid-Year 2023 Session]

To support We Rock Athens and Athens PRIDE, I'll be writing a brand new Heaven Official's Blessing/TGCF fanfiction from the hours of 7pm-7am LIVE for my fans to observe. For every hour I make it, I'll be donating $12 to each organization, and encouraging any readers to give as well (if they are able to do so!)

This event, for me, is an oasis in the desert of guilt and inaction. Like their siblings rage, fury, and righteousness, joy, creativity, and silliness can be forces for change as well. If the only person I help do a little good in this world is me, then at least that's one person <3

Two hour power outage only slowed me down a little! I'M STILL GOIN' AND I WILL ALL NIGHT!!!!


[Do Good Weirdly: Mid-Year 2023 Session]

To support We Rock Athens and Athens PRIDE, I'll be writing a brand new Heaven Official's Blessing/TGCF fanfiction from the hours of 7pm-7am LIVE for my fans to observe. For every hour I make it, I'll be donating $12 to each organization, and encouraging any readers to give as well (if they are able to do so!)

This event, for me, is an oasis in the desert of guilt and inaction. Like their siblings rage, fury, and righteousness, joy, creativity, and silliness can be forces for change as well. If the only person I help do a little good in this world is me, then at least that's one person <3



“I've been a fic writer for 9 years and I have over 50 fics!”

Welcome back @sephyathredon! Joining us to write for Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core, Sephy will be starting up at 12pm Mountain Time, and in her own words: 

   “I will be working on the next chapter of my AU fic where Zack and Sephiroth leave ShinRa with an ill Cloud in tow. It's called "The Reason We Rise, We Rise." I originally wrote the first chapter for the last DGW and the second chapter on my own. 

Summary:  “Shortly after Angeal's death, Infantrymen are reported going missing around ShinRa and one of the missing ones is Cloud Strife. His best friend Zack Fair tries to get to the bottom of it and finds out that he's being held within ShinRa's science department, but he's going to need some help to bust him out. 

  That's where Sephiroth comes in. Genesis and Angeal have long deserted ShinRa and he's been entertaining the idea of doing the same. Zack's proposed mission to rescue Cloud may just provide just the opportunity he's been looking for."" She’ll be using the writing stream to raise funds for Gamers Outreach(https://gamersoutreach.org/), a nonprofit organization that provides entertainment to hospitalized families through video games, and The Entertainment Community Fund(https://entertainmentcommunity.org/), providing a safety net for entertainment professionals! Learn more about Sephy and see more of her work by visiting her on [Tumblr] or [Ao3]

Do Good Weirdly is a twice-yearly fandom event, celebrating passionate creators and raising funds for good causes! Learn more or sign up yourself here: https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/, or meet more of our participants in the DGW Directory! https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/#directory

Sephy is STARTING NOW! Follow along with her work at [SephyAthredon's July 2023 DGW doc] or the [Do Good Weirdly Gather] [Password: DoGood]!



“I may be shy and a little weird, but I'm always down to make new friends! 💚”

Back at Do Good Weirdly, welcome @zimithrus1 to another event! Joining us as our very first FFXVI creator, she’ll be working on a pivotal scene from the main game involving Joshua and the Phoenix. (They add: “If I finish that piece before the twelve hours then I'll be doodling random sketches of FFVII and Tiger & Bunny!”) Planning to stream starting this Saturday the 1st at 12pm CST and aiming for a 12 hour run, she’ll be raising funds through her stream for local Oklahoma nonprofit Limbs for Life, dedicated to helping people obtain prosthetic limbs!

Learn more about Zimithrus and see more of her work by visiting her on [Tumblr] or [Ao3]

Do Good Weirdly is a twice-yearly fandom event, celebrating passionate creators and raising funds for good causes! Learn more or sign up yourself here: https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/, or meet more of our participants in the DGW Directory! https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/#directory

Zimithrus is now LIVE, streaming in the DGW discord! Join and watch their stream HERE! (Link will invite you to DoGoodWeirdly discord server!)

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