
I've grown a mouth so sharp & cruel

@lark-lomond / lark-lomond.tumblr.com

It's all that I can give to you, my dear
“Call it a wild perversity or a wild optimism, but they were right, our ancestors, to celebrate what they feared. What I fear I avoid. What I fear I pretend does not exist. What I fear is quietly killing me. Would there be a festival for my fears, a ritual burning of what is coward in me, what is lost in me. Let the light in before it is too late.”

Jeanette Winterson, “The Green Man” | The World and Other Places: Stories


And you can use their reality to keep them calm if they are panicking! We had a husband who was always panicking trying to find his wife. Telling him she had passed away was not an option, but through the family we figured out their routine and could tell him not to worry, that she was at the salon or getting coffee with MaryAnne and would be home soon. It calmed him down, stopped him from trying to climb out of windows looking for her, and kept him in his own reality.

If you are working with dementia patients and they aren't your family, try to get small details from the family that can help!


We had an older gent who was always wanting to get in his car and drive off so we would tell him his car was in the workshop. Eventually someone came up with a car of a make and model he’d owned that was non-working so we parked it up in the garden and he used to get in and sit happily behind the wheel and go for ‘drives’ - he even used to give other residents lifts to wherever they thought they were going.

Trying to orient someone with dementia is cruel in the short term and ultimately pointless. You’ll only upset them by trying to tell them the truth and they’ll have forgotten in an hour and be asking after the same long dead people again. My mother has worked in dementia care for over 25 years and will often tell families “So-and-so is happy in their dementia world”

[ image id: a screenshot of an answer to a question regarding dementia. the question asks “how do i answer my dad with dementia when he talks about his mom and dad being alive? do i go along with it or tell him they have passed away?” the answer, written by david mcphee (ph.d. psychologist, therapist) is as follows:  “enter into his reality and enjoy it. he doesn’t need to be ‘oriented’. thank god the days are gone when people with advanced dementia were tortured by huge calendars and reminders signs and loved ones were urged to ‘orient’ them to bring them to some boring reality. if dad spends most of his time in 1959, sit with him. ask him questions he didn’t have time for before. ask about people long dead, but alive to him, learn, celebrate heritage. his parents are alive to him. learn more about your grandparents. if he tells the same story over and over, appreciate it as if it’s music, and you come back to the beautiful refrain. this isn’t ‘playing along to pacify the old guy’, this is an opportunity to communicate and treasure memories real but out of time.”  / end id ]


Children's oppression and lack of humanization is one topic that makes my insides feel like they're rotting and I'll die on the hill of defending them and pointing out how fucking gross it is every single time people act like it's cool actually to hate a group of people who are the least able to defend themselves in any terrible situation

Y'all will scream "protect queer kids" "protect trans kids" "protect kids of color" then forget all that and proudly stand behind "well kids are fucking annoying in public actually so it's fine when I talk about wanting to have grocery stores and planes that are child free :)" individualism has killed humanity so deeply


This for real


works w/ youtube, soundcloud, twitch, twitter (gifs and videos), tumblr (video and audio), and most other websites you're probably lookin to download stuff off of.

for anyone wondering about privacy and whatnot, i'm happy to say that the developers are pretty committed to have 0 trackers and 0 data retention. you can read more in their "about" section, but here's the basic important stuff:


Hey this let me download the videos of my band from a skate shop's instagram that I've been trying to get for like six years.


Found this on facebook but reposting to SAVE A LIFE.

Or at least some of y’all’s GPAs.

You’re welcome.

Holy shit? thanks op!

for comp sci, physics, math, etc p much everything is uploaded by authors to https://arXiv.org

also, use Unpaywall

(and sci-hub but I didn’t tell you this)


Inmates being put to work does NOT SAVE ANYONE TAX DOLLARS you are still paying exorbitant amounts of taxes to the prison industrial complex, almost all of which goes into these corporations pockets, btw—-not spent on prisoners.

I don’t know about any of y’all, but I would so much rather my tax money go to actually rehabilitating people and finding ways to keep them out of incarceration, rather than an entire industry set up around getting people to recidivate and return to prison time and time again, just so that prison industrial complex can pocket even MORE of my tax money.

for any wondering how this affects you the not yet in prison population, slave labor takes jobs out of the economy and depresses all labors value. in real terms they are picking your pocket.


hey now...

Couldn't have nailed me any harder to the floor if you had a fucking hammer.


I love the silliness but also with some serious mixed in. Like, when I write, I enjoy some crazy fun, and then I want to go straight to heavy topics with some angst.

So uh, accurate?

Y'know what, I'll take it. I seem to be in good company!



I put canon characters in a grinder it's true

Everyone is fucked and you will sob about it, just like my characters




Dear people living on your own for the first time:

Here’s some advice I wasn’t told from the myriad of posts before that I wish I’d been given before

  • Wash the OUTSIDE of your pots and pans as well as the cooking surface. I’ve had a few roommates now who have only cleaned the inside and I’ve had to replace a $150 set of cookware twice.
  • “its only one time, how bad could using metal on nonstick cookware really be?” very bad. don’t do this.
  • Buy a rice cooker. Buy the middle tier rice cooker. Cheap ones will burn your rice, high tier ones are too expensive. Rice is good and cheap and, really, you don’t actually have to wash it if you don’t care about making gourmet food.
  • Buy band-aids. You don’t think you need band-ads until you need a band-aid, and by then it’s too late. (if you don’t follow this advice, a paper towel and some tape is an acceptable solution while you go get real bandages and neosporin)
  • You are on tumblr, which means you probably spend most of your time in one spot on a computer or phone. if this spot doesn’t have a trash can in arm’s reach, put one there.
  •  I spent 4 years piling trash on my desk in increasingly precarious ways until I had a designated area to put it. Trash cans can and should go anywhere there is a frequent generation of trash, typical locations be damned.
  • If you live with one or two roommates, discuss placing empty boxes in the back of your fridge and freezer. You probably don’t need all the space that the standard 5-person-family fridge provides, and tupperware will be shoved back there and left to stink up the entire appliance.
  • Get a wall calendar, put it somewhere communal, and have everyone put their household-relevant schedules on it. Communication is by far the weakest link with roommates (even good ones!) and having something to reference for appointments is always good

Hey this post is pretty good but please always wash your rice. It’s not to make it taste better, it’s to remove aflatoxin, which is created by a very widespread type of fungus and as such is present on most unwashed produce. Chronic exposure to aflatoxin leads to higher risk of liver and gallbladder cancer. I don’t blame anyone for not knowing this, as I didn’t until I started taking classes about cancer for my microbiology degree. Please always wash all of your produce and especially your rice, as it has a much higher surface area to volume ratio meaning that it can have a lot more aflatoxin on it than other produce if you don’t wash it.


Also wash your rice so the starch doesn’t boil over the rice cooker and make a massive mess


actually bizarre how many people on here struggle to understand the basic concept of "if you take it upon yourself to dig through somebody's private activity/likes to build a profile of their sexual desires which you then publicize to others and use to encourage harassment & social exclusion of that person, you are the sexual aggressor in this scenario"

Genuinely so many scenarios where people dig through peoples likes and following to try and figure out what they’re interested in sexually are just sexual harassment. going into great detail about what you have speculated someone may perhaps be into from the 48 hours straight you’ve spent surveilling their every move to try and find any trace of sexual behavior or interest is actual terrifying creep behavior and if it was put into context in almost any other situation that involved a group of people they see as humans 90% of these people would agree

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