
Ice Tigress

@ice-tigress / ice-tigress.tumblr.com

Kateli on AO3 | YOI meta and fic writer | Multi-Shipper | 20-something grad student WttM meta | YOI BDE meta Mod for YOI Prompts Weekly Art by girl with ribbon

Announcing The Sensible Discourse Experience!

We started this server to encourage respectful discussion and debate about fandom life and practice. Usually, discourse in fandom gets quite contentious and even has a negative reputation for volatility, but we think that these kinds of conversations can be valuable both in an intellectual was as well as in a practical way, such that we can cultivate a more positive and respectful fandom experience that hopefully reaches beyond the server itself. All fandoms welcome! This is an all-ages server (with some age-restricted channels).

Click the invite link (expires after 1 day, DM me if you’d like a new one!)

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to DM me! (and this all feels timely... I think our server will be a great place for complaining about tumblr’s new rules...)


[ficlet] [yoi] like my father before me

me: I bet georgi would be a great dad me: he would be so good at pretend games me: someone should write that

[aka a georgi x mari kidfic]


T_T <3 <3 <3

This is SooOOO. CUUUUTE!!!! ORRO!!!!!!

Honestly how freaking cute would this kid be?!?! I want to see fanart of Wakana T.T 

I love the swapping of gender roles, Mari’s love-hate feelings about Georgi’s romanticism... eeee this made me very happy


Now that we’ve had reveals, here’s my piece for RSOI 2018, written for Allekha Title: Fuel to My Fire Rating: Teen and up Relationship: Christophe Giacometti/Victor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Polyamory, but they're just figuring it out, Past Christophe Giacometti/Victor Nikiforov, Light Angst, Getting Together, Nudity, Kissing, Sharing a Bed Summary: 

"Please enjoy the onsen with the other good-looking foreigner.”

Apparently he is not Yuuri's only visitor, which puts a bit of a damper on Viktor’s plans.

Anonymous asked:

Hi I just read your meta about WTTM bc of that compilation post about Yuri, Beka and Otayuri’s metas and i just love it so much bc you conveyed everything perfectly and you’re so smart !! I sent it to a friend that was still wary about that performance but she changed her thoughts after she read your meta !! Thank you for writing such a thoughtful post about Yuri and WttM. I’m gonna check all your other metas :)

Wow! This is so flattering, I’m so honored that you felt compelled to share with your friend. And I’m so glad that it changed her thoughts (of course, everyone has a right to their opinions, but I’m glad that she found the analysis productive).

My other meta is a silly one about BDE that I just wrote the other day, but I have a couple other ideas for analysis that I may write in the future ;)


Meta Monday

Welcome to the Madness! As in, it’s summer and I’m (still) mad about it, so I’m coping by making post after post about gay love on ice. I’ve already shared my favorite Victuuri meta, as well as my favorite Zimbits fics, which means it’s about damn time we got to Yuri ‘Free the Nipple’ Plisetsky and Otabek Altin, both individually and as Otayuri. 

Plus, though it’s not exclusively Otayuri, please also see the bonus meta I stumbled upon just before posting this because I died laughing. Especially the ending. 😘👌

Yuri!!! On Ice - Otabek/Yuri

Beka is Yura’s Agape by @okwtr, […] My friend linked me to this Otayuri on ice vid on facebook and I got to thinking about how important they are for each other as people and as skaters because they are, and especially in Yura’s case because beka is actually another form of agape in his life.

Beka and WttM by @leojichuchumetti, I’ve seen Yuri meta about WttM, but can we talk about BEKA’S involvement? Because here’s a guy who just a few days before wasn’t even sure Yuri would remember him, much less want anything to do with him. And here he is in his exhibition skate which he picked the music for and possibly helped with or even provided some of the outfit. Beka is probably dying.

Davai! (Or why Otayuri actually wins the world) by @lostadult, […] I’ve been thinking a lot about this comment of Kubo-sensei’s. It’s just the most adorable thing I have read in a while. I am not the biggest Otayuri fan, but only mostly because they’re seriously too young for me at this point. I do like their tandem, however, and I am enjoying the attention they are getting recently with the official photos and everything.

“I’ve always thought we were alike” - Otabek Altin by @dragonreine, So that line has kind of puzzled me when Otabek said it, because I was wondering where exactly did Otabek see the similarities in Yuri Plisetsky. And then Episode 11 happened, and I think I understand. 

I was waiting for when someone would bring up Milabek by @severeminx, I’ll try to reason from an objective perspective, though I do admit my vision can be tinted by wishful thinking. Here’s what I got: People have been talking about Milabek because of this one comment Kubo made. Something like “There’s Victor and Yuuri, Yakov and Lilia might be getting back together, Mila is showing an interest in Otabek, so please don’t forget about poor Yurio.” If she is mentioning this, there must be a reason. We don’t know what kind of story she has in mind and can only guess.

The other reason Yurio won the Grand Prix Final by @idiotfromindiana, There were a lot of things about Yurio that I hated along the way, but I never hated him. In episode 3 I was legitimately disappointed to see him go, and I think it’s because he wasn’t just full of bluster. His confidence was strangely quiet, and there was clearly a lot of effort behind his determination. That’s far more than I can say for myself. I admired that. He is also filled with a desperation that I find easy to sympathize with, and there’s a good reason for it.

The possibility of Otayuri becoming canon by @severeminx, So in this post-Welcome to the Madness daze and with the information that has been released today, I would like to do some speculation about the character dynamic between Yurio and Otabek and the possible implications for this ship to become canon. I have already written a bit about this in a comment to another post here, but I would like to elaborate.

Puma Tiger Scorpion by @okwtr, So it’s just been revealed that Yuri Plisetsky, Grand Prix champion at age fifteen, named his freaking cat Puma Tiger Scorpion. Now puma and tiger I get, bc they’re badass edgy cats, but why scorpion??

Queer Self-Presentation and Burlesque Auto-Sexuality in Yuri Plisetsky’s “Welcome to the Madness” by @ice-tigress, […] I’m hoping that this will contribute to the ongoing conversation about underage characters in fandom, and am looking forward to your asks. I’m a little nervous to be tossing my hat into the Otayuri discourse, but I hope I won’t catch too much hate.

Some WttM thoughts by @aftgonice, I still haven’t calmed down from the madness (lbr I never will) but I’m going to try to put some thoughts together. I’m sorry if this will be a mess but I try.

Why Otabek is the Best by @felicitatem, Wasn’t there a saying that the people who are the most quiet notice the most/have the loudest thoughts? Well in this case, meet Otabek. Otabek is a character genuinely misunderstood by a lot of characters but adored by the fandom. 

Yuri is having a miserable night? by @severeminx, Shower thought: So I was thinking about how in the leaked bonus manga Yuri says he is having a miserable night. At first you would think: “What, why? My boy, you just won gold!” Then it dawned on me that Yuri did not look happy at all standing on that podium with a gold medal around his neck. 

a yuri plisetsky character study (or: yuri plisetsky, the small, angry and desperate child, a discussion) by @okwtr, Because that’s the thing about Yura: he’s a child, he’s 15. Rn he’s still figuring a lot of things out and the thing is, he’s never exactly been given time to figure them out, bc as we’ve been told he’s been skating + competing from a very young age (even moving cities to train), and also bc he doesn’t have any family outside his aging grandfather + an absent mother (?) - and that’s the heart of everything, really.

Yuri Plisetsky’s Emotional Maturity - Meta/Analysis by @otabekismybff, I got a question about whether Yuri Plisetsky would ever catch up emotionally to Yuuri Katsuki. When Yuri turns 18, Yuuri K. will be 26. 8 years is still 8 years, but I personally think Yuri will be able to catch up. There’s evidence throughout the series that Yuri grows up fast.

Yuri’s Welcome to the Madness v. the 90s by @greencephalopod, One of the major themes of Yuri on Ice as a show is the great potential that lies in figure skating as a means of self expression. Yuri’s Welcome to the Madness program is a wonderful example of the theme, serving as a furious and brash contrast to Yuuri and Victor’s more sedate and gracious Stammi Vicino that shows the truly large range of expression possible through figure skating.

Yuri!!! On Ice - All

Definitive Ranking of BDE in YOI by @ice-tigress, I couldn’t resist the urge to rank the characters of Yuri!!! On Ice in order of Big Dick Energy (BDE).


Thanks for linking both my metas! <3 <3 <3 :D


It’s not often that I draw expressions like this, so I thought Yurio would be a nice change. …That, and I’m still not over Yuri on Ice. I need movie news like… NOW. AAAAaaa 💦💦

Artwork © 2018 Sloan | Yuri on Ice © Sayo Yamamoto, Mitsuro Kubo, Studio MAPPA Please don’t use, repost or edit without permission, thanks! Want to support my art? Check my tumblr page for a link to my Ko-fi!


Definitive Ranking of BDE in YOI

I couldn’t resist the urge to rank the characters of Yuri!!! On Ice in order of Big Dick Energy (BDE).

What makes me an expert in this topic, you might ask? Well, I just took this quiz and here is my result:

This was a challenging list to compile, because I am of the opinion that you can’t really have BDE if you’re *extra*. That’s not to say they are entirely mutually exclusive, but I found in my consideration of each character that levels of *extra* often indicated less BDE. And we know that a lot of these characters are preeeetty extra.

So, without further ado, click to view the rankings, beginning with the characters with the littlest metaphorical dicks:

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