
Taebeast of Balmung

@taebeast / taebeast.tumblr.com

FFXIV RP [Balmung] | Yokai | Far Eastern | GPOSE | They/Them/ | Ace

Love is Love: Pride Street Festival [Balmung] June 9th @ 9pm EDT Shirogane W14 Akanezaka Markets

Pride has come to the Far East! It’s time to get together and celebrate the colors of pride and love because love is love and love wins! Bring anyone who wants to share in this celebration of life and love and we’ll have a colorful parade through the streets and performances with an array of songs to have you singing and dancing together the entire evening! Vendors with delectable foods, colorful and themed merchandise, and games of all varieties will promise to keep you entertained throughout the night. Come to Pride and show your colors to the world!

Currently looking for Vendors, game stall runners, and performers! Come join our discord to sign up or just keep track of the event!

Info: https://love-pride-ffxiv.carrd.co/ When: June 9th @ 9pm EDT Where: [Balmung] Shirogane W14 Akanezaka Markets


Love is Love: Pride Street Festival [Balmung] June 9th @ 9pm EDT Shirogane W14 Akanezaka Markets

Pride has come to the Far East! It’s time to get together and celebrate the colors of pride and love because love is love and love wins! Bring anyone who wants to share in this celebration of life and love and we’ll have a colorful parade through the streets and performances with an array of songs to have you singing and dancing together the entire evening! Vendors with delectable foods, colorful and themed merchandise, and games of all varieties will promise to keep you entertained throughout the night. Come to Pride and show your colors to the world!

Currently looking for Vendors, game stall runners, and performers! Come join our discord to sign up or just keep track of the event!

Info: https://love-pride-ffxiv.carrd.co/ When: June 9th @ 9pm EDT Where: [Balmung] Shirogane W14 Akanezaka Markets


RpUtils Dalamud Plugin (or: Roleplay Sonar)

There's this little project by Kass also known as Nhia Soluna that I've taken an interest in, and I think it might help some of you all that have thoughts kind of like I do.

Things like "Events are great and all, and there's these awesome listing sites. Damn, I do pine for the days of just finding people out in the world to roleplay with. If only I had a way to know where folks were?"

Sure there's the Quicksands, but I won't get on the rant of what world/data-center visit has done to that. There's also the Lane, but it's been pretty quiet. There's the bloodsands if you're interested in a good scrap. But how do we find people in the rest of the world, or let people find us?

That's where this little project comes in. This is still a work in progress, so you have to look for it in the 'Testing' section of Dalamud.

People running this plugin, if they opt into doing so, can have their location anonymously broadcast that you're roleplaying. Kind of a beacon to 'hey, I'm here, I'd like to play with others."

Typing /rputils will ring up the settings window, you have to opt into turning on the utilities in the main setting tab, then the sonar in the sonar config tab. The RP Now tag and provide a list of how many people are opting in and flagged as /roleplying in the open world zones.

In those zones you can find RP pins on your map:

Information sent to the server is anonymous so you'll have to head out to those spaces to see who's there.

Please note, this is still in testing, and undergoing, hopefully, future iterations, so feel free to make suggestions and requests.

Instructions on finding the plugin behind the cut.


This reminds me of the ability of TRP, in WoW, to scan for roleplayers - then I can see where there's concentrations of people, and I can go there to look for RP! Very helpful, and good to know there's something like that being worked on in XIV.


HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE Let’s say it’s 6.15pm and you’re going home (alone of course), after an unusually hard day on the job. You’re really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself..!! NOW HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE… Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can perhaps buy precious time to get themselves to a phone and dial 911. Rather than sharing another joke please contribute by broadcasting this which can save a person’s life! Be prepared and become part of the solution. Get your free next-of-kin notification card today. Click here: https://www.InCaseOfEmergencyCard.com/

major signal boost

Reblogging cause this could save someone’s life

This could save many lives, reblog



 We should all know this

Glad to share

As someone who has been revived: THIS.

I’ve had to learn a couple different techniques to combat this due to my heart condition. Being revived is NOT fun guys, would not recommend, and everyone should know how to help themselves.



Saturday, April 27th @ 8:00pm EST | Balmung Yanxia, Plum Springs

Spring has swept over the Far East in the form of the blossoming cherry trees! Join us this year to sit beneath the cherry blossoms with friends, loved ones, and companions and indulge in all spring has to offer. We open the festival with a ceremony that leads into the open market, and the evening closes with a themed play. 🍵

Join the discord to sign-up and get involved! Currently we're seeking; vendors, fortunetellers, geisha, and taxi volunteers: https://discord.gg/YmBHZWxTtf

If you're unable to fly in Yanxia, we will have volunteer taxi services present in Namai awaiting your arrival! 🍡




SPRING SEASON IS HERE! Odoru-ha is newly formed two-day far eastern swords festival known as the 'Dancing Blades Tournament'. The chance for samurai to show off their skills as swordsmen, and represent their backgrounds or clans! Those interested in the sword, and those willing to fight are welcome to join and sign up! There will be vendors, taiko drums, flying banners and more! Celebrate swordsmanship with your true colors. Spectators, eastern clans, and samurai enthusiasts welcome! The meeting of clans is encouraged!

Swordsman slots are full! We are currently seeking vendors for the festivities! Join the discord to sign up!: https://discord.gg/ahtNznAFXz

DAY ONE : FRIDAY, APRIL 20TH @ 8PM EST DAY TWO : SATURDAY, APRIL 21ST @ 8PM EST WHERE: Balmung | Kugane Sekiseigumi Barracks MUSIC: https://cytu.be/r/NightRaid

CARRD (WIP): https://odoruha.carrd.co/


interesting how transmascs & transfems alike think losing weight is the answer to pass as our chosen gender.... almost as if fat people are never Truly afforded a passing gender regardless of trans status. as fat people we are never Truly seen as Men or Women. anyway fuck that notion & if u think u need to lose weight to pass that's the devil talking

i'd also like to point out that this is a problem with people seeking to present androgynously. even androgyny must be skinny in the eyes of the world. in order to even be a person outside of gender, you mustn't be fat

i want fat nb folks to know that you aren't any less of a person or any less androgynous for being fat


You do not owe your partner(s) sex. I mostly see this passed around in the asexual community, and it absolutely needs emphasis there, but this applies to anyone of any orientation. You never owe your partner(s) sex under any circumstance.

If your sex drive or libido is lower than your partner’s, you may feel obligated to “keep up” with them to make them happy. But you have a right to say no, or not be in the mood, or be too tired, or just not want to right now. Your partner(s) should respect your right to say no and your bodily autonomy.

If your partner(s) try to harass, manipulate, or coerce you into having sex when you say no, they’re an asshole. Having said yes in the past does not mean you can never say no. It is not your responsibility or obligation to provide sex. You do not need to violate your own boundaries to make someone else happy. Your partner(s) should respect your right to say no, and if they don’t, they don’t deserve you.

Your body belongs to you, and you decide what’s best for your sexual health. Happy Pride


Looking for active FFXIV RP blogs!

Give this post a little love tap with a reblog or a like if you're an FFXIV RP blog that's still kicking and I don't already follow you. It's like a virtual game of hide and seek—some have vanished into the aether, and I'm trying to find the ones that are still here for interactions! Thanks and happy adventuring friends. o/


A lengthy ass-post about poly-shipping no one asked for

So I'm gonna go ahead and choose passive aggressive violence, in the form of an informative, lengthy as fuck post I think some folks need to read.

I won't be adding the post here, as I don't wish to direct potential harassment to the original poster (no matter how heinous I found a majority of the list), but if you're on twitter/"X", I'm sure you've seen a lengthy notepad list of RP "hot takes".

While I agreed with some of the points made, I feel it necessary to clarify some things, particularly about the points regarding polyamorous shipping.

If you don't want to read the blurb between here and the actual point list, just scroll down until you see green font.

Most know that I myself play a polyamorous character; I ship my character with other characters belonging to different players. I've been poly-ship for YEARS, so I feel I have some experience and can say some things about it.

Some points made in the "hot takes" list alluded to people using polyamorous shipping/multi-shipping as an excuse to just ERP and mess around with multiple people without consequence.

Sadly, yes, this does happen. It's unfortunate that selfish people only looking for specific things use it as an excuse for their behavior, but the only thing people can do is be aware of what to look out for when it comes to polyamorous shipping.

So rather than allow a negative light be painted on a valid means of shipping and roleplaying your characters in relationships, I think a quick lesson is needed.

Disclaimer: these are just my personal opinion on how I feel polyships should be handled, and some red flags I have seen during my time being a polyamorous OC player. By no means is this a rulebook, more like a guide so new and veteran roleplayers alike can be aware.

What a responsible poly-shipper will do:

  • Introduce you to their other partners - Communication is key in any relationship, this is not just for monogomous ships, but even moreso for polyamorous. A poly OC player will be open to introducing you to their other partners; while no one expects you to be best friends, it's good to be aware of just who else you'll possibly be regularly seeing around.
  • Share time and effort among your partners equally - A polycule relationship should be even across the board; one partner should not be treated better than the other. Treating one or more partners better than the other(s) is just a recipe for people getting hurt, both IC and OOC.
  • Be open and up front at the very beginning of IC interactions - A poly OC player will be up front and honest about the nature of their character if they have an interest in possibly shipping with you, or in case the possibility of it happening is there.
  • Encourage communication and prioritize problem-solving - This isn't just for poly ships, but ships in general. A good writing partner will encourage and WANT you to tell them about how you feel with the ship, especially if it's a problem with an easy solution.
  • Always make it known if they wish to bring another partner into the polycule & pose an introduction OOC - This is the most important part of being in a poly ship, making sure EVERYONE knows if there is someone new who will be joining the ship, and making introductions before a ship is made.

What a responsible poly ship player wouldn't/shouldn't do:

  • Hide the status of their ships - If your partner is hiding who they are shipping with from you, in my experience, this just means a person is going behind their partner's back (and is possibly cheating on them).
  • Brush off any possible issues you may be having with one of the partners in the ship - A responsible partner would aim to mediate the situation, and listen to all sides.
  • Discourage their poly partners from seeking other partners - Not every poly OC is monogomous with their poly partner, sometimes one poly OC will be shipped with another poly OC. Your partner would not expect you to drop your other ships to be with them while they continue their own, they should respect your decision to ship with your other partners.
  • Keep attempts to ship with other characters a secret - A responsible poly partner will make it known when they are attempting to or want to ship their OC with another as soon as intentions and wants are known. Not after a ship is already established.
  • Discourage those in the polycule ship from associating with each other - A partner in a healthy polycule would never discourage their partners from associating with each other; intentional separation more than likely is a means of hiding something, such as blatant favoritism, or even to keep ships a secret (in my experience).

Anyways I'll get off my soap box. I apologize for the lengthy post, but some things I've been seeing regarding this hot takes list were so blatantly heinous, I just felt like something should be said.

Have a good evening y'all; hug your pets, tell your friends you love them, and don't let jaded people online project their problems onto you.

Stay golden


Kugane Night Market

Thursday March 7th

Twilight falls over Kugane and all is well, the streets emptying as the people make their way to their homes seeking the solace of their beds. This evening, however, is not like any other. A sweet smell hangs on the crisp night air and distant music draws you in like a siren's call. You turn the corner and there it is glittering in the darkness. Mesmerized, you make your way between the stalls, laughter echoing in your ears. You ask a passerby where you are and he hands you a mask, his smile wider than his face.

"Welcome," he says. "Welcome to the Kugane Night Market."

Ghosts and spirits, yokai and mortals, as well as those who seek the fantastic or uncanny, all find their way here to the patterned stalls of the Night Market. Whatever you may desire, you will find it here. Every desire has it's price and those who are not willing to pay will find the cost extracted in ways they may not expect. Learn well the rules of this eldritch occasion: mind your manners, wear a mask, and always be sure to be long gone before the market fades back from whence it came lest you find that curiosity too has it's cost.

Want to participate or keep up with announcements? Join our discord: https://discord.com/invite/r2BrMJxXCq

When: Thursday March 7th [First Thursday of the month] | 8pm EST

Where: Coeurl server, Kugane, Rakuza District



Saturday, January 20th @ 7:30PM EST | [Balmung] Shirogane W14 Main Division Akanezaka Markets

That time to celebrate the fresh start of the new turn has landed this moon, and it'll be through the traditions of oshogatsu! The year of the Wood Dragon has come to Hingashi, bringing good fortunes, improvement, and abundance to one's life!! Suiren Shrine will be opening the festivities with a blessing ceremony once again! 🌟🌟 🏮🏮🏮 Performances, Vendors, Diviners, Street Food, and Games await! We'll be bringing in the crowd of the Far East and beyond to observe our celebration!

We are currently seeking security, vendors, fortunetellers, performers, and game stalls! Join the discord to sign up: https://discord.gg/TX2DCbQEjK

Tomorrow night!!



Saturday, January 20th @ 7:30PM EST | [Balmung] Shirogane W14 Main Division Akanezaka Markets

That time to celebrate the fresh start of the new turn has landed this moon, and it'll be through the traditions of oshogatsu! The year of the Wood Dragon has come to Hingashi, bringing good fortunes, improvement, and abundance to one's life!! Suiren Shrine will be opening the festivities with a blessing ceremony once again! 🌟🌟 🏮🏮🏮 Performances, Vendors, Diviners, Street Food, and Games await! We'll be bringing in the crowd of the Far East and beyond to observe our celebration!

We are currently seeking security, vendors, fortunetellers, performers, and game stalls! Join the discord to sign up: https://discord.gg/TX2DCbQEjK



Saturday, January 20th @ 7:30PM EST | [Balmung] Shirogane W14 Main Division Akanezaka Markets

That time to celebrate the fresh start of the new turn has landed this moon, and it'll be through the traditions of oshogatsu! The year of the Wood Dragon has come to Hingashi, bringing good fortunes, improvement, and abundance to one's life!! Suiren Shrine will be opening the festivities with a blessing ceremony once again! 🌟🌟 🏮🏮🏮 Performances, Vendors, Diviners, Street Food, and Games await! We'll be bringing in the crowd of the Far East and beyond to observe our celebration!

We are currently seeking security, vendors, fortunetellers, performers, and game stalls! Join the discord to sign up: https://discord.gg/TX2DCbQEjK

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