
The Publishing Goblin


Collage artist, writer, TTRPG designer Head of Publishing Goblin/Pub Gob Games, and official publisher of Normal Horoscopes' merch and books. Samantha Dow of @charminglyantiquated did the lovely goblin illustration!  https://linktr.ee/7DA

We are returning with not just a new edition of the Normal Tarot, though there is that, too. And it's gorgeous. Truly.

But we're also reprinting all three of the previous versions of the deck. The original, the silver, the gold. All of it.

And the updated guidebook? Will include an illustration for each edition in its entries, making it compatible across all four decks. So come join us in getting excited.

Interviews with current and former US Agency for International Development (USAID) and State Department officials, aid agencies working in Gaza and internal USAID documents reveal that the administration rejected or ignored pleas to use its leverage to persuade its ally Israel – the recipient of billions of dollars of US military support – to allow sufficient humanitarian aid into Gaza to stop the famine taking hold. The former officials say the US also provided diplomatic cover for Israel to create the conditions for famine by blocking international efforts to bring about a ceasefire or alleviate the crisis, making the delivery of aid almost impossible. “This is not just turning a blind eye to the man-made starvation of an entire population, it is direct complicity,” former State Department official Josh Paul, who resigned over US support for the war, told The Independent. [...] “This is a population that is starving to death, this is a population that is being pushed to the brink,” the World Health Organisation’s emergencies director Michael Ryan said at a press conference on 31 January. The same day Mr Ryan described Gaza’s grim outlook, White House national security communications adviser John Kirby defended the Biden administration’s decision to suspend aid to UNRWA. Mr Kirby denied that cutting off assistance to the UN entity with the largest footprint in Gaza would have a detrimental effect on the humanitarian situation there, and instead claimed that the US was “working so hard to get more [humanitarian] assistance into the people of Gaza”. [...] A cable drafted by officials at the agency and leaked to HuffPost in early April said that “the threshold to support a famine determination has likely already been crossed,” and that the level of hunger and malnutrition in Gaza was “unprecedented in modern history”. A separate memo written by USAID officials for Mr Blinken and leaked to Devex found that Israel may be violating a White House directive requiring recipients of US military assistance to permit the unimpeded delivery of US-funded humanitarian support. The UN has said repeatedly that, by the time an official declaration of famine is made, it will be too late to prevent thousands of deaths. The declaration requires a painfully precise collection of data that is not possible to get while the north of Gaza remains cut off by the fighting. [...] According to UN figures, more than half of Gaza’s population– some 1.1 million people – face catastrophic food insecurity. This represents the highest share of a population ever recorded globally. One in three children under the age of two suffer from acute malnutrition. [...] “I believe the US to be complicit in creating the conditions for famine,” the current anonymous USAID employee told The Independent. “Not only has our response been woefully inadequate, but we’re actively responsible in large part for it.”



Now, this deck was conceived of by myself back in 2021 when I was working on the Alleyman's Tarot. I did a single card that went into the Alleyman's from the deck as a sort of test card. The Bogeyman.

The Misery Tarot is an abnormal tarot deck that follows the paths of pain. It's meant to be a dark and gnarled hand coming from the shadows to help you up from the pit. To give you a flashlight to find your path through the dark. It welcomes you with compassion and patience into the hell of trauma, pain, and loss. And then it takes you through the museum of all this terror, but it never lets go. You do not need to take these paths alone.

It is born of a survival-horror inspired aesthetic, thinking to games like Resident Evil, Evil Within, and Silent Hill.

And while it's not the focus of the next project I'm about to launch, it is a stretch goal. If the Hot Housewives Tarot, launching June 18th, reaches $80,000, it will fund me paying Enoch Duncan to be the artist for the Misery Tarot, and Enoch and I will work side by side on these two decks, both of my design.

And if a deck lambasting traditional American values and American exceptionalism is of interest, The Hot Housewives Tarot will explore occult symbology through a "good ol days" 50s approach, creating a slightly skewed tarot deck with a nuclear glow.


The Normal Tarot's Third Edition is available for Pre-Order still. Witness it here in all its glory. The 3 Omens, the 4 Maidens, the 5 Dreams, the 6 Books, the 7 Dead Kings, the 8 Moons.

Then, the Seasons.

Winter in its frost, each suit capped by three Knights and a Maiden, Queen, Mother. And you can claim it for your long winter.

Spring in its new life, alight with life. Its fruits bore for you to hold and claim.

Summer in its brilliant radiance, burning and throbbing with passion and desire. Hungry for life, adventure, connection.

Autumn in its resplendent winding down, rest, and warmth. Gather round the fire, draw a card.

The third printing is heading to the printers soon. If you wish to have a copy for yourself of Ezra Kimbell's incredible version of the Caretaker's Normal Tarot, this is your time. Take a copy for yourself, and pre-order to receive the decks yet this year.

And while you're there, consider taking a copy of the original edition in black and white, or the second edition in black and gold or silver.


Hey check out the thing I designed lol


The Normal Tarot's Third Edition is available for Pre-Order still. Witness it here in all its glory. The 3 Omens, the 4 Maidens, the 5 Dreams, the 6 Books, the 7 Dead Kings, the 8 Moons.

Then, the Seasons.

Winter in its frost, each suit capped by three Knights and a Maiden, Queen, Mother. And you can claim it for your long winter.

Spring in its new life, alight with life. Its fruits bore for you to hold and claim.

Summer in its brilliant radiance, burning and throbbing with passion and desire. Hungry for life, adventure, connection.

Autumn in its resplendent winding down, rest, and warmth. Gather round the fire, draw a card.

The third printing is heading to the printers soon. If you wish to have a copy for yourself of Ezra Kimbell's incredible version of the Caretaker's Normal Tarot, this is your time. Take a copy for yourself, and pre-order to receive the decks yet this year.

And while you're there, consider taking a copy of the original edition in black and white, or the second edition in black and gold or silver.


Publishing Goblin in Review

This year already we have a flurry of new projects that are in production, and available for pre-orders now!

Right now, you can pre-order the Normal Tarot's brand new 3rd edition! This full-color take by Ezra Kimbell is an all-new vision of @cryptotheism's original tarot deck, the Normal Tarot, which has seen gorgeous renditions by @worm-dark and @charminglyantiquated, which are also being reprinted here in the 2nd edition gold and silver foil decks, as well as the 1st edition deck! We are aiming to manufacture soon and ship by October!

Or you can slip into something spookier and pre-order the ghostly story-telling game, WHAT WE POSSESS! This card-run TTRPG is made for one-shots, and allows everyone to play as ghosts as a mystery unfolds at your table. Possess the living, use ghostly powers, and discover clues as you unwind this spectral tale. These are heading to manufacturing and should be shipping in July/August.

If ghosts are too spooky, maybe you need a punk punch to your gaming table! In that case, join the ZOETROPE Time Travel Agency in ZOETROPE: DEATH DIDN'T TAKE! This card-run TTRPG is likewise a one-shot machine made to take your group on time travel shenanigans as your agents screw up time and time again, resetting time to get the job done as necessary. These are shipping out at the same time as WHAT WE POSSESS in July/August, and you can even grab all the WHAT WE POSSESS items here on this campaign!

Or if you're a pin collector, now is the time for you to delve into the Alley for Alleyman's Tarot Pins! There are sets of 3 "tarot card" pins, as well as pins of the Alleyman and Alleyway Oracle themselves! Lots of goodies to grab, as well as pins from previous projects!

And stay tuned for the space to order the Alleyway Oracles, the followup project to the Alleyman's Tarot, as there are extras of all the decks and items to grab. You'll want to be watching www.alleymantarot.com for those, or check out the Alleyman's Tarot and Publishing Goblin's Oracle dice already up on that site!



Our 13th and final pin is now in the project! With just 24 hours left, this is your time to back the Alleymans Pins!

With three sets of 3 card pins, the Alleyman, the Alleyway Oracle, and now this Justice, on top of the release of the Alleymans Tarot logo as a pin, we have a ton of gorgeous and fun pins to check out!

Get them now before they slip away forever!


Hi there, I'm sorry for bothering you and if this is a silly question, I just can't seem to find the answer anywhere else. How does one sign up for a community deck? That is, to possibly be one of the people who receives a deck that way? I hope to purchase a deck no matter what (and will try to follow the clues for when the Wanderer approaches! but I know those are limited and go fast!) but finances are tight so was just wondering how to sign up to maybe get a community deck. So excited for this campaign, I backed the Alleyman Tarot and Alleyway Oracles and LOVE the Alleyman Tarot deck! It's my favorite! Congrats on the campaign success!


On the campaign page, go down to the community copies section! There's a Google form for you to submit to get one!


This pin set is the story of a person, hunted the same as their wolf, the animal they’ve forged a close kinship to over years of mutual respect, downed beside them, bleeding and mortally wounded. They live together, they eat together, they bleed together, and they draw their last pained breaths together.

What makes Pintopia 2 special? I've got a partner!

If you back my project and my partner's project From The Alley Enamel Pins and we get funded, you'll get a free pin from each of us...

Don't wait. Back now to secure your pins and freebies. The campaign goes until April 18th, 2024!


We are returning with not just a new edition of the Normal Tarot, though there is that, too. And it's gorgeous. Truly.

But we're also reprinting all three of the previous versions of the deck. The original, the silver, the gold. All of it.

And the updated guidebook? Will include an illustration for each edition in its entries, making it compatible across all four decks. So come join us in getting excited.

We have just one week left. Join us today to get the incredible full-color deck. The Major Arcana is like one you've never seen before.

3 Omens, 4 Maidens, 5 Dreams, 6 Books, 7 Dead Kings, 8 Moons.

Join us here on Backerkit, and discover the Seasons in place of suits in the coming weeks!


We are returning with not just a new edition of the Normal Tarot, though there is that, too. And it's gorgeous. Truly.

But we're also reprinting all three of the previous versions of the deck. The original, the silver, the gold. All of it.

And the updated guidebook? Will include an illustration for each edition in its entries, making it compatible across all four decks. So come join us in getting excited.

We have just one week left. Join us today to get the incredible full-color deck. The Major Arcana is like one you've never seen before.

3 Omens, 4 Maidens, 5 Dreams, 6 Books, 7 Dead Kings, 8 Moons.

Join us here on Backerkit, and discover the Seasons in place of suits in the coming weeks!


This pin set is the story of a person, hunted the same as their wolf, the animal they’ve forged a close kinship to over years of mutual respect, downed beside them, bleeding and mortally wounded. They live together, they eat together, they bleed together, and they draw their last pained breaths together.

What makes Pintopia 2 special? I've got a partner!

If you back my project and my partner's project From The Alley Enamel Pins and we get funded, you'll get a free pin from each of us...

Don't wait. Back now to secure your pins and freebies. The campaign goes until April 18th, 2024!


Just launched: The From the Alley Pinset includes the Alleyman and a 3-card set of Death Enamel Pins! And we're not stopping there, help us reach our goal and we'll reveal what's next for the set of pins.

Also, we're not alone!

Aimee Cozza's amazing dark fantasy Hunted set is our partner project during Pintopia. This means if you get pins from both of us, we'll include a free BONUS pin in your order that each of us designed, one from each campaign!

Come check out our campaigns to see what the bonus pins are!


🗡️❄️ 🌊 Happy Ides of March! May I offer you some dead kings in these trying times? 🔥💀🗡️

You can see more dead kings in gold, silver, dreamlike full color, and elegant black and white by checking out the Normal Tarot campaign, which is reprinting every version of the deck with foil, revamped guidebooks, beautiful boxes, and all!

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