
Jeremy, a 3rd Generation Genestealer Hybrid

@ask-a-genestealer40k / ask-a-genestealer40k.tumblr.com

OC Blog for Warhammer 40k. OC, Canon Character, and Crossover friendly.
40k Designer: Hey Age of Sigmar designer, how go your super special Aelf characters?
Age of Sigmar designer: Pretty good, we had a long running character that we turned into a super powerful, awesome model. She can literally duel gods and have a good chance of winning. How go your super special Aeldari characters?
40k designer: Oh we finally got a new model for our long running Aeldari character and we gave her no invul and fewer attacks that a generic Space Marine Captain in Phobos Armor.
Age of Sigmar designer: ...wh-why are you like this?

I’m about 90% sure the economy is never gonna “improve” 

this is capitalism in it’s final form

this is it honey 

except, you know, those companies that do a charitable thing for every thing they sell

that’s kinda new and interesting. benevolent capitalism


Pay attention, class: This is what it looks like when one is unwilling to consider new information.


It’s not new information, though. It’s misinformation.

First, it’s not that new.

Did you know that there was a time in U.S. history—which is by definition recent history—when a corporation was generally intended to have some sort of public interest that they served? I mean, that’s the whole point of allowing corporations to form. Corporations are recognized by the commonwealth or state, and this recognition is not a right but a privilege, in exchange for which the state (representing the people) is allowed to ask, “So what does this do for everyone else?”

The way the economy is now is a direct result of a shift away from this thinking and to one where a corporation is an entity unto itself whose first, last, and only concern is an ever-increasing stream of profits. What you’re calling “benevolent capitalism” isn’t benevolent at all. It’s a pure profit/loss calculation designed to distract from—not even paper over or stick a band-aid on—the problems capitalism creates. And the fact that you’re here championing it as “benevolent capitalism” is a sign of how ell it’s working.

Let’s take Toms, as one example. The shoe that’s a cause. Buy a pair of trendy shoes, and a pair of trendy shoes will be given away to someone somewhere in the world who can’t afford them.

That’s not genuine benevolence. That’s selling you, the consumer, on the idea that you can be benevolent by buying shoes, that the act of purchasing these shoes is an act of charity. The reality is that their model is an inefficient means of addressing the problems on the ground that shoelessness represents, and severely disrupts the local economies of the locations selected for benevolence.

(Imagine what it does to the local shoemakers, for instance.)

The supposed act of charity is just a value add to convince you to spend your money on these shoes instead of some other shoes. It’s no different than putting a prize in a box of cereal.

Heck, you want to see how malevolent this is?

Go ask a multinational corporation that makes shoes or other garments to double the wages of their workers. They’ll tell you they can’t afford it, that it’s not possible, that consumers won’t stand for it, that you’ll drive them out of business and then no one will have wages.

But the fact that a company can give away one item for every item sold shows you what a lie this is. A one-for-one giving model represents double the cost of labor and materials for each unit that is sold for revenue. Doubling wages would only double the labor.

So why are companies willing to give their products away (and throw them away, destroy unused industry with bleach and razors to render them unsalvageable, et cetera) but they’re not willing to pay their workers more?

Because capitalism is the opposite of benevolence.

“Charity” is by definition exemplary, above and beyond, extraordinary, extra. “Charity” is not something that people are entitled to. You give people a shirt or shoes or some food and call it charity, and you’re setting up an expectation that you can and will control the stream of largesse in the future, and anything and everything you give should be considered a boon from on high.

On the other hand, once you start paying your workers a higher wage, you’re creating an expectation. You’re admitting that their labor is more valuable to you than you were previously willing to admit, and it’s hard to walk that back.

Plus, when people have enough money for their basic needs, they’re smarter and stronger and warier and more comfortable with pushing back instead of being steamrolled over. They have time and money to pursue education. They can save money up and maybe move away. They can escape from the system that depends on a steady flow of forced or near-forced labor.

So companies will do charitable “buy one, give one” and marketing “buy one, get one” even though these things by definition double the overhead per unit, but they won’t do anything that makes a lasting difference in the standard of living for the people.

Capitalism has redefined the world so that the baseline of ethics is “How much money can we make?” and every little good deed over and above that is saintly.

But there’s nothing benevolent about throwing a scrap of bread to someone who’s starving in a ditch because you ran them out of their home in the first place.

This is one of the best anti-capitalist posts on the entire site.


I feel the next core rulebook for 40k should include this as well.

Being a decent person is free guys, no reason not to.


Black Library Weekender

So here’s the thing. I’m a fan of Warhammer 40k. I’ve spent my fair amount of cash on it. I buy a fair number of the books and consider myself a customer. I have an Ork Army, a Tyranid Army, a small Genestealer Cults force, a small Astra Militarum force. I have a Fantasy Orcs and Goblins army and an AoS Ironjawz army. 

But…I just have no reason to go to this thing because within it’s many topics literally not a single one even tangentially involves anything I am interested in.

Our 40k topics are:

  • Heroes of the Dark Imperium
  • Saints and Martyrs
  • Hammer of the Emperor
  • The Holy Ordos
  • Navigating the Dark Millennium
  • The Sabbat Worlds Crusade
  • Defenders of Mankind

This entire seminar literally, on 40k, seems to not have even a single topic that touches on anyone but the Imperium.

It really does feel like Black Library is only becoming more Imperium-exclusive in the content it creates, as if the already tiny amount of Xenos content just shrinks. The Phoenix Lord series, sadly, it appears is dead. Since Jain Zar we’ve been two years now without even a mention of it. I don’t know if we’ll see another Rise of the Ynnari book, it has been more than 6 months since Wild Rider so I’ve become worried this too may end up abandoned. 

Last year’s weekender had not a single Xenos piece of content previewed at it and really struck home to me how isolated I can feel in the fandom at points. I would see all this excitement about me for the things shown off, speculation, discussion, palpable enjoyment.

That’s good. I’m happy for those people, many of them my friends. It is nice to be in a fandom where your investment is returned on to some degree.

But for myself it just really honed in how utterly out of place I am as there was simply nothing for me to even get excited for. Nothing. 

I hope it will be different this year but, somehow, I doubt it. 


There’s so many freaking characters now whose ONLY toy or figure or statue or literally anything at all is a Funko Pop so if you love that character you just also have to love giant box heads with doll eyes and it sucks, even if you like that aesthetic it feels like such a sad waste of character rights. When I die my ghost is gonna go straight back in time to haunt whoever’s responsible for that. I’m coming for you Johnny Funko mark my words


List of People who could use this:

-Trans women (cosplayers and non-cosplayers)

- Cis Women who feel too shy to actually show off their chest but still want to pull this off

- Cis women with small chests who also want to be true the characters.

-  Pretty much any dude who wants to cosplay as a female character

- Anyone who wants to piss off Travis


Reblog to piss off Travis and support trans women + male cosplayers


Various Warhammer 40,000 void ships, creatures and anomolies to scale (open in a new tab for zoon) by Messiahcide.


Psychic Awakening Bingo!

So GW is promising that the new Psychic Awakening Campaign will be huge, unforgettable, and GW never lies, so here is a bingo chart to see if we can predict any of the upcoming events.

This chart is incomplete however, and I could always make it bigger if people have a bunch of things they want to add to the list. I tried to give each major Xenos faction at least two boxes (some boxes are shared), but I can’t decide what to put for the T’au and Necron’s last two boxes. The grey box is a freebie, so you can add a point that you are personally interested in. Also, I’m willing to change some boxes if people can think of more fitting entries.

Below is an explanation for what each box actually entails, for those interested in the details (and where GW can earn bonus points), going left to right, top to bottom.

12. Genestealer Cults amount to nothing at all in this campaign and are either forgotten about or mentioned wiped out in some side-bar paragraph.Just like Vigilus 2 (B.P. If it’s one of the named major cults that loses) 13. Genestealers get treated like Hormagaunts again. Basically another free space. (B.P. If theres more bullshit about patriarchs or broodlords feeling fear against librarians or other nonesense)

Anonymous asked:

"You are a very lewd space elf"

“Hello visitor!” Mer'cie waves and sighs happily, “Honestly, you are not the first to say that hehe. I take pride in what I do. I’m Mer'cie!” She grins wide revealing sharp steel teeth.


“….Why do you dark eldars always send weird mixed messages. You’re kinda hot but you scare the crap outta me”

“Oh you poor naive creature, I’m a Haemonculus dearie. An artisan of pain and terror, queen of body horror, mother of monsters! I live for the screams of my clients!” The busty Drukhari cackles madly and suddenly calms down. “Now now what brings you here? I do not think I am familiar with you.” She arches an eyebrow looking the genestealer over.

“Uh. I kinda got lost. Some weird portal opened when some of you guys attacked the ship I was on. Went in it, came here. Now I can’t get home”

“Aww you poor baby you must be so lost! Look at how pathetic and defenseless you look. It is so cute!” Her green eyes light up as she giggles. “Well I can’t just let you leave without experiencing Commoragh! It will be fun, I promise!”

“Uh… Not sure if I trust that… I really would rather get home..” Jeremy looked very nervous, backing up slightly as some sweat dripped from his brow

She looks at Jeremy unimpressed. “Oh come now, how often do you encounter a drukhari that doesn’t try to kill you on sight? Is it really that urgent to go back home? I’m sure your friends will understand. Come on!” Mer'cie gets to eye level with Jeremy and gives him puppy dog eyes with a good view of cleavage to top it off. “I know the best drugs the dark city has to offer! They will make you forget the concept of time.”

Jeremy blushes, trying to look away “I feel like I don’t have much of a choice, do I?”


"You are a very lewd space elf"


"Hello visitor!" Mer'cie waves and sighs happily, "Honestly, you are not the first to say that hehe. I take pride in what I do. I'm Mer'cie!" She grins wide revealing sharp steel teeth.


"....Why do you dark eldars always send weird mixed messages. You're kinda hot but you scare the crap outta me"

"Oh you poor naive creature, I'm a Haemonculus dearie. An artisan of pain and terror, queen of body horror, mother of monsters! I live for the screams of my clients!" The busty Drukhari cackles madly and suddenly calms down. "Now now what brings you here? I do not think I am familiar with you." She arches an eyebrow looking the genestealer over.

"Uh. I kinda got lost. Some weird portal opened when some of you guys attacked the ship I was on. Went in it, came here. Now I can't get home"

"Aww you poor baby you must be so lost! Look at how pathetic and defenseless you look. It is so cute!" Her green eyes light up as she giggles. "Well I can't just let you leave without experiencing Commoragh! It will be fun, I promise!"

"Uh... Not sure if I trust that... I really would rather get home.." Jeremy looked very nervous, backing up slightly as some sweat dripped from his brow


"You are a very lewd space elf"


"Hello visitor!" Mer'cie waves and sighs happily, "Honestly, you are not the first to say that hehe. I take pride in what I do. I'm Mer'cie!" She grins wide revealing sharp steel teeth.


"....Why do you dark eldars always send weird mixed messages. You're kinda hot but you scare the crap outta me"

"Oh you poor naive creature, I'm a Haemonculus dearie. An artisan of pain and terror, queen of body horror, mother of monsters! I live for the screams of my clients!" The busty Drukhari cackles madly and suddenly calms down. "Now now what brings you here? I do not think I am familiar with you." She arches an eyebrow looking the genestealer over.

"Uh. I kinda got lost. Some weird portal opened when some of you guys attacked the ship I was on. Went in it, came here. Now I can't get home"

Anonymous asked:

"You are a very lewd space elf"

"Hello visitor!" Mer'cie waves and sighs happily, "Honestly, you are not the first to say that hehe. I take pride in what I do. I'm Mer'cie!" She grins wide revealing sharp steel teeth.


"....Why do you dark eldars always send weird mixed messages. You're kinda hot but you scare the crap outta me"

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