
Mélange MiMi


Just like the lotus we too have the ability to rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world.
you're growing...

...every second of every day, even when you don't realise it. especially, when you don't realise it.

life may be slow but it's never stagnant. you're always moving forward, always learning new things about others and about yourself, always living, always going.

keep going. keep growing


Ok so I’mma be a lil’ sappy too and tell y’all that we truly have a good fandom community here in my opinion.

We stayed through that trainwreck Yashahime and honestly we kinda strangely enough also learned to properly respect different ships in the fandom itself as a result 🤔, I’m now chill with SessKag, SessKagu, (and basically everything but SR) got to know people I never thought I’d vibe with, and before that there was just this overall unspoken rivalry in the air that was honestly so silly and unnecessary.

I feel like we all saw the truest worst thing to exist and it gave us some food for thought about how we acted as a fandom until now.

So in a very ironic way we all came together and there’s a huge positive to this negative 👍🏼 not to mention Yashahime in the end gave absolutely nothing of value expect Moroha, so even easier to ignore now lol.


If you need more laughter on this great day japanese fans are pouring even more savage reviews after the final episode. Take a moment to read them 🍻 Cheers!

Them: “yAsHiMe iS pOpUlAr In JaPaN tOo”
Us: “B I T C H Where!” 😬😂

Banzai, Banzai, BANZAI!!!

We are finally free from the shackles of this What if AU that has involuntarily plagued our community for 2 long years.

I am both happy and sad at this revelation.

On one hand. I’ve meet some really great people that have kept me sane through this train wreck and the commentary surrounding it has been TOP TIER.

On the other. THIS CRAPFEST IS FINALLY OVER and all it entails can crawl back to wherever it tried too crawl out of. (Except Moroha, she can stay.)

With that being said :


The fact that I reported a puppet account for saying Black people deserved slavery and was given a bullshit "that's their opinion" response yet staff has deleted 3 of my Black mutuals on the same fucking day tells my that @staff is racist and that Black Excellence banner is only for fucking show. Y'all will let Black bloggers be harassed, but God forbid one of them says fucking white women. With fucking full blown pesos and white supremacists on your fucking site too. Hope your building blows up

Reblog this you fucking cowards. There's been a ridiculous uptick in staff deleting Black bloggers over the smallest shit while ignore nonblack and white ones that send actually racist and triggering shit.


Sesshoumaru never should have been anything more than the stoic uncle in an Inuyasha 'sequel' who Moroha sometimes hangs out with on the far outskirts of the village bc he just chills and looks off into the scenery all day, vibing. He's so chill in fact that she doesn't believe her dad when he insists Sesshoumaru used to be a cold bastard who tried to kill her parents on multiple occasions.

She's all: "What? Uncle Sess wouldn't harm a fly! He just sunbathes all day and occasionally let's me braid his hair. I'm pretty sure he's homeless too..."

It's only at the very end of the sequel does Sesshoumaru step in and does his one bad ass move to save Moroha from a bad guy to show he's actually quite a cool uncle 👍and then he immediately goes back to his vibing for the next century bc he's on a break. No thoughts, head empty.

This. All of this! Just a few more weeks and we can bury this travesty they tried to force down our throats and heal.

i think villains in general provide better, more epic romances because they're allowed to go to extremes. they're allowed to put their love over the greater good. they're allowed to be selfish. the best a hero can offer you is number two, because their duty comes first. villains, though. villains will burn down the world for a last kiss goodbye.


now i know that i’ve seen it all. not a shipper having the audacity and stupidity to say that yashahime is rated the same as one piece. when i tell y’all i busted all my guts and almost died from not being able to breathe. omg y’all shippers can joke, that’s funny as shit boss.

Yashahime being on the same level as One Piece?One Piece has won awards, is cited as a classic anime, and is known worldwide and has impacted the anime industry as a whole. Yashahime isn’t even CLOSE to the success that One Piece is. That is literally just fact.


No what took the cake for me was when one of them opened their mouth to say YH can go toe to toe with Attack on Titan! Excuse me? with… with AOT? Not the AOT that is the first ever non-English language series to earn the title of World’s Most In-Demand TV Show, previously held by only The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. You must be out of your delusional ass mind 🗣. These people really fix their lips to say anything 🥴.


Hey Guys! This female demon is back spitting and showing facts. The word of the day is Scenario 😉

Another L for a certain toxic community, officially confirmed (once again) Pedosawa as the sole writer of Yikeshahime and once again that the twins were his commission and Moroha is the only thing RT accepts canon from it

I'm dying cause she called this a scenario. Like it's some RPG game route. SR is "officially" the "bad scenario route". Might as well call it a fucking AU. She also basically confirmed that Shiina is working on this manga alone.


✨ 👏👏 one more proof that this sht is not canon. It's just the What If - scenario of Sunrise.

Also, the way RT is trying to separate herself from all this by pointing out that "the author of the Yashahime scenario" is Lolisawa 🤣🤣 not even she can be proud of all this nonsense.


And oop 🥴😂


Okay I have to share my experience here, sorry for the mucho texto.

I've had this very blog for a long time now. Nearly 12 years, to be precise.

I watched Inuyasha for the first time 10 years ago. I was 14 by then.

And I remember only looking at the tag almost a month or so after I had finished watching, because 1. I didn't want spoilers and 2. My internet conection was shit at the time and couldn't handle tumblr dot com very well.

Point in case, before looking at the tags, it had never crossed my mind that se****n was a thing. And after seeing that on the tags I just thought "oh there are maniacs everywhere" and went about with my life, thinking how brave (derrogatory) someone has to be to display such a disgusting taste.

But then, a couple years later, I started participating in some facegroups and realized that well, at least in my country, where we don't even have a word for "grooming" because it's so fucking normalized, the ship was like-

Crazy popular

I'm talking inukag level popular

And I just kept my thoughts to myself because we all know very well how aggressive these people can get. But, anytime I was directly asked, I would say "nope, that's blatant pedophilia".

I posted a few days ago that I got out of all the inuyasha-related facegroups I was in after the announcement of Trashahime, because ugh.

But I'm kept here wondering. It's not possible that it was just me that had never even imagined them as a "romantic" (aka abusive, obviously) pairing before seeing people shipping it.

It's not the first thing you'd think, is it? It's not like it's implied in anyway in the og show or manga

Please tell me I'm not just innocent. I still want to enjoy my favorite manga but it's getting hard.

I feel identified with all of this. I had heard that there were people who ship sessrin but I always thought they were weird af cause she is a child and there is nothing, absolutely nothing indicating that Sesshomaru and Rin would be a couple. That ship never made sense to me. But it turns out that it is also a moderately popular ship in my country. But after Yashahime everything got worse cause now they feel validated and they are extremely loud. And the amount of gaslight and harassment the SessRiners do to those who disagree with them is unbelievable. They make you feel like it's you who is wrong and you never understood Inuyasha cause (for them) there were always hints that Sesshomaru and Rin would get married and there is nothing wrong with that cause "it was normal back then" or "this ship is normal in Japan." Fortunately here on Tumblr I have met many people who don't like that ship and understand the horrible implications of grooming and pedophilia in it. And if I am sure of something, it's this:

-There was never anything in OG Inuyasha that indicated that Sesshomaru and Rin would be a couple

-The author herself has confirmed that she sees Sesshomaru as Rin's parental figure, so Canon Sesshomaru and Rin are like father and daughter.

-It is not normal for an adult to take care of a child just to marry that same child. And it's not okay for that to be broadcast on a kids' show.

-It was never obvious that Sesshomaru and Rin would get married. That's just a headcanon. It is not obvious that an adult caring for a child is going to be her future lover.


This 👆🏽! ALL OF THIS 👆🏽! And any of you won’t ever change my mind on the matter.

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