

@donut-entendre / donut-entendre.tumblr.com

Main is @phlyaros [ He/They ] Mostly RvB with a side dish of Halo

Hi I'm Mercury, he/they, I make things sometimes and I interact from @phlyaros

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I talk about my horror Donut here: @spaghettihorrordonut

pro-endo OSDDID system, fictive heavy. More relevant on this blog since uhhh. ahahaha. it comes up. be weird about it and i kill you with my mega migraine vomit rage beam


guys i can’t believe this was the real ending to rvb restoration isn’t it awesome that grimmons finally became canon after 21 years of queerbaiting !


my hot donut take is that he's the most aro-ace spectrum bitch ive ever SEEN he doesn't express sexual interest in anyone and he expresses romantic interest in literally anyone but not even in a "im actually interested" way it's always like something that seems mythical and out of touch to him, like he thinks of romance as some fairytale shit like he's never dated anyone before (or if he has it was like, high school shit where you know nothing and it ends over anything.) he calls tucker eating his sandwich romantic. his perception of 'romance' entirely starts and ends with him trying to read OTHER people's intentions. he's not OPPOSED to romance with anyone. but he also doesn't express attraction. he suggests rp and skimpy clothing and openly has a lot of things you'd use for kink specifically, but he doesn't actually express overt attraction to anyone. it's implied he gets fucked in the ass in s3 and he still never expresses attraction. It's kind of wild. It's almost like he doesn't think of sexual activity as anything at all except something to do (which is a very ace sentiment, I'm gonna be real.) It's not personal or private to him. It's. It's. he's a-spec okay


"wow this scene in last of us is so iconic" "wow this scene in avengers is so good" shut up, no frame will ever be as perfect as the Arbiter and Master Chief becoming best battle bros


I want to say that wash can catch city pigeons barehanded, but I think what happens is he mentions that he's done this offhandedly and as soon as the blues want to see him do it the universe yanks away that kind of patience from him and he ends up throwing his whole body on the ground trying to catch a pigeon just to prove he can


i think post restoration sigma should have to deal with the ex persecutor trials of “having emotions” and “feeling guilt” and “learning how to be a person instead of just a ball of Issues and Lashing Out”

“sigma persecutor to caretaker pipeline?” that’s so funny. okay. yeah.

Sigma breaking down crying and shaking saying "I just wanted to keep us safe!"

merc’s tags on this make me wanna tear my lungs out and chew glass. just btw.


i think post restoration sigma should have to deal with the ex persecutor trials of “having emotions” and “feeling guilt” and “learning how to be a person instead of just a ball of Issues and Lashing Out”

“sigma persecutor to caretaker pipeline?” that’s so funny. okay. yeah.

Sigma breaking down crying and shaking saying "I just wanted to keep us safe!"


im gonna be real my brain said temple would be so happy to play with small children and then it said single dad temple and ive been thinking about temple playing weird freak surrogate dad to biff and georgina's kid since. can you imagine if he didnt become a serial killer because he had to be child support. dude what are you doing. go play with some baby hands and gain a little weight dude. go feed a baby doritos. go play evil barbies. theyd love your weird gay theater ass

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