

@odingyuu / odingyuu.tumblr.com

- 少女ブレイブ ♡ Brave Girl -
Odin! || she/her || aroace || I sing ☆
Click more links! || i: @moiraifaerie

lemony snicket was really out there teaching us as elementary schoolers about grey morality, about how neither good nor bad people always get what they deserve, how being clever and kind doesn’t always guarantee you will triumph (although it’s certainly better than the alternative), how ignorant/complacent/dismissive though well-meaning adults can have just as harmful an impact on children as those with ill intentions, and how not every story has a happy and complete ending

Also the meaning of, like, a whole bunch of words


“For generalized anxiety disorder, an increased muscular tonus in comparison to non-anxious persons has been found“ good news we’re all yolked as hell

sadly this is not because we’re constantly clenching our muscles, they actually say its because we’re all trembling 24/7 which is objectively way funnier…. 


Like chihuahua.


i thought of the ocean today; i thought of how the water playfully splashed us as we ran beside her, how good it felt to rest on the soft sand when we were tired, and how you used to smile at me, warmer than any sun….the summer brings me pain, but it also brings me you ⁎


i imagine getting my own place all the time and going down to the grocery store early in the morning before everyone else and to the coffee shop and having a really small place with wide windows and lots of plants and shelves of books and a tiny kitchen where i can make tea and noodles and a bed with a pile of blankets and just a place i can make uniquely my own or maybe a place i could share with someone but i just think about this place a lot idk


FUCK aliens ! we got these crazy shits under da sea and we’re not payin any attention!!!


“the colony can regenerate injured parts or continue growing after being broken apart. Unless all individual clones are killed at the same time, a colony can theoretically live forever”

This thing is fucking mythical



might be my prudish catholic upbringing jumping out but imho makeup companies shouldn’t name their products after explicit sexual terms

just my opinion but if the makeup industry is going to market towards young girls who haven’t even hit puberty yet and insist that they have hundreds of dollars worth of high end makeup then they cannot name their products things like ‘climax’ and ‘super orgasm’ or even make puns like ‘glow job’ or claim in bold letters that the mascara is ‘sex proof’ when these young girls have no idea what any of these terms mean and frankly they shouldn’t understand the meaning behind an eyeshadow called ‘daddy’s girl’ or a blush called deep throat it’s all part of the hyper-sexualization of young girls and it’s just getting worse and worse in this new age of instagram/youtube mua’s where girls as young as 8 years old are being pressured into having a beat face that makes them look my age

but that’s just my opinion

Actually no you’re right and you should say it


types of "i love you"s

1. laughing, as friends, "i love you" but no homo, of course im not serious, of course not like that, of course this is how its supposed to be, two girls cant be in love, denial denial denial

2. silently, to yourself in bed, crying and wishing it wasnt true, all the built up feelings coming over you in waves, you feel like youre drowning and you wish you were, pain pain pain

3. scared, shes here, "i have to admit something" but its stuck in your throat, forcing it out with all your might and hoping she wont tell anyone, youre alone but for how long, fear fear fear

4. reciprocated, shes still here, looking at you with wide eyes as the words leave her mouth, youre not alone with this, she feels the same way and finally the world doesnt seem so scary anymore, relief relief relief

5. open, youre in public and you havent said it yet, not like this, not with others around, but its time, its time they know, "i love you and im not ashamed of it", "everyone can know", pride pride pride

6. casually, its become your habit, "i love you and its a big deal but saying it isnt scary anymore", you let her know whenever you can, at the breakfast table, youre together and you know and its good, happiness happiness happiness

7. in awe, its the big day, youre finally where little 11-year-old you always wished she could be, at the altar, and she's here, too, looking at you with eyes full of love, and you say it and she says it and this is forever, forever forever forever

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