
A l e x a ♤


Female, 20, artist/ writer. Minors do NOT interact.
Hello! My name is Alexa, I am 20 years old, and I go by Lex for short. I enjoy roleplaying, writing and reading, sometimes I post drabbles here and there. My timezone is CET, but I am active most of the time during the day (and sometimes, I stay up way too late—)
But anyways! Let me get into the main thing. On my page you will see the following content: Reblogs from writers, sometimes my own works, memes and random things. My main focus on fandoms are My Hero Academia and The Evil Within, but I do enjoy Stardew Valley and FarCry contents aswell. I will very rarely post anything with dark content and I avoid/dislike noncon and dubcon, so this is a safe place. Lgbtqa+ friendly!
Updated on 2024.04.05
My roleplay Information!

Touch Chapter 17 - Truth

Pairing: Dabi x Fem!AFAB!Reader


OVERALL FIC WARNINGS: Soft!Dabi, Fem!AFAB!Reader with a fictional backstory, fanon version of past events (I started this before the canon stuff dropped), manga  spoilers, canon deviation, drug abuse/withdrawal (with inaccuracies since it’s outside of my experience and relies on research and imagination), innaccurate medical stuff (I'm a writer, not a doctor! I got my PhD from Dr. Google), violence, heavy angst, past trauma/abuse, anxiety/panic attacks, PTSD, hurt/comfort, pining, slow burn, eventual emotionally charged SMUT (yes it will be detailed),  all characters will be written with complexity (i.e., no  one-dimensional/hateful representations). *please pay attention to specific warning tags within each chapter!*

Chapter Songs: Iris by Goo Goo Dolls/Flames by Vast (big thank you to @dyanthus for this amazing song rec!)

Artwork credit to @hellowon31​ on Twitter (https://twitter.com/hellowon31)

You felt something small hit your face.  You flinched and wiped at your nose.  You heard the crinkle of a bag and felt another piece of... something land on your head. You groaned in frustration, your handing coming up to grab whatever it was. You peeked open a bleary eye to see a piece of popcorn.


“Rise and shine, doll.”


M' in love ❤️

Anonymous asked:

Alright so if you write for 2007 Michael Myers pleassse do this request!

(If you don’t write for a specific movie that’s fine I just like his long hair and the child actor)

Imagine Dr. Loomis has a daughter and wants Michael to interact with her and she keeps coming more often and he falls in love 🥲 pls write this

(Can I be yellow anon?)

Let me know if any of you want a part 2 and what you'd like to see in it!

Michael Myers X Doctor Loomis' Daughter Reader

Word Count: 4730

Alternative Therapy:



this line is so jarring to me because if shigaraki really is gone... where are his friends waiting?

up until now we always took their survival for granted, no matter the situation they ended up in. toga's blood loss. dabi's quirk awakening at the brink of death.

but calling back on shiggy's line "even if [...] i turned into an empty shell, i'd still need to become a hero to those guys"

suddenly has me worried about the fate of toga and dabi.

they're waiting for him.

but where?


I am not okay


Just Benefits

Something I whipped while procrastinating on my other fics bc brainrot got to me. Lmk if there's any typos. May or may not make this into a full fic hehe

Sebastian x F!Reader

content: nsfw


⋆。˚ ☁︎⋅ ˚。⋆。˚☼˚。⋆。˚☁︎⋅ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆。˚☁︎⋅˚。⋆。˚☼˚。⋆ 。˚☁︎⋅ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆

Sebastian who is completely shocked when you propose a friends with benefits situation with him.

Sebastian accepts because why the hell not? He finds you attractive and you’re steadily becoming one of his favorite people in the valley after some late night chats by the lake and generous surprises of his favorite gifts.

Sebastian has to smoke to calm his nerves as he walks down the mountain path to meet up with you for the first time. He makes sure to not litter on your property and stuffs the dirty cigarette butt into his pocket before knocking to enter. 

Sebastian decides to just kiss you after an awkward greeting. It’s slow and fumbling at first but the two of you soon find your bearings and it becomes deeper and neither of you can get enough. 

Sebastian lets himself get pulled to your bed, only to push you on it and beneath him so he can kiss you more, he can’t stop his hands from roaming your body and tugging at your clothes. 


Can you do a small fic with rz Michael? Just a comfort fic, helping Michael cope with trauma bc the poor baby needs it.


Tried my best to write what you asked! You didn’t specify gender so this will be gender neutral.

𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 | ❀

𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞:𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 | ❀

You and Michael hadn’t been dating for long, and not in the way you expected. While most relationships start from a school crush, or your parents setting you up, yours started after smith oaks decided to interview you. You took the offer of course, you wanted a well paying job, and you were smart enough for it, so why not, how bad could it be?

And although being with Michael wasn’t the worst thing to happen to you, you wished it could be easier sometimes. You knew what his childhood was like, and you tried being understanding, but no matter how hard you tried, or how patient you were, he was always closed off. You didn’t even sleep in the same house, he only slept in the Myers home, he didn’t even trust you enough to eat your food. You decided that if you wanted this relationship to work, you would need to talk to him.

-“Michael, can we talk?”

You asked him, heading downstairs once you heard him enter, through the back door like usual.

He peered up at you, clearly nervous, although he barely heard those words put together, he could tell it wasn’t good, but he agreed nonetheless.

-“You’ve been so closed off since we started dating, you won’t sleep in my bed, or eat my food. Is their something going on”

Michael didn’t know how to respond, were you angry? Concerned? Insulted? He didn’t know. He couldn’t tell by your voice, you always spoke to him in a soft voice, almost like his mother, but your voice seemed almost like that of doctors at the hospital. He finally broke down, he never cried in front of you but at this point, he was too emotional to stop himself. Even though you couldn’t see with his mask, you could hear it. You grabbed his hand, leading him to the couch, sitting down, and leading his head onto your lap, removing his mask and gently scratching his head.

-“I’m not mad at you Mikey, I’m just worried that our relationship won’t end well if you’re not open with me”

You said, using your soft, motherly voice once again.

-“We’ll be okay”

He stated, the first time he talked in 15 years


Heart eyes


I want a big man to lay on me. Not in a sexual way, but on my chest while I run my fingers through their hair.

And feel them relax because of it.




Greetings mutual of mine, tis I, completing my duties as a mutual to randomly send you questions :D

Guess the character!!



Hello little sunflower, I literally never get any inbox or requests so I didn't see this until now lmao

I hope you are doing okay 🎃❤️

Issss, mmm.. Icy Hot? :3


RZ!Micahel x Nurse!Reader Headcannons

- Michael and Reader met because Reader was the only nurse brave enough (or stupid enough) to work directly with Michael after the last nurse quit. Though Reader has other responsibilities (like helping chart for other patients or helping pass out medications with the other nurses), they always make sure to carve out time to at least sit next to Michael while he’s got free time.

- Michael refuses to acknowledge Reader if he’s having a bad day, like if Dr. Loomis was particularly pushy with him or if patients that were a little more absent in the head tried to touch his art supplies. But Reader will still take the time and effort to sit next to him, whether they just sit and work or provide small conversation for him.

- Dr. Loomis is consistently baffled and blown away that Michael has yet to lash out against Reader. He is especially baffled when Michael actually pays attention and listens to Reader’s suggestions and requests. There was definitely one time when Reader sat with Michael after they finished charting and asked to make a mask with him, and Michael not only agreed (He mostly just glared at their annoyingly bright and happy smile then passed over a couple of crayons and paper for them to start with), but he also would ‘assist’ (interfere when Reader did it wrong in his eyes) with making the mask.

- The two have an understanding that if Reader will sharpen his colored pencils (and blunt the tip because Michael definitely doesn’t need anything too sharp), then Michael will mostly behave for them.

(After Michael breaks out)

- Michael will absolutely follow Reader around when Laurie isn’t accessible

- He will break into Reader’s house when they aren’t home or while they’re sleeping to learn more about them outside of what he’d learned about them as a Nurse.

- Reader already had a feeling Michael was following them around, then they confirmed it when Michael had taken the biggest knife out of their knife block

- Dr. Loomis showed up on Readers doorstep insisting they were in danger and to take extra precaution when they were home alone. Reader was almost never home alone at this point because Michael was almost always planted on their couch staring at the tv.

- Reader covers for Michael’s ass all the time when cops come patrolling through the neighborhood. More often than not, Reader has to pretend they didn’t realize he hadn’t been caught yet.

- The two definitely fight over giving Michael a bath or shower. He doesn’t want to because he thinks there is a better use for his time. Michael finally relents after he gets a nasty rat in his hair. Reader gives him all the nice hair care products to use, including some real nice conditioner, and helps him brush out his hair so it’s nice and clean. Michael ends up with the nicest and softest hair, like he’s straight up has ‘maybe he’s born with it, maybe its Maybelinne’ hair


RZ!Michael Myers x Gender neutral Nurse!Reader

Summary: Reader pushes for Michael to have a lunch he’ll finish for once

Warnings: None, just fluff :)

700~ words

”Is it really so hard to just give him an extra scoop of mashed potatoes instead of the carrots? I mean, seriously, what’s the problem?” (Y/N)’s voice rang out, annoyed by the basic lack of caring among the kitchen staff. They really didn’t think it’d be so hard to switch out what was on the tray, especially since Michael’s meal ticket was just like everyone else’s. The whole point of having meal tickets was so that each patient would receive a meal that they could finish.

”If he can’t suck it up and eat the damn vegetables on the plate, then that’s not my problem! I’m not making exceptions just because that freak is a picky eater.”, the kitchen manager spoke with irritation, clearly not willing to budge on the matter. There was a heated glare shared between the two, only to be interrupted by Dr. Loomis before (Y/N) could get more personal with the argument.

“(Y/N), what’s taking so long on Michael’s food? You know we serve him first to get him out of the dining room quicker.” Dr. Loomis scolded. He turned his attention to the kitchen manager, asking what the hold up was. “Tell me, what is the problem? We are all well aware of what Michael gets like when he’s irritated.”

Piping up to defend Michael and themself, (Y/N) spoke bluntly to get to the point. “All I asked was why we couldn’t switch the mushy carrots that Michael always picks around for a second scoop of mashed potatoes. As a nurse, and especially as his nurse, I need him to start eating the whole tray of food. I really don’t see what the issue is, everyone would benefit. Michael gets a tray of food that he’ll actually eat all of, I get to chart 100% of the meal eaten, and we get him back to his room without a fuss.”

“Why should I make an exception for him when it wasn’t on the meal ticket to begin with? It’s not like he’s allergic to the shit! He shouldn’t be treated special just because he’s a picky eater.” The kitchen manager argued, still disagreeing with (Y/N). Sighing and ignoring the protests from the kitchen manager, Dr. Loomis gave the go ahead to change Michael’s meal. And with a satisfied grin, (Y/N) took his tray and headed to his table.

Michael was sitting alone as always, either glaring at people who got to close or simply staring at the table. His posture, though it had always been pretty terrible, looked especially tense today. Today had been one thing after another for him; Prodding from Dr. Loomis, multiple broken crayons and dry markers, a ripped mask, a new patient getting too bold with his personal space, (Y/N) busy with charting instead of sitting with him during free time, more prodding from Dr. Loomis. To put it bluntly, he was not happy. Without much choice but to behave, at least, unless he wanted to get his few privileges taken away, Michael balled his hands up while resting them on the table and he patiently but irritably waited for his food.

His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar hand setting a tray down in front of him. Without glancing up from the table, he quickly assessed what was on it, already prepared to shovel in the pudding and eat around the carrots. But.. there were no carrots, or any mushy vegetables for that matter. In its place was extra mashed potatoes, and while not exactly the best mashed potatoes he’d ever had, were still far superior to bland carrots with no brown sugar to add to them.

“Do me a favor and eat the whole tray this time, otherwise you might not get this kind of privilege again.” (Y/N)’s voice broke him from his thoughts, and he turned his gaze toward them slightly. Silent as always, Michael showed his appreciation by simply eating the food like he was asked to, starting with the potatoes he’d been gifted instead of the chocolate pudding. When he finished, he was escorted back to his room. When lunch was over and everyone had been escorted back to their designated locations, (Y/N) stayed behind in the dining hall to help clean up. Starting with Michael’s table, a soft smile spread on their face at the sight of an empty tray.


Waaaaahh my first post! I know it’s a little short, but I’ll get better the more I write >:D I can’t wait to write more and get more scenarios out <3


i love thIS


Hi, I was wondering if you could do a Micheal Myers X Dr. Loomis’s daughter reader one shot? I thought it’d be an interesting read lol. If you’re not Interested or too busy that’s completely fine! I just haven’t seen any one else do this request. Honestly, I would request more, but I’m always too nervous to talk to people online and in person. Sorry for the unnecessary rambling! Thank you and have a lovely day or night ( depending on what time you see this lol )!


Michael Myers x reader, who is Dr. Loomis's daughter

The boy with the eyes of the devil. Monster.

You didn’t fully understand what your father was talking about, after all, at that time you were only six years old, but you could say with confidence that this “something” made your father terribly nervous and even frightened him, although he would never admit it.

It was an ordinary early November morning. The weather was cloudy, all the streets were filled with milky fog. The damp air settled unpleasantly in my lungs with each new breath. You sat in the back seat of the car while your father put the key in the ignition. Your small hands nervously fiddled with the edge of your seat belt. Not to say that this was your first trip to your father’s place of work, no. On the contrary, you often went there with him, because sometimes there was no one to leave you with at home, almost all of your dad’s colleagues knew you. And yet today the atmosphere in the car was unpleasantly oppressive and dense, you could literally cut it with a knife. It seemed that your father was weighed down by some thoughts, but you did not dare to ask him about it.

The journey to the psychiatric hospital took quite a long time because your father decided to take a longer but safer route. He didn't want any accident to happen due to such thick fog.

When you arrived at the hospital, it was already around seven in the morning. You approached a tall building, which, despite its appearance and neat paths for walking with patients, inspired subconscious fear in you. Your father gently but firmly took your hand.It was quite dark outside, so when you walked inside, an unpleasant greenish light hit your eyes, creating a strangely tense atmosphere among the white walls of the hospital. Your father immediately went to some office. It was a small office, filled with various folders and documents. In the middle of the room, at a dark table, sat the man with whom your father was now talking. You didn’t pay much attention to their conversation, completely captivated by the small colorful fish in the aquarium. Your children's palms carefully pressed against the slightly cloudy glass, joyfully following with your eyes the colorful fish hiding among the tall corals.

Finally, your father called your name, causing you to reflexively turn your head in his direction. His voice was gentle and calm, but it still contained his characteristic sternness.

 “I need you to stay here for a while, okay? I have work in another office. Will you be a good girl for me?” Loomis asked with a small smile, patting your head. In response, you only nodded briefly.

You were always a smart and understanding child, so Loomis was not afraid to leave you alone. Although he knew that you liked to play by your own rules from time to time, the man really trusted you and your smart mind for a child. After all, you are your father's daughter.

 About fifteen minutes passed before you realized that you were tired of watching the office fish. What's the point of staring at them for a long time if all they do is swim back and forth and back? You definitely should have taken some toys from home. Finally, when boredom took over, you carefully left the office, hoping to find your father and proudly declare that you had nothing to do. Wandering along the corridor, you caught some nurse and asked where your dad was now. This kind soul, of course, didn’t know that she shouldn’t tell you about this, but everyone in this place knew you as a smart and calm child, so she told you the right office without any problems.

It was a particularly remote room at the end of the corridor. The dim green light barely reached here, and there were no windows in this part of the hospital. You quietly opened the right door, wincing slightly at the disgusting creak, and went inside. Inside there was another door with a small window to the right of it. You walked closer to the window, because of your short stature you could barely see what was happening on the other side of the glass. But you perfectly saw your father sitting with his back to you. A strange boy sat next to him. His blond hair was disheveled and looked somewhat dirty, and his empty dark eyes looked simultaneously into nothingness, but at the same time into your very soul. He looked no older than your age, although he was obviously larger than you in size. Your father was telling him something, but the boy did not react to his words at all, he just looked blankly out the window opposite. Did he look at you? Unknown.But it seemed to you that the moment you came into his field of vision, the boy’s head shifted slightly to the side.

This was the first time you saw this boy, a most strange but intriguing meeting. Michael Myers. That’s what your father called him, looking through the child’s personal file in your kitchen at home with a cup of coffee in his hands.

The next time you saw this boy was only about two weeks later. Your father purposefully brought you to Michael's room, hoping that perhaps you, as a child, could establish some kind of contact with this strange boy. Loomis gently squeezed your hand, looking down at you with a smile.

“This is a special boy. You should try playing with him, okay?” You nodded curtly in response. "That’s my girl."

Loomis led you into the same small room, not even suspecting that you had already been here once. Your own cunning caused a small, naive smile to bloom on your face. Loomis led you to Michael sitting on the bed and sat you on the chair next to him.

“I’ll be behind this door if anything happens to you, okay honey?” With these words, Loomis left the room.

You carefully sat down on the chair, folding your hands in your lap. The boy in front of you looked almost like a lifeless doll, so empty was the look in his dark eyes. He looked somewhere ahead and didn't even blink. You smiled slightly, deciding to use all your charm and friendliness.

“My name is Y/N. And what is your name?"

The boy didn't react. But you could have sworn you saw the focus of his eyes shift from the emptiness in front of him to you, seemingly appraising you. A pleasant burning sensation lit up in your heart when you realized that this boy was truly “special”, as your dad told you, and not some emotionless vegetable. It seems like that’s what doctors called such people, no? You weren't sure. But you really wanted to appear grown up and work like your dad in the future, so you wanted to start getting some knowledge about it right now.

“Your name is Michael, right?” you smiled your childish, somewhat toothless smile, “You don’t really like to talk, do you? I think yes. Then do you mind if I do the talking?” There was only silence in response. You giggled, “Silence is a sign of consent! So, I'm six. Probably you too? I haven’t been told much about you, to be honest.”

Now you leaned back in your chair, folding your arms over your chest and pouting your lips in a mock pout.

“This is so awkward. I want to grow up quickly so I won't be treated like a child anymore! Oh, you know, I really like to draw! I don't think you'll tell me what you like, after all, it's just me talking now, but next time let me bring sketchbooks and pencils? I think you'll enjoy drawing too! It's really interesting."

One moment there is darkness, and the next there is this gentle voice and a warm feeling of presence. Other... people radiated only coldness and anger towards him, but this pure soul was strangely kind and welcoming. He had already felt it once, when that unpleasant and stern man was in front of him, but then she was far away. Now she was right in front of him. A girl. She told him her name, and even tried to start some kind of cute, even somewhat stupid, childish conversation with him. There was absolutely no point in talking to this girl, but for some reason her presence was strangely comforting and almost pleasant. It was as if he was little again, at home. But now he knew that he did not have that warm, old home. Not after the voice in his head told him to kill his dirty sister, no. And yet now he wanted the presence of this girl, although he himself did not know why.

You have become a frequent visitor to this psychiatric hospital. You usually visited Michael once or twice a week, and Loomis very soon noticed the results. The boy really opened up to you. Even if it really couldn’t be seen with a simple glance, Samuel, as a psychiatrist, had long noticed the difference: the way Michael’s head tilted when he listened with interest to your stories, or the way he gave you certain unambiguous answers in his own way. It seemed that the two of you had your own language, understandable only to you two. Michael even smiled next to you (although it could hardly be called a smile, but the corners of his lips curled up slightly nervously when he saw you, although it only happened for a split second). For Loomis, this was indeed a definite discovery. The man noticed how the boy sat on his bed for a long time, waiting for you, and seemed to be calculating the time and day. The hospital did not tell him today’s date, because there was no particular need for this, but Michael independently realized that you usually come on Tuesday or Wednesday and always Friday. Surprisingly, his cold heart opened up to you.

At first, this really encouraged Loomis, because perhaps his patient was beginning to recover. But after two or three months he realized that he was mistaken. Michael's personality development only happened in exceptional moments when you were around. The rest of the time, he did not react in any way to the requests or words of the staff and doctors. Michael has become attached to you. No, rather, to some extent he became obsessed with you. Loomis saw that deadly metallic glint in Michael's dark eyes as the man walked back into the room, saying your time is up. Michael’s childish fists almost twitched, as if an obsessive desire to hurt the doctor arose in his mind, if only you would remain nearby.

As the years passed, the doctor realized that getting you into Myers' "treatment" was a bad idea. Now you are ten years old, and Loomis has reduced your meetings to twice a month. He noticed how this affected the boy.

Now Michael absolutely refused to make contact with any of the doctors, spending all his free time in his room, staring blankly at the ceiling. His wall near the bed was covered with your drawings, and on a small table in the corner of the room lay a half-empty pack of pencils and a new album. You brought it during your last visit, saying that you would draw it next time. Five weeks have passed since that time, and Michael still hasn’t dared to touch the ill-fated album. The cover with the cats was already fairly covered with dust, and the pencils were covered in red and black. Michael obediently waited for the next time, knowing that you would not deceive. It is so? You always came back, no matter how badly he behaved with doctors, right? He will wait as long as necessary, like a little faithful puppy.

The guy stopped counting the days, and the world around him turned into endless darkness. All these brainless doctors and orderlies, whose souls are each blacker than the other. Vile, dirty people with no compassion. He missed his little flower. A pure, cheerful creature who brings colors into his life, and with them light. Her soul was the only source of light in this endless dark pit. Why was it taken from him? They took away his source of warmth and light, his little sun. She will be back. She'll definitely be back. She's different. He knows.


It was an ordinary cloudy day at the Illinois State Mental Hospital. The sky was covered with a dense layer of gray clouds, threatening to burst into torrential rain, and fog covered everything around. The evening swayed the trees with thin tables with unprecedented force, carrying already fairly yellowed leaves for miles around in a simple dance.

You sighed nervously, looking at the fading nature outside the window. Finally, you turned your head in the direction of your father, who was enthusiastically giving you another lecture of instructions, completely not noticing that you were absolutely not interested in it.

"..dad. I’ve read his personal file three times already, I understand everything, okay?”

The man frowned, but exhaled in defeat, folding his hands behind his back. Even when he relaxed his face, a few wrinkles on his face remained, clearly indicating the man's age and the stress of his job.

“I know, I’m just worried about you.Are you sure you want to practice medicine with this particular patient? You know, there are several dozen more patients in your specialty, and less dangerous ones..."

“Dad,” you interrupt him with a frown, “You and I have already discussed this several times, haven’t we? Don't worry. After all, he is your patient, I know you will intervene if something goes wrong.”

Finally the man gave in. He nodded in agreement and briefly hugged you, patting you on the head like when you were a child. A short “ok” left his lips, and together you headed towards the ill-fated office.

The sound of a door opening. Michael didn't bother to turn his head towards the entering doctor. The guy knew that now again the meaningless dialogues on the part of the doctor and even more meaningless taking of pills would begin. He was healthy, the guy was sure of it. He had long ago become accustomed to the emptiness in his chest that had become painfully familiar to him and the noise of endless thoughts in his mind. And he didn't want to change that. It was as if, over such a long period of time, this state had become like a protective cocoon for him.

The room was filled with an unobtrusive sweetish aroma of some fruity perfume, from which Michael could barely restrain himself from wrinkled his nose. The heavy silence in the room was interrupted only by the steady tapping of women's heels. It had been a long time since he had been visited by a female doctor, something new.

"Hello, Michael."

These few words made the guy's heart clench unpleasantly. He stared in front of him, now fully feeling that long-forgotten feeling of warmth and light presence. That bright figure of white light appeared before my eyes again, like the purest angel on earth. A short sigh escaped from his chest, and his lips almost reflexively bent into a pitiful semblance of a smile. Still, he was really glad to see her. He knew she would return. He knew, even if that pathetic old man and his employees told Michael otherwise. He knew you were different.

"It's been a long time... I'm really sorry."

He remained silent, instead absorbing her every new word like a sponge thrown into the sea. Now he didn't care that she left, because she came back. The guy tried to remember everything: the aroma of her perfume, which now seemed so painfully sweet and pleasant, driving his entire pulsating mind crazy; the sound of her angelic voice is like a gentle cradle, lulling him in her tender embrace. He tried to remember everything. Now her fragile image filled his entire mind. He wanted to touch, touch, feel, show that she was his. Over the many years of being here, he realized that she was his, and he had to prove it to everyone. His light, his delicate flower, his sun.The guy was ready to fulfill all her instructions and requests, if only she would stay with him as long as possible. Stayed forever.

Now the girl came to him every day, and Michael could not imagine anything better. It was as if all his dreams had come true.

She was his personal nurse.

In the mornings she sometimes combed his hair. Usually it stuck out and was very messy and dirty, but now his curly hair looked clean and soft.

She brought him food, and sometimes Michael deliberately chose to pretend to be a brainless vegetable, if only she would feed him herself, gently bringing the spoon to his bitten lips.

Michael could have sworn that there was actually excitement and tenderness in her actions, as if she was worried and genuinely cared about him. And just thinking about it made his soul warm. Now he heard her voice every day, felt her gentle touches, felt her trepidation and care. But this was not enough. He wanted more. Michael felt a strange burning sensation when she talked to other people in the hospital, especially men. He began to feel an unpleasant itch, and images were scrolling through his head of how he could kill this vile guard and then pull her into his protective arms. Michael wanted her hands on his neck or in his hair, and his hands on her soft hips. He wanted her for himself and no one else.


That morning you came again to give Michael pills. You were the only one Michael allowed to give him his medicine. He would even drink poison from your hands. The main condition was that there should be no security either inside or outside.

You moved closer, gently lifting Michael's chin with your gentle fingers. He wrapped his arms around your hips, looking up at you, and obediently opened his mouth. You placed the colored tablet on his tongue, to which he quickly swallowed it, without water. The man’s hands gently roamed over your soft flesh, pressing you as close to him as possible. You gently massaged his tangled hair, lightly scratching his itchy skin from constant thoughts.

“Michael..” his name sounds like the sweetest honey on your tongue, the man is ready to listen to this for an eternity, “I’m sorry, but today is the last day of my practice.”

Michael raised his eyebrows slightly, snuggling into your gentle hand.He wanted you to explain what it was about and why you had such a sad expression on your face. The guy wanted answers, but you perfectly remembered your father’s request not to tell him about it. This could cause Michael to become aggressive. Still, you didn’t want to hurt him. So you just briefly hugged him by his strong shoulders and briefly kissed his forehead.

The next day you didn't come.

And every other day too.

Did he do something wrong? The evil doctors did not allow you to come to him again? Michael had many questions, and yet, the answer for him was the arrogant smiling face of Dr. Loomis.


It was Halloween evening. You have already distributed all your candy to the children in colorful costumes, who for a good few hours interrupted your peaceful existence with their constant knocking on the door. Now you were sitting relaxed on the sofa in the living room and watching your favorite horror movie, sipping sweet soda with pleasure. And so, at the next moment, when something terrible was about to happen in the film, you heard that ill-fated doorbell again. With an annoyed sigh, you stood up from the couch, setting the soda on the table, and headed towards the door. To your surprise, there was no one on the street. But as soon as you closed the door, a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist. You tried to escape, hitting the stranger in the stomach with your elbows, to which you only received a muffled grunt. A strange metallic smell filled my nose. You turned around, feeling your heart beating wildly in fear in your chest. Your eyes met the emotionless eye-shaped cutouts on the latex mask. Is this some kind of joke? You wanted to scream, but were interrupted by the sharp sensation of someone else's lips on your neck. How did he manage to roll up the edge of his mask so quickly? You bit your lower lip in fear, pulling off the unfortunate mask with one sharp movement. Now a pair of sad dark eyes are staring at you.

“Michael?.. How you.. why are you here?”

The man just muttered something unintelligible, rubbing his nose against the skin of your neck.

Loomis worriedly dialed your phone number, putting the phone to his ear. His most dangerous and unstable patient has escaped. Possible options for his direction were his younger sister Laurie and... you.

“Y/N, baby, are you okay? I'm in the hospital now and Myers has escaped! If he headed towards you and something happened to you, I don’t know what I’ll do...” The doctor muttered nervously, wiping his own forehead, sweaty from stress, with his palm.

“No, it's okay, dad. I didn’t see him,” came the answer from the other side of the line. A steady, quiet snoring could be heard in the background.




Most to Least: Possessive

Slashers: Billy Lenz, Bubba Sawyer, Ghostface (Billy Loomis + Stu Macher), Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers (OG + RZ), Thomas Hewitt

Out of all of them, who did you think would be at the very top?

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