


Daph • she/it • trans/bi/aro • owned 🐶puppygirl🐶 of @Coaltinka • 25 • 🔞

Howdy! My name is Daphne, but i go by Daph, little pet, slut, whore, etc etc. Im a collared puppy sub to my Mommy @Coaltinka. This is my personal blog for all things im into. So follow if you like animals, magic the gathering, dnd, and horny transgender sex.

Kinks include: pet play, bdsm, torture, knife play, blood play, needle play, everything to do with piss, total power exchange, d/s relationship, breathe play, mommys, being cucked, clicker training, im probably missing a bunch

dni: anyone under 18 and thats about it, stay chill or u will be blocked

feel free to send asks or messages and i will get back to ya. dont forget to have fun out there and fuck nasty


“If you have time to watch Netflix you have time for a side hustle” my side hustle is relaxing so that my body and brain can heal from by this nose-to-the-grindstone bullshit. I refuse to feel guilty for being a human with the need to relax sometimes. my side hustle is no.

whenever i hear about hustle culture i always think about this post on r/antiwork


can't have shit in Baltimore

oh my goddd just like the prestige drama television series The Wire (2002-2008)

somehow this guy was the most considerate carjacker in all of Baltimore. did he pull a gun on me? yeah. but he let me keep my phone and my wallet, and when he was driving away he rolled down the window and yelled at me "REPORT YOUR CAR STOLEN!" (the cops were confused and laughed when I told them this)

I told my husband @beemovieerotica that's what great about Baltimore, the crime is streamlined here.

the youth today, they have no class. these zoomers don't understand social cues and good manners. it takes a real upstanding citizen to rob your car at gunpoint and then immediately yell at you how to resolve your current dilemma. that's called community building

the downside of having comprehensive insurance


A concept: mermaids in wheelchairs

Another: shapeshifters with stretch marks

Religious vampires trying to find ways to balance their ideologies with their needs

Sirens learning sign language so they can communicate without enchanting anyone

Disabled fairies who can’t fly pushing for accessibility

Spirits helping save people from fires and other natural disasters because they can access areas too dangerous for the living

Dragons becoming foster parents and providing super safe homes for “hordes” of children until they grow up

Female werewolves with facial hair and body hair not letting anyone make them feel bad about it

Fae snatching children from abusive homes and raising them in safety while the changeling wreaks havoc

Liberated genies using their power to fight for human rights

Witchy cooking shows where witches try to make specific potions or find creative magical solutions to problems

Psychic psychologists and medical doctors who are able to figure out exactly how to help even if their patient is non-verbal, young, or afraid of being honest because they’re with an abuser

Psychic teachers knowing just what to do to help students with learning disabilities

Yes please. 

I just slammed the reblog button so hard my phone broke.


Hell hound service animals

Heck to the yes for them all


Who else wants to write all of these?


brb the whole discord in an uproar at the UNCONSCIONABLE results of Mister Global 2022

seriously though, MR. SPAIN?!

Mr Spain vs the runner up Mr Vietnam. Like. How the fuck?

Looking very respectfully at Mr. Vietnam


I mean personally I was in favor of Mr. Peru and Mr. Nigeria but I can fully agree Spain can get out of there.

Tbh mr spain looks like a piece of art compared to britain and cuba’s costumes


SE asia brought the thunder




I’m not going to ever be surprised at Spain being so proud of their imperialism in the worst ways possible


It's Lesbian Visibility Week and my five years on testosterone, so I have an urgent message from one random man to all lesbians on T:



So we all know that Tumblr is US-centric. But to what degree? (and can we skew the results of this poll by posting it at a time where they should be asleep?)

Reblog to increase sample size!


Among those arrested in Atlanta today were Noelle McAfee, Chair of the Philosophy Department at Emory University. You can hear her ask the PhD student taking the video:

“Can you call the Philosophy Department office and tell them I’ve been arrested?...I’m Noelle McAfee, I’m Chair of the Philosophy Department”


monogamous people who get defensive or outright combative when polyamory is brought up could probably stand to be told that they could actually change their perspectives somewhat if they put in actual effort. i do not have any more patience for people who are too comfortable in the thought that the ideas they've been fed about exclusivity and commitment all their life are somehow uniquely theirs, nor do i have patience for the handful of trite remarks they make about polyamory in attempts to feel clever about taking one of the most lukewarm stances in existence on something

i actually don't think it's enough that you simply tolerate or accept the polyamorous arrangements around you, i think you should actually look the systems that forced it to become the default in the face and take whatever you realize about it with a little humility

my mind is blown whenever people feel the need to tag this with some permutation of "i'm not polyamorous." this post is about you, even if you think you agree with it. ask yourself why you feel the need to share that here


usually being on the humiliator side of humiliation kink doesnt do anything for me but watching college kids make fun of officer smallwood and shout "you failed uvalde" at the texas cops fills me with a feeling unlike anything else ive ever felt


If y’all could do me a massive favor. It turns out that the protestors who were arrested got banned from campus for one year which is a BIG deal considering graduation for some is quite literally two weeks away.

If you could call the office of ius president and say this is unjust and that the students and faculty deserve amnesty I would LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU


this website is cuckoo bananas. for years i’ve been watching trans girls post “hey, have you considered that even though trans guys are obviously treated worse than cis guys, the limited male privilege that they do have access to means that they are taken more seriously, treated less dangerously & just respected more than trans women in most if not all circumstances” and everybody’s been going nuts like, calling us separatists, calling us “divisive” for even pointing out men in the trans community can be misogynistic etc.

and then today, i saw a pretty mild post from a trans guy saying “passing as a man is so weird. other men are treating me with more respect than they treat my girl friends in public now. i used to have to argue & cite 100 sources for anybody to listen to me, and now all i have a beard all i have do is say ‘hey maybe women should be treated better’ and everybody listens to me immediately”

….and then i go into the notes and there’s a bunch of transandrophobia bloggers saying “wow, you really opened my eyes… i never saw it this way before…” like am i going crazy??? am i the only one who sees the incredible irony here? maybe you guys… here’s a thought… should listen to women also?

the second craziest thing about it is scrolling through the notes and seeing how many pre-transition trans guys are saying “wow i can’t wait for this to happen to me too 😍” the patriarchy is “goals” for you king??? really??? sometimes i think transandrophobia truthers do actually believe that trans men benefit from the patriarchy; they’re just bitter that they don’t get “the full package”. it’s fucked up!


“Good puppy, such a good girl, you’re such a good little puppy for me, aww puppyyy, my sweet pup, you’re so good puppy, good girlllll, good puppyy” in that voice you’d use when you’re playing with a dog does something to me😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 like yesyesyesyesyesss pls say it again and again until im whimpering and rutting into my mattress it feels so good when you say thatttttt my mind goes all fuzzy and I can’t think abt anything but making you feel good😵‍💫😵‍💫

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