
A Little Piece of Everything

@wanderingstrider / wanderingstrider.tumblr.com


As an eye doctor, this shouldn't be controversial. It's a problem. 5 years ago, nighttime headlight issues were reserved for people with cataracts or LASIK scars. Today, everyone has problems seeing the road through the oncoming headlights. People are getting anti-glare and blueblocking coatings not bc they are sitting on a computer 8+ hours a day but bc the blue tinted halogens are making them feel unsafe to drive. We are selling insane amounts of yellow tinted nighttime driving glasses even though they're really only for people with cataracts bc ppl are desperate for anything that may help them deal with the headlights. I've had multiple patients tell me they just don't drive at night anymore.

This is an actual safety issue and it needs to be addressed


hey so it’s march now aka the beginning of endometriosis awareness month and i feel obligated to remind you that debilitatingly painful periods are not normal. if you or someone you know is ending up sick or bedridden every month, you are not crazy and deserve medical attention from someone who will take you seriously

hey it’s march again let’s get this post circulating again


Time Lapse of Plants - Three Days

Tfw you realize that much of Earth’s life moves and communicates on a time scale humans cannot hope to comprehend.

Plants exhibit a lot of behavior we typically associate only with animals, but don’t notice because of the difference in timescales and just how utterly alien plants are compared to ourselves. They communicate, the cooperate, they engage in parental care, and discoveries in the relatively new study of plant cognition seem to indicate that they have some capacity for decision making and learning. Just as we learned that animals are not, in fact, mindless, unfeeling automata we are now learning the same is true of plants.


I wish we could see them waving around and moving though in real time :(

Anonymous asked:

Are you a Gold Star lesbian? (Just in case you don't know what it means, a Gold Star lesbian is a lesbian that has never had the sex with a guy and would never have any intentions of ever doing so)

No. I’m not. And I don’t put any stock into “classification” of Lesbians or anyone else in the LGBTQ+ community. 

Also I’m not a Lesbian I’m Bi. 


Y’all being pregnant while moving into a new house is BUCKWILD

My husband is an intelligent man, but he has gotten in his head that if I lift one box I will PERISH

Here is the problem in a nutshell

Would I love to let my husband do everything? Of course?

But this absolute GIANT of a man after TEN YEARS together still has no spatial awareness and NO AWARENESS that his a A FOOT AND A HALF taller than me. If he is left to put thing away, he will do so diligently but he PUTS EVERYTHING ON THE TOP SHELF and my TINY TREX ARMS CAN NOT MAKE THAT TRIP

I threw out my back and he’s now convinced that it’s his fault for letting me carry paper plates in the house my self and that he’s going to be a terrible father


“You have two skeletons inside you right now that is double the amount I have. You are my sweet special Eldritch Horror” - My Husband

Thanks I think?

“It’s insane that we just made a person! I’ve never even met a baby before what do I say?!”

Not worried about diapers here folks, just first impressions

“I’m going be be a dad which is just buckwild. I have your pregnancy checklist but here is my fatherhood check list

1. I need a riding lawn mower

2. I need a white tank top

3. I need a beer, particularly an amber colored one

4. I need a book of puns

5. I need a baby back pack to carry said baby

6. I want my own diaper bag, and I want it to be STYLISH

Kait are you writing this down this is important?”

Me: a lot of people on the internet are calling you a himbo, would you like to respond?

Husband: I am often very dumb, and I do drink the respect women juice like fine wine, however I am not very strong, and I just don’t know if I can accept this title if I do not meet all the qualifications

Me: I don’t know, you lifted all those boxes on your own

Husband: this was simply DAD ENERGY


I can not with this fool

literally marry him

I have great news my friend

marry him again

I’ve read him some of these replies and he got very upset and yelled (which if you know my husband is barely over a whisper) “I CANT MARRY YOU ANY HARDER I KNOW IVE GOOGLED IT MANY TIMES”

Y’all I’m obsessed with this idiot

Everybody wants a himbo husband until you get this text at 6am

Why was he locked outside again? Cause he won’t let the dog “pee alone in the dark Kait, that’s inhumane” 🤦‍♀️


”So I feel like this is the perfect time for a film like this. I feel like the film has become more important and more relevant today, which is a sad thing.” – Oscar Winner Taika Waititi in the Press Room


Do people not actually know what’s happening here? Or do conservatives just throw out their brain when they join the party?

This is an N95 mask with a hospital mask over the top. The N95 mask filters out particles. It protects the person wearing it. It has an exhale valve, so people who aren’t assholes (and know what they’re doing) wear another mask over the top to protect other people, in case they unknowingly have COVID-19. Anyone who’s been to see a medical professional in person this year would have seen them wearing exactly this combination of masks.

This is the mask combination worn by someone who knows their science and cares about the health of the people they come into contact with.

It also allows for the top (less hard to get and more disposable) mask to be switched out regularly while keeping the N95 on consistantly, which helps prevent germs from being spread even more! 


I can't stop crying I've waited my hole life for this. All the let downs and bad luck I'm so happy to finally see the Dodgers win 1.

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