Anonymous asked:

Hello! I really hope you can help me; I am trying really bad to find the links to download the scripts of hannibal nbc show however all of them are broken or the official website is fallen. Do you happen to know a site where I cna find them? Thank you very much

I have gotten some questions about the scripts lately for some reason so I'm just finally going to make some sort of general public post about this:

I truly wish I could help, however, if you look at the dates when I posted my script posts, it's been like...7 years since I made those posts. I guess it's to be expected some of the links will get broken at some point, as sad as that is. But like I said, I made my scripts posts many many years ago and I haven't kept up with any updates since.

However, do I have any followers left who could help? Or someone in the tags? Anyone?


Hi! I started watching Hannibal last month and I found your script masterpost and just wanted to say it was really cool! I can't find the scripts anywhere online so it's really interesting to look at the parts you've put up and I can't believe how long it must've took you. So thank you, it's really neat! :)


Heya, I’m glad they’re still useful many years after I posted them! :) That is one reason why I’m keeping this blog up even though I’m really not around anymore (I still love & miss the show every day and think about it constantly) 


So, hi guys. No, I’m not back quite yet, but I felt like writing something a little bit, and who can stop me because this is my blog, right...??? 

The reason I’m here is because I have a NEED to write about G*me of Thr*nes a bit now that the show is ending. Yes, on my HANNIBAL sideblog. Why? I know y'all didn't follow me for this but actually, it will be tangentially Hannibal related, just bear with me for a bit. GoT is like an ex I still apparently have complicated feelings for, and I don't know where else to write about it. 

This post doesn’t contain GoT spoilers, just vagueness. If you’re super pro-GoT, you may want to skip this.

So, I've been watching season 8, and my stance on the show is that it was excellent for the first seasons, but the last seasons have been abysmal (these are my feelings because I love the books). I've watched the show anyway because I have followed it from the very beginning and I want to see it through. I even found some fun with it, just watching the show for the hell of it, not stressing about the story. Also, I don't think it's ALL bad: the music, actors and direction are often pretty great. I've had Jenny of Oldstones stuck in my head for WEEKS now! And..even though the writing has been inconsistent, I’m still attached and invested in some of the characters and their stories. I wouldn’t feel this conflicted if I didn’t care at all. I almost wish I didn’t.

But...after S8E4, I feel like I kinda don't want to see how it ends, because I have doubts it will be satisfying to anyone, no matter who your fav characters are (except maybe fucking Bronn, maybe he gets the best ending of all lmao). It all feels so BLEAK.

And as a Hannibal fan, I feel like I should be used to this? With Hannibal, I saw how things could get bad, then worse, then somehow EVEN WORSE, until finally seeing something beautiful come out of it in the end. After Hannibal, I felt I could handle anything: feeling extremely nervous about what happens next? Done that. Characters doing questionable choices & feeling deep disappointment in their actions? Check. Fearing the worst will happen? Check. And like...I get it that sometimes you need to go through the worst to get to the best. Victory tastes the best after a hard fight. If everything goes smoothly & without a conflict, where’s the fun in that??

However, the difference between Hannibal and GoT is that I trusted Bryan Fuller & co, whereas I don't trust D&D at all. So, even when things seemed bad, I had faith everything would work out in a satisfying manner in the end, and they did! Also, I could handle all the really dark things happening because there were good reasons behind them besides just shock value. I still think Hannibal S2 finale is the most painful but also beautiful episode of television I've ever watched. It broke my heart, sure, but it was also so genuine and made me feel SO MUCH.

Maybe it is unfair to compare these two shows, they're so different after all. Hannibal is a small scale, personal story, while GoT deals with the fate of the entire realm.

But after watching fans freak out about the implications of GoT episode 4, I just thought about how much easier it would be to endure the uncertainty and fear when you could trust the writers to deliver an engaging, satisfying story that will follow all the themes and plot points that have been laid out during the previous seasons, and if there are shocking twists, they feel earned. (And by satisfying I don’t necessarily mean a “happy” ending). 

Or I might be 10000% wrong and everyone will love how GoT ends. I’d be happy to be wrong.

A lot of the hannibal fandom is moving to pillowfort if you want to find us there when it leaves the closed beta
Yeah Pillowfort does seem pretty interesting (currently it reminds me a lot of Livejournal which I abandoned for Tumblr back in the day ahah), but it’s definitely still too unfinished for my tastes. But I’ll definitely check it out again when it’s out of closed beta!

obligatory “where else to find me” post

It’s been ages since I’ve posted here, and when I finally do, it’s because of such a disappointing reason. Oh Tumblr, what have you gone and done…??? 

It’s totally understandable if people are starting to leave this place, but I’m feeling pretty sad about it…because Tumblr is how I found about Hannibal :( 

I have such great fandom memories from here too, especially at the beginning, when everyone was like “where tf did Fannibals suddenly come from???”. Those were great times and I’ll always think of them fondly! It’s not easy to give up so many years of fandom memories. 

But as long as Tumblr isn’t deleting itself, I won’t be deleting my blog, I want to keep it just in case. Especially since I did a lot of work with my Red Dragon con recaps and my Hannibal script project.  As much as I like Twitter, writing long posts there is a pain. Also, everything seems to get buried under other tweets after a while…

So, this is where people would expect me to write down my Hannibal Twitter or something, but…even though I do have a fandom Twitter, I’m honestly not sure if I’m going to keep using it for long :( emerging depression has made me lose interest in everything and it’s also taking Hannibal from me, and I’m not dealing well with the hiatus at all. 

However, if you still want to follow me somewhere, here are my art accounts:

So…if you guys are leaving, thank you for following me, thank you for being Fannibals, thank you for everything. Survive, live and thrive


obligatory “where else to find me” post

It’s been ages since I’ve posted here, and when I finally do, it’s because of such a disappointing reason. Oh Tumblr, what have you gone and done…??? 

It’s totally understandable if people are starting to leave this place, but I’m feeling pretty sad about it…because Tumblr is how I found about Hannibal :( 

I have such great fandom memories from here too, especially at the beginning, when everyone was like “where tf did Fannibals suddenly come from???”. Those were great times and I’ll always think of them fondly! It’s not easy to give up so many years of fandom memories. 

But as long as Tumblr isn’t deleting itself, I won’t be deleting my blog, I want to keep it just in case. Especially since I did a lot of work with my Red Dragon con recaps and my Hannibal script project.  As much as I like Twitter, writing long posts there is a pain. Also, everything seems to get buried under other tweets after a while…

So, this is where people would expect me to write down my Hannibal Twitter or something, but…even though I do have a fandom Twitter, I’m honestly not sure if I’m going to keep using it for long :( emerging depression has made me lose interest in everything and it’s also taking Hannibal from me, and I’m not dealing well with the hiatus at all. 

However, if you still want to follow me somewhere, here are my art accounts:

So…if you guys are leaving, thank you for following me, thank you for being Fannibals, thank you for everything. Survive, live and thrive


obligatory “where else to find me” post

It’s been ages since I’ve posted here, and when I finally do, it’s because of such a disappointing reason. Oh Tumblr, what have you gone and done...??? 

It’s totally understandable if people are starting to leave this place, but I’m feeling pretty sad about it...because Tumblr is how I found about Hannibal :( 

I have such great fandom memories from here too, especially at the beginning, when everyone was like “where tf did Fannibals suddenly come from???”. Those were great times and I’ll always think of them fondly! It’s not easy to give up so many years of fandom memories. 

But as long as Tumblr isn’t deleting itself, I won’t be deleting my blog, I want to keep it just in case. Especially since I did a lot of work with my Red Dragon con recaps and my Hannibal script project.  As much as I like Twitter, writing long posts there is a pain. Also, everything seems to get buried under other tweets after a while...

So, this is where people would expect me to write down my Hannibal Twitter or something, but...even though I do have a fandom Twitter, I’m honestly not sure if I’m going to keep using it for long :( emerging depression has made me lose interest in everything and it’s also taking Hannibal from me, and I’m not dealing well with the hiatus at all. 

However, if you still want to follow me somewhere, here are my art accounts:

So...if you guys are leaving, thank you for following me, thank you for being Fannibals, thank you for everything. Survive, live and thrive



Heya, I’m really flattered for all the new followers lately, but….I’m afraid I don’t really have much more content to offer you guys anymore :’D well, at least not original content….

I really wouldn’t want to completely abandon this blog, but I’m also running out of blogs to follow because I keep having to unfollow people due to changing interests etc, and I admit I’m quite specific about what kind of content I want to see.

Sooooo not sure what’s the point of this post, perhaps to let you know it might be a bit quiet here??? I’ll try to find new blogs to follow so I can keep at least reblogging stuff now and then.

A reminder that this blog is still on hiatus! Just a heads up for my new followers, I dunno where you are coming from but thank you & I’m sorry :’D



Heya, I’m really flattered for all the new followers lately, but....I’m afraid I don’t really have much more content to offer you guys anymore :’D well, at least not original content....

I really wouldn’t want to completely abandon this blog, but I’m also running out of blogs to follow because I keep having to unfollow people due to changing interests etc, and I admit I’m quite specific about what kind of content I want to see.

Sooooo not sure what’s the point of this post, perhaps to let you know it might be a bit quiet here??? I’ll try to find new blogs to follow so I can keep at least reblogging stuff now and then.


Out of Context Hannibal script Hannigram edition

This list is not very long because you know, the show already has so many IN context Hannigram moments ;P so I decided to focus on some….less obvious parts.

Somehow it’s hilarious to me that out of all people, the boom guy who worked on Hannibal found my tweet about this lmao


Hannibal Script Project Masterpost (complete)

I have now completed my little project where I would compile together deleted dialogue and scenes and other interesting parts from the scripts of each Hannibal episode. The posts often ended up being pretty long, because I included almost every single deleted line, no matter how small.

Here are links to each of these posts, to make searching for them easier. They can all also be found under THIS tag.

Season 1

  1. Apéritif
  2. Amuse-Bouche
  3. Potage
  4. Oeuf
  5. Coquilles
  6. Entrée
  7. Sorbet
  8. Fromage
  9. Trou Normand
  10. Buffet Froid
  11. Rôti
  12. Relevés
  13. Savoureux

Season 2

  1. Kaiseki
  2. Sakizuke
  3. Hassun
  4. Takiawase
  5. Mukozuke
  6. Futamono
  7. Yakimono
  8. Su-zakana
  9. Shiizakana
  10. Naka-Choko
  11. Ko No Mono
  12. Tome-wan
  13. Mizumono

Season 3

  1. Antipasto
  2. Primavera
  3. Secondo
  4. Aperitivo
  5. Contorno
  6. Dolce
  7. Digestivo
  8. The Great Red Dragon
  9. ...And The Woman Clothed With The Sun
  10. ...And The Woman Clothed In Sun
  11. ...And The Beast From The Sea
  12. The Number Of The Beast Is 666
  13. The Wrath Of The Lamb

Out of context Hannibal script (for funsies)

If you wish to read the scripts yourself, here is the original source, on the Living Dead Guy website.

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