
cringe is the mind-killer

@camelliagwerm / camelliagwerm.tumblr.com

harper, they, 20s. evil women romancer. mostly video games and ttrpgs. tracking #userharps. icon by @mountainashfae

Savour Its Sweet, Bloody Taste • Chapter V

RATING: M PAIRING: Knight-Commander x Camellia ; Valerius x Camellia TAGS/CONTENT WARNINGS: moderate references to violence, post-game fic, a wild Elyanka appears SUMMARY: with the final preparations being put it in place, long-standing tensions and fears come back to the fore. 3086 wordsAUTHOR'S NOTE: a combo of lack of inspiration and full-time work has been an absolute killer on the motivation to write but I'm glad I've finally managed to get a chapter out (let's not talk about how it's been 7 months)

With the plan set in motion, Valerius has found his time being divided between his regular duties and visits to the sweltering laboratories set up in the depths of the old ziggurat; Elyanka’s people have taken to the work with zeal and curiosity, but they are still Elyanka’s people – and so he placed a trusted friend and a loyal subject as the overseers of the project.

By now, he has seen enough of the process: it required his participation in order for it to work. And that process is bloody, brutal and yet brilliant – a marriage of science and magic, crafting and shaping a copy of him out of little more than a few locks of hair, droplets of blood and seed, and a small flaying of the flesh. The flaying, done by the Shackleborn tiefling Nela – who came to the city in search of a patron –  still aches. It had been agonising as she’d expertly taken just two small cuts of skin from him, droplets of blood pooling at his eyes as he’d bitten down on a block of wood to stop his screams; the wood had snapped far too quickly and he had to spit splinters from his mouth.

“The pain will be a lasting memory, a taste of His Enlightenment, your Grace,” she had told him, her barbed tail curling her flayer’s knife, the smell of blood clogging the air of the laboratory.  The knife’s burning sting could not even be soothed by the cold touch of his necromantic healing – a lasting reminder of what he has to do in order to no longer have Mendev snapping at his heels.

Community Label: Mature: Sexual Themes

Random nsfw oc asks for Valerius: 9, 15 and 24?


Thank you!

9. What’s their favorite way to get in the mood? How do they set the mood?

Honestly I don't think it would take a lot to get Valerius in the mood. He's got a very strong sexual appetite so he tends to focus more on his partner than himself. If it's something a little more special, then low, warm lighting, a heady spiced wine, rich food. He might pay attention to their neck or wrists especially, caress their face and lips especially.

15. Describe their favorite sexual encounter.

I think there are a few highlights certainly, but I don't think any of them can match the feelings of the first time he and Camellia had sex after his status of antipaladin was returned to him. High on adrenaline, bloodlust, actual lust, the high of having committed deicide and consuming the heart in Urgathoa's name, having sent Deskari back to the Abyss where he belongs. All the sensations and hungers returned to him in such an exquisite way, Camellia equally ravenous for him to be back at his full strength and stamina. It was desperate, messy, bloody, dangerous (given it was in the ruins of Iz) but it was what they both needed. Certainly what he needed - he saw it as a sign of Urgathoa's blessing for their relationship, a sign he can allow Camellia have his heart without it compromising his oath and tenets.

24. A song they would fuck/get fucked to

Not entirely sure, mostly because I don't know what would work. Is it too much of a cop-out to say nothing? I think the idea would be kind of moot for him because he tends to be so loud and encourages his partners to be the same. Saying that there's probably been the fair share of dirge bards at the various Urgathoan bacchanals he's been to, so I guess that?? It would not be his first choice, though.

ask game | character options under the cut:
Community Label: Mature

Sexual themes


hi. go buy esims for gaza. go preorder a kufiya from hirbawi. buy insulin for palestinian diabetics who need that help. if you live in the states use this to email your reps (this takes maybe 5 seconds to do). check out this massive list of resources where you can educate yourself in a meaningful and actionable way even if you don't have the financial means right now. from the river to the sea palestine will be free. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

Community Label: Mature: Sexual Themes

For the NSFW OC asks, "6. Any place they absolutely would not have sex?" for Valerius?


djfjdj I see. Incheresting.

6. Any place they absolutely would not have sex?

I think if anyone is the least discerning about a location, it would be Valerius. Urgathoan brainrot and all that. He certainly has his preferences, but I cannot think of any place right now that would be a hard no.

ask game | character options under the cut:
Community Label: Mature

Sexual themes

Community Label: Mature: Sexual Themes

Leonelle 16 and 17?


Emi...why are you exposing Leonelle's Ls like this.

16. Describe their least favorite/most embarassing sexual encounter.

Aside from instances of comphet at work, most embarrassing encounter was probably a night with Octavia where Leonelle lost control of her magic and ended up accidentally setting the canopy bed's curtains on fire. Absolutely mortifying ordeal considering the guards got concerned and the gossip spread around like well, wildfire. Regongar never let her live that one down.

17. What’s their go-to safe word?

Honestly she picked the first thing that came to her head and it was "rose." If it works...

ask game | character options under the cut:
Community Label: Mature

Sexual themes


I'm so fucking mad about how pervasive diet culture is. Like this shit is literally killing people in so many different ways but I can't open up a recipe book or grocery store magazine without reading words like 'bad' and 'sinful' and 'guilty/guilt free'. Like what the honest fuck is that?

And trying to recover from an eating disorder in that environment is like, I don't know, trying to recover from ingesting poison when the whole world wants to sell you repacked poison pills as pseudo scientific health supplements. And the poison pill industry is worth billions. And everyone around you is talking about how they wished they had the willpower to ingest poison, and sharing tips on how to make the poison go down smoother.

If you're currently recovering despite it all you are brave and powerful and strong as fuck. Don't let anyone diminish that.


☾☮♒ for our pal Byron?


Half-sibling playdate when (Ismene torments Byron with maybe prophecies)

☾ - sleep headcanon

Sleep does not come easily, and when he does sleep it is often not well. Byron's sleep is often plagued by Bhaalspawn dreams or by his patron trying to pry into his psyche, leading to restlessness during the nights and looking constantly tired come morning. For him at least, the only way to have a peaceful sleep is to take a draught that will knock him out for the night and he becomes quite reliant on it.

☮ - friendship headcanon

He finds it difficult to make friends, or rather - he just doesn't care to. Imoen he mostly treated as a nuisance despite her best attempts. I imagine she slowly wears him down until he tolerates her, but in Candlekeep overall there was no one that he was interested in being friends with. I imagine things would probably change on the road a bit, but even with his party, "friendship" isn't as likely (Dorn, Viconia, Imoen, Kagain and Edwin) as much as "merely tolerating each other" (at least in BG1 lol)

♒ - cooking/food headcanon

Byron can somewhat cook but he always over or underseasons food to a criminal degree. He's doing his best but after a while, he is banned from seasoning anything and someone else takes over until he knows better.


for leto! :D 2, 6, 10, 17, 20


aww thank you.

2. Are they a “the socks stay on during sex” kind of person?

First of all, hilarious question. Secondly....maybe. A little bit. Not intentionally, but Cassia is cold to the touch and while he does not mind the chill, it can get to him at times. Besides, I imagine the equivalent of socks in this case are more akin to stockings, so it wouldn't be the worst thing to keep on during sex given his status as Rogue Trader.

6. Any place they absolutely would not have sex?

So many. Both he and Cassia enjoy their privacy and prefer to keep things chaste when not behind closed doors, so I guess the answer is anywhere public?

10. Are they down for casual one-night stands?

Nope. It made him a bit of an odd one out when he was with the Navis Imperialis, but he simply wasn't interested in any form of casual sex.

17. What's their go-to safe word?

Nothing fancy - "stop" works sufficiently when Cassia can read his aura well and he is learning to read hers. It's only there because it does help to have a verbal command.

20. What do they like seeing their partner in when they “dress-up?”

Quite frankly, he doesn't mind as long as it makes Cassia happy. Something more relaxed, like a soft robe rather than her usual Navigator's regalia. Comfort over anything else. He does prefer it when she doesn't wear the headpiece that covers her Navigator's Eye but he also understands that's not always viable given how potent a single blast from that can be (especially since getting blasted by it in Comorroagh was how his own psyker abilities finally manifested.)


Headcanon meme~

Put a symbol (or several) and a character/characters in my ask box, and I’ll give you a headcanon.  Yes.  Do it.

☾ - sleep headcanon

★ - sad headcanon

☆ - happy headcanon

☠ - angry/violent headcanon

✿ - Sex headcanon

■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon

♡ - romantic headcanon

♥ - family headcanon

☮ - friendship headcanon

♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon

☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon

▼ - childhood headcanon

∇ -. old age/aging headcanon

♒ - cooking/food headcanon

☼ - appearance headcanon

ൠ - random headcanon

◉ - Any other question of your choosing

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