
Too bad it's the wrong genre...

@genresavvygentleman / genresavvygentleman.tumblr.com

My name is Tony. Occasional writer, sometimes musician, perpetual over-thinker. Jack of many trades with mastery of few, and an attention span indicative of such.  This is not a serious blog. Not in the slightest.


To those of you expressing skepticism and a lack of trust in WotC, you're RIGHT. Wizards ruined a lot of good will, and it's gonna take time and effort to earn that back. But here's the other end of the stick that's gonna get me accused of bootlicking:

You gotta be open to letting them earn your patronage and trust again. I'm not saying jump back in with both feet immediately. What I AM saying is that if they suffer all this backlash, make the objectively correct decision to walk it back, and then see ass-all result from them apologizing, (in a very corporate way, but still, it's something, and this time backed up with additional action,) there's nothing stopping execs next time. They'll just see it as, "well, when we tried to fix it, it didn't help, so let's just do the profit thing"

I said I'm tentatively stoked. I'm less angry now. I'd say I'm not even angry at wizards. It's like I just had a big argument with them, and they finally said, "sorry, you're right." The anger is gone, but there's still a lot there for me to process. But I'm open to them earning my trust again.


this is actually a very interesting article

This looks like a really interesting article. Do you have a link?

bottled-starlight: josieandthepussycatsofficial: josieandthepussycatsofficial: this is actually a very interesting article  This looks like a really interesting article. Do you have a link? yep! here it is: https://www.yiddishbookcenter.org/language-literature-culture/pakn-treger/intimate-argot-american-jewish-speech-patterns


Watched Muppet Christmas Carol last night and remembered this tweet

And he was right to do it!

You bring your A game when you work with the best that are the muppets.


Michael Cane doesn't phone in anything not even a phone call


Your options when working across from the Muppets are either Michael Caine’s ‘I am going to be the ultimate straight man and treat this like an RSC production’ or Tim Curry’s ‘I am going to out-Muppet the Muppets.’ There is no middle ground and both of them are hilarious.


The evacuation prep poster is done! This poster is designed primarily with wildfires in mind, but the tips can apply to preparing for any much any disaster.

If you share this image outside of tumblr, please link back to my website: www.Katy-L-Wood.com

[[Image ID: A poster including a layered graphic showing what items to have ready to prepare for evacuating your home based on how much warning you have that you need to evacuate. The inner, red, level is labeled "No Warning." The next, orange, level is labeled "Less Than an Hour." The next, yellow, level is labeled "More Than an Hour." The final, green, level is labeled "General Preparedness." The items associated with each level and the text are included below. /end ID.]]


Evacuation Prep:

As the world changes, it is important to be prepared to safely and efficiently evacuate your home, potentially with little or no warning. Preparing ahead of time can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and help you evacuate safely if the time comes.

Red Level (No Warning): People | Pets | Keys. Human life matters most. If you can't rescue your pets, let them out to give them their best chance. If evacuating by car, don't forget your keys.

Orange Level (Less Than an Hour): Crucial Meds | Important Papers | Money | Paper Map | Pet Vaccination Records. Crucial meds and medical equipment. Papers including passports, birth certificates, medical records, etc.. Multiple forms of payment. Paper map with marked evac routes in case of signal loss. Phone. Most evac centers require vaccine records for pets to be allowed in.

Yellow Level (More Than an Hour): Photos | Hard Drives | Computers | Chargers | Irreplaceable Items | OTC Meds | Pet Supplies | Pet Food | Clothes | Weather Gear. Family photos. Hard drives and computers. Make digital backups ahead of time. Charging cords. Irreplaceable items such as collectibles and mementos. Over the counter medical supplies such as Aspirin and tampons. Pet supplies such as bowls, crates, toys, and litter. Pet food and treats. Clothes. If you are running out of time grab your laundry basket. Weather gear if needed.

Green Level (General Preparedness): Food | Water | Radio | N95 Masks | Multitool | Power Pack | Gas | Stove + Fuel | Flashlight | Toiletries | Emergency Contact Info | Bedding | First Aid | Can Opener. Easy prep, shelf-stable food. Water. Battery powered/rechargeable NOAA weather radio. N95 masks for smoke. A multitool. Rechargeable power pack for phones. Keep your car at least partially fueled at all times. Portable stove and fuel for cooking food without power. Flashlight and spare batteries. Toiletries including hair products, toothbrush and paste, etc.. Emergency contact info for friends and loved ones. Spare pillows and blankets. Dedicated first aid kit. Can opener.

Save yourself time and stress by preparing an evacuation bag ahead of time and keep it in an easy to access place. At the end of every season rotate out the perishable items within such as food, water, and medications. The more you can keep in the bag, the more time you'll have to grab everything else. Remember, it is okay if you can't do everything. Some preparation is better than no preparation.

If you are in the U.S.A. and experiencing disaster related anxiety call the Disaster Distress Hotline at 1-800-985-5990 for support and resources.


If you share this image outside of tumblr, please link back to my website: www.Katy-L-Wood.comf

Also. Please know the final file version of this was nearly 600 layers. I don't know how my computer didn't explode.


Oh shit this is a rare chance to reblog this!! This only comes on the calendar once every couple of years!!


So for those of you wondering, this happens 4 times in a 28 year period. If it is not a leap year when the first day of the year is Saturday, and if it is a leap year when the first day of the year is Friday. So this will happen again in 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, and 2095. 2100 will not be a leap year so the first calendar with this feature in the next century will be 2101, followed by 2107, 2112, 2118, 2129, and the cycle repeats.


This is gonna be quite long… and funny, hopefully. 

I was rewatching my favorite duels on the tube, this morning, and this thought occurred to me. 

Ewan McGregor is the Ginger Rogers of Star Wars. 

Yeah, I know, listen. This is our beloved Obi-Wan Kenobi, jedi master, the Master of Soresu, great lightsaber duelist, amazing fighter and all, look at him. How fast, and powerful, and lethal, yeah. I love him, right. We all do, I know. 

He was amazing from the start, so good that he’s the first jedi and padawan to kill a sith in a thousand years, and he’s the master of Soresu, so good that he gives way, against Anakin, hoping to get him so tired to talk to him out of the dark side. What a jedi, what a warrior. 


Then, we have Ewan McGregor, so good at it that they had to slow down the duel with amazing Ray Park because it was so fast that nobody would believe it. Look at them. 

Let’s not forget that Ray Park is an actual martial artist, and he was in his prime during this film, and they were so good and fast that the fight is perfectly believable. A choreography, but a perfect one. Two dancers in synch. 

And with Hayden? Look at them. Fast, precise, and Ewan is always walking backwards. 

the most amazing thing to me is that is Ewan actually deciding the pace, because Hayden can’t be too fast or he’ll risk to hurt Ewan, and can’t be too slow, or he’ll miss the beat. And in all this, Ewan is walking backwards, without ever looking, and without missing a beat. 

Ginger Rogers would have been so proud of Ewan. 



Adding this because they’re safe for dogs too


How are turkey skin and bones not safe? Please elaborate.


Dunno about skin, but Turkey bones, and avian bones in general, are really easy to shatter. If a dog eats said shards, it could tear up their insides.

Important for all pet users!!

The skin is very fatty and can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and/or pancreatitis. Pancreatitis can lead to a very expensive hospital stay, and is quite painful. When in doubt, best not to feed human food.

Important PSA for this (and every) holiday season! As someone with dogs and cats in her life, both of these are nice to have on hand!

“How do dogs eat bones in the wild then?” Two answers! One, they don’t! Dogs are no longer wild animals. Wolves and dogs have different dietary requirements. Two, they don’t cook them first. Cooking bones dries them out and makes them brittle and able to fracture rather than be gnawed down.




When I made this post I foolishly failed to include timestamps on it, BUT this year I will not be so remiss:


So IF you have a FULL 24lb TURKEY and plan to refrigerator thaw it, the time to start is: No Sooner Than Friday, November 18th.

IF you have a SMALL turkey, the time to start is: No Sooner Than Monday, November 21st.



Lauren Boebert defeat could cost Republicans the House. Colorado voters: You have 8 days to see if your ballot was rejected and correct issues with it. Spread the news!

Ways to check:

If there is a problem you can take steps with Txt2Cure: https://www.coloradosos.gov/pubs/elections/FAQs/TXT2Cure.html

The only thing that could make me happier than this worthless nazi cunt losing this election would be if her loss also meant that the disease that is the Republican party as a whole utterly failed in something they were attempting to achieve so I am keeping my fingers crossed here :D


Like to charge, reblog to cast, check your ballot if you are in that area!


i can't vibe with anyone who thinks icarus was an ignorant idiot for flying too close to the sun. "oh i'd never do that i would have remembered my father's warning and been fine". do you seriously think that after years of imprisonment, feeling the sun on your face and the open air beneath your wings, you would be able to focus on anything but the joy of being alive and free? do you actually think that if you were given the opportunity to go where nobody has never been before, you wouldn't want to push it to the limit? to dare to be the first to try what no one else has ever even thought possible? do you honestly think you're too good for your own human nature? look me in the eyes and tell me if i strapped a pair of wings to your back that could take you wherever you wanted to go whenever you pleased that you'd be careful and sensible about it. you are not better than icarus just because you have the benefit of his example.

“You are not better than Icarus just because you have the benefit of his example” go off


Btw you can be intensely critical of the Democratic party and recognize that it is full of aged out of touch moderates who are refusing to meet the urgency of the moment,

and also recognize that voting for Democrats is extremely important because it allows things like the confirmation of Justices and prevents the literal fascist party from gaining more power and that harm reduction is an important end in itself

These things can coexist

Politics is a long game. Being disappointed and angry today does not obviate your responsibility to participate

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