

@rheaitis / rheaitis.tumblr.com

34, বাঙালি, lesbian, সে/তাকে/তার

Story of my life people. You know what’s real ? The struggle.

Happy Pride Month ♥

this right here is why ‘queer’ is an identity, not a slur



Put the Q back in LGBTQ+


it’s not pride month but i will reblog the SHIT out of this any time. queer pride babeyyyyy

we’re here, we’re queer, and too confused to pick one of those other labels so you better fucking get used to us because we’re not gonna get less messy, bitches.

We’re here, we’re queer, we know EXACTLY how to micro-label ourselves based on what the other party to the communication (all communication being a two-person endeavour) perceives as the descriptive (because all categories must be descriptive bc reality doesn’t care) boundaries involved, but also that’s way more fucking work and way more information than randos that aren’t dating prospects need to know, so fuck off, we’re queer.


Happy Pride! Woke up to find that tumblr termed another TS woman without telling her (me) why!

For the past few months, Tumblr has been the source for the majority of my income through people sharing my leatherwork, and uhh pretty stressful to have that taken away.

I have so much I'd like to say on the ways TS women in particular are treated disposably, but I'll keep this short and say it would mean a lot both like emotionally and like materially if u shared this post so I could regain my friends and audience

My leather can be found at Pansy-Leatherwork.com. My entire shop is run on sliding scale, and I do my best to price things accessibly for the people I'm actually in community with

charles protects

also i’m not gonna post about it a LOT but i think it’s safe to say bar one detail* that is very valid in context but also is why you’re not going to see me be my version of fannish about this, this series is an end to end pile of my id-tropes and unbelievably rude about it.

you should go watch it, it’s great, and also if I see one more person be like “why couldn’t they have the characters be in college if they were going to have implied sex lives” I will beat that person to death with my high school yearbook.

*[no nothing to do with Niko]


Okay so I lied I need to talk about Crystal and Edwin (Dead Boy Detectives). Lots of other people are going to talk about Charles and Edwin but as much as I love them obnoxiously I neeeeeeed to talk about Crystal and Edwin because they are also. Very important.

And to do that firstly I need to talk about Crystal in ABSOLUTE TOTAL AND COMPLETE spoiler mode because while you get hints about her throughout it is genuinely only at the last episode that you get enough of the entire picture to maybe solidly clock what's going on with her and be sure you're right.

Also I want to make it super clear here that the author is dead and I give zero shits what anyone involved with the show has to say about it from a Word of God perspective, I'm working with what's on screen. I buried the author I get to ignore them. XD

Also also this is probably actually the last I have to say on the show, it's just I neeeeeeeeded to talk about them in this context and sort of suspect/ed that it might otherwise not happen. So don't be shocked if I don't engage a lot beyond this.

So endless (badumpching) spoilers follow. Total spoilers. Everything spoiled.


Okay I lied I do have to also talk about Charles or it will feel lopsided at least insomuch is that there are also REASONS Charles has a Type and they are relevant to this messed up little core group.

Once again all the spoilers, spoilers spoilers spoilers, and the author is always dead.


Another example of this show being rude to me personally (by just stacking up Tropes I Love): look I respect the trick of using someone's interior horrors against them. I literally started on my writing journey, in many ways, because of an author lo these long years ago trying to sell their villain as the worst thing ever, having the villain more or less literally install a shitload of psychological trauma and weaknesses and so on and then not even try to hit one of them in the big final confrontation.

I was like what the fuck I've done more psychological damage by verbal attacks than that in the schoolyard.*


If you're going to go around dumping people in their internal hells or whatever. You've really got to be prepared for the fact that some people, when you manage to hurt them very badly, do not go crunch, or at least do not go crunch for long enough for you to finish whatever you were doing, but in fact go from screams of pain to screams of violent rage in a very short time and explode with everything they've got in your face.

And if you as a villain or antagonist or whatever haven't prepared for that and get too fucking cocky, then you really deserve to be blitz attacked with a big ocean-going music box made of bronze across the face and kicked into a fish for your own laxity and hubris.

I'm just saying.

*(the other person started it)

I think I understand you better now. Ooh, do tell me all about me.

+ bonus:

See, when you make Charles feel trapped, powerless and horrible, he hits you in the face with - well honestly whatever he's got to hand, until you either stop moving or he can smack you off a cliff.

When you make Edwin feel that way he initially just tries to get the fuck away but then perseverates like an angry little wasp nest until he figures out exactly how to emotionally gut you and reverse the emotional power-positions.

This wasn't Edwin being nice. This is not Edwin reaching out in compassion to someone who is also suffering loneliness. This is him walking behind the throne and yanking aside the curtain to reveal that the Great Oz is just a fussy little man.

So bear with me: in Sandman, we have the scene of the duel with Lucifer in Hell, and some people kind of objected to the idea that "Hope" won that idea-duel, because it's not like there isn't anything that can kill Hope (after all, Despair is Dream's little sister and she does it all the time).

The thing is, Hope can also kill Despair. It basically depends which one of them is bigger at the moment. Which means there's nothing that can answer "Hope" that doesn't end up sounding like two kids going "yeah well I win infinity plus ONE!" "I win infinity plus TWO!!!"

And it's engaging in that, it's being the one who is left with no move but to be the first one to do that, that means you lose the duel. It's not about absolutes; it's about form, and performance. The one-upmanship is about style, form, how impressive you are to the audience, and the moment you start the cycle of "infinity plus ONE!!!" (or have no other moves but that), you lose.

This is actually a very similar moment. If Edwin had used any other attack on the Cat King (and let's be real: there are plenty of bad things to say about the guy that would be true), almost all of them the Cat King could riposte with something that would be equally damaging to Edwin, or he could deflect and neutralize.

The Cat King's entire schtick is Power. From the first minute he comes on-screen his entire performance is meant to blindside and overwhelm and portray himself as something not to be crossed. To some extent that's also why he has to "deal" with Edwin's use of a binding on the one cat: these are "his" cats, and if he lets this go by then he's essentially admitting he's insufficiently powerful to deal with it.

Powerplay is also the underlying factor in every other thing he does. Edwin's initial recoil and revulsion from the sexual proposition is a direct challenge/attack on the Cat King's self-perceived powers of attraction/seduction; so is the way he reacts and recoils in the little garden; and relatively brutally so in the moment of "this is all you are to me" in the woods. The problem is that as far as I can see he's in some ways just not that smart - he consistently misreads Edwin and what's going on with him (about the only thing he accurately perceives is that Edwin is both hugely in denial and craves being wanted; everything else he just kinda swings and misses badly), and then subsequently wildly misreads Esther's mood and capabilities, to the point of losing a life and potentially contributing to her getting the ultimate power in the area.

This approach may also be reasonably genuine in motivation (after all, among other things Niko is the only one in the show that actually speaks to him respectfully), but it's also still a power-play: he arranges to encounter Edwin alone, with an ostentatious mourning gift of a very magnificent specimen of the Mourning Flower (the lily), carefully staged to appear as maybe a better aimed version of what he thinks is appealing (note here that his attire is formal and elegant rather than his earlier chaos-brat vibe); even his condolences still contain a reference meant to remind everyone of his own status and power (not all of us have nine lives).

Edwin accepts the gift but also then proceeds to verbally gut him.

You're lonely.

Here's the thing, guys: there is zero power in being identified as a lonely person. Being lonely is not cool. The Cat King absolutely wants to be cool and Edwin has just said You're lonely and the thing is that this is, in a battle of words and a dance of social bullshit, very much like Dream's answer of "Hope".

It's not that there's no reply as such, but there isn't really one that will make the Cat King look good. Especially since it's true: he is desperately lonely. He could manage a performance to wave it off, but he knows it's true, and there's nobody here to perform for, because apparently Edwin does too. And worst, Edwin isn't framing this as an attack - Edwin is being kind about it.

But he's also shredding all of the mystique, all of the powerplay, all of the more-than-human, all of the everything that the Cat King's been trying to establish, and replacing it with:

I see you: you're lonely and you're lying to yourself and everyone else about it with smoke and mirrors.

And then he says, we are alike: we're both lonely.

Thereby reducing the Cat King to no more than himself.

Even if you assume that the Cat King does have some kind of genuine romantic feeling here, every single step of the way he has been at pains to attempt to assert his position of superiority, from the bracelet-trap to the "I'm older and more experienced than you" to everything. The position in which he is happy approaching this is one where he is sweeping little Edwin off his feet in a haze of something or other, the magical Cat King ("I'm not a common being"), wise and worldly ("I like your secret parts") and powerful ("I'll stop playing nice").

And Edwin just went "yeah, nah, you're nothing more than me, and you know it."

This, by the by, is absolutely the kind of interpersonal shit that would have surrounded Edwin as he grew up; well-to-do Edwardian women were steeped in it, and frankly so even were gender-conforming Edwardian men, they just also sometimes punched each other. Peter Pan is contemporaneous with Edwin's adolescence and there's a scene in the novel in particular (because that's where you get the narrative voice which frankly Caroll is VICIOUS) where near the end Hook is desperately worried that despite it being tactically dumb as fuck, Peter is winning the fight morally because he was showing Good Form. That's this kind of playing field. (It's a parody of this kind of playing field, but it's still referencing the same forces of society.)

What this does is absolutely destroys any hope of interacting with Edwin on those terms that the Cat King clearly wanted (very clearly, from everything he does), ever. It's possible the Cat King has the sheer magical/whatever power to just smite-punish Edwin for that - this kind of play isn't necessarily safe - but he's stuck on the rails of Good Form if he does, the same way that Lucifer could have just Ended Dream for beating them, except that doing so would actually have been even more humiliating. It would be admitting that you cannot meet them on this field and also that they hurt you so much that you have to smash them to regain your own equilibrium.

Edwin has just told the Cat King that he has no mystery, he has no glamour: he is seen, and he is understood, and as a result he is reduced because his entire persona and presence in the world is actually meant to make sure that this is not what people see.

And Edwin knows exactly what he's doing, is doing it on purpose, and by doing it is taking back the sure footing that the Cat King shoved him off of in their first interaction. Which he can do now because he's not lying about himself to himself anymore; that's part of why it was so important for him to completely unburden himself of all his denials/etc on the long stairway even if it was a really, really stupid time to do it.

The Night Nurse yanked Charles into the horror that he tried so hard not to think about and it exploded in her face in a sense of yeah sure you can do that to me but you're not gonna like what happens when you do; yes, she hurt him, and yes, he then had to deal with being destabilized like that, but she didn't get anything she wanted out of it.

The Cat King yanked Edwin into inner turmoil about the shit that he'd just been shoved up in a box on his inner shelf because all of it hurt too much and he didn't want to deal with it, and bluntly he did it for his own amusement and his own gratification; it's a shitty thing to do and subjected Edwin to a lot of fear and distress, invading and even flat out coercing a lot of his private inner life out of him when he did not have any intention of going there . . .

. . . and this is Edwin magnificently managing a turnabout, ripping the last thing the Cat King would ever want anyone to see about him into the open between them, letting him know that not only does Edwin see it, but yes, seeing it has equalized them because now the Cat King is someone Edwin can pity. Can feel compassion for. He is not a powerful demi-god, he is not a magical mystery, he is not the older worldly lover, he is just . . .

. . . another lonely person. And Edwin feels sorry for him.

The peck on the cheek at exactly the right place to, from Edwin, balance between interest and the kind of kiss you give your aunt, is a fucking brilliant choice as well.

And, if you look at his expression and the steady look he has in the moment he says it (that first gif up there) Edwin knows exactly what he's doing and is extremely pleased to see how well it hits.

I fucking love him so much.

(I will give the Cat King this: he does manage to take the hit with dignity, and has the wisdom to withdraw from the moment and take the message of it. For now, at least.)


Every pride, you must reblog this. No exceptions

Anyone gonna mention how this guy actually preformed live with Carly Rae Jepsen?

I’m gonna scream is2g


I was thinking of reblogging this again just because the original video is still amazing, but then I see the second video and lost my mind. The upgraded fan, the body glitter, the sheer fact that he got to do this with the actual singer.


There is something so beautiful with Edwin rearranging Charles clothes. How these clothes where put was to Edwin’s fashion era ‘the right way’ but it wasn’t to Charles’. They never try to change the other’s way, instead they find beauty in it and try to understand each other. (Also since someone pointed out that the color change with Charles emotion it could show that Edwin wants to see Charles feelings no matter what they are 🥹)

So here, have a thing to make this moment actually even More:

Edwin's behavioural mannerisms are very rigidly Proper Edwardian almost all the time*. Even when he's shouting at people. This goes right down to how when he's sitting with Niko and obviously wants to comfort her and is even okay with initiating physical contact to do so, he does not hug her, or put an arm around her, but offers his arm for her to take, because that's basically appropriate for a young man to a young woman who is not quite his sister or quite his fiancé (as long as they are well-enough acquainted or related that they are allowed to be alone together at all). (Honestly Edwin treats Niko very much like a beloved cousin.)

The Edwardians of Edwin's class (or what his parents were aspiring to be his class, or whatever) were not big on touching. There weren't a lot of ways it was Appropriate or Allowed to touch one another in public, because that sort of thing was indecorous and uncouth. But because they were still human beings and there are times we want to be able to touch one another, as is normal for rigid societies they had a bunch of cheat codes.

One of the cheat codes is: you are allowed to adjust the clothing of friends and others who are socially close to you, to do them the favour of making sure they are Properly Presentable (in theory). In practice a lot of the time this is literally just a fucking cheat code to touch someone you love, no fucking lie. This is why you have the image of a wife Fussing with her husband's clothes when he's going away or whatever: because it's actually embarrassing and ill-mannered for her to just cling to him, but this way she can have physical contact as long as possible. Ditto a mother or even a father fussing over their kid's clothing as they're being separated. Because this is totally socially acceptable.

(Would people/society often forgive you if you actually broke down and hugged and shite? Yeah, sure, depending on how much people liked you and also how they felt about it and whether they thought it was a Big Enough Emotion to allow some grace. But that's "being allowed leeway", not "this is actually proper". It wasn't.)

Now this is close social here. This is best friends, this is siblings, this is parent to child, and this is husband and wife.

Edwin is obviously super fucking aware that Charles is hurting and upset and needs reassurance but they are both Not At Home and in actual public (even if nobody is there) so in terms of Edwin's instincts, more direct physical affection is off the table.

But he can fix Charles clothes - fix the ones around his neck and across his breastbone - and tell him that he is the literal best person in the world.

Clearly, of course, given the scene, Charles is both well aware of this subtext and also prone to ignoring the limits of Edwardian physical rules which I think is very valid of him really.

[*there are a feeew times when you catch him doing something that would have gotten BOY STAND UP STRAIGHT or WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR HANDS WHAT IS THIS FLAPPY NONSENSE or whatever at him, but not very often, and usually only when distracted/in deep thought.]


Edwin Payne being a sassy angry Edwardian ghost in S01E01 of

Dead Boy Detectives (2024)



I am also so sorry to that one person who reminded me that Edwin swears like 3 times in episode 1 the 19 times I've rewatched this have blurred it all together


@findingfeather why would you leave such a brilliant analysis in the tags when you're making SO MUCH sense

>.> bc I feel more empowered to just SAY things with ALL-CAPS and FRAGMENTS of THOUGHT there

on the other hand I didn't realize it was fuckin' cutting me OFF so additional very last ones should have been:

#this isn't actually about crystal, #she's just a catalyst, #this is about edwin's terror that the only good thing he has, #turns out to break and fall away, #and the self-loathing he carries around, #that is the most likely thing to break it, #unfortunately he doesn't know this at all, #he just knows that everything feels awful, #and she's the proximate cause, #so he's acting like a dick

The thing about Edwin, right, is that he is just fucking terrified all the time, and from the moment that Crystal's exorcism doesn't go exactly right (that her memories are gone) the entire first two episodes are just a lineup bang bang bang bang of everything to take a crowbar or possibly some explosives to every fault-line of fear that he has, from memories of Hell (demons! portals! whee!) to fear of attention from the afterlife bureaucracy (the opening case ending in their office and maybe this now means that Death/the Afterlife knows? about their office? . . . .THEN CHARLES POSSESSED A WITCH - !!!), to being in the wrong place the wrong country the wrong continent . . . .to the case not working out right (why memories augh), to the fucking Cat King and now being literally trapped and chained here by someone who's clearly indicated the most reliable way to get free is to trade sex for freedom -

. . .to just CHANGE, change is BAD, stop CHANGING things, and also people don't like him, he's bad with people, he's unlikeable, and now Charles has brought this person here to not like him and remind him that he's broken/wrong/unwanted -

(And yes of course that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.)

Fear is just the constant background noise to Edwin's mind. There's levels of it he doesn't even recognize as fear anymore, that's just what existence is like.

With the biggest fear, of course, being that he really is helpless, and useless, and worthless, that even this "agency" they do is just another endless round of him pretending anything he did could ever matter, everything that being a boy who acted wrong and didn't fit and wasn't what was wanted and everything else he was would have been told, overtly and implicitly.

That it wasn't a mistake or an injustice that he ended up in Hell; that he belonged there.

It's just a scream in his head. It's background noise, until it gets much too loud, and starts to spill over.


My favorite thing is that Jason Momoa is known for huge roles now AND YET there is still a large subsection of the population that sees him and goes RONON DEX before they ever go AQUAMAN

And I think that's beautiful

I think it's also beautiful that he shows up at the definitely-smaller-than-DCU-events SGA events


Charles Rowland & Edwin Payne | Dead Boy Detectives 1.02

So the tone that Charles uses here is one he does not use on Edwin at any other point in the series. It is specifically the abrupt sharp tone one uses to not just get a child to stop doing something dangerous but to stop NOW, to interrupt whatever thought process they are having with STOP IT IMMEDIATELY (one can also use this on adults but in my life is most commonly used on children about to eg give themselves a 3rd degree burn, or break a pet animal's limb, or whatever).

The thing is, especially when you Don't Use That Tone a lot (as Charles does not ever use it), it's a tone you only pull out when you're sure you NEED it, which means that eg you think the thing you're saying "stop that you'll [blank]" is quite LIKELY if the action is not stopped.

Further, Edwin's reaction is exactly the reaction of not only someone who is listening to the barked order, but who can't even ARGUE with it - can't say "don't be ridiculous" or wave it off or whatever. Despite the fact that Edwin has a previously marked and demonstrated tendency to resist all attempts to be Authority at him.

Bear with me:


This means Charles has a reasonable certainty that Edwin is not only capable of injuring himself trying to fight the bracelet's refusal to go through the mirror, he thinks it's likely enough to risk talking to his bff in a way he does not ever do, that Edwin is a priori likely to snap at, and Edwin has to concede his point.

. . . so.

How many times and how badly has Edwin injured himself by simply ignoring "physical" (inasmuch as ghosts have anything physical) risks, discomfort or whatever, in pursuit of a case?

(And thus how little ground does he actually have to be tsking at Charles over risk-taking? XD)

(eta: esp note the iron burn on his hand when he's showing off with mirrors over the little girl's shoes)

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