
kinned too hard, t-cog broke

@aquilegiaformosa / aquilegiaformosa.tumblr.com

part-time student, full-time Space Dad
personal masquerading as an aesthetic blog
art blog: eagleart.tumblr.com

okay, lots of activity and new followers, so here’s the important stuff:

  • no nazis allowed here
  • no TERFS/SWERFS either
  • no bigots of any kind, really
  • no pedos or “minor attracted persons/MAPS” (which is redundant ig bc those are also just pedos) and also you will be reported if i find you
  • no zoophiles and also you will be reported if i find you
  • respect all genders, sexualities, pronouns, disability statuses, religions, ethnicities, and languages
  • return land to indigenous populations
  • i’m pro-choice (former anti-choice as a child so i know all the shit and u won’t get me to reconsider. pro-choice is the ACTUAL pro-life: the life and health of the mother, the life and well-being of any existing children)

and remember: Christian Evangelism is no longer a religion and has instead become a political stance aligned with fascism and Manifest Destiny (eugenics and White Nationalism)! Zionism is not a religion either and was originally created to cater to white Europeans! “pedophile” is not a sexuality, it’s a crime!

if you don’t agree with this, see yourself OUT


🌊 The whimsical illustrations of Serendipity, written by Stephen Cosgrove and illustrated by Robin James, 1974 🌊


if you want to actually start to end homelessness, you need to give homeless people unconditional homes, including when we use them to do drugs or sit around drinking. either housing is unconditional or it isn’t

someone sitting at home alone, an active alcoholic, squandering your charity, drinking all day is better situation than a street homeless alcoholic. someone using drugs in your charity house is better than them doing the same w no shelter

most of you would not like most street homeless people, I definitely don’t and didn’t when I was street homeless. for every one person who uses unconditional shelter to turn themselves around, someone else will do jack shit and very slowly, if ever, work through the issues that made them homeless, will maybe never be able to live independently. still better than street homelessness, still worth doing. ultimately either you believe that shelter should be universal or you don’t

homeless people actually can’t be rehabilitated if you want to end homelessness. we either affirm the right to shelter for the worst drunken, lying, filthy, cheating, self destructive homeless people that exist, genuinely irredeemable wankers, or we concede that shelter is not a right

This post is the distilled essence of everything I believe in.


“Don’t let your disorder define you”

Okay but do you support the people whose disorders do define them?

Do you support people with the chronic illnesses who have had to develop whole lives around their conditions? Do you support the intellectually disabled people whose whole way of thinking is defined by their disorder? Do you support the people with personality disorders who literally have a disorder as a personality? Do you support the autism/ADHD people whose disorder you can’t separate from who they are? Do you support the DIDOSDD people who have multiple definitions of themselves because of their disorder?

Or are you just saying that because a disorder defining someone means you can’t ignore it.


How can Germans ban entry of people to all of Europe that seems like a really bad idea to allow Germany that power

Seems odd that Germany has that authority given its history

Idk just seems wild to me that Germany can decide who is allowed in Europe and no one does anything about it???


It's not that Germany can do that, it's that EVERY country in Schengen (Schengen area is a group of EU countries allowing their citizens to cross their borders freely with no border checks or passports) can do that. If any Schengen member bans you, you are also banned to enter any other country in Schengen area. If France banned this guy, he wouldn't be able to enter Germany either. It works in all directions.

Oh right but the fact the Germany has this authority still is incredibly odd to me. But Ghassan was specifically banned as a key witness to the genocide in Gaza to the French senate, as a trusted and world renowned doctor. The fact they can do this without pushback is what's so odd to me that this is a thing. Like it's obviously racist and anti-Palestinian, given his status within the medical field there should be no reason to ban him and for people to honor that banning??


was talking to my gf about my fear of dying young for being trans and my mom putting my deadname on my gravestone, and she said "i hope that never happens, but if it does, i will carve your name into your grave myself if i have to." and i think theres something extremely raw about that sentiment and trans community in general. you can kill only our bodies, but you cant kill transsexuality


From The Sandman


My Chemical Romance, Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back // I've Never Been Here Before, They Burnt Her Clothes


Here's hoping you outlive them all, but if you don't, you can still stop them from making a mockery out of your funeral.

Also, little reminder that all the 'trans life expectancy' statistics people keep floating are FALSE. It's all bullshit. All of it.

There are no actual real trans life expectancy statistic out there because to get those you'd need a register where the death of every trans baby and every trans granny is reported. That does not exist. Instead what people share is average ages of trans murder victims. Which is the same age as the average age of cis murder victims. And while it's horrible that transphobic murders happen, the vast majority of trans people do not get murdered. So this does not translate to a lower average life expectancy at all.

Trans suicide rates, while still high, also aren't high enough to dramatically reduce trans life expectancy.

Trans people are poorer on average. That will result in poorer quality of life and lower life expectancy. But we're talking about averages of maybe 5 years lower than the average person in the same country. Which is an injustice but it say very little about you and when you will die. It certainly doesn't mean you're going to die young.

Statistically, you are going to grow old. You are going to become a grey wrinkled trans elder in a rocking chair. Please know this. Don't walk through life as if you don't have a future.


you have GOT to be able to admit when you’ve believed something bigoted in order to improve as a human being. like you NEED to be able to handle that if you want to act in line with your values

I just want to add that bigotry is a marble layercake, it's not a black and white infographic of good versus bad. Some bigotry is up front, "Oh, why do I assume that particular accent makes that person sound stupid?" and easy to point out to yourself Some bigotry is more hidden, "I feel unsafe in certain locations, despite no signs of danger" which could very well not be bigotry but you gotta get in the habit of questioning those knee jerk reactions before just blindly assuming you're having them for valid reasons A lot of bigotry is just stuff you learned and never unlearned, so when it's pointed out to you your first response is NO! THAT'S A REAL THING I LEARNED! the best antidote to this is learning that we are all ignorant gits and lifelong learners, and it's ok to be wrong. Learn to laugh at yourself and you'll have less hard of a time unlearning stuff I promise

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